Qin State, Xianyang Palace. King Qin was eating with a new style of soldier utensils.

"Well, our soldiers should all be equipped with such cutlery, which is light and durable." King Qin said while carrying a kind of soldier's cutlery. This set of tableware is made of aluminum. Aluminum is lighter, much easier to use than cast iron, and aluminum is not easy to rust. For soldiers, the advantage of this cutlery is that it is lighter in weight.

"They are doing very well. They should be rewarded. We senior generals never know how heavy a burden it will be for soldiers to add some weight." King Qin said to Zhao Gao. Zhao Gao quickly recorded.

At present, common canteens in various countries are made of cast iron, and soldiers’ kettles are also made of cast iron. This means that soldiers’ personal weight will increase, and personal new army backpacks will become extremely heavy-bearing. This is a huge burden for soldiers. This burden is unbearable for them.

In combat, soldiers feel very dragged down by such equipment, especially their water bottles, which cannot be thrown away. Once thrown away, the feeling of thirst will make people unbearable. Therefore, soldiers must carry such heavy cast iron kettles. Now, lightweight aluminum kettles are used, which reduces the burden for soldiers. At the very least, the soldier's situation has been greatly improved. This is the best thing for the soldier.

At present, the infantry of various countries adopts the practice of individual backpacks, which greatly reduces the centralized solution of the logistics supply problem in the past. The soldiers use their own individual backpacks separately, which can greatly increase the mobility of the soldiers. , The increase in mobility will make them extremely efficient, which is an important result that all soldiers are willing to accept. And the extensive production of aluminum, especially after Zhao Guo Handan provides a large amount of electricity. The production speed of aluminum becomes faster. Because Qin finally solved the power problem, their aluminum production will no longer stop due to insufficient power, which directly increases the supply of aluminum, and the demand side is extremely loose. Some civilian use Aluminum tableware has been widely promoted, which is the best result for them. This also explains why Qin was the first to equip the army with aluminum tableware.

The significance of aluminum is indeed great, because it is in the development of the aviation industry. Aluminum will play an important role.

Zhao State, Handan, outskirts, in the flight test site of the Zhao State Air Force.

"New skin? This, this is definitely not iron, this should be aluminum. Right?" a pilot said while looking at a brand new plane. This is an experimental aircraft. Qin has already put the main air defense weapons on the aircraft, because Qin believes that the aircraft has good maneuverability. This mobility is very large. Although the aircraft is not very firepower, they are mainly equipped with machine guns, which for airships, they still have a certain degree of resistance. Their airships can barely bear it, but the difference is that the aircraft's offensiveness has become more aggressive. This is mainly because the aircraft can use more powerful engines, and their threat is still relatively large.

"Yes. It is aluminum. In this case, the plane can be made into a streamlined shape, and his speed may be faster." An engineer said.

"Yeah. I want to give it a try. This plane is so beautiful." the other party said. Soon the pilot entered the cockpit, and he couldn't wait. However, the engineers did not object. Qin Guo’s research results claimed that the speed of the aircraft could be increased again, and their aircraft speed could reach a maximum of 330 kilometers per hour. This speed is still relatively far for them, because they The aircraft’s top speed is only two hundred and eight, and if the speed is faster, it may fall apart directly, and the strength of the aircraft simply cannot withstand the faster speed.

Metal body, aluminum skin, streamlined. These characteristics have become a must-have for the next generation of high-speed aircraft. Zhao Guo’s engineers also developed a new engine based on these characteristics. They installed a new engine and used it on this test machine. They gave a lot of hope.

However, the material problem is still big, aluminum. Especially the use of aluminum. The demand for aluminum will become very large. However, there is no aluminum production base in the territory of Zhao State. Although they have sufficient power guarantee places, they have not established more aluminum production. There are not so many mineral resources in Zhao State. According to the latest mineral resource exploration, Qi State has such a resource advantage that they can produce more aluminum. This is an important situation they must face in the future to solve the aircraft.

Because airplanes need more aluminum. Aluminum will become a new material.

"Qi's investment environment is still not very good. For example, in the production of aluminum, we all know aluminum. The people of Qin also need aluminum, and we also need aluminum. However, Qi's investment environment has not changed much. They are blindly exclusive. Sex. I think you should be aware of this." A businessman said in the tavern. The tavern is the best place for business people to discuss projects, because wine can promote people’s feelings and make people’s perceptual awareness play out. Wine can paralyze people and make people’s consciousness blurred. In that case, they can say To be honest.

