Suez City, the Provisional Parliament. In fact, this Parliament has no rights. Korean businessmen have withdrawn because there is no profit to make. The worst part is that they have to bear great responsibilities. More merchants withdrew one after another, even the local smugglers in Suez also withdrew. The willingness is that they can obtain benefits through smuggling, and it is better to contact some businessmen in private. It obviously doesn't make much sense to participate in such a thing. As a result, the provisional assembly really became provisional.

"There is no fiscal revenue, but it makes us do a lot of things. It doesn't make sense." A member of the Diet said disappointedly. He also decided to withdraw from the interim parliament. This government has no real meaning, and his existence has no meaning. There is no value for existence. They decided to quit. This is the only option.

"Well, I think so too. I also decided to quit just like you." Another congressman nodded and agreed. He also very much agrees with this. The South Korean government did not do very well in this matter. In other words, they did too much.

The South Korean government is eager to get the Suez Canal, but their control of the local government is far from enough. At the same time, because of the entanglement of various countries on the issue of retreating troops, the South Korean government has even more circumvented the local government, and their demands are very many. They hope that the Suez Canal can be resolved quickly. I have to say that the goal of the Patriotic government has finally been achieved. They just hope to force the invading government to collapse by delaying. They believe that as long as they are ignored, they will be helpless. This is their approach. As a result, the South Korean government and the coalition forces really had no choice against them, because there is only one more usable passage here, which is the Suez Canal. It seems that no other method can achieve this goal. Moreover, the construction of the canal requires a lot of funds, and the Korean banking community and the Qin country bankers are discussing specific details. Regarding what happened here, they didn't seem to understand, so it caused such a thing to happen.

This is a forgotten world. It seems that everything in the world can be remembered, except here.

In the northern part of Zhanpu, in a temporary railway station behind the northern cluster, a simple railway directly connects here, but there is still 20 kilometers away from the front line. But this is not a long distance anymore.

"Are you the artillery battalion from the rear?" A military captain officer came to a train and asked an artillery captain.

"Yes. But we are just transporting artillery. Our people, don't know where they are?" The artillery captain asked puzzledly. Perhaps because of the train scheduling problem, the above order was very anxious. They could only let the artillery be transported first. As for the personnel, they would definitely choose other means of transport. As a result, the artillery arrived on the battlefield. The artillery personnel did not follow, and the artillery captain was also very anxious about this, and he didn't know how to deal with such a situation.

"Okay. Come with me. It's too much for you to open up the situation." The captain of the military police immediately organized personnel to unload the vehicle. They needed artillery to suppress the opponent's machine gun.

"But, our people haven't come yet?" Captain Artillery said worriedly. If they lose their artillery at this time, his responsibility will be hit.

"This is an order from the headquarters. I can give you the order, and besides, you can come. The front line is very crazy. You will not be able to stand it." The military police captain said and handed the order to the other party. This is indeed the order of the Northern Group Command. The order is very simple. It is to let him immediately cooperate with the captain and bring his artillery equipment to the battlefield, and get there as soon as possible. The captain can only obey his orders. But there are too few people who can shoot. The artillery units were largely set aside in the rear.

In order to solve the problem of Indian machine gun shooting, the northern group mobilized a large number of artillery units from the rear. They mobilized more than three artillery battalions, including a heavy artillery battalion. Although they only had three cannons, they all exceeded the caliber. Seven inches, great power. Railroad tracks need to be laid to fire, but the first to arrive is the small-caliber 52mm artillery. Or the smaller 37mm artillery. These artillery are light and easy to transport. They are used to deal with infantry. They use special grenade, which has a certain lethality against infantry, and they all shoot directly. Strong operability. Most of the first to arrive are these artillery. Fifty-two millimeter artillery is still relatively small, most of which are 37 millimeter artillery.

On the opposite side of the Indian position, the Indians were quietly withdrawing their troops. They just won the battle. But they don't know why they want to retreat. Their retreat was very concealed, and everyone could not make too much noise. And it was strictly enforced.

"I want to know why?" In a hidden trench, Fan Wen asked a commander incomprehensibly, but the commander didn't say anything, just kept shaking his head, indicating that he didn't know it. Fan Wen felt very puzzled. He doesn't know why this happened, is there any unexpected change? He didn't get a lot of news, maybe only high-ranking generals can know the real reason. But he still got some new news or rumored news from other people. They will build a new line of defense at the border, where they will get more supplies. Because they saw that a large amount of ammunition was consumed, they needed to replenish, but their logistics situation was still relatively poor. This also explains the reason why they want to retreat, but such a reason still sounds far-fetched.

