The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3380: Weapons on the destroyer

South Korea, Xinzheng.

"The behavior of the Yueshi people has become more and more crazy. They even occupied one of our warehouses in the port area, which belongs to the interests of our businessmen. They are harming the interests of our Koreans." Han Shu saw from After the report of the Korean businessman, he felt very angry, because this is because the Yueshi people are constantly teasing the sensitive nerves of the Koreans.

"My lord, we must take some measures. These are necessary measures to protect our legitimate rights and interests. At the same time, we should strengthen the military forces there. Only in this way can we ensure the safety of our people's lives and property." Zhang Liang said.

The situation has become increasingly tense. Although the South Korean authorities have made such a judgment, it will take some time to deploy troops. In the course of this negotiation, the situation surpassed their imagination. Some things are happening unstoppably, which makes them have to think about things like this. This is the war situation they have to face.

"Yeah. Not just that. The Indians who took refuge in us are not in very good condition. You know, the situation there is that the Yue people are massacring the Indians on a large scale. As long as they think they are taking refuge Both our side and the suspected Indians will be killed at will. They are really a bunch of lunatics." Han Shu said. The killing of the Yueshi seriously infringed on the interests of the Koreans, which made the situation of the Koreans extremely bad. In particular, some of the Indian forces they had just supported were completely destroyed by the killing of the Yue people. If the South Korean government does not respond to them, they will suffer heavy losses as a result. This is the worst thing for Koreans.

"My lord, we need some time to do something, maybe we can publicize something like this in the media, so that our people can draw attention to Indy, and let them win some sympathy." Zhang Liang suggested at this time. .

"Yeah. Yes, but the question is, how should Zhanpu and Bangla's affairs be solved?" Han Shu asked such a question, because it is an extremely contradictory question that makes people sympathize with the Indians, but at this time They can also go to war with the Indians. How can this situation be resolved? Is it because a sympathetic Korean wants to abandon the interests of the Indians on the eastern front? Obviously this is impossible. Han Shu is a very practical person, she knows this too well. When it comes to specific interests, Han Shuning is willing to lose some of the interests of the Indians, and is unwilling to see great changes in the situation there.

"I think that's the case for this matter. Procrastinate. Let our people leave here as much as possible. But we will come back. We need to solve the problem in the eastern border area. If it can't be solved well, We will not withdraw our troops." Han Shu said.

"Yes." Zhang Liang heard this decision and felt that it was a bit inappropriate, but he did not say it, because what was said has no meaning. What Han Shu has already decided is the order and the need. Things going on. This makes no difference to them.

As for the fate of the Indians, the Koreans do not care, because if one group is lost, new people will continue to appear.

Maharashtra. Mon island. There are more than 1,000 merchants' armed forces stationed here. They are the result of several merchants and the bank armed forces gathered together. At the same time, there are a large number of merchant ships parked here, and some important materials have been transferred here. But this still caused heavy losses to the Korean businessmen, because there were more materials in the warehouse on the shore than here, which caused them to suffer heavy losses. They were extremely dissatisfied with this, but they were helpless.

"This is the current situation we are facing. More and more people are retreating here." A Korean businessman said helplessly. Large and small ships began to drift from the shore to this place, because the armed forces here are very strong, the Yue people still dare not do anything, even though there is a Korean territory on the Central Plains Binhai Street. But for the Yueshi people, there are no rules there. They can kill the Korean dogs at will, and naturally they can kill the Indians at will. The Koreans felt a serious threat to their lives and they had to retreat and leave there. This is a spontaneous behavior.

"More are Indians, we don't have many people." The Korean businessman next to him shook his head and said. What he saw was indeed a large number of Indians. The safety of their property and life is extremely unsafe. They simply can't do this.

"They are also to survive." South Korean businessman said. Perhaps over there, they could still hear gunfire from the other side. Although only a few kilometers away, this is the difference between heaven and hell. More and more Indians chose to escape. As long as they flee to the Koreans, their money and life can be guaranteed, and if they continue to stay here, they will lose everything.

"Bang. Bang. Bang. Suddenly. Suddenly." On the bank. The Moon people set up machine guns and kept firing rifles. Most importantly, more and more Indians participated in it. The development of trade has brought about the development of a large number of Indian intermediaries. They understand the Central Plains dialect and are familiar with their own rules. They have brought huge profits in the middle.

