South Korea, Xinzheng and Han Shu looked at the report in hand with dissatisfaction.

"Zhao Guoren moves faster than ours?" Han Shu said very upset. The Korean businessmen on Meng Island quickly reported the situation they encountered there to South Korea. In this regard, the South Korean side was very annoyed because Zhao Guo's people moved too fast. They occupied it almost instantly, and Yueshi didn't seem to figure out what was going on, but it had already happened. They would not be able to interfere.

"My lord, at present, we must also organize naval personnel to participate. In this regard, this will have very bad results for us, but we must complete the military deployment to the Yueshi as soon as possible. The Qin people have already started in the north. "Zhang Liang persuaded.

"But our troops have not been assembled yet, so we can only draw troops from Mengla's side. Seth's side, and other aspects, I'm afraid it's not very good." Han Shu said embarrassedly. One of their naval fleets can only provide limited fire support at sea, and they really can't do other things.

"Let's leave this matter to the Bangladeshi government. Maybe they are doing quite well. The situation of the Yue people is not very good now. Their situation is still very favorable for us." Han Shu said helplessly. . In South Korea, the local army is extremely scattered, and they need to be repaired and adjusted. In fact, there are not many troops that can be put into combat. This is not a very good suggestion for South Korea, but the Zhao people actively send troops. This makes South Korea have to reconsider their combat operations, and they must speed up the pace. Only in this way can this problem be completely solved.

On the sea near Jeju Island, three Goguryeo frigates are searching here. They need to find the missing Changbaishan frigate. They don't know what happened. Was it sunk, or there was an accident. This made the Goguryeo Navy very anxious.

"If we can't find them, our situation will be even worse." On the Koguryo warship, the second officer worriedly said to a lieutenant of the Qi State Navy. They have nothing to talk about, and they can say some witty things, because life on ships is so boring. This made him feel very depressed.

"Well, it's just a loss of a battleship, but I think the navy on Jeju Island may not be able to do this, because their condition is not very good. Even if they have battleships that can pose a threat to us, but think about it Look, the situation is still very favorable for us. They are equipped with small-caliber artillery. Large-caliber artillery is old-fashioned artillery. The firing method is extremely old, and our warships are faster. They should not be able to fight." Lieutenant Navy Speaking of this. The way of fighting for warships. They are still staying at the level of the naval ship’s artillery.

"You said, is there such a possibility, if they use mines, I know you have such weapons, we don't have them yet, but what if they get such equipment? They can ambush us in advance. In this case, They will be able to destroy our battleship. I submit such a report. My chief said that it is possible, but we must find the wreckage of the Goguryeo battleship. Otherwise, our situation will become extremely different. It's wonderful, because we don't know how the opponent will launch an offense." The second officer said worriedly.

"This, it is possible, but the mine is too heavy and heavy, which requires the establishment of a considerable minefield. For example, the entire sea area must be achieved. If this is not possible, the situation will be very serious for us. The disadvantage. But do pirates have this ability? Or are they able to do it?" The lieutenant asked such a question.

"I don't know, but, I think, I think we should pay attention to this. After all, this is not a good thing for us." The other party said.

"Look, we found some pieces of wood." A sailor shouted loudly. The search and rescue finally found some results. They found some levels of wreckage, such as flags or parts. Of course, they were wooden, but they could only be judged to be some warships. However, as the search and rescue began, they became more and more serious. It became more and more certain that the battleship Changbaishan sank. This is an indisputable fact, and it has already happened.

"The situation is already obvious. We can't have much hope. But the question is how the Changbaishan was sunk. This is very important to us." said Qi State Naval Adviser. They had a foreboding that the naval battle might be a little different.

In the research institute of the Ministry of the Navy, Xinzheng, South Korea.

"I think that a heat engine should be used to provide power. In this case, the speed and range will increase, and the torpedo can be made very large. In this case, the power will become very large." A technician from Qin Guo said Made his own plan.

"Heat engines need oxygen," said a Korean technician. In their view, this is simply impossible. The reason is simple. For underwater launches and heat engines, oxygen is needed. In South Korea’s view, this is impossible. How to use oxygen without oxygen? South Korea thinks they should improve compression. Gas engine. In this case, they would not face such problems. But the problem is that no matter how they improve, the compressed gas engine has reached its limit. They try to increase the range by increasing the pressure, but the effect is extremely limited. This is not the worst. The worst is that their steel and various Various metals can no longer withstand such a large pressure, their gas valves have reached a limit, and compressed gas engines can no longer meet the future needs of torpedoes.