Because Fan Wen didn't believe that because of the lack of ammunition, the Indians seemed to be able to hold on to a certain line of defense, but this was not a large-scale retreat. Did the Indians learn to fight. This is unlikely. They still like the rigid way of fighting. They like to fight positional battles and let them lose their positions. They would never do such a thing.

In fact, the Indian government finally discovered the Yueshi people, and their tricks succeeded. They successfully occupied Maharashtra, which is too important to the Indian government. That is an important source of their wealth, trade, and more materials. Their transactions will be concluded there. If they lose there, the Indian government will be besieged and die, and their financial situation will completely deteriorate. Therefore, Before a complete deterioration. The Indian government hopes to draw out their elite troops to retake their Maharashtra state. This is the most important thing. And Fan Wen is still not clear about the reason, or he is not clear about the thoughts of the senior commanders. Perhaps in their opinion, this is the most important thing. In this way, a large number of Indian soldiers are quietly retreating, and the opposite In Zhanpu, the Mengla people were not aware of it at all. They were still immersed in the huge threat of machine gun shooting. Many people were very worried about this.

Qin State, Xianyang, and the Prime Minister's Mansion convened an emergency meeting temporarily. The content of the meeting was to discuss the series of changes brought about by the Yuezhi invasion of Maharashtra. This matter, all countries have already known this matter. Through their merchant intelligence network, they will quickly respond accordingly.

"Yue’s actions are very bold, but the key is that we can’t discuss their bold actions now. What we should know is that they will have the consequences of doing so. Countries will certainly not allow Yue’s people to do this, but the problem is Yes, how do we stop them. Or in what way to mobilize them to do such things, we must have a clear plan." Shang Wen said.

"Well, I agree with this point. At present, because Qin wants to oppose Yue's attitude on the issue of Yapian, Qin needs to dispatch some special forces to fight, and the main force of Yue's people is going south to invade the Indian state of Maharashtra. This is very beneficial to us, but we should pay attention to the attitude of the Koreans and the Koreans on this matter? Our military invasion cannot have large-scale military operations, or that the Yue’s government will do so. It has not yet reached the state of collapse." Wei Liao had a preliminary idea. This idea was first established on the basis of the collapse of the Yue government. If there was no such collapse, then his plan would not be perfect, or in other words. It is difficult to unfold.

"Talk about it." Shang Wen usually doesn't express his views at this time. He needs more ideas from others to solve this problem.

"My idea is that we should change our plan from the action caused by the dispatch of troops to a stage, which will cause more chaos in the Yue government. This chaos comes from India, which needs our encouragement. At the same time, we should solve some of their borders. On the other hand, we also need the support of the Koreans to encourage more allies to participate. I, Moen, can involve the Tocharians, the Koreans can encourage the Karachi people, and other countries can also. Participate, so that only if the country participates more, they can achieve the purpose of breaking down the Yue government. Although there is a traditional control area of ​​the Qin State, the true power of the Qin State cannot reach it." Wei Liao said To.

"In other words, after the first stage, there is a second stage? Right?" Meng Yi said after understanding Wei Liao's thoughts at this time.

"Yes. That's what I think. In this case, it may be very beneficial to us. If we don't do this, we may not be able to do anything." Wei Liao said.

"Yeah." Shang Wen nodded. I have to say that Wei Liao's idea is very purposeful. And this purpose is very much in line with Qin's political interests.

The position of the people of the Yue family is exactly at a junction, and the people of the Yue family have reached a balance by virtue of this junction, and the Qin's sphere of influence stays outside such a point. I have to say that this is for Qin. The country is unfavorable. Because Qin cannot look at such a junction and do nothing, or in other words, can do nothing. This is extremely unfair to Qin State. The State of Qin needs to change this situation. The State of Qin needs to personally control the area. Although the region's resource advantages are not great, it is very important for Qin to enter the region and control the southward passage of the region.

Wei Liao also thought of this. Therefore, he changed some of Wang Ben's plans, turning Wang Ben's plan into the first stage, and the second stage was the invasion, going into some areas of the Yueshi and controlling more areas. Moreover, such conditions have matured, and the Yue people have built a railway, and the people of Qin country can get there by railway.