"Why, I'm very optimistic about this project. The people of Qin State think it is also very good. Qin State's aluminum output is also very large, but they only meet their own needs. The needs of various countries in Kanto are also great. You cannot always use aluminum pots. Well, people still need lightweight aluminum. I am very optimistic about this kind of market," said a businessman.

"This is the situation, but I still have something to pay attention to. That is, Qi, Qi’s domestic is not too open, and their prime minister is good. It is equivalent to our prime minister, their prime minister’s ideas. It's good." The businessman who was about to get drunk took a sip of alcohol, and Zhao Guoren's habit began to like alcohol. The sugar and wine from Korea and the food and wine from Qin are their favorite wines. Because their alcohol content is still good.

"Qi, it seems that they welcome investment, but it is a cooperation between countries, private businessmen, they are still very exclusive, for example, I bought an oil field before, and now I invest in oil production areas overseas. There are many projects in China, but I don’t have enough money. I also want to buy an oil field. It’s just right. Qi State. Qi State also has oil, and it’s cheap. It’s not far from our Zhao State. I think it’s good. The project is over." said the drunk businessman.

"Good. Good project. I am also optimistic about this project. Very good." The other party said.

"Yes, this is a very good project, but as a result, the **** Qi people cheated all my money. They are all liars, liars. That piece of land is mine, but I can't dig it out at all. When the oil comes, it’s not that there’s no oil below, but I can’t get there at all. They either secretly bury my oil wells, or threaten and intimidate me. Those are all nearby Qi people who did it, and they also blocked my sales. Out of the way, my oil can’t be sold at all. I seek help from the Qi State police. They only use money to do things, and they don’t care about things like me at all. They are a group of scammers who have scammed all my money. I dare I'm sure to tell you that if you invest in buying any bauxite, you will definitely be the same as me." The drunk businessman told his own experience, which made him feel very worried, because the situation is such.

The investment environment of Qi is indeed not very good. The people of Qi are heavily dependent on their land, and their racial awareness is extremely strong, which means that their xenophobia is greater than that of Zhao and Chu. They like closed spaces and at the same time they like stability. This is also an important reason why Confucianism will prevail there. Qin State has a sound legal system. The country of Zhao is developing rapidly. Industrialization not only destroys the agriculture of the country of Zhao, but also destroys the ethnic power of the country of Zhao. But Qi Guo did not do this. Otherwise, there would be no such thing as a collective collapse of Qi's oil industry. This is a disaster for Zhao Guo.

This kind of regional self-enclosure makes it difficult for more foreign investment forces to enter. This is the biggest disaster for them, because it poses a great threat to the safety of capital, which will make their capital It becomes difficult to expand, in that case, their situation will cause a very unfavorable state. The example of this businessman told him that Qi State Investment is a dangerous place.

In fact, Lou Jing was also aware of this, but the problem was that Lou Jing had difficulty reaching the lowest level, because they firmly opposed to doing so, because it would pose a great threat to them, and their interests had been lost. Unless they can make up for such benefits, the clan forces have extremely harsh requirements for benefits, which makes it difficult for many investors to accept. Faced with such and other difficult requirements, investors often adopt cooperation with the government and the government will come forward to solve the problem. problem.

This also explains why the decline of the petroleum industry occurred in the Qi State Council. At this time, when all the national petroleum industries were actively developing, such things would happen to them. This is the situation Lou Jing least wants to see.

Qi State, Laizhou, in the Design Department of the Naval Shipyard.

"The Koguryo Navy is very satisfied with the warships we designed. They asked us to build more warships for them, of course. They will pay us ample remuneration. Don't worry too much about this funding issue." The colonel said to the design engineer.

"Well. This is very good. We are also actively improving. I hope that the warship will have room for development." The naval engineer said worriedly. For warships like frigates, they believe that the potential for improvement may not be great. Unless a new engine is used, otherwise, the horsepower he provides will not support the frigate to have a new lifting space, and his tonnage is limited to about 1,000 tons. The horsepower cannot be further expanded. In this case, his protective power and firepower can only be upgraded with a limited amount. This will make their minds want to solve a lot of problems. But these are enough trouble for them. Because it makes them nervous.