But now the Yueshi people are here. They want to take everything, everything they think should be taken, everything is what they deserve. Koreans cannot move. But they can take part of their belongings, and the Indians, these wealthy intermediaries, compradors, have become their most important source of financial resources. They robbed their belongings at will. The Indians who saved their lives began to choose to escape. But soon they will pay a heavy price for their escape.

The Yues established patrols in the coastal areas and took extremely severe measures against the escaped Indians. They did not need to be arrested and shot them all. At a time, too many corpses floated in the coastal areas and then gradually dispersed. Bloody things just happened continuously. But the South Korean government has nothing to do with it, and there is no alternative.

Qin State War Department. A special urgent telegram was delivered to the Secretary of the Army.

"Our people have entered the northern part of the Caspian Sea, especially the Enron Department. They are moving very fast, and they have reached the west coast of the Caspian Sea. This is very good." The Secretary of War said.

"The problem is that the Enron Ministry was in trouble. They were defeated by the local tribes and the early countries of the tribal alliance. Although they were brave in fighting, they were defeated. Our people went too far, logistics The supplies can't keep up." The Army Deputy Chief reported.

"This is an unavoidable thing, expedition. Such a thing is inevitable." The Secretary of the Army knew that if they wanted to help these Anran tribes, they had to pay a lot of money to help them. Armed with them and at the same time provide more material and logistical supplies, then the railway problem will be unavoidable. This was the last result he wanted to see, so on this issue, he remained silent, or deliberately avoided it.

"Sir, I think we should help them, so that we can continue to explore." said the Army Deputy Commander.

"Okay. Let's talk about this topic later." The Secretary of the Army continued to choose to avoid, or in other words, this avoidance is something that must be carried out, because he felt that only in this way could this problem be solved effectively. The rest cannot solve this problem well.

"But, sir." The deputy commander of the army felt that if the Qin State Army Department evaded this issue, it would cause extremely unfavorable conditions. For example, it would cause some trouble for Qin State's future control of some remote areas, because This will make the Anran tribe feel very disappointed, and they will depart from Qin. But now that they are in a remote area, they will cause a lot of trouble for Qin in the future.

"I know. I know what you want to say. But the problem is, you can't do this, and you can't go on. Why, I think you should be very clear about this. This is a big trouble. The Qin State Navy Department is also expanding. The speed of their expansion is not worse than ours, they may not have oil resources, but their huge land, these land will have a great impact on us. This effect is that the land becomes not worth a penny , Because the Ministry of Finance is unwilling to continue to invest such a large amount of funds to purchase land, and we are constantly consuming such a large amount of funds, the less valuable the land will become. Once a project does not make money, what will it become? I think you should be clear about this." The Secretary of the Army said.

"The railway in the north is such a fact." The other party said so. The undersecretary of the army understood. Everything is due to the exhaustion of financial funds that prevents their expeditions from proceeding. In fact, it is more that too much land will cause an imbalance in supply, and this imbalance will lead to a serious unbalanced development. , As a result, a large-scale disaster occurred naturally.

"So, don't mention this matter. We chose amnesia, not knowing that this matter happened." The Secretary of the Army decided in this way.

With the deepening of expeditions in the western part of Qin, the Anran tribe has entered today’s Caucasus, where there are also oil resources, but more often, the people of Qin are not quite clear about that, but they encountered some Trouble, they met the local tribes when they expanded northward. Although they were too advanced in their weapons and equipment, after all, they had an advantage in numbers. This made Qin’s expedition and expansion unsmooth, and they wanted to continue. The expansion continues, but at this time, the domestic financial situation has changed and they cannot continue. They don't know anything about it, and such ignorance may make their hearts cool, which is a feeling of ruthless abandonment.

Qin Guo really made such a decision reluctantly. With such economic development, Qin does not need so much land and naturally does not need so many expeditions. After all, they have brought them too many surprises. These surprise activities made Qin too little time to take care of them. This will inevitably bury the Qin State.

Zhao Kingdom, Handan, Guo Kai's prime minister's residence.

"That's what it is." Guo Kai has never caught a cold with foreign names, and often he can't read each other's name.

"Maharashtra. Prime Minister." The assistant on the side reminded him kindly at this time.

"Yes, Ma." Guo Kai still couldn't read the other party's name. Maybe Guo Kai was born with no linguistic talent.

"Mahara," the assistant reminded in a low voice.

