"What do those pirates want?" Lieutenant Commander Qi asked inexplicably. But all the people next to them couldn't answer this question, and even they couldn't answer this question themselves, because they focused on different places. What they saw was that their artillery did finally hit the other side.

"Bang. Bang." Two rounds in a row. The shell directly hit the opponent's battleship, and all of the rapid-fire guns were knocked out.

"Great. Our gunner did a great job. Tell them there are rewards." Li Fang said excitedly. But the Lieutenant Commander was very worried. He was worried that this was a conspiracy of the pirates. After all, he still didn’t know why the other party did it, because it was unreasonable at all, because the other party did have the ability to avoid all at once. There was no need to adopt this. The arc maneuver.

"Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang." The dull and powerful torpedo launch sound, and the torpedo transport was launched. All retreat, retreat quickly. An ensign of the Chu State Navy shouted loudly. Not far from them, a rapid-fire cannon had been knocked out. The gunner died tragically under the bombardment of the opponent's artillery. There was blood everywhere on the deck, and their bodies were intercepted. This was no less than five horses, or cuts in the middle, which made people look extremely terrifying.

"I think my torpedo will definitely be able to hit, because I directly set a depth of seven meters. This depth should be enough." A navy sergeant said excitedly.

"Damn it, that's a frigate. Their draft is not as deep at all. You set it too deep." The ensign shook his head and said. They set a depth of about three meters, because they fully considered what kind of warship they were facing, and it was a frigate. They themselves only had more than a thousand tons. Such a warship could not have too deep a draft. The sergeant stopped. He felt as if he had made a mistake.

"Okay. Come down quickly, otherwise, we'll have a cannonball. I don't want the cannonball to be broken into two pieces." As the ensign said, he pulled the sergeant down. Anyone can make mistakes. At this time, the torpedo still needs to be set in depth. There is no way. This is a very backward torpedo, but this is the first time torpedoes have been on the military stage. They will exert tremendous power. , They have such self-confidence, because it is a secret weapon.

"Okay. Okay. The torpedoes are all launched." Chu State Navy Lieutenant looked at the trajectory of the torpedo launching with excitement, which showed a fan-like attack. The opponent's battleship was just within the range of the torpedo attack.

"They're finished. They're finished." One eye exclaimed excitedly. He could see the opponent's battleship being blown up all at once. He could see all the Goguryeo people falling into the sea, which was the most exciting thing for them. This will be a brand new war for them.

"Look, what is that? What kind of fish is that?" The busy sailors on the battleship suddenly saw something in a straight line swimming towards them. They felt it was a kind of fish, but it was too weird. This may be a weapon fired by the other party.

"What is that, look at it." Many sailors looked at the things swimming in the water in surprise, feeling a little uneasy and curious, but this was too weird. This makes them very uncomfortable, and uncomfortable things will inevitably happen.

The speed of one torpedo was still full, and the torpedo directly passed the stern of the opponent's ship, which made everyone breathe a sigh of relief. They felt that they had finally avoided a danger because they felt uneasy, and the soldiers were born to danger. There is a sensitivity, and the sailors are no exception.

"Zuo Man Ruo. Hurry up." He saw the strange trajectory, and he knew that it was a dangerous signal. This signal was extremely dangerous, and he was going crazy. This must be dangerous.

The helmsman quickly reversed direction. But it was too late. A torpedo rushed directly towards them.

It is a pity that the depth of the torpedo is too deep. He flew directly through the opponent's battleship.

"It's a pity." One eye saw two torpedoes. One torpedo was too slow and rushed directly from the stern of the ship. One should cause a bigger explosion, but the torpedo rushed directly from below. It didn't cause a bigger explosion, which made him feel too pity.

"Boom." Just when everyone was nervous to lift their hands. When the battleship on the Changbai Mountain breathed a sigh of relief, a torpedo finally hit the opponent.

"Boom." There was a dull explosion, and then the battleship Changbaishan began to fly, like a biscuit, their battleship began to twist and become brittle.

"Boom." There was another sound. The two torpedoes hit each other directly, and the battleship Changbaishan was completely finished.

The huge explosion sound directly blasted the battleship into fragments, and the power of the explosion was quite large. The Koreans specially optimized the torpedo, they used high explosive charge. Try to increase the length a bit. Moreover, the Changbai Mountain was hit by two at once, and the positions where the torpedo hits were all critical.

