The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3392: Where are our people?

The Eastern Expedition Office of the Qin State Navy is actually an office where the Eastern Qin Expedition Team integrates all their expedition forces in the east. This is equivalent to their headquarters, but they call it an office.

"I know that you need to go further south, and I agree with this. The expedition team reported that we still have land and the latitude has expanded to near the equator. But our strength and funding still have problems. We should look back. See if the people behind have come up." Commodore Yang Lin said.

"This is the current situation we are encountering, and the telegrams sent from the country are not very good for our situation. Our communication is intermittent. There is no way." Brigadier General Yang Lin said helplessly to a navy colonel. .

"Did the expansion of the War Department also have results?" the navy colonel asked worriedly. Because they know. The Navy Department has an expansion, and the War Department will not lag behind, and they will proceed in their own way. This is the War Department. They have always imitated but never surpassed it. This makes them very annoyed. Because the expansion of the War Department has greatly consumed military expenditures, the officers of the Navy Department are very annoyed because they are annoyed that the War Department always competes with them.

"Yes. They have also expanded a lot of land. The north has been completely occupied. Although there is forest, they have opened a passage. Most importantly, they have also found oil. From this point of view, they too It’s not just that. We still have a lot of things we haven’t done, such as the problems we need to solve, etc. Their development is at a deadlock. According to the original method, they should build a railway to consolidate their development. The land, but now it seems that the situation is not very good for them." Yang Lin said.

"In other words, none of their railways can be successfully built?" the colonel asked.

"Yes, but our situation is not very good either. Without funds, our ships cannot go further south. You should be aware of this. Moreover, most of the navy’s warships are sold to Koreans for research. This is domestic In the situation, some key technologies were also sold to them. We raised a lot of funds from Koreans, but this is still not enough, because we need to cross the entire ocean, which is a very long distance, and the Prime Minister’s Office is also considering, Concentrating funds in one direction to solve this problem, our Admiralty bonds have been issued enough. The Prime Minister's Office is also planning to buy back some of the bonds. In this case, the government's debt situation can improve a little, therefore, expansion is unlikely to proceed. Go down." Yang Lin said.

"This. Very bad. Sir." The colonel said, shaking his head.

"But it is not impossible. The Navy Department thought of a plan, that is, to invest to attract more businessmen to invest here, but we need some hot spots, and it is best to solve many hot spots. Only in this way can they come. Development is carried out here." Brigadier General Yang Lin said. This is a suggestion made by the Ministry of the Navy. They believe that it is no longer possible to solve this part of the funds by relying solely on the funding provided by the Ministry of Finance of the Prime Minister's Office. Because there are too many places where Qin needs money, even though Qin’s tax revenue has further increased, there are too many places to spend money, and there are too many things in Qin’s affairs. This has led to the recent fundamental shortage of the Navy Department. The Admiralty had to find a way to solve the problem on its own. The question is, how can this solution be solved? This requires them to figure out their own solutions.

Investing and attracting investment is the only way they can come up with. Only in this way can this problem be solved well. In this way, the Admiralty needs the expedition team to come up with some results to attract investment, land, resources, and various manpower, etc. These are the highlights of the project to attract investment. They need to do this, only In this way, more funds can be attracted here. This is the only thing they have to do.

"Sir, the effect of this is certainly good. But the problem is that we really cannot find such a hot spot. We are soldiers. Not businessmen." The colonel said embarrassingly. Because the difference between a soldier and a businessman is too clear. Businessmen are chasing profits, while soldiers are chasing exploits. There seems to be no point of contact between them. Because the two ways of thinking, the starting point of interest is different, which is very troublesome.

"I know this. But it can only be so for now. I hope you can do this. This is my hope for you. Let's do this. Transport what you think is not available in the country to the country. If this is the case, it may be possible It will become much better, and that's it, maybe you can solve many, many problems. That's it." Brigadier General Yang Lin made the last choice.

"This. Okay. Sir. We can only do this." The colonel nodded helplessly and agreed. In order to get more financial support, they can only do so. Maybe they don’t get a lot, but it really helps them a lot. They need something like this to solve their current problems. This is their best way to solve the problem.

Qi State, Laizhou, the Ministry of the Navy.

"This is a telegram from near the peninsula. The intelligence department believes that the locals may have obtained a strange weapon." The Secretary of the Navy said to one of his colonels.

