The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3371: Attack of the Champus

No more countries know about the occupation of the Yue people, because people will not notice it yet, and they will not notice that the Yue people might take such a bold military action. Even the people of Qin people don't know what the people of Yueshi want to do. They just thought that the Yue people might go north and engage in an armed confrontation. In this regard, Qin became extremely nervous at the seventh border.

"How many landmines are we going to lay out?" a second-class Qin army engineer asked his chief inexplicably.

"Keep it down. Don't talk nonsense, pay more attention." A sergeant warned.

"But sir. We have too many tasks. There are more and more landmines. I have never laid so many mines." The second class complained a little. Originally, he thought that defending the border was a good thing, but he didn't expect that the superiors gave them a heavy task, that is, to arrange large minefields, most of which are concentrated on some difficult roads. These trails are usually the ones that Yue's drug dealers are most willing to take. The Qin army arranged a large number of minefields here for blockade.

"This is a task. We should complete the task. Don't talk nonsense. Just bury mines and be careful. If you are not careful, these things will blow you up." The sergeant ordered. Then they continued to lay a large number of mines.

There is no way to deal with landmines. As long as a little spy with a bayonet can be used to detect it, there is also the invention of a special long needle. This is also possible, but this method is very troublesome and takes a long time. The Yue's drug dealers who sell drugs know this, after all, many of them have come into contact with such things.

On the other side, Wang Ben is visiting his commando.

White umbrellas were constantly falling down from the sky. It was the commando team of the Qin Army. They would take an airship to reach the predetermined target, and then they would throw and land over the target.

"This is an important way of fighting in the future." Wang Ben said after seeing those parachuting assault team members. Paratroopers can achieve good suddenness. He believes that in future operations, this way of fighting will change a lot of combat thinking.

"But sir, there are still some problems. We must first solve their weapon system." A staff officer said to his officer worriedly.

"Talk about it." Wang Ben asked.

"First of all, the firepower of our commandos has been greatly weakened. The machine guns they are equipped with are delivered separately, as well as ammunition. Once they encounter some accidents on the ground, their firepower will be greatly limited. The important thing is. The logistics supply, they go too deep. We still lack enough airships to support such a mission." The staff officer said.

"Well, this problem will be solved." Wang Ben asked his men to record. Then it means that this is not a serious problem. With regard to the airship, they can transfer some civilian airships into it, and again, they can also let some bombing airships into it. But in terms of weapons, he couldn't help it.

The army is equipped with water-cooled machine guns, because water-cooled machine guns can exert longer firepower output, but the disadvantage is that they are bulky, which is very important in traditional infantry operations. But in unconventional combat, the water-cooled machine gun is lethal. First, because of its bulkiness, it must be delivered separately. This separates people from weapons. Once a soldier falls on the ground and cannot find a weapon, or finds a weapon but cannot find ammunition, it is waste. There is also that he is really bulky. For a flexible assault team, it is difficult for them to use their rifles and pistols to give them a great firepower advantage. But now the water-cooled machine gun is useless to them, which greatly limits their mobility. Therefore, the commando needs professional weapons, or the type of air-cooled machine gun on the plane, although the weight is still very unsatisfactory, but it can greatly solve their mobile firepower. They stole some of these weapons and equipment, but the heavy firepower output still needs such a part of weapons to help them. This problem requires Wang Ben to solve the problem professionally.

In the northern area of ​​Zhanpu, the trenches are still under construction. The Zhanpu engineers will repair their trenches little by little, but now there is no time. Their superiors can't wait to devote themselves to the battle to regain lost ground.

"Why did the above give us candy?" a Zhanpu second-class soldier asked curiously, holding a shovel. The rifles were given to the veteran, and the veteran was able to exert the power he should have.

"Give me five of your bullets." A sergeant walked over and said.

"Why? Sir?" the second class asked curiously. His name is Apa. He is an honest Zhanpu peasant, he was dragged in by the Zhanpu army on the road. Fortunately, you can eat your stomach here, if you put it outside. He might have died long ago.

"Not why, can you shoot?" the sergeant asked with the rifle in his hand.

"No, no, I never shoot a gun. I have always come here to dig trenches." Apa answered the question honestly.

"That's right. You can't shoot, and it's useless to hold these bullets. When you fight, follow me. We're going to the battlefield. Follow me," the sergeant said.

