The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3390: We still have mines

"War is cruel. We originally thought that the Yue people would be easy to deal with, but they are as difficult to deal with as we are. The people we recruited wearing hats suffered heavy losses." Second-class soldier Zhao Hua took out his own pen to write and paint during the battle. , Everyone is used to it. He is a highly educated person in the army. After graduating from high school, they should have entered an apprenticeship, or went to a higher education institution to continue their studies. Unfortunately, there is no money in the family and there are many brothers. This is an unaffordable expense for ordinary people. Although you can get a scholarship in lieu of tuition, it is still very expensive.

There is a difference between normal universities and those colleges. Although college students can also enter the university for further studies, technology, they are studying technology from the beginning. This limits their development conditions, but universities are different. Although they need to learn some techniques later, they have theoretical knowledge. Colleges usually don’t teach these things. These things are unacceptable to them. Therefore, the future of the university is brighter, because many people in Guangming are willing to participate. However, the number of places is limited and the cost is relatively large. There is no way, Zhao Hua can only come to the army. Because after a certain number of years of service in the army, he can have a recommended list. He can get such a list. When he becomes an officer, he can also earn a fee. If he goes out to fight, he may be able to save a few years of tuition in a few months. To make money, they should admit it. As long as they have sufficient loot, they will lack nothing.

"Today we killed fifty-two people, including two soldiers from Zhao Jun. The morale of everyone is not good, but it is not too bad. Everything here is normal. The people of Yueshi are the same as us. They also have Our own tactics, and their tactics are not weaker than ours. We don’t have machine guns, they do. Our machine guns are still on board, and there are not many. There are only two machine guns in a company. Now we don’t have any. It is said that armed merchant ships cannot Know where to put these things. Terrible logistics, after all, those things are naval affairs." Zhao Hua wrote in his notes. He writes every day, as long as he has the opportunity, he writes and keeps writing. This has become his only pleasure because of his high academic qualifications. Instead, I isolated myself. Fortunately, many Zhao Jun will not embarrass him, but they think that people like him shouldn't come here. Because this is the place to fight.

"But our artillery. It’s the kind of 20mm light artillery. This is a cannon that can be carried by three people. This artillery can be aimed directly at those machine guns. But the Yue people are very cunning, they always put their own The machine guns are hidden, and their position is extremely concealed. Under normal circumstances, they will not fire easily, but when we launch an attack, they will fire from a place that we can't think of, the flanks, maybe this is their tactics, this Point, for us, it is worth learning." Zhao Hua wrote. And he also recorded one of their tactics. In that battle, Zhao Hua was almost killed. They were responsible for seizing a bank, which was a commanding height nearby, and they fought on Binhai Street in Central Plains. Controlling this is equivalent to controlling an important dock. The people of Zhao Guo need this, and the Koreans also know its role. But they couldn't do anything. The Yueshi immediately dispatched troops to garrison here, but they were all light infantry. They had machine guns, but the number was not clear. There could not be too many artillery, because a large number of artillery were placed on the nearby high ground. Perhaps the people of the Yue family know that it is difficult to control the coast because they lack a navy, but this does not prevent them from holding this place on land. Their tactics are very simple, they let you in, and then consume you a little bit, but now , The situation of Yueshi people is a bit bad.

"We seized the bank. At the beginning, they also suppressed with a machine gun, but the machine gun was on the front. Their fire suppression was not a big threat to us because we had artillery. Twenty-millimeter artillery was too easy for them. The Clan knew this too. We killed their machine gun before it fired a hundred rounds. After dropping several shooting points in a row, we could charge. Those wearing hats were in front, and I was behind them. Usually my position is safe. Just when everyone thought they could enter the opponent’s position, suddenly a large number of machine gun bullets were fired from an extremely inconspicuous garbage spot on the flanks. Our flanks were attacked. It's like a stab in our waist and eye. I was almost hit by a bullet because someone pushed me. I don't know who, but I am very grateful that a person next to me was hit. The bullet hit him in the chest, and it didn’t work on the spot. It hit the lung lobe, which was very troublesome. It was difficult to breathe. It had to be operated on immediately, but it didn’t work at all. In that case, the machine gun went crazy toward our side Shooting, our flanks have nothing, we can't do anything at all. Really, we can't do anything. The result can be imagined. We suffered heavy losses. All the hated people who charged in the front were slaughtered and cleaned in the blink of an eye. Kung Fu, they don't even know what happened. This is a terrible tactic." Zhao Hua wrote in his notes.

