The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3388: Landing operation

Qi State, Ministry of the Navy.

"Goguryeo sent a telegram in the afternoon asking if our Changbaishan ship was parked here for supply activities." A navy commander reported to his officer.

"Just kidding. They never came." A colonel shook his head and replied. Indeed, every time a warship berths, there is a record. The opponent is a frigate, his endurance is not too great, and every time a large amount of coal needs to be replenished, and these coals are usually completed in Goguryeo. It is rarely done here. After all, the cost here seems to be more expensive.

"This. This is weird. Sir, the Koguryo Admiralty has been unable to find the Changbaishan warship. According to regulations, they should be back that night. But up to now, the Changbaishan has not been found, and the Goguryeo side has launched search and rescue operations." The major said anxiously.

"You mean, the Changbai Mountain of the Goguryeo Navy is missing?" the navy colonel asked curiously.

"Yes, there is no way for this. If there is really no way, they will do it." said the major.

"It seems that things are really strange. We should investigate this matter quickly, otherwise, the situation will be very unfavorable to us." The navy colonel felt that the loss of a warship must be very similar to the pirates on Jeju Island. A big relationship, because they are too wanton. And they have never been part of Qi. Now the situation has become a bit complicated Ali.

South Korean Navy Department. A report has long been on the Secretary of the Navy's desk. The Secretary of the Navy did not give specific instructions.

"Sir." The undersecretary of the Navy asked, looking at his minister.

"Yeah. Is this true?" The Secretary of the Navy still didn't believe it, when Chu State secretly told South Korea about the effect of the torpedo. The other side immediately took some measures. They decided to buy more torpedoes and equip more destroyers with torpedoes. They regarded torpedoes as a weapon against large warships. The launch of one destroyer may not have a great impact, but if multiple ships are launched, a cluster will be formed. In that case, the large warships simply cannot withstand such an attack. He could figure out what would happen to those large warships encountering torpedoes.

"It's true, sir, it's true. They also had some losses, but the losses were not very big. We sank a warship and used our torpedoes." The navy deputy said affirmatively.

"That would be great," said the Secretary of the Navy.

"However, sir, I think we should produce more torpedoes, and our warships should also be equipped with such weapons. Otherwise, our naval superiority will not exist. You must know that our current warship artillery technology still lags behind. Zhao Guojun, they still have a great influence on us. In addition, the torpedoes used this time also have some problems. For example, the range is too close. If our torpedoes can increase the range, then the situation will become very different. Same." The other party said so.

"Well. I think. Yes, it can be done. Maybe we should really consider such a plan. Let them develop a torpedo with a greater range, and the bonus will be doubled for them. This is too important for us." Speaking of.

"Yes, sir." The deputy navy nodded. The status of the torpedo was finally confirmed. The significance of the Navy this time is that the torpedo can play a greater role, and his role will be very large.

Zhao Guo, Intelligence Division of the General Staff.

"Torpedo? What is this?" a naval officer asked interested in the emergence of new technical weapons. They are all staff officers and have to understand all kinds of weapons. Some new weapons will bring great changes to the battlefield. Obviously they have realized this.

"It's not clear. The Koreans keep this secret very much. Only a few people know that it took a long time for our intelligence personnel to get some outside news. The inside news is difficult." An intelligence officer Report to.

"Well, we want to know some more. Perhaps this weapon is not mature yet. If it is mature, such a situation may not appear. Anyway, we need to know some things, and we can't be so stupid to wait. Now," the officer said. For torpedoes, they just stay in a concept of this new weapon, but as for the role played in actual combat, Zhao has not attracted much attention. This is not because they do not pay attention to it, but because they do not know it. What is the superiority of this weapon.

Zhao State Navy Department.

"Qi hopes that we can provide them with a batch of mines, so that they can block off the pirates on Jeju Island well." A navy colonel reported to his navy deputy. The undersecretary of the Navy is responsible for weapons production.

"Well, we have made a lot of mines. These things are useless. The navy does not have many major wars. Our main goal is the expansion of overseas colonies." The navy deputy said while looking at the report.

"Yes, sir." The navy officer nodded and said. For this kind of expansion, the navy is supportive, because the navy's warships and merchant ships will play a big role. At the same time, they can also do more things. The most important thing is that the navy can develop and grow. But all of this is needed. A large amount of funds, without a large amount of financial support, can not do this at all.

