"Reports on active combat. I personally agree with this." Shang Wen said to Meng Yi.

"After all, for pure defense, it is difficult for us to stop these drugs from our country. You should know that this will happen to a big accident. This is the worst result for us. Therefore, we need to solve this problem at present. And as stated in the report. Our people have to bear a lot of pressure, and this pressure will cause us great disadvantage. Our troops cannot withstand such a lot of pressure. Mere defense no longer allows us to solve the border drug problem. Therefore, we must take military action." Shangwen said.

"Well, if we do this, we will be ready to send troops." Meng Yi said to Shang Wen.

"They have made such preparations. We don’t need to worry too much. The most important thing we are doing at present is to find a way to solve the current issues that we should solve, regarding other countries’ participation in the fighting, such as adjusting India. The contradiction between the land and the Koreans has allowed Koreans to enter the state they should have as soon as possible. If this continues, the result will be detrimental to us." Shang Wen said.

Shangwen's worries is that if he only relies on Qin to face the main force of Yue's army alone, the Qin army will definitely be under a lot of pressure, and at least the scale of the war will be greatly unrestricted. In that case, Qin’s military expenditure would increase passively at once, which would disrupt all plans. Shangwen’s least expectation to see is such a thing. Therefore, Shangwen needs to try his best to prevent such a thing from happening. For such things, Shangwen's situation may be the worst. Therefore, he needs to change this situation, how to change, the only way is to achieve this through diplomatic channels.

Port Seth. Zhang You once again received a large amount of financial support from the Qin State Investment Bank, and the investment bank’s requirements were simple. They hoped to establish a strong, large-scale, and relatively strong listed company with relatively strong integrated businesses, especially in the oil sector. To achieve a complete monopoly. In order to achieve this goal, they can do anything.

Inside Zhang You's office. He gathered all his senior cadres, and they all gathered together to discuss such things, but now they are silent because their boss is about to speak. They had to close their mouths.

"Everyone has seen our situation. It's very bad. More and more people are entering this industry. The threshold for this industry is very low, very low." Zhang You said with a serious expression. He is very dissatisfied with the status quo, because the sense of crisis is too strong. This kind of strong sense of crisis oppresses his nerves and is very uncomfortable. What he has to do now is to solve such problems and how to solve them. The only way is to reduce such pressure, reduce such feelings of crisis, and reduce such feelings of oppression. Let this source disappear completely.

"We should raise the threshold. We have to acquire their careful companies and drilling platforms. However, if we proceed according to the normal purchase price, we will encounter very, very big problems." Zhang You said.

Many people looked at their bosses in confusion, and at the same time, they still didn't know what Zhang You would think of.

"So, we need a disaster, a disaster that we think, a huge fire on all oil rigs. If this fire is big enough to ignite all the oil, our situation will be very big. It has changed." Zhang You said.

"Gudong." After hearing such a crazy plan, many people just swallowed their saliva. Regarding the others, they dare not express any opinions, because they really can't think of the consequences of such a method. , This is simply a very crazy idea.

As for what is said later, some people did not hear it, but many people already have a deep picture in their minds. The vast fire is soaring into the sky. I am afraid that dumping all the seawater in Seth Bay on it will not be able to extinguish the skyrocketing. The fire, the wealth of many people, their Seth dreams are extinguished here, no, it should be their dreams that turned into a fire and then turned into ashes. This makes them indescribable. This is what everyone thought of for the first time.

And their boss, Zhang You, is very satisfied with this plan, because it can bring him great benefits, and this benefit will exceed any previous period. This is the best way for him. He knows that if it is carried out at the normal purchase price, he will need at least several hundred million yuan to buy these land, because there is too much land. And those are businessmen, and some of them have their own armed forces to protect the safety of their oil fields. If this acquisition method is followed, hundreds of millions of funds will probably not go on. In this case, the cost of oil, And the profits in the middle will be drained by them. If you work hard, don't think about doing anything yourself. The investment bank will replace him immediately and find another agent to do such a thing. This is the most difficult thing for him to accept, and he doesn't want to see such a thing happen.

He needs a disaster. Only when the disaster strikes, social wealth will be looted. They are willing to be looted because they are unwilling, or some people become vulnerable. This is the collapse of their psychological defense. Then the crash will get bigger and bigger. This is what they are going to do.