"Well, now there are some new tasks for you. The Goguryeos you know want a small boat. It's a small gunboat." said the navy colonel.

"They are often attacked by some small warships or small ships nearby. Their armed forces are not very large, but they are very troublesome. The result of their harassment is very bad for us. This is their idea." Speaking of.

"Let's design a small boat, a small gunboat?" the engineer asked immediately.

"Yes. It probably means that. They have such a need. They can be equipped with a machine gun or artillery. There is no problem with a slightly larger caliber, such as a 75mm artillery. In this case, they will be Harassing warships poses a great threat. I think this should be okay.” The navy colonel said of course.

"This is somewhat unlikely. In that case, the recoil of the artillery will cause great damage to the boat, and if the control is not good, the artillery will overturn the boat. In that case, such a boat will be It doesn’t make sense. Because when they destroy each other, they will also lose their small gunboats. Moreover, the speed of the current gunboats is too slow. They are equipped with two boilers at most, and the maximum speed can only reach 12 knots. With such a slow speed and only one artillery, it is difficult for me to imagine the significance of such a weapon." The other party said solemnly.

"I don't care about these. These are the ideas of the Goguryeo people. You can talk to them. Maybe they have this or that idea. After all, this is a good way they came up with. Maybe we can overcome it by ourselves. , You can design such weapons and equipment, I think, facing such difficulties should not be a problem, come on." The navy colonel patted the opponent's shoulder and encouraged. The naval engineer shook his head. They can only do their best for such a problem.

The current 75mm artillery is still relatively large. Moreover, Zhao Guo has not completely digested the plan of the hydraulic recoil machine. The artillery frame is still mechanically fixed. In this way, the miniaturization of the artillery is limited. The artillery at this time did not have a muzzle brake, and the recoil of the artillery was still terrifying. If equipped with small rapid-fire guns, perhaps such a problem is not too big. After all, their caliber is relatively small, but they lack combat significance. Because small boats need to be close to a very close combat distance in order to fight, but if they don't do this, their condition is not very good, because doing so will cause them great losses. Because it would cause a lot of damage to the gunboat, they would never allow such a thing to happen.

"This is the situation. In this case, the loss to us is still relatively large. We need to change this situation to solve this problem." The naval engineer said helplessly.

In the prime minister's office, Lou Jing is assessing the impact of the fire in Port Seth.

"In this case, the price of our imported oil will be much higher, which is very detrimental to our plan to import oil." The Minister of Economy said.

"Yeah." Lou Jing nodded. He could see the happy faces of those local oil producers, the kind of gloating faces, and the large scale of oil transportation. Qingcheng Port is already far from satisfied with meeting such demand in the future. , Berth a large number of merchant ships here. This has become a necessary trend.

"I think we need to change such a situation. We must change such a situation." Lou Jing said.

"Prime Minister, I personally think that we should strengthen the exploitation of local oil, or raise their standards for purchasing oil products. In this way, perhaps we can get through the current difficult period. At the same time, we should strengthen technical cooperation. Improve the quality of oil products. Only in this way can we increase the value. Otherwise, it would be impossible to make much money simply by transshipping such a large amount of oil.” The Minister of Economy suggested. He knows that the future trend will definitely be a large amount of oil demand, but this demand has certain requirements. This kind of requirement is mainly concentrated on the value of a large number of oil added products, such as high-octane gasoline, this gasoline Mainly used in new engines and the aviation industry, and this demand is very large.

"Yeah. That's right. This may also be an opportunity. We can't just see the adverse effects behind such a major disaster. At the same time, he will also need us to make some adjustments. Such adjustments will make us change actively. Some things, this is a good thing for us." Lou Jing thought about it and said.

"Yes. This is a good thing for us. What we need to do is the result. This is what we have to do for us," the Minister of Economy said.

South Korea, Xinzheng.

"The fire may still continue. Let our technical department think of a way. This kind of fire burns a lot of money every day. It seems that I really feel distressed." Han Shu said helplessly to his ministers. . The telegram has clearly shown. In the face of such a fire, the Koreans can do nothing. They can only watch the fire go down and the ships in the port actively take refuge.

"The fire is 100 meters high, and the billowing smoke is like a volcanic eruption. The flaming fire lights all around. It looks terrifying." A reporter wrote in his own report. For such a stage of fire, they feel that they are powerless. It's really helpless. They can only watch to keep them burning.

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