The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3382: Take the initiative

"In this way, a lot of funds are needed, and the concentration of funds will be unprecedented." Yingyu said while looking at the investment report. The report on the oil monopoly was quickly handed over to Yingyu. Yingyu was very concerned about this plan. The reason is that this is energy. They have missed it before, for example, on the coal issue. The coal association of Zhao State was formed. Although they also occupied a certain share in the coal association, their shares also occupied a certain proportion in the later power companies. This proportion is very considerable, but they still missed this after all. One chance, this time, what they have to do is to control such energy.

"Yes, Chairman, we need a lot of capital this time, but the current oil market is indeed chaotic. As long as you have a little money, you can enter the oil industry, and oil can bring them considerable energy. This is for us. In other words, it is simply an unacceptable situation, and the chaotic situation will not last too long in the end.” A manager said.

"What do you mean, if we can provide such sufficient funds, they can form a commercial organization similar to the Coal Association?" Yingyu asked at this time.

"Yes, but it is not a similar organization, but a large and comprehensive enterprise. It will control all industries related to the petroleum industry, such as petroleum transportation, petroleum pipelines, petroleum refining, etc., a series of related Technology will develop." said the manager.

"Meaning, there is only one company?" Yingyu asked.

"Yes, there is only one company, and this company must also be a listed company, so that we can control the company through stock trading in the future." The manager said his thoughts.

"Very good. Very good. Give me some time and I will reply to you soon." Yingyu said. For this project, Yingyu feels very bold. At the same time rich and adventurous, she can think of it, the future profit will certainly not be less.

Soon, this report was placed in front of Xiao He’s desk. When he saw this report, Xiao He felt very shocked. He seemed to have seen the existence of a super-large enterprise, and the founders of this enterprise were them. For investment banks, this monopoly would be amazing. This is a real money machine. Xiao He quickly agreed, and wrote his plan in detail at the back of the report.

The Qin people are setting off a huge energy monopoly, which is very conducive to the reintegration of the oil market, because in their opinion, the market is too chaotic.

The Indy Peninsula, this is the rename of the Western continent by the people of Zhao. This is their re-understanding of Indy, and it is also an important step for them to further control here.

"Look at this telegram. This is an order of the Navy." An army captain gave a telegram to his men. They are all lieutenants and ensigns, and they have only one company here. But the area where they were stationed was very large. Most of them were tribes. They were tenacious to the end and were unwilling to surrender further, but they soon suffered from Zhao Guoren's revenge. There are more people killed here than people alive.

"We are the Army, why should we obey the orders of the Navy Department? This is very unrealistic." Lieutenant Zhao Qu asked incomprehensibly. Indeed, why do they obey the orders of the Admiralty. According to normal procedures, they accept the instructions of the General Staff, and the War Department will only issue some specific operational objectives, and the combat plan is based on the General Staff. In this way, the decomposition of military power can be restricted and the stability of the Zhao State can be guaranteed.

"This is an order received from the Prime Minister's Office. They let the Admiralty Department take charge of these matters, and all the troops near the west coast of the West Ocean are under their control. We must also obey the orders of the Admiralty Department. In this battle, the Admiralty Admiral. Will play a big role." Captain Li Xi said. In fact, such an order. He couldn't understand it himself, not to mention that they were still low-level officers, and the specific combat operations had to be told to the staff, which made their situation very passive.

"Okay. Don't care about who ordered it. We should see what we should get." Li Xi said. Their situation is indeed not very good. The size of Zhao's army is only 100,000. Although their number is not very large, 100,000 people, they are still very nervous for Zhao's national defense. Li Mu once tried to persuade the parliament to implement a universal conscription system, which is to let all the adult men of the Zhao State serve in the army for two years. In this way, after several years of accumulation, the Zhao State army can reach a reserve army population of hundreds of thousands. Or to maintain the combat effectiveness of the 350,000 reserve army, this way, Zhao Jun's combat effectiveness can become very strong. However, Congress refused to do so on the grounds that it exceeded the military budget and the factory lacked sufficient labor. This made Li Mu very worried about Zhao's national defense security.

But Zhao's congressmen do not think so. In their view, they have a harmonious relationship with Qin.

