The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3378: The development of naval technology in various countries

The Korean manager looked at the body of the Indian employee lying outside, and the Yue people let the blood flow out. No one came to clean up here. They did it deliberately. They wanted to let all the Indians, as well as the Koreans, and Zhongyuan see how their Yuezhi people managed this place.

"I just want to say that there are many things like this, and there are so many days that they have no meaning at all." said the persuading middle-aged South Korean. He watched too much of such things. Too many people were shot because of things like this. Those Indians were innocent, but they were shot. But the people of the Yue family brutally managed everything here.

"They deal with us like this now, and when they deal with us like the Indians one day, what shall we do?" The manager asked such a question mercilessly, but the middle-aged man could not answer it. Because he believes that there is no need to answer this question, South Korea’s national strength is extremely strong, and the Yueshi people simply cannot do this.

Despite this, the interests of the Koreans are still violated.

The dock warehouse area, where a large amount of goods are stored, but now, the warehouse has been taken over by Yue's army. Their reason is to check the assets of the Indians here.

"Excuses, totally excuses, they are a group of robbers." A Korean businessman said excitedly. But his colleagues rushed to cover their mouths.

"Uuuuu." The businessman still said excitedly. But he couldn't make a sound. Obviously he was very angry, and he was very angry. He was very annoyed about this because it seriously interfered with their normal profitability.

"We all know what you want to say, but you'd better be quiet and shut up, otherwise, your life will be gone." A businessman said solemnly.

"Let's go back, there seems to be no result." The businessman said helplessly. They stockpiled a large amount of rice, alcohol, various supplies, and a considerable amount of guns and ammunition in the warehouse. These materials are ready to be sold to the Indians. The Korean merchants know that their Bangla and Zhanpu Army are fighting. The Indians fight, but they just don't care about it, because it can bring great profits. Faced with such a situation, they can't do anything. This is their plight. Very **** thing.

"Drink." The unwinding businessman panted. He was breathing heavily. Yue's army needs too much supplies. They first sealed off the warehouse area, and their reason was very good. They wanted to take over the Indians' assets, but a large part of them were Korean businessmen's materials, but the Yues took it away. They indicated that the inspections were actually doing robbers.

"They are robbers, do we just watch them take our money away?" the businessman said angrily.

"What else? They are the army?" the other side said. Obviously they are also very helpless in the face of such a situation, after all, what they encountered was soldiers. This matter is not justified by reason.

"Report. Report to Her Majesty the Queen, report to the South Korean government, they will solve this problem for us, I can't swallow this tone, I want to get my things back. Otherwise, I will go bankrupt." The South Korean businessman Speaking angrily. It is true that these are their own wealth, but now they have been taken away by the Yue family. This makes them very annoyed.

Jeju Island, the gathering place for Qi pirates, but now they are not happy at all.

"Go into the fort, hurry up." One eye shouted loudly. He ordered his men to enter the fort to fight the offensive of the Goguryeo Navy. Goguryeo launched two new frigates. The two new frigates were equipped with a 70mm howitzer. This gives the frigate the ability to attack on the shore. With such a capability, they can't wait to give it a try. So, they themselves came to Jeju Island, regarded as a pirate island.

"Wow." The howling shells directly hit a steam ship in the harbor.

"Boom." With a loud noise, the steam ship was blown to pieces. It was a small steam ship, but it was hit by a shell.

"Boom." The shells blasted on the shore. This is the worst thing.

"Quickly enter your gun position. Quickly. Counterattack. To drive these **** warships out of here." One eye said angrily. Equipped with a frigate, the Goguryeo Navy poses a great threat to the pirates on Jeju Island. Their warships are very fast and can reach a cruising speed of 18 knots. The maximum speed can exceed 22 knots. This speed allows their artillery. Can't hit it right, because the cannon is too heavy. The opponent is equipped with a more powerful rapid-fire gun. The threat to them is simply very big. They can easily send them to hell. This is not a good thing for the pirates on the shore.

"Which." The shells continued to roar in, more targets were concentrated, their lagging pirate ships in the harbor were hit, and some were dismembered by the shells on the spot. Those ships were all rebuilt by the pirates themselves, and some were refitted from behind the battleships. They added a two-stage steam engine with eight boilers to provide power, but now he has been directly destroyed. Others are modified from armed merchant ships, and their artillery number is only eight. But it can threaten the sailing team of Goguryeo people.