"What? Sir." Apa asked puzzledly. Because someone told him that he had no weapons and could build trenches. The advantage of this is that he doesn't have to go to the battlefield. But now suddenly someone told him to go to the battlefield. Hearing such news, he would feel like he would go crazy. What an unbelievable news, this news will make him extremely crazy.

"This is nothing, this is an order. We must all obey such an order. Otherwise, have you seen those Koreans?" The sergeant said to Apa immediately. Behind them, there was a team of Korean military police with bayonets behind them, and they talked and laughed. It seems easy, but the veteran knows who those people are. When the war starts, if you don't advance, you will be killed mercilessly. This is the military police, supervising the team.

"Don't provoke them. They will be rude to you," the sergeant said.

"Yes. Sir." Apa looked at the military police, and he was very scared. At this moment, a huge shadow appeared in the sky, and the sky seemed to darken all at once. Appa looked up and saw a huge figure blocking the sun. Then it showed the sun's rays. It was a Korean airship, and they loaded a lot of explosives. Or a bomb, because there is no heavy artillery. The Koreans needed to open the opponent’s line of defense, so their supreme officer thought of using airships. They rented a lot of commercial airships and loaded a lot of bombs. They decided to throw them on the Indians’ heads. The line of defense will completely collapse. The next sprint will become very simple. The huge airship slowly entered the front of the Indians.

"Boom. Boom." The explosion sounded continuously. All Zhanpu soldiers could feel the amazing explosive power. This kind of explosion can cause serious chaos in their heartbeats. This chaos will Make them extremely crazy.

In Fan Wen's camp, he is a war correspondent and a qualified war correspondent.

"Boom. Boom." When the huge explosion came, he was writing some operational knowledge in the rear, such as those water-cooled machine guns. The Indians carefully maintained their machine guns. This was the request of their chief, but they There is still a big problem with the layout of the guns. The problem is mainly that they distribute a large number of machine guns evenly on a wide front. This is a very messy approach.

"Boom boom." The huge explosion made Fan Wen very nervous. He picked up his binoculars and looked at the airship in the sky. It was a Korean airship. But they are not professional airships, because professional airships have special formations, and they don't look very neat. And the airship seems to have been repaired.

"No running, no running." The officers strictly controlled their soldiers in the trenches, and there were a series of gunshots behind them. You don’t need to look at the model essay to know what will happen. There must be some soldiers running away unconsciously. Then they were controlled by their officers. At this time, only the killer can make the soldier bold, and only in this way can the possibility of the soldier escape.

"The Korean bombing is very unprofessional." Fan Wen looked at and shook his head and said. A large number of bombs leaned on the traffic trenches of the first line of defense and the second line of defense. Many trenches there were blown up. But the casualties were not very large, but the loud noise from the huge explosion made many Indy soldiers very scared, especially the second line of defense, some of the bombs fell on their heads, which made their soldiers feel Seriously frustrated. Their spirits appeared in a trance. Some soldiers with poor control have begun to vomit non-stop. However, the bombing did not have much impact on the Indian line of defense. Their first line of defense still exists.

"Mr. Reporter, Zhanpu people, Mengla people may launch an offensive. We'd better be careful." An officer shouted loudly. This made him very worried. Because after such bombings, larger military operations are usually carried out, and this is what they worry about.

"Okay, I'll go over and take a look." Fan Wen was not scared at all. He felt that this would be a good news topic. This is war. Only **** wars can interest the people of Qin.

Apa was a second-class soldier in the Champus Army, the 3rd Infantry Division. Unfortunately, their infantry division was the first infantry division to be arranged to rush to the front, but fortunately, they were in the second wave. The first wave of soldiers has been arranged into the crowded trenches.

"Damn it. Squeezed to death." An veteran complained. There were people everywhere in the trenches, and soldiers didn't even have a place to squat down or sit down. The trench excavation work is not very smooth, and many places have not yet been completed. But the offense has already begun. No one can take these into account. What they have to do now is to adapt to such a situation as much as possible, and then launch offensive operations.

"There are people everywhere in the trenches. The soldiers seem to be nervous. Before the war, the officers gave us a lot of candies. Now all people have candies in them. This may be the only thing we need most at the moment. Sweet things will make us thirsty, especially in a stressful environment, we will be thirsty faster. The veterans will drink some hot water and drink slowly, while the recruits will drink water without any scruples, but they Their stomachs simply can’t hold so much water. They know what to do next. The veterans are as quiet as possible, while the recruits may tell some jokes to divert their attention, but this is not much use. The water drunk will soon Spit it out with saliva. Soldiers who overreact will also spit out the breakfast. The vomiting smell is very unpleasant, but the soldiers can't leave here because there is no place for them to attack. This makes them very flustered. Soldiers can only turn their heads and control their urge to vomit as much as possible. Soldiers will very much hope that the offensive signal will be sent in time, so that they can get rid of this boring environment. This is a life-threatening place. . It makes everyone feel sick." Apa recalled after the war. But now, like all the soldiers, he is praying to the gods earnestly, hoping that the gods can protect their lives.

