Although South Korea’s naval technology lags behind Zhao’s for a time, South Korea quickly catches up with the cooperation of Qin’s Navy Department. They have surpassed the development of Zhao’s navy in terms of naval ship power. Just use their steel advantage to increase their advantage. However, it lags far behind South Korea in terms of naval development.

For example, the South Korean Navy puts the defense of warships on the defense of the core area, that is to say, reduce the thickness of armor in some unnecessary areas as much as possible. In this way, the amount of armor in some areas can be greatly reduced. In this way they can save a lot of power energy. The so-called core area defense. It's just some progress at the expense of the safety of the crew.

The South Korean Navy selectively draped a large number of iron armors on the turrets and command podiums. For the ammunition compartment or the power compartment, they selectively ignored other areas. In this way, the maneuverability of Korean warships is higher than that of Zhao's warships. Normally, Zhao's warships can reach a maximum speed of about 15 knots, while Korean warships can reach 17 knots or more. It is a better speed, so that South Korea has a mobile advantage, and Zhao's warships are not based on their power. But iron armor and artillery. Their artillery is very sharp and equipped with a variety of armor-piercing shells, which makes South Korea feel a very big threat, because this threat is real.

But Zhao is also afraid of South Korea’s mobile tactics, because South Korean warships and Zhao’s warships have different development ideas. Zhao Guo’s navy believes that as long as more powerful naval armor and naval artillery are used, South Korea’s high-mobility combat tactics cannot be used. of. Therefore, the armor of the Zhao State battleship is very thick, unless the artillery exerts such a powerful force, it will be difficult to penetrate the opponent.

But now the development of South Korean artillery makes Zhao Guo's navy feel this threat.

"The only solution is to use steel and steel plates. In this case, the penetrating ability of the artillery will be further weakened, and the iron armor will be replaced by the steel armor. I think this is a trend. Maybe the Koreans will be better than us. Come to the front." said a young man in ship design.

This is also a better method, which can give them a great shock. At least they solved the problem of the defense capabilities of the Zhao Kingdom battleship, which is a huge technological advancement for the Zhao Kingdom battleship, which is very useful. In other words, this will exert greater power.

In fact, more new technologies are being further developed by South Korea. Among them, the technicians of Qin Guoren also actively participated in it.

Because of these technology transfers, as well as the research results of the technology research laboratory, the two countries want to share. Through the research and development of the researchers of the State of Qin, a series of mistakes in the development of the South Korean navy can be made up, so that more problems can be solved systematically.

All these can bring huge profits to the Qin Navy. Now they need to wait patiently to transfer these naval technologies.

South Korea, Xinzheng, Naval Research Institute. This is one of the important research bases for the Qin State Navy and the South Korean Navy, as well as Qingcheng. It is said that a new research project will also be launched on Queen's Island. The Navy installed large-scale radio equipment directly on naval battleships. In this way, the communication capabilities of naval battleships have been greatly enhanced. At the same time, they also strengthened the capabilities of the battleship microphones, changing the traditional metal microphones to the cable type, so that the combat efficiency would be better.

"These are some of the latest research projects from South Korea. There are so many, very chaotic, and it doesn't look like what the Navy should do." A Qin Guolai technician shook his head and said. Technicians will bring more profits to the Qin State Navy, but they only pay a certain amount of fees according to a certain proportion, and they are more of a private nature. They produce technology, and the Admiralty only solves the difficult technical export problems that they can't solve. In this regard, Qin State has strict legal restrictions. In that case, it is easy for those who have skills to have great technical problems. Let them have the skills to be impoverished alive. There is no way, the technicians have to survive. This is one of their best ways out.

"What kind of projects are there, let me see." A technician took the project and took a look, and he felt that his head was about to explode. Because many, many projects are things he doesn't want to see.

"Submarines, torpedoes, underwater communication projects, my goodness. How do these things do these things. Especially these torpedoes. What are these things?" the technician asked.

"A weapon with underwater power is equivalent to a mine equipped with a power device, and he can run to the opponent's battleship by himself. In this way, he can launch an attack from underwater. This is a very powerful weapon. "A technician explained.