"Boom." With a huge explosion, the shell directly hit the ammunition depot of the armed merchant ship, and then caused a larger explosion.

"Damn, if we don't fight back, we will be killed completely. Damn it, **** it." One eye cursed loudly.

"Boom. Boom." The fixed pirate fort on the shore finally played the role they should have, a pity. They are not professional soldiers. The shells only hit the vicinity of the two fast-moving Goguryeo frigates, and then fired a larger jet of water. This can only scare them even more, and will not pose a big threat to the frigate.

"Wow." The sharp sound of the shells broke through the air again, and many people were very annoyed by it. Because their targets are constantly being hit, but they are helpless. This makes them very annoyed.

The two sides kept firing at each other, and the battle lasted for three hours. In the end, the **** battle was ended because both sides fired almost the same shells. The frigate of the Koguryo Navy suffered only minor injuries. One shell hit one of them, and the rest did not lose much. As for the pirates on Jeju Island, their losses were too great. Because their fixed turrets did not perform the results they should have, because most of their artillery are old-fashioned artillery, the launch speed is slow, and it is impossible to form an effective fire blockade.

"Fucking, what kind of battle are you fighting? If the grandsons of Goguryeo are equipped with more frigates, will they still land on our Jeju Island? Fucked." One eye cursed loudly.

"Head, let's go to Chu State quickly and drive out our warships. Let them know how good we are. Otherwise, we won't be able to fight at all." A little pirate captain said worriedly. To. His battleship was destroyed by a single shot. He gritted his teeth with hatred of Goguryeo, but there was nothing he could do. Because they didn't have the weapons that could deal with each other, if they had such weapons, they wouldn't be afraid of the Goguryeo navy.

"That's right, go to Chu State immediately, let's drive our warship out, let them know something more powerful." At this time, one eye said excitedly.

In the Wuyue Naval Shipyard of Chu State, a new warship is undergoing the final weapon installation work, and some mechanics are constantly explaining the performance of some weapons. Operation matters and so on. And behind them, there are quite a lot of naval trainee officers taking notes patiently, and they have to ask some questions from time to time.

The State of Chu also has its own naval military academy. Wuyue Naval Academy. Their instructors are from South Korea. South Korean instructors teach most of their naval knowledge. The navy has a lot of technical requirements. They must learn these things, even if they are internships, or become officers, they cannot give up the opportunity to learn. This is caused by the technical characteristics of the Navy. They must continue to learn in order to maintain a state of progress.

"How are these naval trainees arranged?" the navy deputy commander asked a navy colonel. He is the instructor of those naval trainee officers. Most of Chu's navy is privately armed. The birth of the navy is much better than the academic performance of naval officers. It is a pity that there are quite a few such officers in the navy. They are all poor children, because naval officers have high salaries, good remuneration, and social status, but the Chu State Navy has not been fighting for a long time. The promotion of more and more officers has become a problem, especially the three major fleets of Chu State. In fact, they are all private in nature. Only officers in the clan can enter the core command position, but their abilities are very limited.

"We will arrange them as volunteers. Cooperate with the pirates on Jeju Island. If possible, these small warships may be what we should do in the future. This is their only way out." The navy colonel was helpless. Speaking of.

The Chu State Navy’s thinking and development are very problematic. Like all navies in this period, they all value the navy’s strategic warships very much, that is, the heavy warships with large artillery are their focus. This is regarded as The main point is that this is the main force, and small fleets like destroyers and frigates, in their view, a salvo can kill them, and at this time they have not found a way to kill a navy heavyweight with an unequal force. The weapons of the warships, therefore, these warships were directly underestimated. They are regarded as a miscellaneous army, or Chu's fourth fleet. Because this type of warship is cheap to manufacture, it is relatively good, so it is called the way out for this type of officer arrangement.

"Okay. This may be reasonable for them, and maybe they can do something extraordinary." The Navy Deputy said sorry. This is how Chu's navy is developing. His navy vice commander is equivalent to a decoration. Because of the development of the Chu navy that competed with each other and hindered each other, the rising Zhao navy has surpassed the Chu navy, and the Chu navy still has no intention to grow. This had to make them even more disappointed.