"Boom. Boom." When the final explosion stopped. All the soldiers knew that the last moment had arrived. The veterans stood up now. Stand up slowly. The recruits were holding their five bullets in their hands. Shovel, stick. This is the state on the battlefield.

"Toot. Toot." A short bugle sounded. Although Zhanpu people are not used to it, they must launch an attack at this time. Otherwise, they will be executed immediately by the military police.

"Chong. Chong." The Zhanpu soldiers learned these two words in the fastest language, but they were not as smooth as the Zhanpu language. They still rushed out without hesitation, the officer was the first. Then there are more veterans, and the new recruits have to go to the battlefield. If they don't, the veterans behind will beat him, this is for their good.

In this way, the first wave of impact went out. And they immediately entered the same position, and the same thing was staged in the trench. They listened to the shouts of the soldiers, and perhaps only in this way could their tension be relieved. This is their only and best way to relieve tension.

"Da da da da." Some people's teeth bumped up and down. There are many people who haven't fought, and so is Apa. He feels that his legs are not his own. Shaking constantly, uncontrollable, some pee smell came, some soldiers peeed their pants. The veteran could only stay away from those guys as much as possible, and Apa felt that he was almost unable to control himself. After all, this kind of thing would make him extremely nervous.

"Boom. Boom. Boom." Then. There was a rumble of cannons. Called from the opposite side. This made Apa almost jumped out of his heart. The sergeant stood in front of him. He couldn't see the sergeant's expression, but knew that this was the harshest moment. The distance between the two fronts was only 400 meters to 500 meters. They could hear the sound of machine guns clearly, the sudden and sudden sound, which made the veterans very nervous. Only some veterans knew this kind of thing. More people are at a loss. They don't even know what a machine gun is.

"Rush. Rush. Toot. Toot." The scream of the bugle rang again, and the soldiers had to rush out. The first soldier rushed up quickly. When the second soldier was about to go up, he was hit by a flying bullet. The bullet hit the opponent's neck. Blood spurted out, making a chuckle, and the soldier fell directly into the trench.

The soldiers behind watched in a panic. He had to climb a ladder to leave, but he saw blood spraying out continuously, which made his limbs extremely stiff.

"Hurry up. Damn it," the officer ordered. But the soldier's limbs were stiff, and his head was still looking at the victim, his blood had stopped spraying. In desperation, he was pushed aside, and it was difficult for him to concentrate on the battlefield in this situation. The soldiers behind kept advancing.

"Follow me." This was a sentence he heard. This sentence dragged him back from the tense environment. Apa kept advancing with the sergeant. Fortunately, they rushed up.

"Lower your body, don't look up, follow me. Hurry up," the sergeant shouted loudly. Apa followed closely behind. He kept stepping on some corpses, and many people were beaten directly into the trenches as soon as they went up. Those are all machine gun bullets. The Zhanpu people used a dense formation to launch an offense. Such a formation is a good target for machine guns. Random shooting can kill some people. The formation is too dense.

"Tututu. Tutu." The machine gun fired continuously, which made Apa very nervous, because he saw many people killed along the way, and quite a few people were wailing non-stop, they could not be treated. Blood came out, and many places were hit by bullets. The stomach and intestines are bleeding out. It looks very disgusting, and he trips over from time to time. But these actions saved his life, because the people behind were not so lucky, they were shot and killed mercilessly.

"Come in here. Hurry up," the sergeant called out loud. Apa escaped into a large pit, which was not caused by a cannonball.

"Charge." The officer still ordered the soldiers to charge, but faced the machine gun fire. They were mercilessly killed.

"How is it? Where did we fight?" The sergeant felt something was wrong.

"The first wave of casualties was heavy. They were caught by the barbed wire. They couldn't move forward at all. We must go around or explode. Only then can we rush over." A corporal replied. They were the first wave of soldiers. Apa looked up carefully, and many Zhanpu people fell over the barbed wire. The war seems to be very detrimental to them.

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