The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3386: Abnormal naval tactics

In Port Seth, the high temperature generated by the fire is very unbearable. Many businessmen are not unbearable. But I can't stand the inner suffering.

"I still thought I could make a fortune here. I didn't expect it. Hey, I'm old. The last pension money is gone. It's better to deposit in the bank and buy government bonds." A middle-aged businessman shook his head and said To. He has a drilling platform, which is very good. He paid back some of the capital, but the fire came too suddenly. Before he had time to retreat much of his valuables, he burned it all at once. Not only his drilling rig, but also many people's oil fields were also set ablaze.

"Hey, now I can only think for the better. We are still lucky to be alive. That's pretty good. You didn't see the father and son of the old Wang family. Oh, looking at me, I can't bear to say." A businessman was standing by. Speaking of.

"Hey, it's good to be alive. Fortunately, the money is not money, forget it. You can still make money while you are alive," the businessman said helplessly. He witnessed the death of the Wang family and his son in a sea of ​​flames. They were splashed by the oil flying. This temperature, coupled with the rapid and dying fire, immediately ignited the two of them. The two quickly became fire men, and the screams made people shudder. Now that I think about it, I feel very scared. They are doing some money for some money, and in the end they become a fire man. It now seems that they may not find the corpses, and they didn't know that they would be burned to ashes.

"Hey, everybody, everybody, our boss knows that you are in trouble, so let me discuss it with you. This fire is too merciless. If you are willing, our boss is willing to pay for your oil fields. If you are not willing, there is nothing we can do.” At this moment, a young man said politely. Although the young man was polite on the surface, the businessmen shook their heads when they heard it.

"Who are they?" asked some unknown people.

"Zhang You, Zhang You Zhang’s dog-legged boss, I suspect he was responsible for this fire. I don’t know how long the fire will last. I don’t know if the oil will burn out. Anyway, what I know is that this guy must We will take away our oil fields. Oh, forget it. After this fire, I can see through. This money, sometimes, is really not what we should make. You may not make money if you can buy oil fields." The businessman said disappointedly. Then he passed. The dog leg who saw Zhang You sold the oil field in his hand to the other party, and it was very low. The price per acre of oil field was less than 30 and a half. In their opinion, this price was not low.

And the reasons they gave are also very appropriate. Who knows when the fire will be extinguished. It is also risky for them to buy oil fields at this time, and this risk is also very large, and they have to bear a lot of pressure to do it. To such a thing. What they have to do now is such a situation. Without such a situation, they simply cannot do such a thing.

"That's the situation. What can I do? Forget it and sell it." Some people followed suit. However, the price of oil fields began to drop, and the price per acre was as low as twenty and a half taels. However, these businessmen were already very disappointed in the oil industry. Disappointed, they can't do anything.

Qi State. Laizhou, Qi State Government and Zhao State Investment Merchants, as well as part of the Qi State Oil Company invested by the State of Zhao State and Qi State Bank, were formally established. They are mainly engaged in oil-related businesses, including oil extraction, refining, and transportation. But the first thing they have to do now is to collect a lot of oil, because their oil reserves are not very large.

"Either provide the original, or provide light crude oil according to a certain standard." Many people looked at the company announcement and said. Especially some people who own the oil industry, they care about these things too much. Their protest was invalid or even illegal, and the military directly sent a gendarmerie to surrender them. As a result, their protests were invalid, and they naturally did not dare to confront the government.

"I think, don't they want oil? Let's sell them. Let's sell them the oil with water, and make a **** money." Some people said boastingly. These people are very unoptimistic about the newly established oil company. In their view, this is a matter of taking away their jobs. They have to teach them a lesson. Otherwise, they think that they don't have any face. Such things as retaliation will definitely be indispensable. Because this is oil, an industry that can bring a lot of profits. With such an industry, they can bring big profits. What they need is this kind of profit. Where there is profit, there will naturally be fights. Such fights are inevitable. What's more, the Koreans even set off a fire for some oil fields. They not only burned their own oil fields, but also burned everyone's oil fields. This is their craziest place. Where there is interest, there is never a lack of various struggles. This is not surprising, and it is rare to have no fights.

South Korea, Xinzheng.

Many firefighting companies are studying how to extinguish this huge fire. With the emergence of some tall buildings, firefighting has become a professional, because all kinds of accidents will still happen, and if an accident happens, it will face a closed Space, the fire situation will be very serious, this is a relatively common demand, but it still takes a long, long time to extinguish a large fire.

