The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3393: Found some words

In Karachi, the South Korean ambassador met with Karachi’s foreign minister. They asked Karachi to send troops as soon as possible, but Karachi refused to do so.

"The time to send troops is still immature. Although we have received some assistance, the situation is still very pessimistic for us. You must know that the Yue people are stationed here with more than two infantry regiments. We cannot pose a threat to them at all. Therefore, in such a situation, we can't do anything." Karachi's foreign minister shook his head and refused. The Karachi people's troop dispatch principle is, oh wait, they will dispatch troops only after all the opportunities are shown. Obviously, the current situation is still not optimistic for them.

"After sending troops in Karachi, we Koreans will send troops quickly. One of our Marine Corps infantry battalions is ready. The Western Fleet has already mobilized some warships to arrive here, and they will launch a larger-scale offensive. Provide More powerful fire support." The South Korean ambassador assured that they need Karachi to send troops so that they can greatly disperse the military strength of the Yueshi people. This is a good choice for the Koreans. After all, the Yue's military strength of the three infantry divisions is still very strong for them. The Koreans have not yet made such preparations to face the pressure of the three infantry divisions alone, even though Zhao Guoren also sent troops. But their military strength has only increased slightly, which does not seem to be a big threat to the Koreans.

"No, we refuse. Karachi cannot experience a huge failure. This failure is simply the most unbearable for us." The other party said.

"This is an opportunity, I hope you can think about it, you know. There are not many opportunities like this." The ambassador persuaded again. But the other party refused again, which annoyed the ambassador. But Karachi also has its own considerations.

Karachi has an army that is not very good at offensive. Although Karachi is increasing its military strength, it is more of a defensive nature. For example, Karachi has twelve infantry regiments, but there are The eight infantry regiments are in a defensive state, and they have 800 artillery pieces. There are many, but many of them are heavy artillery, not too many light artillery, and they are also equipped with machine guns. The defensive nature is very obvious, and the offensive force is not very large.

The remaining four infantry regiments are all light infantry regiments. They are equipped with some rifles and lack the resources for light artillery firepower. As a result, their offensive capabilities are very limited. The Karachi people are too aware of their situation. Up. So they rejected the request of the Koreans because they simply couldn't do this. This is an unacceptable condition for them. Their military conditions are still not very mature. They take advantage of the fire and take advantage of the robbery. They take the initiative to attack, and they have no chance of winning. This is what the Karachi people think about, and the South Korean ambassador has nothing to do with it.

In the northern area of ​​the Yuezhi, Phoenix Mountain, this is a name given by the people of Qin, and they like this name. This is an important forward base they established here, and these bases are very important to them. What they need to do is this, which is very important for them.

"We have been here for a long time. The Yue people didn't take the initiative to attack us. I feel a little abnormal." A sergeant said, cutting a piece of wood. The small dagger in his hand kept changing. In order to cut out a certain shape, he wants to carve a horse.

"I really don't understand you. Why do I want the people of the Yue family to come, how nice it is here, we will attack them from time to time, or the people of the Yue family don't even know that we have come here. It's so great without knowing it. ." Another sergeant said. He carefully wiped his sniper rifle. This is his special weapon. They are a small-scale assault team. The team needs such sharpshooters. Sharpshooters can do many, many things. In this way, they can solve the problem. Many, many questions.

"Well, but waiting for such a long time, I feel very boring. Although the above has been worrying about our safety, but I don't think we will have this kind of threat." The sergeant shook his head and said. The other sergeant shook his head. He didn't want to talk about such boring topics. The commando quickly established a logistics base here, and they later added a paratrooper company. They are mainly used to strengthen the defensive force here, because their commander was worried that their military strength was too small, and later they continued to concentrate a lot of supplies for them. In addition, some combat squads arrived here from time to time, and they wanted to use this as a base. Launch a larger reconnaissance. This is what they know, but how do they fight? They are also not clear. They know very little. This is the situation.

Inside Wang Ben's headquarters.

"Above is dispatching another infantry division and a cavalry regiment or cavalry brigade. They want to strengthen our forces." Wang Ben said to his chief of staff.

"Sir, has the plan changed?" the chief of staff asked.

"Yes, they did revise the plan. The Prime Minister's Mansion tried to allow us to occupy the entire northern part of Yueshi. Our border may have reached the vicinity of a large river in Indy. We only need to go south along the railway line. This is for us. It is not a very stressful military plan." Wang Ben said.

