The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3374: Development of the situation

Xinzheng, South Korea. Inside Han Shu's office. Han Shu looked at the telegram in his hand.

"There is a lot of controversy in this area. People from Qi, Zhao, and Chu all have their own spheres of influence and business circles here, and the local Indians dare not manage it. Now, the Yue people have openly invaded and entered. It's too bold here." Han Shu said angrily.

"This. Your Majesty, we didn't expect that the Yue people's target would be here, but in this way, our situation is a bit more complicated." The Secretary of the Army was very worried about this, because the area was very much. The big controversy has formed a temporarily balanced situation because of the dispute. This situation is specifically designed to deal with the current situation. So this time the Indians manage the situation here, but now this balance has been broken. The reason is because the area has entered a large number of Yue's army, and the Yue's army announced that it has taken over here. In this way, the interests of all parties are broken.

"My lord, what we should figure out right now is the intentions of the Yue people. They are the people of Qin State or their own intentions. We must figure out such a situation." Zhang Liang suddenly caught a point at this moment, he It is believed that this may be a good opportunity to occupy Maharashtra. Because the people of Yueshi broke the balance here. Order will enter a state of chaos. Facing such a state, as long as the Koreans seize the opportunity, they will be able to obtain a better result. This is the best result for them.

"Yeah. Your idea is correct." Han Shu nodded. He believed that Zhang Liang’s reminder was correct. He correctly pointed out the legitimacy of the actions of the Yue people. If it is in the interests of the people of Qin, then everything is supported by the people of Qin. If there is no support of the people of Qin, they will form a huge counterattack. In battle, or in this chaos, they can participate in such a battle instead.

"We must figure out this problem, this problem is too important to us. Find a way to figure out, we need to solve all the problems here. Otherwise, our situation will further suppress our difficult to attack." Han Shu Speaking of. Although the two regiments under the South Korean government are fighting. They are caught in the quagmire of the Indy war situation, but this does not prevent them. In other situations, the Koreans have an advantage. The Koreans must figure out what is at the core of this chaos?

In the Indian position, the Indian soldiers were very happy. They thought that they had won a big battle because there were corpses everywhere in front of their position. Those Zhanpu soldiers who were yelling frantically before are now strafing with machine guns. Keep falling down. Killing is also addictive, which makes them feel that the depression in their hearts is suddenly vented a lot. This makes them very happy.

"Our situation has changed a lot. After this battle, the inferior Indians became arrogant. This is definitely not a good phenomenon. They are very superstitious about the current situation. They think machine guns can solve some problems. The problem, as everyone knows, there are more ways to solve this problem, such as mortars. They can suppress the soldiers in the trenches, causing them to suffer heavy casualties. In addition, there are direct fire artillery. As long as they push to a point, they can launch this No matter how powerful the machine gun is, it’s hard to resist such direct fire. Moreover, the machine gun’s range is also very limited. Although he can strike a long distance, theoretically, an unexpected target of a kilometer may still be hit. But the question is, can such a long distance really be hit? I personally feel very skeptical.” Fan Wen wrote in his notes. The mindset of the Indians has changed a lot, and they think they will win a huge victory. This victory was enough to make them extremely crazy.

On the opposite side, Zhanpu people are also actively thinking about their mistakes. Or is looking for a solution.

"Those wire fences are too annoying. If possible, I will eat them all. I eat them all with my teeth." An injured sergeant said. Appa sat quietly and listened patiently. His company has more than two hundred people. When the war started, he could clearly know one person, because someone bullied him and someone treated him kindly. Their company commander is an officer with rich combat experience. But unfortunately, this war was fought down. There are only less than twenty people left in their company. Many companies are like this, one squad, one platoon. One company disappeared. These disbanded troops simply cannot replenish their troops and reorganize them. They can only disappear, and their numbers just disappeared. These skirmishers are placed together, and they are unlikely to be sent to the battlefield, because some people are frightened. The officers were worried that something went wrong, so naturally there was no further request. But they waited so quietly for their destiny to be arranged, and they were too afraid of treating them with such a bad dynamic.

"I think we should have artillery. Point at those **** machine guns. Point a shot at their machine guns. In this case, they will be completely finished. The cannon will send them to the west." A Zhanpu The veteran said. The veterans who can survive this are all elites, because they know how to avoid them. On the contrary, those officers became consumables and were killed in this massacre. No one will pity them, because no one cares about their military behavior. What they need to consider is how to make their affairs more real and reliable.

