The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3372: Very ideal combination

"Tututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututu."The machine gun's voice became more and more rapid, because at this time the third wave of the Occupy Prussian Army also charged. This is a good target. This will greatly increase their casualties. Looking at these, Apa feels very distressed.

Because they were all the same people, wearing the same military uniforms, many of them had no weapons, and they were beaten to death before they had time to see what was going on.

"Don't stick your head out. Don't die." The sergeant held his head and hid in the gully. Many soldiers hide in the trenches as much as possible. They curl up, and the bullets fired will kill them.

"Ah. Puff." Apa saw quite a lot of soldiers being killed, but they were helpless. He didn't know what kind of weapon it was that could kill their people like this crazy.

"What must we do?" the sergeant said loudly. Everyone was suppressed and it was difficult to advance, but the follow-up troops were still arriving. The entire battlefield has become a ruthless slaughterhouse, with dead bodies everywhere, and blood flowing into their trenches.

"Woo." The bullets whizzed over their heads, and Apa could clearly hear the sound of the bullets flying past.

"Puff." A bullet hit a soldier who looked up and hit him in the face. The entire face has been completely deformed. The bullet made his face a concave, and some smoke was still smoking on it. Apa didn't vomit, he just looked there nervously, unnaturally watching the soldier fall in the trench, and just like that, the soldier died. His body is stiff. I don't know how to move. This may be the **** war.

"We can't move at all. There is barbed wire over there, and too many people can't rush through it. The **** Indians have laid a lot of barbed wire. We must explode the barbed wire. Only then can we move forward. The explosives are still outside. We have to go and get it and install it, but there is really no space there. There is no way to do such a thing." A corporal explained to the sergeant on the side. Most of their officers were killed. Because the officers were encouraged to be on the front line, as a result, the casualties of the officers were very serious.

"Damn it," the sergeant scolded. In this regard, he also felt helpless.

Fan Wen witnessed the massacre with his own eyes.

"Machine gun is the machine gun that saved these timid Indians who were about to escape. Many soldiers had already planned to escape. I saw a soldier throw his bullet with more weapons and equipment aside. If it weren’t for an officer holding a pistol at the opponent’s head, I think he would definitely run back the next moment. Under the pressure of the officer with a military police bayonet, a large number of Indian soldiers had to go. In their combat positions, even though these positions do not seem so good, this is already the best place for them." Fan Wen wrote in his notes. He needs some news materials, and these news materials are found here.

"The war has become extremely cruel. It is a fact that if they escape, they will be executed on the spot. What awaits them are cold corpses. Their souls will never be redeemed. There is no way, they can only carry them out. Their secret weapons, machine guns, these machine guns are well maintained. The Indian soldiers also know that this is their secret weapon, and the bullets provided are relatively sufficient, but I don’t know if these machine guns can exert such power." Fan Wen wrote .

"Zhanpu, the soldiers of the Bangla Army are very brave. They rushed over shouting. The dense formation rushed over like a tide. When they rushed to two hundred meters, they met their first place. An obstacle, barbed wire, is the key to intercept the opponent’s shock wave. There is another behind the barbed wire. The two barbed wires form the first defensive zone of the defensive front. Then the machine gun fires. The sluggish Zhanpu people are trying to solve this. When there is a problem, they begin to shoot violently, the formation is extremely dense, as long as they shoot in the general direction, every bullet will not be empty. A large number of bullets will hit the soldiers, and they will be like pieces. Killed in pieces on the ground, falling down like cutting wheat. Suddenly. Machine guns kept resounding through the battlefield. A large number of Zhanpu people were killed, and the Mengla people would rush up from behind, and they would too. Encountered the same problem, although they were brave, they could not go beyond the barbed wire. Their corpses were hung on it at a strange angle that was difficult for the human body to twist. There were more and more corpses, and a section of barbed wire was filled up. There, a wall of corpses formed."

"The artillery troops then joined in, and the enemy's offensive became more and more crazy. We can see that the enemy sent out three waves of attacks. It is estimated that each wave has a regiment strength, and it is said that their regiment strength is at least three Thousands, the largest possible number is five thousand, oh my God. The other side actually invested tens of thousands of people in the fight, but their offensive was ruthlessly disintegrated before the fortifications composed of barbed wire and machine guns, even though the Korean bombing caused them However, the Zhanpu people are suffering a huge cost of casualties. They are ruthlessly blocked here. They have to bear a huge cost of casualties to move forward. This is the most difficult for them." Fan Wen shook his head and wrote. He really didn't want to watch everything that happened on the battlefield. The huge cost of casualties made it difficult for the Zhanpu people to move forward. They were firmly blocked here, and they became ruthless targets.

