Lou Jing couldn't help it either. An industry that was able to enter a large amount of profits suddenly becomes extremely meager and may become a huge drag. This may be a situation that everyone can face, introduce a fierce competition mechanism, or truly put the industry down. Into the market environment, the oil industry will truly develop.

Subsequently, the Qi State Prime Minister's Office officially published such news. This news suddenly made all Qi people feel dissatisfied, or panic. For the first time, they felt that the power of the market was so terrible. They panic because they are an oil-producing country, but now they have to import a lot of oil, and where does this oil come from? They are not clear at all.

Qin State, Xianyang. Inside the private office of a high-level stock exchange market. Li Wen is looking at a large number of relevant financial reports collected by his assistant. Qin State is quite sensitive to information. The economic development is getting faster and faster, and more and more information, people need to process a large amount of relevant information at the fastest speed.

"Oil?" Li Wen asked his assistant curiously at this time.

"Yes. Sir. There has been a lot of business related to oil investment recently, and many people have made a fortune. Moreover, it is very cost-effective for us to buy a piece of land with oil. On Zhangyi Island, there are already many people like this. Done. It is said that in Port Seth, there is the main oil-producing area for Koreans, and the oil-producing areas there also greatly attract people's capital to invest in it." The assistant said.

"Oh." Li Wen touched his chin thinking about the problem. He has a lot of money, and he recently had a very good girlfriend, who is not very tall, but can make people laugh. She is a very nice girl, and Li Wen is very excited. He decided to get married. Maybe he could keep doing this business, but he felt that this business was too risky. He wants to do something else. He considered real estate projects. But he didn't really do it. For example, in Daliang, the house price there has risen three hundred times, but the house price has also dropped a lot at this time. Li Wen thinks that such a house should not be bought. After all, the factor of war It still exists, who knows where it will fight.

However, Li Wen wants to make some investments, or investments that can make people stable. For example, he decides to buy some bank shares for long-term holding. In this way, his funds can become extremely stable. In addition, there are It is to make some small-scale investments, such as the oil industry, which Li Wen is very optimistic about. That's why he pays attention to oil.

"I want to know about the oil industry, or oil-related reports. How do those oil merchants make money?" Li Wen asked his assistant at this time.

"This is no problem, sir, I will find relevant reports soon." Li Wen's assistant nodded and said. He thought Li Wen might be very interested in this. Because many people are already here to make money.

The economy of the Central Plains region and even the whole of China is developing rapidly. The speed of development is unprecedented. There are naturally not a few rich people. This is also an important reason for stimulating the development of the consumer economy. People can see that people now choose to travel. There are also more, Zhao King Palace, South Korea Palace, Qi King Palace, Wei King Palace in dilapidated conditions and did not develop into a new type of tourism industry, but it also greatly stimulated people's tourism consumption. People are willing to go to various places. After all, King Qin was also willing to travel. King Qin had been to the Western Regions, and many people were willing to go there to see it. After all, these were for them. Very curious.

Consumption is on the one hand, investment is also on the other. Although stable bond investment returns are not bad, they still cannot stop the rich. After all, no one will dislike too much money. Some rich people have also chosen to invest and invest. The oil industry is one of them, because the demand among them has become very large. Petroleum is a new energy source. It can be compared with Zhao Guo's coal, and the future industry cannot do without him.

In the territory of Zhanpu, Zhang Ke looked at the report in his hand. This is the written report of his chief of staff's initial contact with the Indian peace talks representatives. The Indians hope to reach an understanding with them. The South Korean high-level parties seem to have such plans, but no specific agreement has been reached yet. This report means that all of Zhang Ke's achievements were in vain.

"Damn Indians, if they want peace talks, they talk about peace. The war is up to them. Damn it," Zhang Ke cursed. The chief of staff shook his head helplessly. He himself was very dissatisfied with such a result. Who could have imagined that it would be such a result. They have killed a lot of people. Up to now, their bodies have not been cleaned up, but the result is meaningless. This is A meaningless war, they really doubted the meaning of such a war. Everyone feels unprecedented dissatisfaction. But this is this war. A damnable war.

In the trenches on the front line, the Zhanpus did not enter the trenches of the Indians. Their trenches were built better than they built themselves, with three fortifications, jagged defensive positions, and traffic trenches behind them. The underground bunkers are also well constructed to withstand heavy artillery bombardment. It seems that the Indians have worked a lot, but now it smells like urine and stool. The Zhanpu soldiers hated this kind of smell.