According to Zhao Jun’s Infantry Code of Practice, before the attack, a 20 to 37 mm artillery will provide them with fire support. They mainly attack those fire points that have been detected, such as machine gun points, etc. The artillery is much more flexible than those machine guns, and the range is large enough, they can be effective from 500 to 700 meters, of course. The prerequisite is that you must find the target. This small-caliber artillery is also more convenient to carry. In this regard, Zhao Jun also specially made this artillery as small as possible and disassembled it. This is the only firepower that Zhao Jun can use. This kind of firepower is against infantry. In all, it is quite sufficient.

The Yue's infantry tactics came from the Qin army. The Qin army has always paid attention to the advantage of the flank fire. They believe that the flank is usually a place that people will not pay attention to, and it is also a place with great killing effects. If you don’t notice this, the situation will be very troublesome. The Qin people took advantage of this, they usually arranged firepower on the flanks to shoot, and usually this was easy to be ignored directly. The people of the Yue family learned this. They slyly placed the machine gun fire on the flanks, and the front was just a signal to them. The real lethal threat is still the flanks, and this is the most terrifying point.

For wing tactics. Zhao Jun’s infantry tactics are still relatively backward. They usually send out to attack on a front line, and pay insufficient attention to the flanks, which directly caused them to suffer such a big loss. If they adopt roundabout tactics, they may avoid such a situation. , But now they have to learn to deal with such tactics.

Their chief was also recording this. They began to learn the classics of this tactic. The difference was that the Yue people were used for defense, while the Zhao people were used for offense. This has a lot to do with Zhao's tactical progress. The people of Qin State taught them this.

"In defensive operations, the Yue people suffer from a disadvantage, and their tactics are not very good, mainly because they lack firepower, especially artillery. The range of machine guns is very limited, although they will pour a lot of bullets at us every time. But this seed bomb is not a big threat to us. In addition to our commonly equipped hand grenades, their offensive tactics are relatively easy to disintegrate in front of us." Zhao Hua wrote. The Moon’s tactics are a bit dull, or in other words, they are good at defense. They can usually give out the advantage of flanking fire. They are more willing to use machine guns, but they don’t use artillery. Infantry tactics can't detour from the flanks, these are all Zhao Jun needs to pay attention to. Both sides are learning and progressing. The war is like this. The cruel war is still going on. Zhao Jun continues to increase his forces in this direction. The Yueshi people suddenly felt that their situation might not be too good. Because their condition is not very good.

Inside Wang Ben's headquarters, Wang Ben looked at the frontline combat report. Their commando team played an important role. They quickly surveyed some nearby situations, and then described the coordinate points and reference objects. The Qin army immediately dispatched airship troops to bomb some important local areas, railways, and towns. . Military warehouses, barracks, and in addition, they will also drop some incendiary bombs. The burning areas are mainly those areas where a large number of ya chips are grown. The fire will dispose of these ya chips. This makes them relaxed.

"Sir. For us, such a thing is acceptable, but I think we should find a way to withdraw, because the Yue people are not stupid. Perhaps the Yue people have already sent some troops to the north. They will definitely think that we Has been put into combat." A staff officer said worriedly.

The assault team did not actively engage in attacks at the beginning, they were only reconnaissance, providing coordinate positions, reference objects, and valuable targets. In this case, it is much better than the Qin Army relying solely on aerial reconnaissance targets for bombing, after all, they can see something they can't see on the ground.

"Well, I think you are overworried. At present, the Yue people will not find us. We can provide them with more supplies. Their role will be very large. The border is in very good condition, we just started, no It is necessary to worry too much." Wang Ben said disapprovingly.

"Sir, in spite of this, I still think we should pay attention and be cautious, otherwise, they will have a very bad effect on us. This is for us. This is not the most threatening place. "Wang Ben's staff said.

"Well, okay. I know. Let's not worry too much. These are not problems for us." Wang Ben said to his staff. Wang Ben still believes that the role of the assault team has not been fully realized, and the withdrawal at this time will only make the task more troublesome. Besides, he also got a news that Zhao Jun had sent troops. This means that the conditions of the Yueshi people are not very good.

Qin State, Xianyang. Prime Minister's House.

"The Koreans initially reached an agreement with us, but we still need to contact the Indians. After all, we need to talk to them." Meng Yi said. The main problem at present is to solve the problems of the Yueshi people, because Yueshi has caused too much trouble for Indi, Korea, and Qin. The little overlord of this disobedient area. A great threat to Qin State.