War is unlikely to break out for a period of time in the future, even if it breaks out, it will have little effect. For them, everything is so normal. Moreover, Qin Jun's condition is not very good. They have expanded too much land and have no time to take care of the affairs of Zhao Guo. Therefore, on this issue, members of Congress believe that Li Mu is just looking for something to do.

In fact, the life of Zhao's soldiers is indeed not easy. Their salaries can only be regarded as average, but note that they can only be regarded as average. The remuneration of military officers, especially lower-level officers, is far inferior to that of ordinary workers in Handan, Zhao Guo. The salary of ordinary workers is one hundred and thirty-six and a half dollars a month. And an officer’s salary for a second lieutenant is one hundred and twelve. This makes the situation of the officers very embarrassing. In Zhao, there are more and more officers graduated. From graduation to three years in the army, many people have been a second lieutenant, that is, they have been promoted to lieutenant, captain, and their salary barely arrives. Two hundred and a half two, it is very difficult to live in Handan, Zhao State.

And the higher you go, the more officers there are, and there are many aristocratic children who make names inside, but they are engaged in commercial activities outside. The Zhao army also expands abroad, but the expansion and occupation are all such poor places, which can be large. It seems that there are not many places to fish for oil and water, which makes the officers crazy. and so. Many military officers find ways to go abroad to fight, because only in this way can they solve their plight of no money. They also have to live, marry wives and have children. Therefore, when encountering wars, Zhao Jun is sometimes very crazy, of course. The target of combat depends on whom.

"We have a battle to fight. Moreover, this time the big ones are the Yue people and the Yue people. They have some money, and the occupied area is Mabang." Captain Li Xi quickly became familiar with this simple vocabulary. Mabang.

"It is said that the trade there is very developed. If we go there, what will happen? We will become very rich and many problems can be solved. This is great for us. We can solve it. The problem is very, very much." Captain Li Xi said. The officers below listened very happily to their leader's encouragement. they know. The spoils are their own. This is also the only place the military can win for them, the spoils. The reason why the soldiers of the Zhao State are willing to fight is largely because of these spoils. Without these trophies, they would be nothing. If they fight in a wealthy area, their number of trophies will be very substantial. This is what Li Xi hopes everyone will discuss. They need a lot of trophies.

"But sir, we only have one company, and we have to guard some places here. This is very troublesome for us. If we lose this place, we have to bear military responsibility." Lieutenant Zhao Qu said.

"But it doesn't make much sense for us to continue to defend here. Besides, there is nothing to defend here. They are all poor tribes. Except for some people who open their mouths to eat, it seems that no one else can do such a thing. Lieutenant Ma Qu complained. For this, he hated enough. It can be said that he feels that there is really no worse place than here. This is what he hates most.

"But the problem, how do we solve this problem?" Regardless of whether his subordinates quarrel or not, Li Xi cares about whether he can leave here and go to fight in other places. Only in this way can he get what he wants. Things, let him stay here, it will only kill him.

"This. Sir, I think we should take the initiative. Or, we can arm the local tribes. Some tribes still obey us. We support such agents. We must, the Koreans do. In this case, we can do such a thing as long as we keep a very small amount of troops, or we can keep our stronghold here and let them help us collect taxes, and we only provide some security guarantees symbolically, or force. I think that such a thing is extremely beneficial to us.” A second lieutenant suggested.

"Well, this is a very good, sounding very good idea. What do you think?" Li Xi nodded. He thought that this kind of thing sounds very good, at least in line with their current situation. It can be a very good suggestion.

"I. I think it's good. Those tribes can indeed use them, and if needed, we can recruit the troops we need from them. If we go to Mabang, our troops are too tense. There is only one company, I don’t think. , This company’s strength can do a lot of things. After all, we still can’t do many things.” The ensign said.

"Yeah. That's right. It is said that the Yue people gathered three infantry divisions in Mabang. Their strength is extremely abundant, and we only have one company. Our Zhao army's combat effectiveness is not so strong that one company faces three. The crazy offensive of an infantry division. This is indeed unfair to us, but we must also admit that such a thing is very important to us." Li Xi said.

"Sir, we must at least gather the strength of a battalion. Only in this way can our situation change a lot. Otherwise, it will be difficult for us to solve such a problem. However, the strength of a battalion, I think we There are still things we can do, and if necessary, we can recruit more troops." The ensign continued.

"Okay. In this way, each shift, think of a way, recruit more people, let them find a way to control this place, get more supplies, this way, it will be very beneficial to us." The other party said.

