"Is there no one?" After the gun was fired, the Indians did not respond, which made the Zhanpu soldiers even more worried. They looked at the artillery nervously.

"Strike some more firepower points, and then launch a charge." A lieutenant officer decided. This kind of tension can be suffocating. In that case, they will completely collapse, because the soldiers are waiting nervously.

Zhang Ke hid in the front-line headquarters, and he took a telescope to check everything that happened on the front-line. The chief of staff stayed quietly in the rear, and the abnormal behavior in the Indi position made him very nervous. The reason was that they didn't know what kind of weapons Indy would use. Could it be poison gas? The chief of staff thought of such a problem, maybe they could really come up with such a weapon, in that case, they would have no way to fight this war.

There was still no one on the Indian soldier's position. The Zhanpu soldiers looked at all this nervously, as if the air was suppressed. Everyone is waiting nervously for the situation.

"Sir, why don't the Koreans conduct prior reconnaissance in this situation?" A sergeant asked his sergeant, because he didn't understand why they had attacked so far and they didn't know anything. And such a weird thing happened in the opposite Indi position.

"Charge. Charge." Just when the sergeant looked at his chief curiously. A platoon next to it has launched an attack.

"They are crazy," the officer on the side scolded. Then motioned for the soldiers to open fire and cover them.

"Bang. Bang. Bang." The soldiers fired as much as they could, and their firepower lasted no less than five minutes, because all their bullets would be blown out in just a few minutes. You must know that they only have five bullets in their hands, and after the shot is finished, it will be the person who has five bullets, or they will have to shoot the next five bullets. The Koreans simply did not give them enough bullets. According to the standard equipment of the new Korean soldiers, a soldier should be equipped with 120 bullets, but the Zhanpu people only have five bullets. It is really pitiful.

"Charge. Charge." The Zhanpu soldiers were excited and worried. They were brave in their fear and some madness in their bravery. They knew that if they encountered a machine gun, their entire platoon would be killed. The commander of the army ordered shooting to cover them, in fact, encouraging them to commit suicide in a disguised form.

"Quickly, cut the barbed wire." The officer ordered. Some soldiers smashed the barbed wire quickly according to the order, and the soldiers behind quickly rushed over. After waiting a second, they might be killed. The feeling of being killed is really uncomfortable.

"Rush." ​​The soldier rushed up quickly. There has been no fire on the Indi position until now.

Inside Zhang Ke's headquarters.

"Sir, I am worried that the Indians will definitely reserve some small tricks, or that they may ambush us on a large scale. In that case, our situation will not be good." A staff officer worried. Speaking of. Other staff members have this kind of worry, this kind of worry makes them extremely crazy.

"Who?" The Zhanpu soldiers who entered the Indian position looked nervously at everything in the trenches, but no one, they even had hallucinations, a machine gun was in front of them, and many soldiers shot. This caused more people's tension.

"Damn it. Charge. Charge." Seeing the gap opened, other troops also started to move forward quickly, and they launched an offensive. They may have realized a problem at this time, that is, the Indians will not launch violent shots at them, this kind of shooting will make them extremely vulnerable.

"No one, sir." In the trenches, Zhanpu soldiers carefully searched the Indian positions, dung, discarded broken shoes, clothes, and some of their homemade daily necessities.

"It seems that their retreat is not full. Some things can be taken away. They can still leave some memorials." The officers who entered the position began to relax. They searched all the fronts, and there was not a single Indy. Soldiers, and they wasted some ammunition on this. These ammunition may be their large reserves. This made some officers very annoyed, but there was nothing to do, because they got an empty position.

In Zhang Ke's headquarters, Zhang Ke has received a report from the front. They got an empty position without seeing a single soldier from the Indian side, which was a huge insult to them.

"Sir, this is the latest information." A lieutenant officer carefully handed a telegram to Zhang Ke. Zhang Ke was about to vomit blood after reading it.

The intelligence said that they met several Indians at the back of the position. They declared that they were here for peace talks and that they wanted to talk to the Koreans. Or they can solve this problem in a decent and peaceful way. This is really a face slap. Slap her face thoroughly.

However, this report was submitted to Xinzheng, South Korea, and such a matter can only be decided by the Queen of South Korea.