"Hahaha. Hahaha." One eye laughed very happily. He finally avenged the pleasure of revenge. The pleasure after revenge made him feel more comfortable than ever. He felt that he had never been so happy before. Really, he felt that this world was too perfect for him.

"This will be a perfect and memorable day. I bet that I will never forget such a thing in my mind for the rest of my life." One eye said excitedly. This is indeed the case. Later, the old pirate got Alzheimer’s disease, but the only thing he didn’t forget was this. He described in detail the scene where mankind first used torpedoes to attack the opponent’s battleship. He used his relatively scarce language. Describe as much as possible. This makes him unforgettable for life. The people present could not remember such a thing. The price they paid was that four people were killed and two were injured. A cannon was destroyed. But their results are quite gratifying. A Goguryeo frigate was destroyed. Their loss is still acceptable. However, Goguryeo and Qi didn't know about this battle, because they didn't see what was going on with the other party in the end, and they still didn't know what was going on.

Qin State, Xianyang, Prime Minister's Mansion.

"The appetite of the Koreans is not small. They not only want to occupy the country, they also want to obtain the trading rights of the Indians. At the same time, they hope that Qin can follow certain rules to distribute in Maharashtra and South Korea. As well as the interests of other countries, in this way, we are equivalent to acknowledging the Korean invasion of these regions and their rights and interests in the region." Meng Yi said. The relevant departments and the Koreans discussed closely.

"But we can exchange for South Korea to actively send troops, and the Koreans will certainly not give up such an opportunity, because they will not do it. If they give up, I think it will be of no benefit to South Korea, and the Koreans are not. It may do this." Meng Yi continued to analyze.

“It’s nothing for us to lose some trade zones. There is basically no conflict in trade between us and the Koreans. And it’s not good for the Indians to control them. As long as the Koreans do not hinder the circulation of our goods, We can agree to the rest. These are not unreasonable to us." Shang Wen said.

"Well. In this case, our situation is resolved." Meng Yi nodded. This report is set aside. Indy, and its right to trade with Qin are indeed not very important. The reason is that Qin’s influence on Indi is far less important than the Yue people. The Yue people have their own hegemony rights in this area. What the Qin people least need is such an overlord area. They think that the Yue people are blocking them. In front of them, this is the worst result for Qin. Therefore, Qin needs to solve the Yueshi. In their view, the Yueshi has become an important obstacle, and for Indy, the Qin people have The influence of is not very large. The trade with Indy is done through the Yue people. The Indians may know that there are Yue people, but they may not know that there are people from Qin. They don’t know much about Qin, because the two sides There is no direct understanding, this is the current status quo. In order to maintain the current situation, the people of Qin can only agree to the demands of the Koreans.

Mon island. This has become a huge settlement for the victims. More and more Indians are fleeing here. They either swim in the dark or make their own rafts. In short, they must reach the Koreans because the Koreans can provide adequate protection. Clan will kill them. Killing them is like killing a lamb.

The people of the Yue family adopted an extremely vicious high-pressure policy, and under the greed and various desires of the soldiers, they were also actively doing this. The soldiers of the Yue family became more and more difficult to control, and they hunted in groups. , That is to rob, before, they may need some excuses, but with the withdrawal of Koreans and people from other countries. They have become more and more presumptuous, because Koreans, Zhao people, they do not interfere, which makes them more bold to do it. Even ordinary soldiers would break into Indian homes with guns during the day. They were bandits in the first place, but now they just carry forward their own glorious traditions.

They searched carefully and snatched all the valuables from the Indians. They didn't let go of a cow or a chicken. More than that, if someone dared to stop them, they would kill each other mercilessly. Tragedies happen every day, and the killing of the door has become extremely stale.

It is said that there is a family whose head wants to stop a Yue soldier from snatching the only chicken in their family. Before, there was nothing in their family because their family was very poor, but now. They were raided because everyone had looted everything that the rich could looted. They can only look at such a poor family. It was a pity that they were really reluctant to bear that chicken. As a result, a Yue soldier smashed the opponent's head with a rifle butt, and completely insulted their daughter. Not only that, they also mutilated each other's body in an extremely cruel way, getting blood everywhere, and the situation was extremely cruel, and such things happened every day.

"There are more and more Indians, we can't look at them like this, we have to give them some food, what are we doing?" a Korean businessman complained. He felt that their government didn't care much about it, because they didn't care about the life or death of these people. The government has not sent troops yet, which annoys the businessmen very much.