"Yes. We need to do this." Shang Wen said.

“We don’t need much land, as long as we reach the Ganges. As for the area south of the Yuezhi people, we can re-deliver it to the Indians or Karachi people. We only need to control the northern area of ​​the Yuezhi people, This is our bottom line." Wei Liao said.

"Well, so we need to actively expand the new combat plan to deal with more war behaviors. At the same time, we should appease those Yueshi people so as not to let them launch greater riots against us." Meng Yi reminded.

"This shouldn't be a problem, as long as we ensure that they have normal jobs. War has little to do with them, and they don't want to see their country falling into a bad state." Shangwen said. However, Shangwen was still unwilling to see Qin State further expand its territory, but this had to let Qin State pay attention to this point. The people of Qin need a safe passage to the south. Perhaps, occupy the railway. It will be able to solve the problem of oil input very well. Shang Wen thought this way.

"However, we still need to see how responsive the Koreans are at this point? If they can agree with us, this is the best result." Meng Yi said cautiously. This is very much in line with his ideas. Shang Wen nodded in agreement.

The Zhao government has also received relevant information, but their response is not too concerned.

"Damn the Yue people, they are really crazy. The Koreans will definitely not stop here. I'm sure." Navy Minister Zhao said after seeing such information.

"The question is, what should we do?" the undersecretary of the Navy asked such a question.

"Of course it is to occupy some land, otherwise, we would never do such a thing." Said the Secretary of the Navy.

"But the question is, if we do this, will it cause us trouble? We don't have much strength. Most of the main force of the Yue people will be there. In that case, it will cause us a lot of losses." Long asked worriedly.

"Report to the prime minister and let the prime minister decide, but we still have to wait until all countries send troops before we send troops. We want to guarantee the interests of our merchants. This is an excuse. The reason." The Secretary of the Navy said. The Deputy Commander of the Navy nodded, and he agreed. They had used this reason many times. very useful.

Zhanpu's northern front line. The order was issued again, and everyone became nervous this time. They carefully looked at the positions of the Indians on the opposite side. Those positions made them very nervous. Maybe they should consider that they should retreat, or Yes, they should find a way to solve the problem here. This is what they considered.

"Be careful, don't make any noise." A Zhanpu Lieutenant said in a low voice. The soldiers went up cautiously. A platoon of soldiers lowered their body as much as possible to carefully get out of their position, then lowered their body and entered as close as possible. Perhaps they should check if the surroundings can make them safer. In this way, their interests can be guaranteed as much as possible.

"Moreover, there is no major issue, otherwise, we will really be dead." A recruit said in a low voice. They advanced more than fifty meters, and there was still no sound from the Indian position. Behind them, some soldiers are carefully pushing the 37mm rapid-fire gun. A new Korean artillery sergeant came here as a consultant to guide them in firing. This is their main confidence in launching an offense. They have a cannon. This cannon can directly shoot down the opponent's machine gun bunker from a long distance. In this way, their casualties are much smaller. Almost all Zhanpu soldiers put their hope on this, and they hope that artillery can bring them miracles. This miracle will happen.

"Be careful, right here." The sergeant carefully installed the optical sight. This is the core component of the artillery. Without this, they would also shoot, but it relies more on experience. Then he simply measured the distance and adjusted it slightly.

The Zhanpu soldiers at the back watched all this carefully, and they waited patiently. Waiting for the Indians' machine gun to sound.

"Did the Indians fall asleep?" an officer asked.

"Sir, maybe they may wait for us to continue rushing over, like the last time they were massacring us. This will cause us great harm." A soldier replied.

"Fire a shot. Fire a shot towards the place where the machine gun fire last appeared." The officer couldn't wait to say. He wanted to know how powerful their artillery was, and it might bring them great excitement.

"Okay." The artillery sergeant motioned to install the artillery, and a Zhanpu soldier was excited to load with the artillery shells. His movements seem to be very proficient. In fact, he has practiced many times, but his movements are still very stiff when installing, but too much practice has made him a lot more proficient.

"Bang." The artillery made a sound, and then a shell flew out directly.

"Boom." An explosion came. The Zhanpu soldiers looked around carefully and nervously. They avoided as much as possible, but strangely, there was no gunshot or machine gun sound.

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