"Relax, sir, I don't think this kind of thing is difficult for us. These guys are great, they know they can only do something, I just hope that a large number of warships like this can be equipped. At least they can play some role. Those large warships cost too much money. In my opinion, warships like destroyers are the future. They have such capabilities, or we should develop a The new battleship has a faster speed and weaker defensive capabilities, but its firepower is fierce. It relies on the advantage of speed to make up for the weak points in the defense." The navy colonel told the opponent about his plan for the construction of the battleship. He hoped to produce a kind of New battleship.

"Well. It sounds good, but we must solve the power problem. If we don't solve the power problem, it will be difficult for us to further solve these problems." The Navy Deputy said.

The colonel nodded.

Inside the Korea Naval Weapons Research Institute, Qingcheng, South Korea. A very important meeting is being held.

"According to the experimental results and the technical support of the Qin State Navy, I believe that the current mainstream power plants of the Navy, eight boilers, and three-stage steam engines are lagging behind. The power he produces is far from enough to meet our expectations for future warships. Demand.” A middle-aged man said with a report.

"But the steam turbine is still not stable enough." A technician objected. The steam turbine has undergone some experiments. It was confirmed that the steam turbine can provide more power to their warships. But the problem is that it is not enough. The Qin people refuse to upgrade their technology further. The upgrade is OK, and they need further funding to solve the problem. On the problem. The Ministry of the Navy of South Korea and the Ministry of the Navy of the State of Qin have carried out technical cooperation. The content of the cooperation is the use of steam turbines. The people of Qin State have mature steam turbine installations, and the Koreans are too lack of such things. They also used heavy oil as their energy source for the first time. This makes the use of steam turbines more reliable, but they have not been able to solve the problem of speed control. In fact, there is a problem with their transmission. This causes their speed to be inconsistent.

"This is just a small problem. We should see what the future warships will look like. The new warships of various countries, even the frigates of Qi, have built iron armors, and their defensive capabilities will be further increased. It is required that the caliber of the artillery be further increased, and the increase in offensive ability will allow the armor to hang more. This is not good news for us. Because the power unit cannot further increase the horsepower in the case of the suspension More iron armor means that if you lose more speed, the speed of 18 knots may be reduced to 12 knots. The speed of 15 knots is amazing.” The engineer said helplessly.

"So, with the new power and the already brand-new needs of the engine, we must make some improvements in this area. We must be clear about this, do you understand?" The engineer said seriously about this issue.

"This. Okay. We have to agree to such a thing." The other party said helplessly. Although the steam turbine is not very mature, facts have proved that it will provide a larger power unit, which will provide more horsepower, so that they can wear more iron armor and increase greater defense. force.

Zhao Guo, Handan, the artillery research room of the First Arsenal, and the ship defense designer. These are two relatively contradictory research rooms, because one design spear and one design shield are typical contradictory problems.

"According to the latest technical feedback, the Koreans have mastered the manufacturing technology of the eight-inch artillery and the eleven-inch artillery, and these technologies have come from the secret support of the Qin State Navy Department and the transfer of related technologies." An artillery research expert Shaking his head helplessly tell everyone this news, this news came, it means that Zhao Guo's advantage in the artillery field has been offset.

"Moreover, there is bad news." The artillery research expert said. Many people are patiently listening to such technical reports. Especially in terms of ship design, South Korea’s artillery upgrade means that they will lose more horsepower to wear more armor. This is a big challenge to the speed of warships, and their speed may not reach ten. The speed of two quarters is really a terrible result. Many designers are reluctant to accept this fact. It is too cruel.

"Well. We experimented with a new type of armor-piercing projectile. It can easily penetrate 500 mm of iron armor. According to the largest experimental results, 800 or even 900 mm of iron armor can easily penetrate. If the caliber of the artillery is increased, use With an eleven-inch caliber, a thousand millimeters would be like a bullet hitting a biscuit. This is an iron armor. In that case, the artillery expert told the other side the pessimistic news helplessly.

"Damn it. Damn news." The power of the artillery further increased, and if the iron armor continued to be used, the battleship was penetrated like a cracker. Because they are not using steel, but just iron armor.

"We must find a way to improve our defenses, otherwise, the two sides will confront each other. With our current shipbuilding capabilities, we may be defeated by the South Korean Navy." Other technicians shook their heads and said. Although the Zhao State Navy has gained a great technological advantage, they still have to deal with it carefully, because the navy’s technological advancement is very large. If they do not deal well, they will suffer heavy losses. This is definitely not the case. They want to see it.

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