"What does the sir mean?" the colonel asked. He is the director of the office responsible for weapon research and development. He should understand the importance of new weapons. Unfortunately, in the eyes of Qi people, artillery still has a great advantage in solving this problem. Other weapons do not have such power. Although Qi State’s engineers, most of them were promoted from craftsmen. They have rich experience, and they rely on experience to invent some new weapons.

For example, rockets, they use steel, that kind of very thin steel sheet to create a kind of rockets. The range of the rockets is not very far, only less than 500 meters, but they are more powerful and can cause great damage. , They plan to use it in battleship battles, because the density of rockets is very impressive in a short time, but the armor-piercing capabilities of rockets are too limited. As a result, this weapon cannot be used. The most important thing is that this weapon has great limitations. He may be more appropriate to deal with infantry on the ground, while dealing with warships may be very backward. As a result, it is impossible for Qi to continue to develop a larger-scale rocket attack. This project has fallen. But they still need new projects to make up for the need for naval weapons.

"Our intelligence department suspects that it is a new weapon, we salvaged it carefully. I want you to go over and study it, maybe it is a new weapon, you know, the Changbai Mountain of the Goguryeo people The sinking is a bit strange. In the face of such a situation, we should do more investigations. After all, this is a warship that was sunk. We must make some changes." The Secretary of the Navy said.

"Well, sir, I understand. I will leave as soon as possible to check." said the navy colonel.

"Well. Be careful, maybe we can acquire a new technology. This is very important to us." The Secretary of the Navy said. He was keenly aware of some different places, because the telegram stated that they found something like a long pillar. They didn't understand what it was. It might be a fish, but there was a propeller behind it. They thought it might be possible. It's a weapon. The other party said this, definitely hoping to sell what they got at a better price. After all, this is the best result for them.

The Admiralty also felt that it was a new type of weapon, but its existence was unacceptable. However, since he could manufacture it, there must be a reason for his existence. Faced with such a reason, they have no reason at all. To refuse to do so, the Secretary of the Navy decided to take it back and study it. Maybe they could get a new type of weapon. Zhao Guo might be interested.

Near Jeju Island. A new warship of the pirates arrived here, he has a new name, Jeju Island. They added a new warship with a tonnage of about 1,200 tons and equipped with eight 52mm rapid-fire guns. Six torpedo tubes, and they can carry twelve large mines at the same time, but they don't need so many mines, what they need are medium-sized mines, which is enough to deal with a merchant ship.

"That thing is too big. What I am worried about is that they will blow up the merchant ship completely. We need the cargo on the merchant ship instead of killing the merchant ship. You bought too much." One eye complained. One eye is equipped with small mines. This kind of mine is not very powerful, but it can cause merchant ships to lose power, or be injured, flooded, and the other party has a certain survivability. For them, this is the most powerful. Good weapons, what they need is such an effect. If there is no such effect, for example, medium-sized mines or large-scale mines, these are specially used to deal with large warships. Small mines only play a certain role as a warning. And the small mines are all early models, because most of the mines are used to deal with special warships, they can't do this, this is some of the difficulties they are currently encountering, and what they have to do is such a thing. Small mines will not be specially produced, and the special requirements of pirates make Chu's naval research department feel very depressed.

"But the Chu people don't have such small mines, they only have such mines. But if we block them, it will still be effective." A pirate said cautiously.

"Okay. I hope these things don't send merchant ships to the sky. We are pirates, not **** naval officers, and fighting has nothing to do with us." The other party said dissatisfiedly.

Soon, the pirates arranged mines on the main navigation channels, and there were not many mines. But it is enough to cause a great threat. The situation of naval battles has always made them feel very dissatisfied. Now they finally have such a new idea.

In Qi's naval research department, the Goguryeo people are discussing the introduction of a new warship with Qi's engineers and the person in charge.

