State of Zhao, Handan. Department of War. The War Department took the pen and directly signed a document. Then it was handed over to his army deputy commander.

"Sir, don't you look at the contents of this?" the army undersecretary asked.

"No need to read it. I know what it is. I can only promise them to do this. The prime minister asked us to interfere in Yueshi's occupation of Mabang, but he didn't give me more troops. The worst thing is, Logistic supplies are not sufficient. We only rely on the few troops we have on the Indy Continent to fight. This is a huge challenge for us. If I still order my soldiers at this time, I can’t do this. If they can’t do that, what will they do? Mutiny. This is the worst thing for us. So, I can only solve this kind of thing, I agree, and the prime minister will not pursue such a thing. , You know, those soldiers will solve the logistical supply problem by themselves, we just need to transport them there. Of course. Businessmen are also willing to assume such characters, they can get in touch with the government, which will be more important for them in the future. Large trade has great benefits, which is very beneficial to us, and the soldiers themselves solve the logistical supply problem, which is too light for us. And it is the affairs of Mabang, not us. So it is destroyed. , I must sign this order, so that the children can go with confidence and boldness." The Secretary of War encouraged.

"Yes, sir, I think, I know what to do," said the Army Undersecretary. The Secretary of the Army then asked the other party to leave his office. If you want a horse to run, you have to graze the horse. This is the truth. They should be very aware of this. If they do nothing, the soldiers will really drive crazy.

In the northern part of Yuezhi, a Qin airship gradually moved away. The soldiers of the assault team looked at the airship that was going away, and then looked around. They wanted to reach their target area, in a mountainous area, where they wanted to establish their own base, and then they wanted to conduct reconnaissance around. If necessary, they will destroy some Yapian plantations established by the local Yueshi people. That was very harmful to the Qin State. For this, they also equipped a batch of white phosphorus incendiary bombs. This incendiary bomb was an offensive weapon and a sharp weapon to destroy these elegant films. They wanted to use such a sharp weapon to destroy everything.

"Damn it, those pilots threw us a little far away. The target is at least 30 kilometers away from here, **** it." Captain Yang Hua angrily put away his map and pointed the compass. This is not good news for him.

"Damn it," Lieutenant Baizhen cursed. He knew that those pilots would not fly very seriously or send them to the correct target area. According to the plan, they should be sent to a place five kilometers near the target. In this way, the soldiers would save a lot of energy. , Because their body equipment exceeds forty kilograms. This is definitely a physical march. And there are still many things that cannot be lost. No one is willing to face such a situation. Who would be willing to carry more than forty kilograms of equipment to do such a thing and be full.

"Sir, sir." Just then. Two commando members came with a herder of the Yueshi people. He looked like a sheepherd. The fact is that he was herding sheep nearby. He wanted to run away, but unfortunately, he couldn't bear his sheep. This is a mountainous area, and only these sheep can survive. This is why the people of Yueshi want to grow Yapian, because the climate here is really not suitable for growing food, the food production is very small, and their population is large. Only grazing can be done. In order to solve the family's economic problems, the only way is to plant Yapian.

"Sir, we caught a person who grazes nearby, which may pose a great threat to our actions." A sergeant looked at his officer and said. In fact, they had thought about this problem during the training process, but the problem was that they were facing an enemy, and they would kill such an enemy as much as possible in order to reduce the trouble that they might face when carrying prisoners. But the problem is that they encountered civilians. This makes these Qin troops very difficult.

"Follow the way we trained." The captain looked at the Yueshi Sheep Bred and said. He didn't know whether to let the opponent go or kill the opponent, he was a bit ambiguous. Their task is to build a base, not to keep killing, which is contrary to their original goal.

At this time, the two players didn't know how to do it? They don't know what their chiefs mean, whether to let them kill each other or let them go.

"Kill him. We can't take such a person away." Lieutenant Bai Zhen came over and said. The two looked at and nodded. Sheep looked at the people of Qin in a puzzled way. He could not speak Qin, otherwise he would not go herding sheep. He still doesn't know that his fate has been decided.

Soon the sheepboy had his throat cut with a knife. The soldiers simply dealt with it, and then followed the team forward. They won't waste too much time on such issues. In that case, it's not worth it. This is what they have to do at present, advance, advance, an extremely difficult march is in the process of advancement.

