The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3373: Yueshi people are crazy

Submarine technology is too difficult for Chu people. But for the Koreans, the submarine may still have some research value, because the Chu people did not install too advanced power devices for their submarines, and the Chu people's submarine was just a spherical shape. The power unit comes from the pedals, which is similar to the device driven by a bicycle, which is also an important reason for his unusually slow speed. In addition, his offensive weapons are also very inadequate. It's just a torpedo, and the submarine needs to tow the torpedo near the battleship. If the operation is improper, it may cause an explosion, and the result is very sad, that is, the submarine itself is also sunk.

And because of the maneuverability of the submarine and the special performance of the weapon. All this requires that submarines can only attack stationary targets. There is nothing they can do with high-speed targets. This determines that the submarine is a weapon for sneak attacks.

However, if torpedoes are installed or the development of torpedoes breaks through the limits, their situation may change greatly. This is really an important plan that the torpedo team leader thinks is feasible. This plan will bring a new mission to torpedoes.

In the northern part of Zhanpu, the fighting situation on the front line is extremely bad. The number of casualties is crazy.

"One of my regiment, one of my regiment." The young colonel was stupefied by the soldiers. General Dylan shook his head. He didn't want to see such a situation, but it had already happened. His infantry division has been dispatched. But soon, he got a very bad situation. His soldiers were suppressed in place and could not move. The soldiers could only lie in the bunker piled with corpses to avoid the flying bullets, and the Indians frantically shot them with machine guns. , But they can only stay in front of the barbed wire. The soldiers were very helpless about this. Only some brave soldiers can make amazing moves. They used the collected grenades and explosives to blast a part of the barbed wire, but soon, they would encounter strong attention. The machine gun shot them frantically, and many brave soldiers were killed in this way.

"Sir. The group of more than 3,000 people was beaten all at once." A lieutenant came over and reported. This result made them feel very astonishing. The Mangla Corps of the Occupy Prussian Army has invested two and a half infantry divisions in this direction, and there is no infantry division. But that's it, they still can't make a breakthrough.

The young captain of the colonel saw with his own eyes his regiment being beaten a little bit by bit. The entire squad, the entire platoon, the entire company, and even the entire battalion were suppressed on the ground, and then turned into piles of corpses. Their only purpose was to become a shelter for the soldiers who came up later. There are corpses all over the battlefield, which makes them look extremely crazy. This also makes it difficult for them to bear such things. This is definitely not what they think.

"Can't go on like this." General Dylan couldn't stand it anymore. Because he was really worried that the soldiers would be beaten completely and didn't know how to solve the problem. Or in other words. Soldiers may be beaten into mutiny.

In the trenches of the Indian Army where Fan Wen was located, he saw the Zhanpu and the dead bodies of the Indian Army all over the floor. He felt very disgusting and didn’t have any appetite. Although there were small sausages of Yueshi people, he thought it was. Composed of strings of corpses. This made him lose his appetite even more.

"Indian soldiers are crazy about their machine guns, because machine guns kill too many people. The corpses of Zhanpu and Bangla soldiers are all over the ground. Soldiers can recklessly aim at targets they think are threatening and shoot. But the opponent was unable to move and became a living target. Massacre, unilateral massacre, this kind of warfare made the confidence of the Indian soldiers rise a lot. Many of them felt that they could finally defeat the Zhanpu people. As long as those Zhanpu people are willing to come, they will fall into an unprecedented disaster." Pham Wen wrote.

"Machine guns have caused strong lethality to infantry in the offensive and defensive battles of positions, especially in close cooperation with the barbed wire. As long as the defensive positions are constructed extremely appropriately, it is difficult to achieve a breakthrough in such offensive operations. The only breakthrough is possible. It comes from the implementation of heavy firepower. And the lack of Indians is heavy firepower." Fan Wen wrote in the notebook.

In Zhang Ke’s headquarters, Zhang Ke unnaturally touched his chin with his hands. His beard was shaved cleanly. He kept the soldiers as clean as they should be. This would make him look like a standard soldier, but in reality He was just a political speculator. For military actions, he gave way to political purposes. But now, he feels that he should pay for such actions. He felt that his political future was very slim.

He invested a total of five infantry divisions, and as a result, three infantry divisions were destroyed in one day. The number of soldiers killed in action may exceed 36,000. This is an extremely crazy result. This is just the result of the battle within a day.

"Sir, we must retreat. Only in this way can our soldiers choose new targets and expand their targets." The Chief of Staff said on the side. But Zhang Ke looked at the table motionlessly. He was thinking about many, many things, whether to continue or stop.