"But the problem is that these all require money. You understand that military spending will not increase by a penny. Those congressmen would rather spend a lot of money to build roads and erect more cables instead of giving us a penny. They are all old rich men, old rich men who don't talk for a penny. Miers." The undersecretary of the Navy cursed. He has publicly expressed this view more than once. But his officers were helpless about this. To tell the truth, the soldiers were very disgusted with the deputies. In their opinion, it was normal for them to spend money to do things, but those deputies were deducted and unwilling to give a penny. They, taking away their penny is like killing them. Such a situation will make them very crazy.

"But now the Navy Department does not have so much money. We have the technology. The people of Qin are doing the same. They exported some of the technology to the Koreans. Of course, we also have such technology. If we have such technology, it is right. For us, it’s not a great thing. It’s really a good thing for us, but now we need them to bring us profits and money. Only in this way can we maintain this navy. It’s not easy to be a home for the Ministry of the People’s Republic of China.” Said the Navy Deputy Chief.

"Tell the people of Qi that we are willing to provide technology, as long as they are willing to produce, we can, and we are also willing to provide them with some technology, for example, to help them upgrade and transform warships. This will be a very good idea." Speaking of this long.

"Yes, sir." The navy officer nodded and understood, and then he left. There is no way for the Zhao State Navy to survive. If they don't want to find some buyers and export some weapons, they will not survive at all. This is not good for them.

Mon island. The situation has become a little bit bad. The Yue people really recruited a lot of small boats. Just last night, if not for the Merchant Armed Forces, they were all retired Marine Corps veterans, and they were very vigilant. They built some fortifications on the shore where they can log in. If they did, the Yue people would occupy the shore today. For them, this is simply a huge disaster.

"Wow." The waves hit, and the bodies of some Yue soldiers floated with the waves. They found these by themselves, and they couldn't blame others for this.

"Damn Yueren, they are about to declare war on us. Did you see the opposite? They are gathering, and they will attack today. Damn. Damn Yueren." A businessman looked at the dead body on the shore. , They were all Yueshi people who were killed last night. The number is not very large, only more than 50 people, but they showed a very bad signal. That is, the Yueshi people began to attack the Koreans, it seems that some of them are no longer afraid of the Korean military.

"We must guard this island, otherwise, we will be like the Indians. We will be killed arbitrarily. This is a disaster for us." said a captain of a merchant armed group. . He believes that the battle must go on and that there must be no surrender. Although there are many people in Yueshi, he believes that the problem is not too big. He could see that the Yue people were not professional soldiers, at best they were semi-professional soldiers. Perhaps in the field of land warfare, they performed well, but in this regard, they have no experience in landing operations, and it is difficult for them to exert such great results.

"This is what we are going to do now. All we have to do is kill them and let this situation continue. This is for us. This is not a huge accident." The other party said.

"Well, maybe we should do this." said the businessman. They are unwilling to go to war, because when war starts, a lot of materials will be consumed.

"Bang. Bang. Bang." At this moment, the dull sound of cannons came, and the merchant quickly squatted on the ground, while the captain just squatted on the ground because the direction of the cannonballs was wrong.

"The people of the Yue family are about to attack." The merchant ran away as soon as the sound of the cannon stopped. They have had enough. They can't stand such a blow, it's for them. It was a huge disaster. The situation soon changed.

The captain quickly picked up the binoculars to check the direction of the gunfire, and soon he found the target. Five armed merchant ships flying the flag of the State of Zhao were moored not far away. The artillery they installed at the bow of the ship continuously fired at the Yueshi people. Some small boats have been put down, and the soldiers on the small boats looked a little messy. Do they want to Log in. The captain looked at each other and seemed to be the case. But they were saved. The offensive launched by the people of Zhao saved them. This is very good news for them, because they can really survive.

"Damn, what do you think they are in chaos?" The captain of the armed merchant ship shook his head and said. They were army soldiers, and after only a few days on the boat, some people fell. Seasickness, coupled with the airtight seal, some of the locals recruited were armed and died. The corpse was thrown directly into the sea. They couldn't let the dead stay on it, which would be very detrimental to them.

The first officer shook his head. Obviously he was not optimistic about the local soldiers. They just wore some hats to indicate that they were Zhao Jun, and Zhao Jun soldiers waited patiently on the boat below. These people climbed down awkwardly. They had never been in a boat before, and the swaying feeling was really uncomfortable.