"I know. Damn Mabang." Guo Kai said this directly and simply, because the name behind it was too confusing. And feel very disgusted by the assistant's repeated reminders. If he didn't need this guy, he would have sent him to Nanyang or Xiyang to find a small island.

"Damn, the Yue family, really **** good. They even drove the Indians away. They don't know, is that place a place of cross-interest?" Guo Kai cursed. He said this after seeing such a report.

"The Prime Minister, there is no way for such a thing. The Yue people are probably poor and crazy. Therefore, we can understand that they did such a thing. However, the Prime Minister, this is a good opportunity. This port, because There is no way for us to start with Korean relations, as well as relations with other countries. Now, we can finally start." The assistant said at this time.

"Besides, the distance is not very far. Moreover, Lishi is also very large." Guo Kai added at this time.

"The prime minister is wise." The other party complimented.

"Yeah. Yes, I like this feeling. We should have our own colony, or a better port. Look at what kind of places we occupy. All are poor places. There is no one. This is a good place. We can publicize and send troops. We have to find a good reason, publicize, and send troops. In this way, they can quickly collapse." Guo Kai said. The assistant quickly recorded it. But his assistant did not tell him that the diplomatic issues behind this are still more complicated, and Zhao Guo's daring to be the first in the world may be subject to a series of countermeasures. But Guo Kai didn't have to think about leaning on, because this was not something he was considering.

Chu State, Wuyue Port, and Chu navy personnel are introducing the performance of the new warship to the pirates on Jeju Island.

"The battleship is more than 1100 tons. It is equipped with eight rapid-fire guns. Of course, if necessary, two rapid-fire guns can be removed and 70mm guns can be installed for shooting. In terms of speed, the maximum speed can reach 21 knots. The cruising speed is around 17 knots, and it is on par with Qi's frigate in terms of tonnage and firepower." Chu State Navy personnel introduced.

"Such a warship has no advantage. Although we need it, we must also take it out." Looking at the warship, he still felt a little dissatisfied even though he was very excited. The dissatisfaction lies in the fact that this warship has no advantage, but is similar to the frigate of the Goguryeo Navy. A similar warship naturally has no meaning.

"No. This is a destroyer, specially developed to suppress frigates." Chu State Navy officer said.

"We are equipped with new weapons, mines and torpedoes. He has four launch tubes. It can launch eleven-inch torpedoes." The navy officer introduced.

"Mine, I know, this thing can be blocked, just like a landmine is buried on the ground, this thing is thrown into the sea, whether it can explode people, it depends on your luck, if you can't make it, you can also get yourself. This Torpedo, what is this? Is it a new weapon?" One eye lit up. He knew that this was the key point of this new type of warship.

"Yes, the new weapon has a caliber of eleven inches, which is larger than any current mainstream artillery. The most important thing is that he attacks from underwater, like mines. Once underwater, If it hits the keel of a ship, the power of the underwater explosion is very great, and the opponent's battleship, whether it is a frigate of Qi or a new-style battleship of Zhao, will be broken like a biscuit." Said the navy officer.

"The most important thing is that they are not very defensive, because they don't know about this kind of weapon. Once we use such a weapon, they can't deal with it at all." The navy officer introduced.

"Yeah. It's good, but if such a good weapon was sold to us at once, we felt a little uncomfortable, or in other words, this thing is so good, why the Chu Navy did not equip it, but the equipment came to us." Speaking just like a perfect eye. He knew that this weapon sounded very powerful, and it was naturally expensive, but why the Chu Navy could sell such new weapons to itself? Normally, the Chu Navy would not use such weapons. Otherwise, it will be completely suppressed.

"Actually, torpedoes also have shortcomings. The shortcoming is that the firing range is too close. The maximum distance is only 600 meters. I think you know this distance. Only rapid-fire guns can reach such a distance, and the shooting is very accurate. I think, You can do this. As long as you are close to this distance, at a critical time, when the opponent is not enough, you can suddenly come to them, and your situation will be very severe." The navy officer said.

"From underwater?" One eye asked curiously.

"Yes, from underwater," the navy officer nodded and said.

"Six hundred meters, the same combat effect as a mine." One eye looked at the opponent and said.

"Yes. The same effect as a mine." The navy officer affirmed.

"A good weapon. Such a weapon is well invented. We want it. However, we will give you some money later or less money, and we will give it all. The prerequisite is that this thing is very, very good. Okay. It’s okay if you have nothing to say.” One eye said.

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