"Patience, patience, now South Korean troops are everywhere, and there are garrisons from various countries. They need to solve some local issues. They are unlikely to arrive here at once. We should understand these." The other party explained.

"Damn it. Damn it. Looking at people, they need to consume a lot of food every day, more and more people, and the spread of diseases. I am really worried about my family. I should let them leave here as soon as possible. These **** things The Indians, they really should let the Yueshi people kill them all." The merchant complained. More and more Indian refugees have brought them a lot of trouble. They will only hate these **** Indians now.

"Patience, be patient, maybe they won't have a big problem. Really." The businessman waved his arm to signal the other side to be safe. For such a thing, he can only explain it this way, what else can he do. There are people fleeing everywhere, do they need to hand the Indians to the Yueshi people?

"Sir. There is a warning letter from the people of the Yue family. They asked us to hand over the Indians, otherwise they will attack Meng Island." A clerk ran over to see the other party with a letter. Speaking of. He is only temporarily in charge of such affairs, in fact, he does not have so much authority.

"Damn it. They are going to go to war with us, what kind of reaction did the people of Yue have?" the other party asked curiously.

"Well, we saw in the telescope that the Yue people are building ships. They want to build a lot of ships. It seems that they want to solve this problem completely, but we have our own guards. If they launch an attack, they should have some trouble. . "The clerk said.

"Damn it. We are unlikely to completely block each other. You know, our people are all merchants’ guards. They will only protect their own safety. If we attack the Yue people, maybe the Yue people will Send more people to attack us." The man said anxiously.

"This is a war. Are we going to fight them for these **** Indians? This is troublesome enough for us. Now they are causing us too much trouble. I think we should pay attention to it. This is the right kind of question. They are for us." The clerk said.

"Report it to the top to decide on such a thing. This has exceeded our expectations. If we shoot at the Yueshi, the Yueshi will definitely launch an attack. One thousand people. We are responsible for the safety of all Koreans. In addition, if the Yue people are attacked, they will definitely report the copy to the local people. Does the life and death of the Indians have anything to do with us?" the person asked. This kind of problem makes them very entangled, because after all, they still need Indians. If the Yue people are allowed to do so, they have already seriously hurt the Indians’ feelings. In fact, some of the Koreans’ practices have already made the Indians feel bad. The locals are dissatisfied. It's just that they didn't point out such a situation. Now the situation is becoming more and more unfavorable for them. But they can only accept this situation like this.

"Sir, those people still don’t know anything. Many of them don’t know what we mean, and the weapons are not enough. There are more than 500 of them. I have to let them hold their own weapons. For the battle, we gave them some hats at most in terms of clothing. In terms of logistical supplies, they themselves were not fully prepared. It seems that we can only figure out a way to solve this problem by ourselves." Lieutenant Ma Qu reported to his officer.

"Damn it. Let them get on the ship like this. We'll talk about everything when we get to the place. Here, we can only keep one squad of troops at most, and everyone else must go." Captain Li Xi issued an order.

"This, sir, that's it, I am worried that the manpower is still insufficient." Lieutenant Ma Qu said worriedly. Their condition is not very good. Many of the locals recruited temporarily are not trained. They couldn't even understand their orders, and let such a person fight. They simply thought it was a rhythm for the other person to die.

"I know this, but I can't help it. This is war. This is an order. We have to abide by it. We have to solve many problems by ourselves. Than expect the **** War Department and the Navy Department." Li Xi said. His subordinates kept complaining to him about various problems. For example, some people said that their uniforms were not enough, but they had some hats. Therefore, each of them did not have a complete Zhao army uniform. They looked like A group of Huazi troops, some of them wore pants, but they actually rolled their trouser legs and bare feet. For them, they were not used to wearing boots because it would make their feet very uncomfortable. They are used to doing this. They just hung the boots they sent down around their necks, which may also be a symbol of military uniforms. They are really ridiculous costumes, but the difference between them is that each of them has a certain mountain military hat. Such a hat can also show that they are Zhao Jun, part of Zhao Jun, and don't mention the weapons. On average, three of them have a gun. They can’t make five bullets per person. Even the old-fashioned flintlock guns are given to them. They have different calibers and ammunition supplies. They are simply an army of beggars. Such an army is still deaf. , Because many people do not understand Zhao Guoren's orders. They just talked their own words noisily, letting such an army go out. Li Xi didn't know if it was correct. Or not correct, but what else they can choose. There is no more to choose. They can only do this.

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