"Are we still fighting?" Apa was reassigned to a new combat unit. These are veterans who have experienced wars, and their treatment has also been improved, but their ranks cannot be improved.

"I don't know. But I don't want to fight anymore. It's meaningless. I find that everything is meaningless. Many people shouldn't die." A sergeant replied.

"This **** war is over soon. After it's over, we can go home. I want to go home now. After I go home, I can do a lot of things. I want to buy some land, plant land, or Going to work on the railway, I heard that Koreans arrange jobs. This is what we deserve." The sergeant said. The war was frustrated. Many people find it rather meaningless, but this war is just like that.

"Well. I think so too. I don't want to fight anymore. It's so boring." Apa said. What had been a fierce war turned out to be an anticlimax. This makes many people feel aggrieved.

There was Fan Wen who was aggrieved. When the new line of defense was established, he knew the real purpose of the retreat.

"The Yues occupied Maharashtra. This is the key point of the Indians. This will make the Indians lose their only financial income. This is the life of the Indians. The Indians desperately want to take it back. Their army, and then transferred them to Maharashtra, and they hope to retake there. This is the main reason why the Indians retreat. But the problem is that the Koreans, the Mengglas, and the Champus who have been greatly harmed Will they let the Indians retreat like this? They killed more than 30,000 people in one day. How can such a high number of casualties pay for each other? Does the war really become what the Indians think they want? The end is over. This is not a play house. Children will not do this. The Indians are extremely naive in diplomacy. Such naive diplomatic strategies will only make them more passive." Fan Wen wrote mercilessly. In his opinion, the Indians were too passive. They should continue to stick to their defenses and then talk to the Koreans. In this case, the Koreans may be forced to have a good talk with them and accept the Indians' terms because they cannot break through their defenses. But now the Indians hope that they will take the initiative to retreat, so that they can get the favor or understanding of the Koreans. In this case, their negotiations may be more favorable.

"This is a very naive idea. Such naive ideas will cost them a heavy price." Fan Wen wrote in his notes.

South Korea, Xinzheng. Han Shu is also considering this issue.

"How to talk? Our interest lies in Maharashtra, where the trade volume will be very large. However, the issue of Zhanpu has not been resolved, and the border has not been completely recovered. If that is the case, we will lose. Some prestige." Han Shu said to Zhang Liang.

"My lord, I think that on the issue of Zhanpu, we can drag on, and we will regain the border a little bit. We don't cross the past, we have to let the Indians' abacus empty." Zhang Liang said. He has already seen the naive diplomatic strategy of the Indians. Such a strategy can only show that they are very naive. The naivety has reached the extreme, and they have forgotten it. When they retired in this way, the initiative was in the hands of the Koreans because they were eager to retake Maharashtra, and the Koreans also thought, but the Indians' desire was greater, which increased their passivity.

"Yeah. That's right. We have to delay and fight a little bit. Slowly, maybe we should find a way to compensate for what these soldiers did. After all, it's not easy for them." Han Shu nodded and agreed.

"This is the case. The important thing at the moment is, how do we find a way to start the war, and what kind of excuses do we use to start?" Han Shu asked Zhang Liang this question worriedly. After all, so far, what the Yue people have done is still More careful, they did not cause too much eloquence to the countries. The Yue soldiers carefully bypassed these Central Plains businessmen. They only took some targeted measures against the Indians. For example, excessive taxation. Because the Yue government wants to compensate their financial situation in time. In addition to these. What they also need to do is to fully accept the property belonging to the Indian government, the vacation villas of the Indian royal family, the villas of officials, the property, and some merchants and shops are among the ranks of their confiscated. The Yueshi people are crazy and poor. They just want to get back everything they own, and doing so has already harmed the interests of the locals, but this is still South Korea’s national interests that do not have much to do with it.

"My lord, don't worry, he will come by himself for such a thing. We don't have to worry about it." Zhang Liang said.

"Oh. Really?" Han Shu looked at Zhang Liang and said.

"Yes, Lord, the behavior of the Yue people will inevitably cause more dissatisfaction. This kind of dissatisfaction will only accumulate over time, and we just have to wait carefully." Zhang Liang said .

"Yeah." Han Shu nodded, indicating that she still has such patience. But how long this kind of patience can last is not what he knows.