"Our opinion is to organize a large number of people to take a field visit, otherwise, we would never know how to extinguish such a fire, because we don't know the situation on the spot, which would be very detrimental to us." Some experts are right. The Secretary of the South Korean Army said. In their opinion, it seems very difficult for them to put out an imaginary fire. And they don't have research in this or that way, they need to solve this problem as soon as possible.

"Okay. You guys as soon as possible, but I suggest that you better go with your equipment, otherwise, there may be no time. This is our best way. We need time. The queen also values ​​this very seriously. If you lose it Oil, you should know how much this will hit South Korea's economy. The Queen does not want to see such a situation happen." The other party said cautiously. Everyone nodded to express their understanding. What South Korea needs now is to extinguish this fire, which has plunged South Korea's oil exploration into an unprecedented disaster.

State of Qin, Xianyang, in the prime minister's residence.

"This fire is not at the right time." Shang Wen said helplessly as he watched the soaring oil prices.

"Although we have solved the problem of oil transportation, we have not been able to solve the problem of oil production. The oil in Port Seth has come to a standstill. This is not a good thing for us. If we can supplement this from other places. If a lot of oil is extracted, it will be fine." Meng Yi said. They need to find a way to solve such a problem. In their view, complaining about the problem cannot solve such a problem at all. What they need to do is to solve it.

"The only way at the moment may be the Sabbath countries. They still have oil reserves. We also need their oil reserves. Maybe they can help us solve the problem. But before, we could only rely on oil from Zhangyi Island to supplement. . This is our last and only choice." Shang Wen said.

"It can only be so." Meng Yi nodded and reluctantly agreed. For them, this is the final result.

Near Jeju Island, this is one of the important routes. A large number of Goguryeo merchant ships pass by here. Goguryeo warships will patrol here and perform cruise missions. Their warships have been added to six, but for them, it is still not enough. , They need at least twenty or more warships, but Goguryeo is still not interested in large warships because it costs too much money. They can't spend such a lot of money, they can only buy small warships like frigates to fill the facade.

"I think we should take Jeju Island. In this case, our supplies and routes will not have too many problems." On the Changbaishan frigate, some Qi state naval officers suggested this. The location of Jeju Island is too important. From here, it can threaten the entire peninsula. If you use this as a springboard, you can control quite a lot of areas. A naval base can be established here, and the location is absolutely good. Because he is very strategic.

"I don't think it's possible. The Goguryeo Navy does not have the ability to land operations. They have not yet formed their own marines. Would you let a group of armies that can't swim to land operations? In addition, there are a lot of fortress artillery on the shore, although They are all old artillery, but they still pose a great threat to us. And the warships, our warships are only six. These are the possessions of all the Goguryeo navy. They won't come up with so many warships to do such things at once. I don’t think they’ll do that even if they take it out, because the warships are equipped with artillery below 52mm. It’s okay to deal with some pirates. Let them attack an island and have a well-defended island. I think they are very It’s hard work because their artillery can’t hit too far. This is the worst thing for them. Believe me, they will never do it.” A Lieutenant Commander Qi State shook his head and analyzed. He had already understood this result. The Goguryeo government is currently unable to spend more military expenditure to expand their navy, as long as the size of their navy is controlled at a certain scale. As for the Marine Corps and a series of large warships, the Goguryeo Navy is still unable to increase such forces, thinking that their naval expenditure is very limited, and it is already very good to expand to six warships in a short period of time.

"They don't have so much ability to fight. I think you should understand this point. This is what we are currently doing. We have to solve many, many problems, but we must be more practical." The Lieutenant Commander said to the navy. Said the officer.

"Yeah. Okay. But I think we should pay attention to this idea. After all, many of our ships still have to pass by here. If one day we want to launch an attack on this place, we can also deal with it. "The officer said so.

"Buzzing. Buzzing." The harsh alarm sounded at this time. The two quickly left here and entered the fighting position.

"Found a warship, at six o'clock, they are moving quickly towards us." A Goguryeo officer reported.

"Damn it, immediately enter the combat position, pay attention, get close. Anyway, you must fire the cannon first to deter the opponent." Captain of the Changbai Mountain, Li Fang put down the telescope in his hand, and he was the only warship patrolling here today. Normally there should be two ships, but unfortunately, the coal in the other ship is good. They went back home to increase their fuel. Although they have six warships, they have too many tasks in the face of an increasing number of merchant ships, and the number of warships is obviously not enough. In desperation, they could only let some warships act alone. In their view, this shouldn't be a big problem, because the pirates on Jeju Island are no longer a threat to them.