"We need heavy firepower. Only with sufficient firepower can we break through. The **** Indians don’t know where they come from. It must be the weapon left to them by the Yueshi. Their machine guns have caused us a lot of damage, and we The two armies of China have no special way to deal with this kind of firepower. The only way is to retreat. Otherwise, the casualties will be very, very large. This is a huge disaster for us." The Chief of Staff said.

"Sir. We must retreat." the chief of staff said loudly.

"Oh. I see." Zhang Ke did not give an order to retreat. Perhaps until this moment, he still didn't believe that his plan had not achieved a breakthrough.

"Okay. I see. Let our soldiers retreat, rest, and rest." Zhang Ke looked at the very anxious Chief of Staff and gave this order helplessly. He really didn't want to see his soldiers retreat. Because the casualties are too great.

There are too many people in Apa's trench. They are all people who got here by luck in this battle. There are not even wounded soldiers here. Because the wounded soldiers have been cleared out of here. Then they were killed alive by bullets. Those **** machine guns kept firing at them, bullets whirring over their heads.

"The sergeant is also dead." Apa said to himself. The sergeant was a brave man. A lieutenant officer jumped into their trench, and then he waved his pistol and ordered them to attack. The sergeant requested that the barbed wire be blown up first to open an assault channel. This can reduce casualties. The lieutenant officer nodded and agreed. Then the sergeant went out. He successfully ignited the explosive package. A large section of the barbed wire was also exploded, but it was not removed. After all, they are not using a special blasting tube. The effect of removing obstacles is not very good. This makes many soldiers feel very angry. The sergeant needed support, and then the lieutenant rushed out. Then the lieutenant was killed. Because he rushed out with five people. Then no one rushed out. Because they see. If you rush out, you will be killed.

The sergeant was suppressed by machine gun fire and was unable to move on the ground. Unfortunately, once the machine gun fired, the bullet might hit the sergeant's lungs, and then the sergeant's mouth bleeds and slowly died. Because no one can save him at all, there are so many corpses all over the battlefield. That's how Apa watched the sergeant die.

The sun went down. The battlefield began to calm down gradually. Annoying, scared, terrified, and helpless machine guns intermittently. The machine guns of the Indians are almost scrapped. Fifty machine guns destroyed 16 of them. If they hadn't dispatched the machine guns on the central front in time, they might not last for such a long time. Because the Indians will not lack such weapons, because the lack of such weapons will bring them serious losses.

"Beep beep." After a burst of bugles. The soldiers in the trench finally breathed a sigh of relief. The huge cost of casualties was exchanged for nothing. It was getting dark gradually. Taking advantage of nightfall. Those surviving soldiers can finally return to the position where they started. They feel that this day is terrible. It's worse than ever. They died many people. Some even came back with only one person, and all of them died. No one I knew was gone. But they can't do anything. They really don't know how they got here this day. Steaming food does not raise their appetite at all. On the contrary, many soldiers who return will vomit. Their stomachs have an unbearable spasm in namelessly. They can't vomit anything.

South Korea, Xinzheng.

"It's crazy. It's crazy." When Han Shu saw such a result, she felt very annoyed, or she didn't believe that there was such a thing. But it did happen like this. She herself didn't believe in such a thing.

"Can you explain to me, why is this?" Han Shu asked the Secretary of the Army. The Secretary of the Army didn't know how to answer this question. Because he didn't know how to explain it. When he got the report, he wondered if he had read it wrong. Or he read one more number, but after he counted all the numbers carefully. He was stunned. In one day, they had killed more than 30,000 soldiers, but they had no results at all. They were unable to break through the first line of defense of the Indian army.

"This. All this is because the Indians used new machine guns. Their firepower was extremely fast, and we lacked the necessary heavy artillery bombardment. As a result, something like this happened." The Secretary of the Army explained helplessly. He himself didn't believe that such an explanation could make Han Shu understand.

"The machine gun can show such a result?" Han Shu doubted. She felt that her own IQ had not been reduced to this level.

"My lord, the situation is somewhat different. The Indians built the fortifications according to the Yueshi people, and the Yueshi people built the fortifications according to the standards of the Qin army. And we did not use heavy artillery bombardment, we did not destroy all of this, naturally. Such a situation cannot be formed. So. Our situation is not very good.” The Secretary of the Army explained.

"Yeah." Han Shu believed it this time. But such a big loss still makes her unacceptable.

"This matter needs to be investigated. If we continue with this kind of loss. Our two legions are exhausted. It is estimated that we have only broken through the first line of defense of the Indians. In that case, we don't need to fight at all." Han Shu shook his head. Speaking of. This result is too difficult for her to accept. have to say. Such losses are unacceptable for South Korea.