"Yes, sir." The officer nodded, which had to let them figure out a solution. Most of the Zhao's troops stationed abroad solve the supply problem by themselves. Although they can rely on the navy to transport them, they can transport how much. Their military expenditures have not increased much. Members of Congress treat them like rich men. They care about every amount of money. They can only rely on themselves if they hope that the country can solve their logistical supply problems in a timely manner. This is also the case that the Ministry of War turned a blind eye to the robbery of Zhao Jun soldiers. In their view, these things are difficult to resolve.

The western part of Qin State, the border area between Qin State and Yuezhi.

"Boom." There was a huge explosion, and a Yue clan, and his mule were blown to pieces.

"Someone. Damn. Someone is here." A Qin army soldier in a hidden post was awakened by a huge explosion. What they have to do is to quickly pay attention to possible problems in the direction of the explosion.

"These **** Yue's mice, **** it, don't let you sleep well at night." A soldier took his rifle and pulled the bolt to aim at random.

"Did you see them?" a sergeant asked the alert soldier.

"Without the officer, they seem to have retreated. But they have entered the center of the minefield. It seems that our mines still play a limited role." The security soldier said with some disappointment.

"Okay. This is already very good. We'd better be careful. Tomorrow we will add some mines, and then create more minefields, OK. Pay attention." The sergeant reluctantly arranged. Such things have happened many times, and they have accepted these things normally, and this is for them. This is nothing.

There are a large number of minefields in the border areas of the Qin Army, but these minefields have not prevented the rampant development of the drug smuggling trade. Drug dealers soon discovered a way to dig mines, carefully detect them, and then dig them out. But the Qin army also discovered their weird action. Some Qin army engineers themselves invented anti-infantry landmines or anti-digging landmines. They planted some mines under the mines again, or used small iron wires for some grenades. Link up, so that the other party will inevitably miss the past, which will cause landmines. In this way, the two sides carried out mining and anti-excavation landmine operations. In this regard, the Qin army also dispersed some squads and stationed them in some dangerous places. They set up machine guns and deployed some small artillery here to prevent The other party did such a thing, which made him feel very annoyed. Because they have to stay here to play such annoying games with Yue's Mouse every day.

The Yue’s drug dealers were called rats because they were sneaky like rats and had the same living habits as rats. Such fighting made Qin Jun very tired and annoyed, but this situation still happened every day and they had to be careful. In response, the soldiers complained.

Inside Wang Ben's headquarters.

"The reaction of various countries is not great. The South Korean side and the Indian side continue to wrestle. It is said that the two sides are negotiating for the last twelve kilometers. Wrangling." Wang Ben said while looking at the telegram in his hand.

"Our frontline situation is not very good either, sir, the soldiers are very annoyed by our border defense operations. We need to deal with those moon rats every night. This puts the soldiers in a highly exhausted state. We must Solve this problem as soon as possible," said a staff officer.

"I know that we will send a commando to fight. Now the Yueshi people are empty in the entire northern region. This is a good opportunity for us. But we need to be prepared to respond." Wang Ben Speaking to his own staff.

"But, in this way, we have not received a formal order to send troops, and there is no positive response from all countries. For example, to send troops to Yueshi, try to contain the other party as much as possible. In this case, is our pressure very large?" There is such a worry. After all, they are sending small units of combat troops. Although they have the advantage in the air, there are still some air forces on the Moon side. They will cause some trouble to themselves. After all, the staff are afraid of some accidents. .

"Don't worry about these things. What I know is that we will solve such problems ourselves. This is not a problem, but we must send troops. This is a signal. I think the Ministry of National Defense and the Prime Minister's Office will consider this. We. We cannot wait like this, otherwise, we will be under too much pressure." Wang Ben said.

Wang Ben is definitely not a passive defense expert, and he will not fight such a war, because he is really unwilling to wait passively. But they need an order from the Ministry of Defense.

Ministry of National Defense of Qin State.

"Wang Ben is under a lot of pressure. If we do not take active measures, we will not be able to solve such a problem. Otherwise, it will cause us great losses." Wei Liao said.

"But if we do this, our Qin State will fire the first shot. In that case, would it be very detrimental to our Qin State?" An officer said worriedly.

"No, this is an attitude. Countries will become beneficial to us because of this attitude." Wei Liao said.

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