"Puff." A local soldier fell into the water all of a sudden, then thumped at will, and yelled from time to time. Obviously the other party can't swim, nor can he swim. No one wants to save the other party, so a life gradually sinks. Because everyone is very busy.

"This is war, **** war." Lieutenant Ma Qu said to a ship of soldiers who were about to land. There are also a few guys who are trembling and wearing military caps. In fact, they are the local army, but Zhao Jun soldiers call them people wearing caps. Means that they are different from others.

"Boat, hurry up, land, we will be fine when we get on the shore." Lieutenant Ma Qu said loudly.

"Everyone should bring their own equipment. As soon as we go ashore, we will rush over, establish a preliminary defensive position, see the situation clearly, and then we will rush ashore. After going up, we must find the right person, follow most of them, and do not leave behind. Fighting alone is very dangerous. We don't know the situation on the shore at all, but don't be nervous." Lieutenant Ma Qu said. The people behind were shaking constantly. Some people cough unnaturally, and some people don't know how to answer this question. Anyway, they know that if this goes on, they will be nervous to death. But that's the way things are, and it's useless for them to oppose it. This is war, and that's how **** war is.

"Remember to follow the army. Then there is no problem. Everyone is ready. Go forward." Lieutenant Ma Qu shouted loudly. They finally ended their life in a boat. For this kind of life, he himself was extremely disgusted. It can be said that he himself was very disgusting, and he was disgusting to death. Because many people are unwilling to bear that kind of dizzy state, this will make the soldier's state very bad. But this is a war, and they must endure that state to carry on.

The boat docked soon. As soon as they landed, the soldiers jumped off the boat. They were not the first boat to land. Some people had already landed ashore.

"Bang. Bang." There were some sporadic gunshots. The gunshots were unsatisfactory and scattered. It seems that the Yue people didn't have a lot of troops here, or they didn't expect anyone to land here at the beginning. .

"Yue's people. Quickly. Run ashore." Lieutenant Ma Qu shouted loudly.

"Woo." Bullets flew towards him from time to time, because he was an officer, and the people of the Yue family knew the role of an officer very well.

"Ah." A man in a hat was hit and he screamed, but no one would care about them. Because people know it. If you stop to save him, you will also be hit.

"Damn, the marksmanship of those Yue people is pretty good." The lieutenant scolded. He can't take care of these now. The opponent's firepower is not enough, taking advantage of this, they should concentrate their forces, knock them out, and then establish their own stable line of defense.

"Hurry up, rush over, hurry up. Rush over." The other party shouted loudly. Then rushed over quickly. Everything must be fast now, otherwise, their situation will be very bad.

"Bang. Bang." The Yue family shot as much as possible, and Zhao Jun quickly counterattacked. Unfortunately, those wearing hats could only rush past. Their rifles were too close, and some people were holding them. Old-fashioned rifles, whether they can fire or not is still a question. They can only fight with the bayonet on the rifle.

"Bang." A soldier of Zhao Jun who was shooting in a squatting position shot and killed a Yueshi, and the other party lay on the ground all of a sudden.

"Kill." The man in the hat rushed to the front line aggressively. The lieutenant saw with his own eyes that a man in the hat threw an axe over, and the axe hit the opponent's neck. The soldier of the Yue family was pulling the bolt. He might shoot at him in a second. But now, blood was sprayed from the opponent's neck, and the soldier in the hat unceremoniously chopped off the opponent's head, and then pinned his head to his waist. This is their only way of calculating battle exploits, barbaric, but also very useful. Zhao Jun restored the old way of calculating battle exploits, the first-level system. Although it sounds very barbaric, it is very effective. At least many people are willing to participate. The **** situation will stimulate them to do more violent things.

The fighting did not last long. In the area, the Yues had only one platoon. They were killed more than 20 people, and some of the others fled in a hurry.

"Strengthen defense and defend here." The lieutenant immediately summoned his men to arrange some defenses. They must establish a better beachfront defense position. Fortunately, some good buildings on the shore provide them with some fortifications. But some soldiers did not follow the rules. They began to collect their own trophies. They took away all the valuables, not even the golden ring on the private finger. The lieutenant saw a clumsy guy who could not get it for a long time. A ring, and his solution is simple and rude. Cut off the opponent's finger directly with an axe, simply and violently. Bloody, but extremely effective. Their ethics of collecting trophies is no different from that of the Yueshi people, they just change a group of people.

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