"Well, it's just that the conditions should not be too harsh. As for the conditions we promised to South Korea, I don't know. Will it be handed over to the Indian side to know. I think. They should have the right to know these." Meng Yi asked Shangwen.

"It's better not, maybe this should be our obligation, but I don't think it is necessary. You must know that if they know about this situation, they will try their best. In that case, we only rely on us. The pressure is too high, even though the Zhao people have sent troops recently. Their strength is not a threatening one. We still need the Koreans. The Koreans can give the Yueshi people a greater threat from Karachi." Shang Wen said.

"Yeah. I want to understand." Meng Yi nodded and said. On the issue of the rights and interests of the Indians, Shangwen believes that the Indians are a weak country. Although they will not agree that their territories are under huge threats and will be divided at the same time, their military strength and capabilities are really depressing. People worry that under such circumstances, they are powerless to deal with the crisis in Maharashtra, that is to say, in fact, the Indians have lost control of the area. And redistribution has become a trend. The weak Indians can only watch their own interests receive serious losses, and they have no way of doing this. This is a weak country, and a weak country has no diplomacy. This is an indisputable fact.

But Qin was still unable to reach Indi, and there was still a month between them, but with the expansion of Qin's power, they could reach and threaten Indi, and the people of Qin did not want to see a capable Indian. Therefore, Qin needs to weaken Indy, and they need Koreans to solve this problem. At the same time, they also hope to further expand the Indian market. In this case, Qin must sacrifice the interests of the Indians. For them, the interests of the Indians are not important, this is just a small role that does not matter. This is the case, the Koreans got what they wanted most, and the Qin people just balanced their relationship.

In the waters near Jeju Island, the naval vessels of Qi State and Goguryeo are constantly searching and rescuing the munitions. They have already known that the Changbai Mountain has sunk because they have continuously salvaged some things and some things that make them feel bad. A table, the table is pretty exquisite, only the captain can have such a thing, which shows that the Changbai Mountain has really sunk.

On the battleship "Koguryo", Lieutenant Qi State Navy has issued relevant reports. They believe that Jeju Island should be attacked, at least it should be blocked. However, such a blockade is also detrimental to them. The officers of the Qi State Navy have already considered whether to use weapons such as mines for blockade. After all, the disappearance of a battleship inexplicably made them very worried. At the same time, they suspected that the Qi pirates on Jeju Island had learned to use mines.

"We have to deal with it carefully. It is a mine, which hits underwater. It is very bad for us." Qi State naval officers are very afraid of mines, because they know how powerful this thing is. Who knows these pirates Where did you import so many mines?

"Well, I understand. I will make such a suggestion to our captain, but how do we guard against such a thing, you know, we have not encountered such a thing." Koguryo asked worriedly. .

"This, we don't know, after all. This is the first time we have encountered such a thing." Qi State navy officer said helplessly. Indeed, the Qi State Navy currently does not have effective minesweeping devices, not only they do not, but even naval powers such as South Korea, Zhao State, and Chu State do not have such mission equipment. This is an extremely embarrassing task for them. .

On Jeju Island.

"Haha. Damn, finally let out a nasty breath, waiting for our new warship to arrive. Let's go fight their Goguryeo together, let's hit the Goguryeo lair directly, see how they are?" the pirate chiefs yelled. They were extremely happy with this victory. However, the Chu Navy officers were very calm, even though most of them were low-level officers. But they still have an infinite love for the navy. Without them, the Jeju pirates would still be a mob, and it would be difficult for them to perform at their best.

"Although we won. But we should see. The power is still very weak. Unless we have 20 such destroyers, it will be difficult for us to open the situation." A Chu State Navy lieutenant said.

"Yeah. And, torpedoes are not cheap. One shot is missing. This time we consumed four torpedoes at once, and we only have six torpedoes. We need to fire continuously. We can only fight once. Recently We did a reconnaissance, and the Goguryeo and Qi people were still very careful, relying on artillery to fight, we have no advantage at all." A naval officer said.

"Well. Next, we need to add, but we can't be idle, we need to continue fighting. We don't have torpedoes, but we still have mines. We can place mines on the main channel, and that's for us too. Yes. A major breakthrough. This is very beneficial to us," said the lieutenant.

"Yeah. That's a good suggestion. We still have mines, this thing. It's very powerful, Goguryeo. Haha." The navy officer smirked.

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