"Those cannons will not be given to us. The Koreans help us transport a large amount of food. It is impossible to send a large number of cannons to us. If those cannons are destroyed, will we still have lives?" Some veterans objected. They soon thought of a solution, which was to use cannons to directly blast off their machine guns. This is the best solution. But it is not easy to solve, because their chief is not willing to provide them with such artillery.

Appa watched this scene without saying a word. He looked up at the sky, thinking of many soldiers. His company commander was very brave in battle and was killed. His sergeant was also brave and was killed. Are they worthy of death? The **** war has made some people numb, or in other words, at a loss. Apa is such a person, and the hearts of those veterans have long been numb. They have no fear of death. Because they don't feel afraid anymore. But Apa is still a recruit after all, and has experienced a **** death. Let him know that death is actually not that fearful. Everyone will experience it. Without the fear of death, people will become even more at a loss, because he doesn't know what he is afraid of.

Inside Zhang Ke's headquarters.

"Sir, the solution is that we must have a large number of heavy artillery to solve the problem, but the Admiralty has transferred a large number of heavy artillery to other places. We do not have such a heavy artillery. If necessary, we must wait." Chief of Staff Reluctantly reported this to his chief.

"So, what kind of artillery do we have?" Zhang Ke asked anxiously. Those machine guns caused a lot of casualties in their offensive. This had to make Zhang Ke stop the attack. They must find a solution, and only in this way can they completely solve the problem.

"We only have rapid-fire guns. There are also some rockets, but some may not be fired. In other words, they lack a certain foundation to make these rockets work again." The other party said.

"Okay. Anyway? Just bring it over, we need those things, otherwise, we can't do anything." Zhang Ke shook his head and said. He can no longer manage these now. He needs to solve these problems urgently. The Indians have caused him a lot of trouble. If he can't solve this **** problem, it will be difficult for him to pave his own political path. Everything about him is over. In that case, it doesn't make any sense.

"Yes. Sir. However, these rapid-fire guns. Their power is very limited." The Chief of Staff explained.

"I don't care about these. As long as there is artillery, this problem can be solved. The artillery is enough." Zhang Ke said anxiously. He couldn't wait to open up the situation now, but he didn't expect to encounter such a thing.

Bangla Parliament. The faces of all the congressmen are not very good.

"None of us can explain why this kind of war was fought like this. Is it because our generals are incompetent, or our soldiers are under-trained?" A Bangla congressman said worriedly. The huge casualties made them feel uneasy. Such casualties will make them restless. The situation of the war has become very bad.

"Perhaps all. According to our understanding of the front line. Most of the soldiers killed in the battle were Zhanpu soldiers, which would help to consume the excess military power of the Zhanpu people. This may be the only good news we have. The news is not good, but it is not too bad," said a member of the Diet. The huge casualties made many parliamentarians intolerable. But the war is still going on, which makes them even more averse to war. They need the economy to continue to develop. The pulling effect of the war began to slow down, and the consumer market for products produced by factories began to become saturated, which made local lawmakers eager to find solutions. Where the market is and where a lot of money can be made, this is the source of concern for lawmakers.

In the Western Regions, in Wang Ben's headquarters, Wang Ben looked at the telegram in his hand and said excitedly.

"Let's take a look. The Yue family did not concentrate a large amount of troops here. Our worries are superfluous. We are too worried about the Yue family." Wang Ben smiled and handed the telegram to his chief of staff.

"Sir, even so, we should be more careful. After all, the military strength of the Yue people and their military equipment are not much different from ours. The current loss of the Qin army is still relatively large. Excessive disarmament , Resulting in a lot of reduction in our combat effectiveness. If it weren't for some of the technical arms that the Yues did not have in our hands, maybe we could not do anything." The Chief of Staff said worriedly.

The Yueshi people did import many good weapons from the Qin people, such as airships, but they were mainly aimed at ground operations. In addition, their troops were also equipped with a large number of submachine guns. The number of submachine guns exceeded that of the Qin army. In addition, there are more machine guns, because they are too heavy and expensive, which leads them to choose to stop importing such weapons.