"But the problem is that the reconnaissance reports we currently receive are very limited. Moreover, we have still not been able to figure out the defensive force of the Yue people in the north, and air reconnaissance is still unable to provide a larger range of reconnaissance reports. People do nothing, it will make us more careful." The Chief of Staff said worriedly. The strange defensive strategy of the Yue people in the north made him very worried, because they did not know how much military power the Yue people had here. Although Qin’s air reconnaissance force conducted as much detailed reconnaissance as possible, they still didn’t. I found how many troops, perhaps the Yueshi people are relatively weak, but this does not mean very emptiness, the chief of staff thinks they should be careful. Only in this way can their safety be guaranteed.

"Perhaps we were too careful ourselves. Maybe." Wang Ben thought for a while and said. Because there is already too much evidence that there is not much military power in the area. In addition, more troops from other countries are joining in the south. If this is the case, their situation will change greatly. Therefore, Wang Ben has reason to believe that the Yueshi people’s defense in the north is extremely empty. This is Can prove this.

"In short, sir, we should be more careful." The chief of staff said again. He believes that there is nothing wrong with being careful. If they risk launching an offense, this will cause them great trouble. Wang Ben nodded. But he still needs to wait for his army to complete the final assembly, even if he has a cavalry brigade in his hand, he feels that he can launch an attack. He can do such things.

Zhao Guo, Guo Kai's prime minister's house. Guo Kai is considering some questions about Zhao Jun, or whether Zhao Guo will further recruit more other ethnic groups to join Zhao Jun's plan.

"Li Mu expressed that he is very worried about the Zhao Jun's current situation. As you know, Zhao is now rich. It has developed quite well, but the army is only 100,000. This still builds a navy within 100,000. Although the navy does not have many large warships, they still exist. Now Zhao Guo needs to expand its army. It needs to occupy more areas." Guo Kai said.

"Yes, the prime minister, the prime minister is right, we need some security, and the people of Qin did the same. They recruited more than half of the army, and more than half of the military members are from other ethnic groups. We can do the same. Moreover, our country of Zhao needs to expand more colonies and expand more markets. These are very important things for us." The Minister of Finance said. There are many benefits of expanding a colony. The most important thing is to expand the market and provide more raw materials. The State of Zhao needs more places to provide such a large amount of materials, because the State of Zhao needs it.

"That's right, this is the reason for our expansion. I decided to expand Zhao Jun's scale to about 250,000, of which the navy will exceed 50,000." Guo Kai said with a smile.

"Of course. This is the first stage. In the second stage, he will rise to 70,000. We need more navy in the future." The other party said.

"But Prime Minister, in this way, we need to increase the fiscal budget, and if the army expands by 250,000, the military expenditure will also be very large." The Minister of Economy said worriedly. What he is worried about is that Guo will raise the tax rate in a meeting. If that happens, it will create a huge burden on the company. It is hard for Zhao Guo to develop. If taxes are increased, the situation will be very unfavorable for them. In that case, their situation is not very good. The resulting burden will make their situation extremely bad. This puts great pressure on Zhao's economy.

"I know this. Moreover, if we assemble a large number of troops on the border, it will arouse our dissatisfaction with Qin, and at the same time South Korea will feel our threat." Guo Kai said. There is a problem with Zhao’s strategy. They should unite with South Korea to suppress Qin. However, South Korea does not deal with Zhao in terms of trade expansion and naval strategy. In particular, Zhao’s performance on the latter issue is like a problem. Children are just as irritating. Zhao Guoren doesn't abide by their rules at all. They provoke incidents with Koreans several times. In terms of products, especially some mechanical products, South Korea and Zhao Guo are both favorable competitors. This makes South Korea very dissatisfied. Therefore, it is impossible for South Korea and Zhao to unite. Qin’s strategy is to use South Korea to check and balance the development of Zhao. After all, they do not want to see a Zhao that is too powerful and one that is too developed. South Korea.

"So, we have to learn from the people of Qin. We have to recruit more other ethnic groups to join our army. This number is 100,000. The 50,000 navy is a technician, and the navy is a technical arms. We have no objection to this, but The army, they are all low-skilled personnel, and our domestic army is all high-skilled soldiers. They can control the low-skilled troops of other nations. We need to know that they don’t spend too much, and we need to control more. Many colonies, so, for them, our loss is not great, because we can do this." Guo Kai said.