"Yeah. But their combat distance is too short. The maximum distance is only a few hundred meters. Such a weapon has no chance of combat at all. Under the current naval combat situation, how can this kind of thing be able to achieve this? One purpose, a few hundred meters, maybe when you are preparing to launch, the opponent’s shell can directly hit it. I think the combat distance of the torpedo should be increased to at least two kilometers, even if it is more than one kilometer. It’s also good. At least they can come back alive.” The technician knows the parameters of the artillery very well. They can easily hit an unexpected target of ten kilometers. If they want, they can pour into a wall of fire in front of you. What a **** technology it is, it makes them feel terrible.

"They use a compressed gas engine, which requires compressed gas, and it also requires depth. In this case, their effect is not great." A technician said.

"Change the engine. We tried an engine that does not use compressed gas. What if we install a heat engine? In that case, the torpedo does not rely on compressed gas to advance, but on its own internal fuel to provide power. But this requires oxygen. But it doesn't matter, it can be placed inside. In this way, he can run as far as a motor vehicle. This should be no problem." Qin Guo's technician put forward such a bold idea. This idea is the idea of ​​the early heat engine torpedoes. This idea will bring revolutionary progress to the torpedo. It's just that they still stay in their minds.

Several technical researchers stopped immediately, and they thought it was very feasible. At the same time, they proposed that related submarines can also be made into torpedo shapes. In this way, they can make it play a greater role.

Research is continuing. This is a completely new idea. The South Korean side is still stuck on the issue of how to improve the engine. The application of new technologies is changing little by little the traditional naval methods of warfare. It's just that the senior naval fighters haven't realized this.

In Mexico today, the Qin navy personnel get along well with the Indians here because their skin colors are closer. This makes the local Indians have a great affection for them.

"Try it, this is something I newly invented." A sergeant took a paper containing bullets and rolled up some tobacco leaves and smoked it. The smell of smoke attracted many Indians, and the sergeant chief enthusiastically promoted the paper in his hand. This kind of thing could actually be exchanged for a gold bracelet. Qin Hai watched this scene unbelievably.

"I am not used to this thing." Qin Hai directly refused. This sergeant may have invented the earliest cigarette. Because these things are very popular here, people are willing to take a bite. However, their methods are relatively backward, and they also need special tools. Through communication, the Qin navy personnel like this thing called tobacco.

"Sir, you'd better get used to this kind of thing slowly. It's a good thing. It **** very well and can make you very relaxed." The other party said. Indeed, military life is very boring, boring to death, but this is where they are boring, but this boring makes them have a strong interest in all kinds of things, such as tobacco, which makes them bold Try this smoking thing.

"He can relieve your boredom. I will promote this kind of thing when I go back. He can make us very relaxed. The army needs such a thing too much. I know what those guys need in the army." The Sergeant Chief said. .

"After the war, maybe a cup of tea water can make them feel warm and feel alive, but this feeling is not very good. And it is very troublesome. This requires boiling water, no one wants to move. People just sit and sit. , But, if you smoke, I think it’s different.” The sergeant chief felt that he finally found a good thing, and he couldn’t wait to go back.

"Did you get the seeds?" Qin Hai had no choice but to try it, and at the same time asked such a question.

"Ahem." Qin Hai was still not used to it, he felt his lungs hot.

"Sir, you have to take your time, feel the gas slowly enter your lungs. Then slowly spit it out. Spit it out from the nose. Just like me." The sergeant said with a smile. Then he demonstrated that the smoke slowly came out of his nose, looking very beautiful.

"Okay. I will try." Qin Hai tried helplessly. This kind of smell is really choking.

"I have prepared a lot of seeds a long time ago, not only tobacco, but also more good things, even the kind of thorny plants. And the yellow food among them, I have brought them." Sergeant Speaking of long. He feels that he should be a farmer when he goes back and specialize in planting these new crops. He doesn't know what these things can do, but he has brought a lot of planting for each species. That kind of prickly plant is a cactus. He believes that there is a reason and value for this thing to exist, and it is a pity to discard it at will.

"What are they doing? Cuju?" Qin Hai seemed to slowly adapt to the smell of cigarettes. He became comfortable.