Zhang You naturally thought of disasters. Only when people's psychological defenses collapsed, he would offer the right price because they were eager to get rid of. In this way, he could solve the problem, and his cost might not be too great. , And the bank is willing to accept such a price, several hundred million, even if the bank can come up with such a large amount of money, they will not give such a large amount of money, because such a large amount of money is enough to bury these people alive. Because oil fields will not bring them so much profit. This is commercial competition, and some improper means will happen here. It may be a catastrophe, but it is because of a catastrophe that there will be a greater chance, so some people will crazily want to start a disaster.

South Korea, Xinzheng. South Korea is reconsidering its diplomatic strategy in Bangladesh.

"The Qin people obviously don’t have so much patience. They don’t seem to want to see them face the Yueshi’s main army alone. However, according to our intelligence, most of the Yueshi’s assistant troops are in the south. May be transferred to the north." Zhang Liang said suspiciously. He thinks that Qin's nerves are too sensitive. In other words, their nerves are too sensitive. This sensitivity will lead to their judgment on the right thing. This is a very scary thing.

"I don't think so." Han Shu said while looking at the map.

"Qin people are so worried because they are worried. If Qin people send troops, how many troops do you think Qin people might send? Or, no matter how many troops they send, according to the greedy character of Yue people, they will not send more. In the northern area, they would expel the Qin people at most, or form a confrontation. In this way, they can smoothly control the south, south, and Maharashtra. This is their most critical place, and they lose this place. , They will lose all their fiscal revenue, they just lose an important source of income." Han Shu said solemnly.

"In this case, we still have to face a very powerful part of the Yue people. The Qin people only split a part of their forces. Moreover, the Karachi people have a clear attitude. Don't expect them to send troops. They will not send troops. They only They will send troops only after watching us send troops. This is the Karachi people." Zhang Liang said.

"So, we need to release the Indians, the Indians will be anxious. They are unlikely not to be anxious." Han Shu said with a smile.

"I feel that it's time for our attitude towards the Indians to change. It's not good to keep the appetite of the other party because they will hate us for a lifetime. Moreover, we have regained their borders and some problems. , There is no need to negotiate with the Indians. We just need to discuss with the Qin people." Han Shu said with a smile. Regarding matters on the Indian land, he believes that the Indians are not qualified to negotiate with them, and peace talks are just a cover. For them, there is no longer any meaning there.

The high-level thoughts, the low-level have no right, and it is impossible to know. The Zhanpu soldiers are still staying in their trenches.

"Damn it raining. What a **** bad luck." A Zhanpu soldier stayed in the trenches drenched. They have their own rain gear, but they are the same as if they did not, because the rain quickly gave them their trenches. Filled with water. The whole trench was filled with the smell of feces and urine. Some soldiers have been soaked in the stagnant water for a long time, and their feet have become swollen. If you continue, there may be problems. But there is no way, their chief must let them hold their ground.

"This is good enough. If we are allowed to fight, I can believe that everyone will go crazy." Apa's clothes were also soaked. But there is no way. He is not an officer, and the treatment of the officers is better. They have some shelters to hide from the rain, but the humid environment is particularly uncomfortable, and the whole body is sticky. This is uncomfortable, but their officers have nothing to do with it.

Apa was re-arranged to a new combat unit. He was promoted to a corporal and became a veteran. However, he was still unwilling to take the initiative to attack. He wanted to wait for his retirement. Maybe only in this way could he get a good share. Work, disability means that his job requirements are not very good. He didn't want to hurt himself. The war is almost over. Many people feel this way, because Koreans, they will only hit the border, and now they are only 12 kilometers away from the border, the **** Indians occupy the last 12 kilometers motionless, and their chief plans to launch For a larger offensive, they also specially brought cannons. Some special forces have also been established. For example, the explosive package unit. Their task is to break the barbed wire. At the same time, they also need to blow up the opponent's machine gun shelter. This is definitely a very dangerous team, but such a team is a mixture of veterans and recruits. It is composed of some young people who perform tasks. They are all recruits, and they are a group of sacrificed. For them, this is nothing understandable.