"We have an oxidizer, or we can fill in oxygen in advance, so that we can start the engine underwater, and his range and power problems will not be too big, and the speed will be very fast. In this way, the opponent There is no situation that can pose a threat to us." The other party said so.

"Well, okay, this might be a good idea." As for the ideas of the technicians from Qin State, they really couldn't come up with a good plan. For torpedoes, Qin also has researched, but they are more about improving some sub-systems. Because it is more convenient to operate, this is a very advantageous operation scheme. This is very beneficial to them.

"Okay. We will carry out the experiment according to our plan. In this case, it is also a good choice for us." A supervisor said. The people of Qin are capable of doing this, and the technical experts in South Korea are limited to their technical capabilities, they can only improve the compressed gas engine repeatedly, but this kind of engine is out of date. No matter how they conduct research, they have fallen behind.

The naval warship technicians of Qi, Laizhou, Zhao and Qi are competing for new design concepts. In other words, they are discussing a brand new warship.

"Heavy warships are to strengthen firepower and defense, but their mobility can be serious and good, but their missions are different. Those lightweight warships can't form an effective threat at all. We should understand this." The famous Zhao State ship designer said so.

Zhao’s naval shooting concept is to pursue mobility not too much. They believe that warships should highlight their firepower and defensive attributes. Offensive requires firepower. Therefore, their artillery caliber is very large, reaching more than two hundred millimeters. They invented the twin-mounted 207mm artillery. If this artillery is installed on a ship, the threat will be very great.

At the same time, they emphasize another attribute of warships, defense power, because only heavy armor, other warships can do nothing against you, think about it. Your cannonballs can pose a great threat to the other party. They can’t withstand the blow of your cannonball. At the same time, their cannonballs have no effect on you because you have heavy armor and can fire without scruples. The advantages are extremely obvious. According to Zhao Guoren's inference, they believe that one of the battleships is an increase in firepower and the other is an increase in protection. As long as you pay attention to these two points, you can do such a thing.

As for the others, they don't care at all, because they have nothing to do with them, and they don't have much direct contact with them.

"No, no, maneuverability is also very important. If your opponent keeps running away or maneuvering back and forth, I think your artillery aiming is very problematic." The warship expert from Qi State shook his head and said. The current mainstream warships adore large-caliber artillery, but in reality, the application and combat capability of large-caliber artillery is far inferior to that of artillery below 75mm. The reason is that artillery over 100 mm needs to be adjusted, and it is a bit troublesome to aim, because it requires mechanical rotation of the turret and mechanical loading of shells. That is to say, as the caliber increases, the firing speed of the artillery is continuously reduced. This is a Inversely, in this way, there is not much room for artillery of these calibers, because they have no time to aim. At the same time, a large firepower net needs to be formed, and their reaction speed is too slow. In addition, reconnaissance means cannot be advanced further. Seaplanes are not widely used, which directly leads to the low combat efficiency of large-caliber artillery.

"This is not a problem." Zhao Guo's navy officer said.

"We have solved this problem. The use of motors can be driven by motors. The rotation speed of the artillery is accelerated. At the same time, the aiming system has been further upgraded. We put a separate aiming room at a high place. In this case, our problem is Many have been solved, and we can use high-power telescopes. This problem is not a big problem for us anymore." Zhao Guohai said proudly. Regarding the slow response of large-caliber artillery, Zhao Guo's navy discovered it when they fought the South Korean navy last time. They improved their artillery driving method. They used generators for the first time. Before they tried to use some steam engines to drive them, the effect was good, but they also used motors more maturely, because Zhao Guo could produce generators, motors, and so on. For them, this is not a problem. Moreover, warships also need electricity. In this case, using motors to solve problems has become a trend. Technological progress is just like this. While Qi is still troubled by such problems, Zhao people have already solved such problems.