"We have agreed to the requirements of your Prime Minister's Office. We will continue to import a large amount of mineral resources. In addition, there are more than five tons of gold, which is gold, understand?" said a Koguryo Rear Admiral. After the Goguryeo navy lost a destroyer, they felt that their situation was a bit bad. In other words, they feel that their naval power is still very weak. Although the possibility of their merchant ships being attacked is greatly reduced, they still cannot pose a great threat to the navy on Jeju Island. Because the gun caliber of their warships is too small, the frigate is a kind of light warship to them. This kind of warship does not play much role at all. The merchant ship escorting them is more than enough, but it cannot give the frigate the advantage of firepower. In other words, they have no extra offensive ability. This is a very depressing opinion for Goguryeo, which means that the warship capabilities of the Goguryeo people are still at a weak stage. They need more powerful warships. At the same time, it can't be too expensive, it needs to be cheap.

"We need warships with greater firepower. It doesn't matter if the cost is higher, but the tonnage must be hit and the firepower must be fierce. This is our requirement, and at the same time, the number of warships should be as large as possible." Rear Admiral Goguryeo said Goguryeo Speaking of the requirements of the navy. For them, powerful naval guns are their important future needs. As for protection, they will not consider it for the time being. Because of their small and powerful offensive ability, your artillery went up. Naturally, the opponent has no chance to fight back. This is a logical consideration.

"I think that the experimental battleship we are going to build recently, the cruiser is quite in line with their requirements, although there are still some problems with the power problem. The speed cannot reach an astonishing 30 knots, but the speed of more than 20 knots is still good. The important thing is that the firepower is fierce, equipped with large-caliber artillery, thirty times the 203 mm caliber artillery. I think this type of artillery can bring the frigate to the state of parts." An engineer listened to the needs of the Goguryeo people. Then whispered to a person in charge of Qi State.

"Is that a new-style warship?" the person in charge said with some dissatisfaction. Although it was in the experimental stage, it was also a new-style warship. They sold the new-style warship to the Goguryeos at once, which made it difficult for them to accept it.

"Sir. I think we should pay attention to the current situation. We don't know the performance of the new warship at all, and what kind of problems it creates. This needs to be tested by war, and the Goguryeo people are fighting, they can do it. This, I think, can be done. In addition, we can send our navy personnel to record observations, so that we can know first-hand information. This is very important for us. In addition to these In addition, we can also get a lot of funds. After all, arms sales can bring us more surprises. We need so many surprises to solve our problems. This is very important to us.” That technology The staff suggested it.

"Perhaps your suggestion is good, but we still need to discuss with Zhao Guoren. After all, Zhao Guoren can also manufacture this kind of warship." The person in charge nodded and said. The technicians are right. Qi State needs a lot of funds, and their navy funds are insufficient. This also leads to the fact that the Qi State Navy can only be equipped with small warships, such as frigates, and large warships can only be released by extending the construction period. In the dock, this is of little use to the increase in naval power, and the sale of naval cruisers may solve this problem.

Even Zhao people must consider their problems in this way. You must know that their navy also lacks a large amount of funds. They need a foreign arms sales to alleviate this situation. Once they open the situation, the situation will still be very good for them. Of favorable.

It is unlikely that Zhao’s navy will refuse such a thing. Because they are also short of money. Without funds, they simply can't do such a thing. For them, this is a very easy thing to accept. But this still requires the approval of their navy secretary. After all, a new type of warship was sold to the Goguryeos in this way. If they did not check the opponent's weapons, it would be very bad for them.

Maharashtra, on the island of Meng. The Korean crisis was lifted. The people of Yue had to deal with the troubled people of Zhao. Korean businessmen on Mon Island use binoculars to watch the battle on the Central Plains Coastal Street every day. It looks a little bloody, but it's very interesting.

Fighting has become a game that Koreans think is interesting, which is much better than watching movies or dramas.

"Zhao people have increased their troops again. They have one battalion and one battalion. I think they have more than one regiment." A businessman said with a telescope. The Zhao people did not expand their results. They still slowly expanded their beach positions in order to allow more ships to berth in and unload more soldiers, weapons, and supplies. Zhao Guoren is obviously not suitable for landing operations. Too many soldiers get seasick. This is a very troublesome thing for them. But it makes them extremely careful.

"Don't look at those **** Yueshi people. Zhao people. We should be concerned about another question, where are our people and where they can help us. We need them. But the Korean government hasn’t seen one until now. Bing, are we forgotten by our own government? Damn it," a businessman cursed. The South Korean government's slow military actions made them feel very dissatisfied, and the people of Zhao Kingdom landed on the battlefield. And where are the forces of their own motherland? They didn't know anything, it made them feel very annoyed and disappointed.

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