In the colony of Zhao Kingdom. Captain Li Xi is checking his worksheet today. Most of his work is handed over to his own hands. However, he has been busy recently because they need to recruit more people.

"Sir, those tribes are very ignorant, such people can't communicate at all." Lieutenant Ma Qu came in and complained.

"You'd better solve this order yourself. We need at least a team of more than 500 people, and now, we have only reached a little more than a hundred, a little, understand?" Captain Li Xi said, shaking his head. He has always trusted the ability of his subordinates to do things, and he has always had no good face for his subordinates to complain to him.

"But sir, they don't agree to provide them with supplies, they think we give them too little. You know, we provide them with rifles, and they think they should get these things when they fight for us." The ensign said.

"Damn it. You should separate the bullets from the rifles. Tell them that bullets are their reward, and the spoils are their own, and, here, the maintenance of law and order and nearby tax collection are their business. , The benefits of this, can I tell them myself." Li Xi heard such a thing. He felt very annoyed. The soldiers' heads were a little simple, or their thinking was fixed. They stayed in the barracks too much. They lack the way of thinking to drill.

"This. Officer." The ensign looked at his officer.

"Tell them that we allow them to embezzle or collect more. They should understand the benefits of this. You can take care of the rest. If they don't participate in the battle, I will shoot you." Captain Li Xi scolded angrily. Then he drove his subordinates out of his office quickly. In order to recruit these damned locals to join the Zhao army, Zhao Jun had to offer some corrupt conditions. For example, the local taxation was left to some tribes to manage, and they could embezzle. Such things, They don’t know how to manage, because they don’t need to manage such things, and then the management has to be handed over to these tribes. Only yo, they send troops and they can maintain local law and order. In this case, in the middle The benefits are very big, which is equivalent to officially agreeing to their extortion. As long as they are not doing too much, they will not have too many problems to cause them trouble.

They must recruit more people to take part in the fighting in the north within the stipulated time. This was their task, and Zhao Jun everywhere was ordered to do so.

Facing the pressure of sending troops from the north, Zhao Jun had to cooperate with some local tribes, and some local tribes had to do the same for their own expansion needs. In this way, they have a need for cooperation.

In Port Seth, in Zhangyou's oil field, the drilling platform is busy working. More and more oil will be produced here. This oil will have a significant impact on them, and they are promoting the development of the entire society.

"Are you ready? If there is wind today, if there is wind, they will ignite the entire oil field." Zhang You said to one of his subordinates.

"Boss, we have done it. As long as we give an order, we can do something thief." A subordinate whispered. He was afraid that everyone would hear the same.

"Well, good job, you will get more things." Zhang You said. Qin State Bank has already provided him with sufficient funds. Now, what he lacks is an opportunity, and this opportunity can also be created by people. A disaster that I think will bring him such an opportunity.

At night, the wind is strong. Everything is an omen.

"The water is gone. The water is gone." Some people shouted loudly during the night.

"The water is running. Put out the fire. Put out the fire." Many people shouted loudly. The sky fire quickly swallowed an oil tower, followed by the second and third. More and more oil towers were lit, and many people were frightened by the sudden fire. Thinking that the oil they extracted hadn't had time to deal with it, it was ignited by the fire. Many of them are terrified. This is simply a huge disaster. A lot of it collapsed.

"This fire can't be saved at all. There is wind now, and they are all oil wells. This thing was originally afraid of fire. Just a little, oh, it's all destroyed." Some businessmen reacted and said excitedly. This is the oil field they bought. Originally, they expected that these oil fields could bring them great profits, but now it seems that all is not enough. Because these oil fields were ignited. These fires are ignited and there is no way to save them. This is the worst thing for them.

"This fire can't be saved. It's too big." Many people watched the fire, as if the fire was about to swallow everything, the oil wells were ignited one by one. It would take a long time to put out the fire, or it would be impossible based on their current strength.

"This. This. My money, my money. I have invested a lot of money in it." An investor shouted loudly. He stretched out his arm in pain. It seemed like they were going to catch something. If it weren't for all the people behind to catch the other party tightly, the other party might jump into the sea of ​​fire. This would be too painful for them.