"Ah. Run. Quickly and thoroughly. This is hell." Zhanpu soldiers have never encountered such a thing. They originally thought it was a very simple attack, but this attack made them unusually different. . What they saw on the battlefield was a large number of soldiers being killed on the ground, while your eyes were still paying attention to the corpses on the ground. The people around you are falling, they are not being injured. They just fell to the ground and screamed loudly. You should also pay attention to your feet, because you may step on some wounded soldiers under your feet, and they will make amazing screams. Your feet will turn blood red. It looks so disgusting. The sound of water will give you endless imagination, and many soldiers can no longer withstand such torture. They chose to escape. But the officer will stop them, but this time they can no longer control them. This is not an offense. This is a slaughter.

"Come back. Come back." The officer shouted loudly. But the soldier still decided to escape. Such an offense is unbearable.

"Bang Bang Bang." The officer pulled the trigger and shot the escaped soldier, but soon the officer was killed. The dense team formed a good target, and the officer was killed on the battlefield. Maybe he didn't know what the person who killed them was like.

Inside Zhang Ke's headquarters. The staff's faces were very ugly. Many people were worried or anxious, and the chief of staff shook his head helplessly.

"Did we stop the offensive, the casualties are too great? Two infantry divisions have been invested. There are people everywhere on the battlefield, but they seem to be fruitless." The Chief of Staff said worriedly. The situation of the battle was different from what they expected. Originally, they thought that they could plunge into the trench dug by the opponent from the beginning, and the situation of the battle would open up. But the situation was that the battlefield was soon covered by artillery fire and thick smoke. There is no idea what will happen on the front lines.

"At the beginning, we have to think about retreating. In this case, our morale will be exhausted very badly. We should not let our soldiers retreat if we see a little casualty. In that case, we will encounter very difficult things. Are we all going to hide?" Zhang Ke said with great dissatisfaction.

The staff dared not speak. Because they knew that their chief was angry. It is true that when encountering such a thing, their chiefs can hardly control his temper. After all, it is very embarrassing for him to happen. He feels very shameless.

"Put in two more divisions. No, we will put in more troops this time." Zhang Ke ordered. The chief of staff felt very scary to hear this, because in this case, the battlefield was full of opportunities and people were everywhere.

"Sir, shall we re-choose the direction of the offensive?" the Chief of Staff suggested.

"Go on, just attack like this, don't give up, and at the last minute, we will break through. I believe my soldiers are very brave." Zhang Krumang said. The chief of staff accepts the order. This means that more soldiers will be killed on the battlefield. This is really a terrible war.

The Zhanpu people and the Mengla people continue to invest in the battlefield, and soon they will fall into the same situation as before, while the Indians, they continue to transport ammunition, and a large amount of ammunition is sent to the front line.

"Menggla people and Zhanpu people must be crazy." Fan Wen listened to the sound of machine guns in the trenches. As long as the machine gun can continue, the entire front is safe. The Indians have transferred all the machine guns located in the center. Because many machine guns have been filled with water many times, they keep shooting, and the bullets they fired are already close to the critical point of the machine gun barrel. There are as many bullet shells as a hill. However, the attack of the Zhanpu still did not intend to stop.

"Do they think they will have more lives than bullets?" Fan Wen shook his head helplessly and wrote. There is blood everywhere on the entire battlefield, and the soldiers' blood will slowly drain.

The Korean offense is reckless. Maybe they were wrong at the beginning, but they continue to make the previous mistakes. They may not realize their own mistakes. That mistake is the source of their madness.

On Jeju Island. The pirates looked at the news from the outside with trepidation.

"Fucking. Old Heizi's points are too wrong. They were caught by the Goguryeo. It's really **** shame." One eye said with disdain. He is also an influential pirate leader. In their opinion, the merchant ships of Goguryeo would grab it if they wanted to, but now the situation has changed.