With the development of Zhao's economy, Zhao also needs to develop some colonies to make up for some domestic needs, such as raw materials. Most of Zhao’s coal has entered steel and power companies, and power companies are also actively expanding. With the rise of coal prices, the consumption of iron ore is also increasing rapidly. Zhao’s steel exports are very large. They need to develop more markets, and at the same time need more raw materials to provide land, these are for them. All of them are very important. Without these, this will greatly restrict the development of the State of Zhao. At the same time, the development of colonies can effectively stabilize the development of the State of Zhao. This is extremely obvious to the State of Zhao. Therefore, Guo Kai’s decision is still It's correct, but Zhao's development strategy may have some problems, because their excessive development of the navy has caused some sensitive nerves on the other side. This will involve Zhao Guo into an uncontrollable disaster.

"We can solve this problem without spending much money. It is still very easy for us. You know, those soldiers are very cheap, and we can control more areas, and they are stationed overseas. Rather than domestic, it is very convenient for us. It is in Mabang." Guo Kai said as an example.

"Our army did a good job. Very good." Guo Kai praised. The Secretary of the Army smiled. For their expansion. The Secretary of the Army just nodded in agreement, but his mother did spend very little, even some supplies were collected from the local area.

"Zhao's development is narrow. If we want to develop, we have to expand the land. That's a problem. We may fight with the people of Yan. In that case, how could the people of Qin not control. This is very bad for us. Therefore, what we have to do is to be overseas, because there is no one overseas to take care of you. If this matter is done well, we don’t have to worry about anything at all. Therefore, we need to expand our army and actively develop externally. Bang, is our first goal, to fight for us to build a piece of our own colony of Zhao Kingdom on the territory of Yueshi." Guo Kai said.

Guo Kai is very astute. He knows that the local aboriginals do not cost much to them, and most of them are low-level army infantry, and the cavalry will not cost much. At the same time, they can expand more colonies. The most important thing is that Guo Kai saw one thing, that is, with a colony, you can expand into a larger and broader market. This market is important to them. For example, in terms of arms sales, initiating a war, in Mabang, the Indians want to defeat the Yue people, and the Zhao people can give the other side some military weapons support, as long as they fight, they can also provide consultants. In this way, you can be in a position of Zhao's military sales. This is a very good thing.

Qi State, Laizhou. Qi State Navy Department.

"The people of Zhao Guoren have agreed to our request. They agreed to sell the newly built cruiser to the Goguryeo people. At the same time, they are willing to provide some technical support." The Deputy Chief of the Navy reported to the Secretary of the Navy.

"Well. In this case, it's great. The construction speed should be as fast as possible. In addition, we also need to provide some more frigates, or in other words, we need to upgrade the newly launched frigates to have some other frigates. With combat capability, for example, the power of artillery has increased a bit. In this case, it is also a very important stage for us." Qi State Navy Minister said. After all, their frigate advantage is not very obvious. They can't lose a big customer like Goguryeo. The other party has provided a lot of gold. This gold is very important for the development of the country's navy.

"Yes. Sir, we will do this, but our intelligence personnel have analyzed that there may be some differences in the way the Jeju pirates do. In other words, the military assistance received by the Jeju pirates is a bit strange." Said the secretary worriedly.

"Strange?" the Secretary of the Navy asked.

"Yes, sir. It is very strange. If the Goguryeo warship was sunk by Jeju pirates, it would have not sunk and used weapons such as mines, but the question is, who provided the weapons like mines? This should be our attention. Yes." The Navy Deputy Chief said worriedly.

"Yeah. This issue really deserves our attention." The Secretary of the Navy thought at this time, touching his chin. He suddenly felt that this matter might not be that simple. There may be other things behind it.

"For example, South Korea, or the Kingdom of Chu, they provide such warships or weapons, if that's the case. The situation is not good." Qi State Navy Minister shook his head and said. This is not impossible, but too possible. The problem is that they do not have such evidence at present. If they can grasp such evidence, their situation will not be so passive.

"Yes, sir, it is indeed possible. It's just that we don't have evidence yet, but I think we will have evidence soon." said the Navy Deputy Commander.

The southern part of the peninsula.

"There seems to be a word in it." A Qi navy technician inspected the torpedo. Although they didn't know what this big thing was, they felt that it could only be manufactured in a country like Chu, South Korea. Because this is a high-tech product. During the inspection, they discovered something unexpected. For example, text.

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