"This." Qi State navy personnel are not good to say anything. After all, they have solved this problem. However, the thinking of the Qi State Navy has not changed. They still emphasize the maneuverability of the navy and rank maneuverability in second place, while Zhao Guo just ranks maneuverability in third or fourth place, but Firepower output is their first place, because they have such an advantage, which is officially what Zhao Navy is best at. They have this ability and naturally have this kind of combat method. This is definitely not something they can do.

"This is the situation of the war, and this is what we can do." Zhao Guo's navy officer said.

"But we still can't insist that you do this. In this case, it's too risky. Because it's too passive." A Qi State navy designer disagreed. They think they disagree with Zhao Guoren's combat thinking, because you can't catch up with the enemy, you can only be anxious, and extremely passive, you can only passively wait for the warship to approach you and fight. In this case, the initiative will be lost.

"In this case, our two countries design a new warship, a fast and powerful warship. As for protection, we will make some sacrifices and carry out limited protection in key locations. How about?" At this time, Qi State The navy secretary reconciled.

"This will be a new kind of warship, and the demand for this kind of warship is still very large. After all, when we defeat the other side, we still need some tasks that require new warships to attack and pursue quickly. At the same time, when we are retreating, We also need such warships to give play to their firepower advantage. At the same time, we also need a surprise soldier to appear behind them. His speed should be very fast, preferably up to 30 knots." Said the Navy Deputy Commander. . The people of the Zhao Kingdom’s navy lighted up. They thought that such a warship was also good, with fast speed and fierce firepower. Although the protection power was weaker, his speed was faster and they would not participate in the battleship's confrontation.

"Thirty knots." Some Qi navy designers took a breath, because they knew how the speed of 30 knots came from, and the speed of 30 knots of warships almost didn't have much armor protection. This is similar to Qin's light soldiers. This is a desperate style of play. This is the practice of sacrificing warship personnel, which is crazy.

"Well, it sounds good. On the battlefield, we do need some surprise missions to play our due role. For us, it is very, very important. What we need is such a mission." A Zhao Guo The navy personnel nodded in agreement. Indeed, there are indeed some assault missions on the battlefield. Heavy warships are not suitable because their speed limits their tactics, but this new type of warship can perform such tasks because they are fast and circuitous. It gets up very fast, intercepts, and outflanks. Assault the opponent. Disrupting the opponent's formation will be very powerful and useful.

"Very good, I just don't know. What is the name of the new battleship?" a member of the Zhao State Navy asked curiously. A new battleship appeared. This is a brand-new concept warship. In this case, it is necessary to build such a warship without them, but what is the name. Or what is this type.

"Well, I think it should be called the Corvette." A man made his own suggestion.

"No, no, I don’t understand very well. It can’t highlight the assault function of the warship. We should call it an assault ship. Maybe he can play the assault function of the ship. For us, this is a very wide range of warships. Name." One person proposed.

"It's better to call it a cruiser. It sounds like he is a patrolling warship, but it cruises. He can patrol because he is fast. We should hide our military power." Said the Deputy Chief of the Qi State Navy.

Hearing this, no one objected. After all, this is a brand-new warship. Its firepower is fierce and fast, and it can pose a great threat to the opponent. The emergence of such a threatening warship is indeed great for them. What we need is this kind of warship, so that this kind of warship can play its due role. They think that such a name is very good. This is a very good suggestion.

"We agree." one person said.

"I also agree that the cruiser, a very good name, is of great significance to us. He will play a major role." One person nodded excitedly and said. In this way, a new type of warship appeared. His name is a cruiser. He has a lot of firepower output and maneuverability, but his defense is extremely weak. This design idea is a combination of the advantages of Qi and Zhao’s ways of thinking. I have to say, Such a warship is very threatening. The key is that its tonnage will be further increased to 7,000 tons, or a larger tonnage. Such a large tonnage warship will cause greater problems to the navies of various countries.

"Can you be sure?" Minister Qin State was shocked when he heard the news that the torpedo sank the Koguryo battleship, because this is a new weapon on the stage of history.

"It's very certain, so we launched related research." A navy officer said.

"You are doing very well, and we also need to equip and study such warships. Do you understand?" the Secretary of the Navy instructed. So far, Zhao and Qi still do not know what weapon the Koguryo battleship was sunk by. They have always believed that it was a masterpiece of sea mines.

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