"Yes, sir, they are playing Cuju. Their **** are not the same as ours. Our **** are all woven. Even the best ones need to be done with a urinary bubble, but you look at their balls, It seems to be made of some kind of glue. It is very flexible. I stole one of these things too, haha." The Sergeant Major said with a smile. Cuju is a very important sporting event in the lives of the locals. Many people are willing to participate, and the people of Qin also participate in it, but they feel that their ball is very good. Because it is made of rubber. The people of Qin are very interested in this place. As long as they think they don’t have anything in the country, they will collect them, and they will steal them if they can’t get them. For example, seeds and peanuts are also available. The people of Qin stole a lot of things, of course. There are many things they will take away secretly.

"Well, it's good, it looks good, if we go back to open a sports goods store, I think it will be very good." The other party said. Then he saw that the Cuju was different from the Cuju he saw. He also wants to have one.

"Do you know how this thing is made?" Qin Hai asked thoughtfully.

"This, I don't know. But I think we can try to steal some. After all, this thing may not seem very important to them." The sergeant chief said. This is their way of thinking. In fact, they not only steal things, but also steal women. They have had an affair with local women. This is the need for further understanding. Because they not only understand the local men, they also need to understand the women.

This is what Qin people are doing on the new continent, and they are indeed promoting exchanges. However, their current situation is still not very good. The Navy Department needs more funds to solve this problem. After all, New Continent has discovered that this is a brand new and hot thing.

Qin, the prime minister's mansion, and the prime minister of Qin are also considering this issue, discussing how to solve this problem.

"More and more land will make us bear more burdens, and if such burdens are not resolved, it will be difficult for us to continue." Meng Yi said to Shangwen about such a problem. This is the Navy and the War Department. The problem caused by the expedition is that the land has expanded too much, but the Qin State does not have enough population to migrate to these newly occupied lands. New land needs to be developed. However, the Qin State itself has reached a certain level of satisfaction and will continue to develop. , It seems to be very troublesome. In fact, this is the same as the original historical trajectory. The Qin State has created a unified country, and their territory has expanded to an unprecedented level. They went south and occupied a large area south of Lingnan, but what happened. Qin State didn't digest it in the end. Until the destruction of the Qin Empire. And now. The same problem is in front of Shangwen. Qin needs to do everything possible to solve this population problem. If it can't be solved, the result will be very unfavorable to Qin.

"Perhaps we need a war to solve some immigration problems. I have a bolder idea. Maybe we can transport some of the population of the Western Regions there. This is the only thing we can do at present, but the prerequisite is, Give them a certain amount of freedom, land, or other things." Shang Wen thought about it. In solving the problem of Yueshi, Qin still needs a series of diplomatic actions to solve this problem, but in terms of population development and population control, Qin also has concerns in this regard.

Once the Qin State enters the Yueshi area, or divides the Yueshi, what will the Yueshi people think? You know, the national consciousness of some Yue people has been determined. They have formed a relatively closed circle in the entire southern region. They are the existence of the hegemony. In the face of such a country where the hegemony exists, how can the Yue people be? Will want to lose everything about them. They will definitely take some measures to oppose it. In this case, it would cause a lot of trouble for the control of the Qin State and the control of the Yueshi area.

"What do you mean, we can pack all the people from the Yue family to the north or the more distant new continent occupied by the navy?" Meng Yi asked.

"Yes. That's my idea. It's very simple and easy to do, but we still can't solve the fundamental problem, because the fundamental problem is not just land and population issues, but the market. The market share required for land development. At this point, we must be clearly aware of this point." Shangwen said.

"Maybe we need a solution in the military field." Meng Yi nodded and said. It is indeed a good way to send a large number of occupied people to the area. But the problem is still unresolved, because the development of these lands requires a large amount of capital. The government currently does not have such a large amount of capital, and businesses have such development capabilities, but the question is, where is the value of development and why they want to develop it? It is difficult to realize the potential of the market. This is where Meng Yi worries the most. This problem also troubles Shangwen.

The land does not expand as much as possible. Sometimes it is cumbersome. The market factors do include land factors, but not all of them are land factors. He also needs population, capital, sufficient labor, and technology. A series of factors are affecting the demand for market development. Obviously, it is difficult to stimulate the demand for Qin to develop there. Qin still needs a development process. Shang Wen could not eliminate the factors brought about by time. Therefore, Qin's land expansion is not the more the better. On the contrary, sometimes it will bring some unfavorable factors. This requires Qin State himself to solve this problem. But it takes time, and it takes a certain amount of time.

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