"Yeah. You are right, but this time it is a small-scale operation, not a large-scale operation. Moreover, the Yueshi people have more trouble. They entered Maharashtra, and I know that. There. It's a chaotic place. You know." Wang Ben stood up and said.

"There are Koreans, Zhao people, and Chu people's sphere of influence, and the power of these parties is temporarily in a short balance." Wang Ben paused.

"Under such a balance, the Yue people suddenly broke this balance. What will happen? Countries will definitely not let the Yue people go. We have to wait until all countries send troops, especially the Indians and Koreans. When the people of Zhao and Chu send troops, we will pose a great threat to them. In this case, we are using more strength to contain each other, and then we gain a huge physiology." Wang Ben smiled Speaking of. He had long seen that the behavior of the Yueshi people would encounter unprecedented strength. Although their military strength was greater than that of the Qin army in a certain area, it was a pity that they had made the wrong strategic layout. Strategic mistakes may cause their regional supremacy to be lost. In this case, it will make them extremely passive.

"Yeah." The chief of staff nodded, and he agreed with his chief's opinion, because such an opinion is very consistent with their security needs, and this kind of demand will make them extremely stable.


"Qin people have declared that Yapian is a drug. Although it is called a drug in Karachi, this drug is highly dependent. After overdose, it will become addictive and it is difficult to quit. At that time, you had to A large number of purchases, this kind of thing has been proven again." The South Korean ambassador said to Karachi's foreign minister.

"Well. This is correct. We in Karachi have also investigated such things. The fact is that it is true." The Foreign Minister said. Most of the smuggling of Yapian has flowed into the State of Qin, so it is the most poisonous to the State of Qin. Therefore, the people of Qin have taken extremely severe measures to combat drug trafficking. This may be the direct cause of the war between Qin and Yue, but the fundamental reason is the change in the trade surplus. Drugs make Yue's income more and more. The Qin people need to invest in more production to solve this problem, that is to say, the production cost of the Yueshi people is very low. And there is still a lot of dependence. They don't have to worry about market problems, but Qin people must consider such problems because their product competitive advantage has been cancelled by Yueshi people.

Now Karachi has encountered the same problem. The Yapian business has caused some changes in the trade between them and the Yueshi people, and these changes will greatly restrict them from doing something. This makes them very embarrassed. This is very detrimental to them.

And now, the Yueshi directly occupied Maharashtra. This is what they worry about the most, because in this way, the Yue people will have their own trading port, and they will no longer rely on them. Thinking of Karachi's role will be severely weakened over time, which makes Karachi people are very worried. Trade benefits are the important reason why Karachi people can sit down and talk.

"We are very concerned about what happened to Maharashtra. We want to solve some problems. However, the military strength of the Yue people and the Yue people is still relatively strong. There is no problem in Karachi's defensive operations, but Taking the initiative to attack the opponent, I am afraid it will be very difficult. Karachi's army is not a regular army, their training is not enough, and there is no great advantage in attacking." The opponent said.

"I understand that South Korea will support it. For example, with weapon support, we try to defeat each other as much as possible. At the same time, I think Karachi's living space seems a bit small. Foreign trade alone may be able to solve some problems, but , This problem cannot be solved for a long time.” The South Korean ambassador said.

The Karachi Foreign Minister nodded at this moment. It seems that he somewhat agrees with the other party's ideas. Karachi just has a long and narrow area. In this area, the level of agriculture is low, and most of the land is used for commercial operations. Land space is becoming more and more tense, so Karachi's economy is mainly port trade, and the use of port facilities leasing and so on. These are important supports for Karachi’s economic development, and Karachi also wants to change, but a large amount of land has been occupied by the Yue people. Their only way is to rely on limited land for agricultural production, but this cannot solve the problem at all. The solution is to expand towards the Yueshi people.

Koreans are too aware of all kinds of contradictions. On the surface, the Karachi people have a harmonious relationship with the Yueshi people, but everyone knows what is behind this harmony. A lot of intrigue will make them some of the last counterattacks. If the Karachi people see an advantage, they will also have nothing. Don't hesitate to send troops to beat the Yueshi people, this is after all an advantage.

At this time, the Yueshi people are completely immersed in the joy of occupying Maharashtra. Such joy may be even more painful. The Indians were very annoyed by this. But there is no alternative. Thinking that they have no military power at all to regain this land, they are still fighting the Menglazham people. Unless the Koreans are willing, they won't let them get away at all.

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