"Sir. It looks like a pirate warship." A Goguryeo navy reported at this time.

"Where did they get such a warship?" the Lieutenant Commander asked curiously, raising the telescope in his hand. He really didn't understand where these pirate warships were obtained. And the speed doesn't seem to be worse than them at all. The most important thing is that they still have some strange things, such as things that seem to be pipes, but he doesn't know what those pipes are for.

"Get closer and fire the cannon. Sink them." Captain Li Fang issued an order at this time. The warship Changbaishan quickly stepped forward.

"Bang Bang." The two rapid-fire guns fired quickly. "Wow. Wow." The two water jets immediately blew up, and the other party was obviously more experienced in combat. They even made a ZigZag maneuver. This makes it difficult for this side's artillery to hit the other side.

"Bang Bang." The rapid-fire cannon fired again, but the shell still missed the opponent.

"Post it. Bite them." Captain Li Fang issued an order. He felt very annoyed when this happened. Their warships didn't even hit the other side with a shell. Many people began to get anxious, because the other side had not yet been developed at this time, and the two warships were facing each other. Their combat distance varies from five hundred to eight hundred meters. Baiyun Mountain has been clinging to each other tightly, and the opponent's warship obviously intends to avoid such a situation, but both sides are firing desperately.

"Bang." A rapid-fire cannon fired quickly.

"Wow." There was a sound of metal impact. The Changbai Mountain was shot first, and a shell killed a gunner. There was blood everywhere on the deck, but they were all veterans, and they were accustomed to such things. However, their artillery has been inaccurate, which makes them very anxious. This is not to blame for them, this is a high-speed mobile operation, and the gunners of the Qi State Navy cannot do this. Usually they rely on their own experience and the density of artillery to achieve this point, a technology that the Qi navy cannot master, let alone the Goguryeo navy that they can do. And the pirates on the opposite side, they often carry out such battles, and naturally they are much better than them. This is why the warship Changbaishan was hit.

"Bang Bang." The shells kept hitting out, but they rarely hit the opponent directly. The other side intentionally approaches, but intentionally, it will inevitably come.

The destroyer Eye is like this.

"If this continues, there is no way at all. These rapid-fire guns cannot pose a deadly threat to the opponent's warships." A Chu State Navy lieutenant said worriedly. He saw it. The initial velocity of the rapid-fire gun shells is very limited. Unless armor-piercing bullets are used, it will be difficult to achieve this. The most terrible thing is that the two sides will stop fighting once the cannonballs are lit up.

"It's time to try a torpedo." One eye put down the telescope in his hand and said. He can see it too. In this way, they won't sink the opponent at all, because they don't have armor-piercing shells, which are expensive. They can't afford it, but if they keep fighting, they will only waste more shells. Fortunately, they have a secret weapon, a torpedo.

"But the other side, fortunately, the speed between us is very fast, and the torpedoes will probably miss." said the lieutenant of the navy.

"Regardless of this. Then shoot all the four torpedoes on one side. There will always be one that can hit the other side. But we have to paste it so that the boys can defend themselves. The guns don't have eyes." The eyes shouted loudly. He decided to lean up with one eye. He knew that torpedoes could hit 600 meters at the farthest, which was the limit, but he really wouldn't rely on this 600-meter distance to fight. What he had to do was to paste it up and put it in at the least distance. To a distance of two hundred meters, in this case, they will be violently attacked by the opponent's artillery. This may be the worst plan for them, but they have to do it.

"Torpedo team pay attention, your speed must be fast, the shells will hit you, you must be fast, continuous firing, understand?" One eye shouted loudly. In order to reduce the possibility of being hit, he can only do an arc maneuver. In this case, it is very likely to be killed by the opponent, and the loss is relatively large. But this is not the time to consider these.

"They rushed over. What does this mean?" Lieutenant Commander Qi watched curiously as the battleship on the opposite side rushed over. The Lieutenant Commander did not know what this meant.

"Bang. Bang." Just then. The Goguryeo's rapid-fire cannon finally hit the opponent, and two shells knocked out one of the opponent's rapid-fire cannon. This makes Goguryeo people very happy. But the Lieutenant Commander looked strangely at the other party's abnormal behavior.

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