"Retreat. It's important to save your life. If more people die, you won't be able to survive." Some businessmen said painfully with tears. Then they left here. It seems that they are very calm, but who knows, their hearts are bleeding in pain, the fire is burning their hard work, they simply don't want to see such a big fire, which is too difficult for them to accept.

"Boss, the fire seems to be a little bit too big," one of Zhang You's subordinates said carefully.

"Is it big? I don't think it's big enough. The bigger the better. In this case, for us, the fortune will become extremely prosperous with this fire." Zhang You said with a laugh. This made his men feel very frightened. Because this will reduce their oil production a lot, he doesn't know why his boss would do this, can a fire really achieve this goal? He doesn't know, there are many things he doesn't know, because there are many things the boss will not tell him.

Economy, finance and economics are always overly sensitive to certain things.

In the Qin Guo futures market, light crude oil, which is a new variety, is a standard pipeline transportation oil. Koreans must transport crude oil according to such standards. If not, Qin people can refuse to accept it.

"The price of light crude oil has fallen rapidly after a series of news to promote production. The falling price has brought light crude oil into a reasonable price range. Many motor vehicles can burn a variety of fuels. They will no longer choose alcohol, methanol, or gas to fill their fuel tanks because of the lack of fuel." A newspaper reported.

The price of light crude oil has dropped a lot. This is inseparable from the efforts of Qin and South Korea. More and more people have entered the oil industry. They continue to produce, and the amount of production is terribly large. Moreover, more and more transport ships are also joining the ranks of oil transportation, which is easy to make money. In addition, Qin State wants to build a light crude oil transportation pipeline, which is already being implemented. This has caused many key factors to the decline in oil prices, and this factor is extremely important to them.

"I think the price of oil will fall further, you see. The Koreans have too many oil fields. They will extract more oil fields. In addition to these, they will also transport them from other places. Now we Qin State also has a new oil production base. I heard that in Anxi, the Anxi people and the Dawan people have cooperated. They occupy a large oil field, and the output is no less than the output of Zhangyidao and Port Seth. It can never be seen that the price of oil is bound to fall, which is beyond doubt.” A speculator said in this analysis.

"Well, it sounds reasonable, but the problem is that such a large amount of oil production will definitely bring chaos in order, and this situation may not last long." Some other speculators said. What they need is such a situation. They want to go long because the current market is suitable for long. Most of them are speculators who buy long.

"Big news, big news, there is a serious fire in Port Seth. The current fire has engulfed 60% of the rigs. The oil production reduction is certain." At this time, a young man rushed with a newspaper. Came in and shouted loudly. The content of the newspaper is what everyone cares about most. They quickly grabbed the newspaper to check the news. They wanted to confirm whether the news was true. If it was true, then the situation would be too bad.

"My God." Many people said excitedly. Because they are short, this news will greatly stimulate oil prices to rise, and this result will make them extremely crazy.

"Quickly, I want to sell, sell." Some people reacted because the news came too suddenly. The big fire in Port Seth will rapidly reduce oil production. In this case, the originally expected increase in oil production and the bad news of increased transportation capacity will suddenly become balanced, and gradually, the price of oil will rise, because This is an uncontrollable reason.

"My goodness. My goodness." After some people read the newspaper, they still feel that they are still chaotic. They can hardly believe that such a thing would happen. If that is the case, what kind of oil prices will rise? Come up to the point. Many people began to panic.

South Korea, Xinzheng.

"This kind of thing would happen." Han Shu did not believe that this kind of thing actually happened. Part of South Korea's income comes from the output of the oil industry. It can be said that the reason why South Korea dares to fight is largely due to the oil industry. There is a big relationship, but now, such a huge fire has appeared, making the situation become uncertain.

"My lord, this fire. From a technical point of view, we are unlikely to solve it because there are too many oil wells. Moreover, the fire has become very fast and our fire-fighting equipment is too backward. I am afraid. It may not be possible anymore. This problem is solved." Zhang Liang said helplessly after reading the report. Faced with such a big fire, many people can do nothing, because the fire is too big. No one can face such a fire correctly and it has nothing to do with it, for them. very bad.

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