"What do you think of such a thing?" Han Shu asked his ministers. The practice of the Indians made the Koreans very embarrassed. Because they secretly left their positions, while the Koreans themselves spent a lot of troops occupying the abandoned positions. If the Koreans accuse them, it will make the Koreans extremely embarrassed. Doesn’t it mean that the Koreans are incompetent? ? However, if you accept it, how can such a loss be resolved? You must know that South Korea has lost more than 30,000 people. Such a large number of lives will drive the South Korean government crazy.

"This." The Secretary of the Army didn't know how to solve this problem.

"My lord, the only way is to compensate, and we have to find it elsewhere." The Secretary of the Navy said at this time.

"Yeah. That's right." Han Shu nodded and agreed. Han Shu thinks the same way, Mengla, Zhanpu, as long as they maintain the previous situation. It can be said that if the Indians want to retreat, and if they want peace talks, they have to see if the Koreans agree, because as long as the Koreans disagree, the Indians will never retreat, and they will never get what they want A series of troops came to fight the Yueshi.

"We want Maharashtra, not all, but we must also control the main economic belts in the coastal areas. If we control the main economic zone, we will control everything." Han Shu nodded and said. Hearing this, the Secretary of the Army felt that he was abandoned. Or a feeling of being abandoned.

The South Korean War Department and the Navy Department have always been at odds, and they will continue to fight. This can be regarded as the main reason for learning from the internal struggle of Qin to increase efficiency. The idea of ​​the War Department is to develop inland, and it is also the main reason why the Army wants to expand an Occupy Prussian Army, because they believe that the development of coastal areas will become extremely narrow. And with the deepening of the control over coastal areas, if you want to obtain more resources and markets, you need to further develop inland. This is a trend, a constant trend, this is the Army's view. Because this can bring investment, market, and continuous supply of raw materials. This is a kind of demand in South Korea, in fact, this is a way of in-depth development. The War Department is an important representative of this kind of thinking.

But on the other side is the South Korean Admiralty. They believe that coastal areas still have a great economic influence. This is mainly related to the current situation in South Korea. Trade and overseas trade still contribute a lot to South Korea’s economy. Big. South Korea needs a large number of ports and sufficient logistics to develop their economy, which is extremely important to them. Therefore, South Korea needs to control more ports, wharf areas, and trade zones, which will easily bring them a large market share. More than that. They believe that South Korea’s economy needs to do this, because they have clearly seen it. Wharf, coastal trade zone has a radiant driving effect on the inland economy. South Korea does not need to spend too much investment to do such a thing. They can effectively control the coastal areas and can drive the resources of the inland areas to concentrate here, and at the same time can provide them with more resources. They can save a lot of money in this regard, and what the Navy has to do is to expand more coastal cities or trade zones, which is extremely important for South Korea.

The development of the Navy is only shallow, while the development of the Army is in-depth. In their view, their own plan is correct. Therefore, on this issue, the Admiralty plans to occupy the entire Maharashtra, or half, but the main core area can be controlled in its own hands. The Army, on the other hand, lost this advantage. In the battle against the Indians, they lost their face. They are eager to find this kind of face, but the opportunities are not many.

But Han Shu can't control these things. What she needs is to achieve South Korea's own strategic goals.

Zhao Guo, the engine research room of an aircraft manufacturer.

"Buzzing." The engine made a buzzing sound, and then slowly increased its horsepower before the engine made a huge sound. This kind of huge sound made people's eardrums unbearable. The manager who came to visit shook his head. They came to the secluded designer.

"Supervisor, we lack good enough fuel, such as high-efficiency fuel, which must be imported from Qin. Otherwise, our engine development can only stay in place and can't move." A young man said . He came from a non-disciplinary background and was just an apprentice, but it was such an apprentice who came from Qin’s blood to develop aero-engine development technology. For example, Zhao Guoren’s first radial engine was made by them. It can be said that their imitation ability is good.

"Oil?" the supervisor asked curiously.

"Yes, if fuel can provide higher calorific value, the power of our engine will become very large, which is very important to us, just like human blood. The more energy it carries, the greater the power. The big is the same. Only our engines can be made better." The other party said.

"Well, your analogy is very good. But I have some heart problems." The supervisor said with a smile.

"This." The young man didn't know how to answer this question. Because he didn't expect to ask such a question.

"Oh. It's okay, you continue to talk about your views, or what kind of problems you have encountered, if I can solve them, I will help you solve them as much as possible." The other party said.