But just when everyone was worried that their lives would be seriously threatened, a heavy rain suddenly made sense, and it lasted for a long time. There was water everywhere in the trenches. Some soldiers deliberately let the explosives wet with water. In this case, they There is no need to die. The heavy rain depressed the morale of the soldiers because they hated to attack on rainy days and the soldiers' rifles were difficult to maintain. There was no sufficient gun oil from the rear. When the rifle was dispensed, the rifle was sent to them as a disposable product. This caused some rifles to rust and the bolts could not be opened. How is it possible to fight.

"Continue to postpone it. Maybe we shouldn't launch such an offensive." Zhang Ke has been completely disappointed. The above regards this war as the worst war, and his colleagues are also ridiculing him in private. They think that Zhang Ke is doing a futile war. This is mainly due to the fact that his subordinates are a group of Mengla and Zhanpu people, who are like dumb donkeys. His northern cluster is called the dumb donkey cluster, because only dumb donkeys can cause such a large proportion of casualties. The neglect of the superior, the ridicule of the peers, and the rainy weather for two days are not suitable for launching an offense. This made Zhang Ke's mood extremely aggrieved, he could only postpone the offensive plan, maybe he already had the idea of ​​canceling the offensive combat plan. His chief of staff thought so. In short, many people have survived because of this heavy rain, and they finally have their own hope of survival.

In the defensive garrison of the Qin First Infantry Division, a special combat team is making final preparations. They are the First Special Operations Squad in the First Infantry Division. They are small in size, with only thirty-two people, but they are more prepared. advanced.

They are equipped with a sniper rifle with an eightfold scope. This rifle is a specially selected rifle. For every twelve of them, four of them are equipped with a submachine gun. The submachine gun uses a drum, and the volume of ammunition is 70. Second shot. This can make up for their lack of firepower within a certain distance. Of course, the rifle still exists. In addition, they will be equipped with special weapons, two mortars, which may be the only weapon they can use. In addition, they also stole air-cooled machine guns from the Celestial Army and the Army Aviation Corps, and used cartridges for ammunition. This is considered the first light machine gun they have equipped, which can provide fire support at longer distances. , Which gave them the confidence to resist the first wave of attacks by the Yueshi people.

However, their most critical equipment is radio equipment. If this thing is damaged, their condition will deteriorate very much. For this, they are also equipped with homing pigeons. This is their last communication tool.

"Our task is to parachute. We parachute down and establish a temporary base there. The supplies behind will be replenished to us through there." Captain Yang Hua said.

"Is this the same as what we exercised?" Lieutenant Bai Zhen said to his officer.

"Yes, just like the exercise, we only need to establish a base there, conduct reconnaissance, and apply for the information given to us above. Then we will use airships to supplement our combat personnel. But we will not stay there too much. Long time. Because our mission does not allow this." Captain Yang Hua said.

Qin Guo had no experience in how to use the assault team, but they felt that they would soon adapt to such a situation. Because they will find a good way to solve this problem. All they have to do now is to execute the surrender of the place where the other side produces drugs. Hit them.

At the same time, they have to provide intelligence support, communicate via radio, and let their airships bomb some designated targets. It has to be said that they already have some of the characteristics of modern special operations, but they still have not resolved some key issues. Questions, such as how to cooperate with large forces, and how flexible and mobile their special operations are, they all have yet to be developed.

"Sir, we can accept such a task, but the question is, how do we retreat back, how long we need to stay there, and our sources of intelligence." The lieutenant asked some questions that he worried about.

"Don't worry about these, everything will be fine. Someone will support us so much. These are not what we worry about, understand?" Captain Yang Hua said. Everything seemed easy to him. His subordinates were a little worried too much. Because such things are not too big a problem for them.

The Qin Army prepared in this way. They were going to conduct a small-scale assault operation. Among the tasks performed by the commando, there were some tasks that provided guidance to the large forces. This had to make people suspect that the Qin Army might have modified it. To their combat goals. Their battle plan will become more concealed, maybe they are already doing such a plan.

"If everything is ready, let's get ready to start. The order has been issued. Delaying will only make us more passive." Wang Ben signed the action order, which means that the action will be carried out and their mission Will mainly target the crackdown on drug trafficking. In fact, there is a second-stage combat mission behind the scenes, and the Qin Army needs more commandos to appear in order to deal with more combat missions.

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