"This time the idea is different. It is said that the Goguryeo people bought warships from Qi, and they are equipped with rapid-fire guns. They are fast and our warships. Can't run with them. The most important thing is that our artillery has a large caliber and is not flexible. , We can’t hit the opponent at all. In this situation, we are at a disadvantage. So, I think, our only way is to go to Chu, pick up the goods, and put the order we placed on as soon as possible and let them watch. It depends on the capabilities of our warships. Otherwise, we will be suppressed by the Goguryeos for a lifetime." said a pirate leader. Pirates continue to learn about naval battles. In fact, some of the pirates are professional navies. For example, among them, there are former Qi State naval officers, but because they have lost the battle, they are afraid to go back to hold themselves accountable, even if they don’t. Hold yourself accountable, and their situation is not very good. The reason is that their future will not be so smoothly affected by this defeat. To stay in the navy obviously has lost its meaning. The only way is to transfer to the pirates as much as possible. There is a very good one here. The most important thing is that the income is still very free. This is better than anything else. But now they are obviously under great threat.

In Chu State, many commercial shipyards have received military orders. They have to produce more than twelve such warships. This kind of warship is small in size and has special equipment, which makes many shipyards feel very puzzled, but they still earnestly fulfilled their contract, and they decided to build part of it. Such a warship, because this is a good start for cooperation with the military.

"Can we design this kind of warship ourselves?" Lu Fei asked the engineering consultant who looked at the report in his hand.

"This kind of battleship is not very difficult, we can design it ourselves. However, we need to customize some of the boiler equipment inside. There is still room for improvement in speed. In terms of weapons, there is not much progress." Engineering The technician said.

"Yeah. Very good. Let's develop our own steam boiler and try to install it on this. In this way, we can make them faster. This is a very good advantage. The current warships are too big. There are too many artillery arrangements, which is not a good thing, because many navies themselves cannot build such warships, and many countries still need so many warships. Therefore, such warships are very suitable for us to promote, and we should use ourselves. The plan comes." Lu Zhi nodded and said.

"But, our business project. This belongs to the military's materials, and we still need to say hello to the Chu military." This involves a production project. With the development of maritime trade, all countries have a demand for naval establishment. This demand becomes larger and larger. Moreover, if the warship is too large, its cost will become extremely large. This is the navy of some small countries. Unaffordable prices, they hope that there is a way to be able. The emergence of cheap and threatening warships, such warships, are destroyers, because they spend too much money to buy a large warship. They simply can't afford it, and don't want to buy such a warship at all. For them, this is the biggest cost of money. The emergence of destroyers has just met their needs. For them, this is the best product. They are commercial shipyards, and it is better for them to satisfy such a demand as much as possible.

In the Navy Research Department of Qingcheng, South Korea. A production work conference is being held.

"The people of Chu need more than 350 torpedoes. This production task is left to your torpedo team. Improve torpedoes as much as possible. This is a good order. Keep working hard." said a person in charge. .

"This is no problem." The torpedo team leader said easily. Their development has finally yielded results. In this way, they can bring them larger military orders, and such military orders are still good for them.

"Okay. Let the torpedo thing go, part of the Chu people exchange funds for us, part of the exchange of new technology, we want to hear your opinions, who will develop this new technology." The person in charge sent a report to some people. This report is a report on the research of Chu State submarine. The Chu people discovered the value of submarines very early, but the value of submarines is not great, especially in combat. Submarines can only be used in freshwater areas. Activities still exist in deep sea areas and shallow water areas. The great danger, the most important thing is that his sailing speed is unusually slow, and not flexible enough, their weapons are also very single, just use mines. In this case, the combat effectiveness of the submarine was extremely reduced to the lowest, the lowest. The people of Chu studied it and believed that the submarine had not much research value. Because this is an impossible weapon at all, they gave up such research and exchanged it as a technology exchanged with the Koreans. The Chu people got the torpedoes, and the Koreans got the submarines. The Chu people said, The combat potential of submarines is very large. In a practical sense, today's submarines are of little use.

"It is obvious that such weapons can only be used by torpedoes. If torpedoes are installed, I think submarines are still very useful. I think this is a very good suggestion." The team of large ships Speaking of this.

"Yeah. That's right, we agreed." The torpedo team leader said easily. He felt that he himself finally found a suitable platform. Installing the torpedo on the destroyer is probably not good enough. This is just a temporary right. However, if it is installed in a submarine, it will attack from underwater without knowing it. This is the best weapon platform, and the role of torpedoes will play a great role. Therefore, the leader of the torpedo team immediately agreed. This is a good platform, a combination that he thinks is very ideal.

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