"Yeah. Director, we need good oil, especially Qin's high-octane gasoline. That kind of thing is definitely a good thing. Our engine can exert more horsepower." The other party said.

"But the problem is that that kind of oil is very expensive, we can't afford it, and we can't afford it. Moreover, our engine technology does not meet that requirement. If the average flight exceeds 500 hours, the engine will be completely scrapped. This is unbearable for us. Moreover, Qi people, the quality of the oil we get from Qi people is very poor. The addition of water to many oil products has caused a great deal of damage to our engine and horsepower development. Trouble," the young man said. Zhao State can buy refined oil from Qin State, but in that case, the price is extremely expensive, which will greatly consume Zhao State’s foreign exchange reserves, which is detrimental to Zhao State’s economy. Therefore, they thought of another direction, which is Qi, and Qi also has petroleum products, but their oil quality is really poor, and many people no longer buy their oil products. The refined oil needed by the military could not achieve this effect, but Zhao Guo still imported such refined oil. There is no other reason. Because it is cheap, Zhao Guoren don’t want to spend more money on this. It seems that the airship is good enough. Because the airship can load the boiler. This makes many Air Force personnel feel very annoyed.

"But we have found some solutions ourselves, that is, we use alcohol, or methanol, something similar to alcohol, we will use alcohol to replace those fuels, the effect is not bad, but still lack some necessary things, we I think it’s better to use fuel as much as possible,” said the young man. Zhao Guo’s aviation talents were forced to use alcohol or methanol as an alternative fuel. This is also their last resort, but this fuel is not fuel after all, especially the high-octane fuel, because it allows the engine to provide better horsepower, if you let them stop this performance. They really don't know what to say.

"Yeah. I can only increase a part of their budget for this problem, and other things are really not easy to solve." The supervisor said, shaking his head. This is a big national problem. Zhao's oil producing areas can only come from Qi, and of course they can also import from South Korea. Or encourage people from Qi to import from overseas. In that case, the domestic situation in Qi will have a big impact. People in Qi have their own opinions. These are no longer the responsibility of their technologies and a project leader.

Qi State, in Lou Jing's prime minister's office.

"The current oil industry's economic contribution to the country is almost zero." The Minister of Finance reported to Lou Jing. When Lou Jing saw such a report, he was also very distressed, or very anxious, because it was a very good project before, and he can bring a lot of economic contribution to Zhao Guo, and at the same time generate a lot of taxes. However, with the emergence of new energy sources such as electricity and oil, especially Qi's petroleum industry has not undergone large-scale upgrades, which has led to the extremely fragile competitiveness of Qi's petroleum products, which is difficult to resist more new energy products. For example, the emergence of electricity and lighting has eliminated a large number of kerosene lamps, gas lamps, and marquee lamps. This means that Qi’s kerosene market share has shrunk sharply, and their products cannot be sold.

For new energy sources, such as gasoline and diesel, they need brand-new standards, which are as stable as industrial standardization and provided to enterprises for use. Qi does not have such technology. South Korea is reaching an agreement with Qin people. Such a large crude oil smelting center will be established near the city, and the refined light crude oil will be transported to Qin through the pipeline. At the same time, they will also introduce relevant fuel refining technology to improve fuel quality. On the contrary, the Qi people did nothing, no, they did. They added a lot of water to their less standard fuel. In this case, their fuel quality is completely degraded. No one likes fuel with water. This is a huge damage to the engine, and no one will endure such a thing.

"If we continue to let it go, Qi will not turn into gold even if it has oil, and its contribution to our economy will become extremely small. It is difficult to form a huge advantage." The Minister of Finance said worriedly.

"Yeah. So, we have to change, and the way to change is to introduce a competition mechanism, just like Qin Jun's competition system." Lou Jing said.

"What does the prime minister mean?" the Minister of Finance asked curiously.

"Imported oil, and then transported it through other railways, or built oil pipelines. At the same time, attracting a large amount of foreign investment into our oil companies, creating huge competitive pressure." Lou Jing made such a difficult decision. Although he did not want to see the decline of Qi's oil industry, there was no way. This is a helpless move.

"But, this." The Minister of Finance said worriedly. He worried that doing so would completely destroy the entire Qi country's oil industry.

"I know. But there is no way. I would rather watch him destroy it. I can't let it go like this. Look at what kind of products they are. This has reached the point where we have to change it. If we don't do it If that happens, no one will do such a thing." Lou Jing made a firm decision.

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