Go to the port pier opposite Meng Island. There is a traditional commercial and trade zone for the Central Plains people. Many Central Plains royal banks and large commercial banks have set up their own offices here. They have established a street of their own here. Central Plains Binhai Street. Commercial and trade associations from all over the world are stationed here. They set up their own offices here to show their financial strength. They have done a lot of business with the Indian government. Koreans, Qi people, and Chu people will provide a variety of They provide all kinds of goods, from embroidery needles to mirrors, women's cosmetics, clothes, and silk. They bought all kinds of commodities at the same time, spices, sugar cane, rice, and they did everything they could sell for money, such as slaves. It is legal for slaves to trade here.

But now the streets here are a bit too busy. The streets are full of soldiers of the Yue family. The Indians of Maharashtra who work here have become the most important targets. They are subject to taxes every day or suspected investigations.

"I'm the business manager of the Royal Bank of Korea. Really, you listen, what I said in Central Plains is very good. Very good." A somewhat obese Indian man raised his hands and shouted loudly. His office is ten steps away, and he is here to get a report. The Koreans gave them a vacation, but he loves his job, he wants to do something, his business is very good, he was just an intermediary before, and with his language talent he quickly learned the Central Plains dialect , And then acted as a good intermediary. Similar to a comprador, he was picked up by the Royal Bank of Korea, and then he was arranged to work here. It can be said. This is a very successful one. Inspiring cases, as long as you work hard, you will definitely have such achievements. But he succeeded too early. Or there are too many things to show off.

He wears a large gold necklace around his neck. And there are too many gold rings on ten fingers. This caused the greed of Yue's officers and soldiers. They took each other off easily.

"I suspect that you are working for the Indian royal family, you are a member of the Indian royal family, and you want to run away. It is not good for the Yue government." An officer of the Yue's captain walked by with his hands back and said.

"No, no. No. No, I just have a better job. My job is there. Koreans can testify for me. Really. Really." The Indian kept explaining and pleading. But to no avail.

"I think there are some misunderstandings. He is our employee." A manager of the Royal Bank of Korea came out and said dissatisfiedly.

"I can prove his identity and work. He pays taxes for your Yue government. Is that how you treat your taxpayers?" The manager looked at Yue's behavior angrily. This was a blatant robbery. Besides, they didn't dare to rob, they really didn't know what they would do.

"Well. Korean. You'd better leave here, this matter has nothing to do with you." Captain Yueshi looked at each other with murderous eyes. The manager shook his head and looked at each other.

"I said. Get out of here, Korean." Officer Yue took out his pistol as he said, and pointed the muzzle at the head of the Korean manager.

"Go away." The Yue clan said fiercely.

"He is my person, you can't threaten me. If you dare to shoot, you are at war with South Korea, and your government will never do such a thing." The South Korean manager said without fear. And the people around are worried.

"Yeah. That's right, I dare not kill you." Officer Yue shook his head and slowly put down his gun. The Yue government must consider sufficient consequences. In particular, their occupation of Maharashtra has brought disadvantages. Therefore, the Yue government tried to obtain the support of various countries. In this way, it can allow them to digest this place thoroughly and at the same time, make them more advantageous. , After all, the Yue people are now in a diplomatic disadvantage, and this disadvantage will greatly affect their further plans.

"Indeed, I dare not shoot you Koreans, but I can shoot one of your dogs." Officer Yue said provocatively. As he spoke, he quickly pointed the gun at the head of the Indian employee.

"Bang." A crisp revolver shot. A hole was punched in the head of the Indian employee, and a cloud of blood flew out from the back of his head.

"Puff." The Indian employee lay motionless on the ground. The crimson blood flowed out and flowed onto the Central Plains Binhai Street.

The Korean manager was taken aback. He couldn't understand the behavior of Yueshi people.

"Haha. It's just a dog." As the officer Yue's said, he kicked the opponent's corpse with his boots. Then he smiled and looked at the stiff face of the Korean manager. This seems to be laughing at each other.

"I. I will sue you." The Korean manager said solemnly. The killing happened right in front of him. This is too calm.

"You are simply crazy. Those Yueshi people are crazy. You'd better leave here today." A middle-aged man shook his head and said to the manager.

"I also heard this morning that those Yue people used military exercises to defensively occupy a nearby rich man’s villa. In fact, one of their commanders thought it was good for their headquarters. The rich refused to leave, and he took out the visas we gave them. What happened in the end. The whole family was killed. I heard that the women were all insulted. Now they are all sent to the barracks. Damn. These months. The Clan is blatantly committing a crime." The middle-aged man said.

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