Such reports. The South Korean army also told the Qin army, and at the same time, Pham Wen's report was also sent to the country through the news newspaper, the Qin State Staff, and the army was the first to notice what happened on the Indian battlefield.

"I don't know how to explain it? Is the offensive side too risky. Or the defensive side is too perfect." Wang Jian said after reading the report.

"Neither did I expect that the machine gun would kill so many people. In one day, more than 30,000 soldiers were killed in battle, and they had no power to fight back. I don't know how they fought such a result." Yang Duanhe also said with an incomprehensible look.

Such a result makes it hard for everyone to believe. But it did happen. The Mongolian Champa Army was about to be beaten and collapsed. They almost used their lives to stop the guns of the Indians. This shooting speed really makes the soldiers feel very broken.

"It seems that we have to investigate this matter carefully. It is too incomprehensible for such a thing to happen. I don't know how to explain such a thing. If the explanation is not clear, I really don't understand. What else can we do?" Wang Jian thinks it is better for them to investigate clearly. After all, this matter is best treated with caution. Because many factors will lead to more casualties, such a war completely makes everyone more cautious.

The emergence of automatic weapons further increased the **** level of warfare. The rigid Indians won a huge victory for the first time. Such a victory made them ecstatic. But they couldn't laugh anymore soon.

Mon island. There are Korean merchant ships anchored here, as well as merchant ships from Qi, Zhao, and Chu. They will all do some business here. Because they are dealing with Indians. Indians who make money very well.

"It's from Yueshi, look over there, it looks like Yueshi's army." A middle-aged man took his family to play here. Here, people from Central Plains countries enjoy great privileges. They can be here. Enjoy the life of aristocrats, which makes them feel good about themselves. But now, they feel a little bad. Because they took their binoculars and saw the Yue's army marching into the urban commercial district of the coastal area.

"Wow!" The sound of the leather boots hitting the ground made everyone open the windows to see what was happening outside. The most important thing is that many people don't know exactly what happened, why suddenly Yue's army entered here, this is a commercial area. It's an area shared by all people, where the Indians will not interfere.

"The Yueshi people have taken over here." A Korean businessman understood what was going on. Because of the expressions of Yue's soldiers, they arrogantly. The Indian army has given up resistance. Outside the defensive zone outside this city, they have given up resistance. In many important passes, the Indians did not make any resistance at all. As long as the Yueshi appeared, they would raise their hands obediently. Surrender. In this way, the people of the Yue family arrived here at the fastest speed, and the people of the Yue family finally controlled an area they wanted at this moment. Mon island. They finally occupied here.

"We need to send a report to let the country know what's going on here, otherwise no one can stop them. It's a **** war. Such a war will make us crazy." The Korean businessman realized the danger. Because the Yue people dare to occupy here, they must be ready for war.

This matter was soon sent here by telegram. The Yue government also hopes to obtain the support of the Central Plains countries through formal means. After all, they have seized an important foreign trade port of their ally Indi. If they do not get the support of other countries, this place will soon become a shabby. Of the small fishing port. What they need is trade, a port city that obtains a lot of economic benefits. But the way of taking it is really shameful.

Qin State, Xianyang. Shangwen did not pay attention to reports of dozens of machine guns killing tens of thousands of people. Because that is a matter for the army. Soldiers should be concerned about how to face such a situation. Rapid-fire weapons and fully automatic weapons with greater firepower will inevitably bring tactical innovations. The Koreans are obviously paralyzed. Fortunately, it was not a Korean who died. Otherwise, the general would definitely be sent to a military court, and he would be severely punished. It is not an exaggeration to be shot.

"So that's the case. It seems that the main military direction of the Yueshi people has been very clear." Meng Yi told Shang Wen the first time after receiving the telegram, and Shang Wen shook his head after reading it quickly. He didn't believe it. But now he has to believe in such a thing.

"The Yue people are crazy. They are really crazy. If you do this, everyone will be able to shoot at him." Shang Wen said.

"Yes. There is the last foreign trade place that India can control. Now, it is even given to the people of the Yue family. This area is very controversial. Unexpectedly. The people of the Yue family." Meng Yi was also helpless. Shook his head. It is indeed difficult for him to describe the occurrence of such a thing in two words, believing.

This is the only trade area controlled by the Indians. This area is also the only area that can be described in this way. This area is for them. This is a place that has contradictions but cannot be resolved, but the people of the Yue family just came in. They will pay a heavy price.

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