Although the Chu State Navy and the South Korean Navy have been very careful to polish away some relevant texts, in the case of large-scale industrial production, many parts are marked with certain numbers or texts, unless one is completely disassembled. Check one by one, otherwise it is difficult to eliminate this kind of text symbols. For example, there will be special symbols on a screw.

"What's it written?" the colonel asked nervously.

"It seems to be a set of numbers, but it's not complete. Some of them have been polished off." The technician said. The colonel nodded, and then they conducted a preliminary inspection and disassembled the impact fuze. Those fishermen are really dangerous. If this torpedo is detonated, it is unlikely that everyone will survive. However, Qi State still doesn't know what exactly this thing is. It can only be said with certainty that this thing may come from underwater. Subsequently, the Qi State Navy transferred this torpedo to the Qi State Laizhou Naval Base for research. Such a torpedo may be very important to them. Sometimes technology depends not only on communication, but also on theft.

North of Zhanpu. The Indian army finally retreated. Some small-scale battles broke out sporadically between them, and the condition of the Indians was not very good. Because the soldiers in the northern cluster would use artillery to bombard their machine gun firepower points, their casualties were very high, because their machine guns were difficult to cause great losses. In trench operations, the threat of machine guns was not too great. The role of artillery is the greatest.

"The Indians finally retreated. We have regained the border." A corporal said to Apa. He is now a sergeant, but he has not yet entered the ranks of officers.

"Yeah. They retreated. What should we do next? The war can't go on. We are going home. If I retire, maybe I don't know what to do?" Apa said with a shrug. When the war really ended, some soldiers were already numb. They don't know what to do. Maybe they are used to life in the military camp, but when some kind of life suddenly changes, they suddenly don't know what to do? This makes them feel very puzzled. In other words, they don't know what to do.

"I don’t think we should worry about this issue. I think that after the war is over, I will be a merchant and go to India to sell our goods to India. I have collected their trophies. Their trophies are not very rich. This shows that they lack many things, and only merchants can bring a lot of wealth." The corporal said.

"Yeah. It takes a lot of brains to be a businessman, I can't do such a thing. Really. I want to enter the police system, and perhaps it will arrange for me to enter. Local law and order need to be taxed, and people like me may be used to it. Such a life." Apa said. He wanted to enter the police force because he heard that many people in the Bangla Army wanted to enter there, the police, the railway, or the clerks. Although it looks like a boring job, it has a high status, because not all people can enter that position. It needs an opportunity. Apa also wants to enter there. He knows some words. These are all learned from Korean veterans. , He is also in constant communication, this way, it will be very helpful for him to get the police-related job examination.

When the war is over, many people are thinking about their future, but they may disband, and may go to other places, but for them, the war is over. Their chief, Zhang Ke, was also dismissed from his post. It is said that the Ministry of War did not think highly of him, and some officials of the Ministry of War might still write such a word, stupid.

Indeed, the battles he commanded were not very famous, but the casualties were huge. Although he regained the lost ground, in many cases, it seemed that these lost grounds didn't need so many casualties, but he paid a very heavy price to get it. This makes the War Department very doubtful about his ability, but fortunately, all the locals are consumed, and the War Department does not plan to hold him accountable. If a local army had such crazy casualties, they would never do it, and they would give the opponent the most severe blow.

In North Laizhou, Zhao Guo’s naval shipyard, Zhao Guo’s shipbuilders are under intense construction. They want to build a cruiser in the shortest time, and in another shipyard, another cruiser is laying the keel. This It is a brand new battleship, but many shipbuilding techniques can be used for reference. They have accumulated a lot of experience in this regard.

Perhaps in the eyes of Qi's engineers, what they built was just a frigate of the Big One, which only reduced the defensive capabilities, and his firepower was greatly improved. The situation seemed very favorable to them.

"We must build this warship as fast as possible, and the speed must be fast." An engineer said.

"Faster, you know, we have already used new technology, and even welding technology is quickly used. Some pipelines and lines have to be laid out. This will take some time, and it can't be too fast. "The chief engineer said dissatisfied. They expected it would take a year to build such a cruiser, but the Admiralty could not wait such a long time. They planned to launch it within half a year. Of course, it would be best if it only took a few months. But in the opinion of the chief engineer, this is absolutely impossible.

"We have already ordered related equipment in other areas. We only need to quickly build a large frame, several subsystems are carried out at the same time, and some quality issues are shortened. After all, this is a cruiser, and its defense capabilities are weaker. Therefore, I expect that we can shorten the construction period to seven months, or eight months to launch.” The engineer on the side said with the results of his own calculations.

"I am afraid that such a warship will sink to the bottom of the sea after it is launched." The chief engineer said angrily. He knows the consequences of doing this. Many things need to be run-in. The pure pursuit of speed can easily cause trouble. The worst thing is that this situation has already happened. This shows that this kind of thing will continue to happen.

"But this is the order of the Ministry of the Navy. Qi is also willing to provide more technical support. After all, this can bring us great profits. The above also hopes that we can complete it as soon as possible." The engineers considered more With regard to the benefits brought about by the arms sales, he can no longer take care of other things at all.

"Well, maybe what you think is right. I don't interfere with your decision. You can do whatever you want." The chief engineer shook his head and said. The officers of the Navy Department always think that the technical department can solve this problem faster, and they hope that such a problem can solve some of their problems. This will pose a great threat to them.

"This is also something that can't be helped." The engineer said helplessly. Arms sales are of great significance to Zhao and Qi, because it can bring great profits, especially for the Navy Department. They develop naval equipment and sell them, which is very beneficial to both countries. The Admiralty does not want such military orders to be lost.

Chu State, Wuyue Naval Shipyard's Weapons Research Institute, they received a new order request.

"These pirates, they know it's cheap." A designer looked at the design request and shook his head. They can't say anything about such a plan.

"No matter what? We have to design a military order for pirates, which can bring us great military benefits. This is very important to us. Our salary and bonuses come from them." Said a middle-aged engineer. Others also nodded in agreement.

It is obviously impossible to rely solely on naval expenditures to build the navy, because the Chu navy may have a greater number of warships. They have a huge colony. They need at least 500 warships, but this many warships. It would crush the entire Chu economy, and in this way, their situation would be very bad. This is definitely not a good thing for them. Therefore, the Chu Navy needs foreign arms sales orders. These orders can greatly ease their military expenditure tension and pressure, and at the same time can support and maintain the progress of Chu Navy’s shipbuilding technology. Therefore, the Chu Navy has also begun to actively absorb such orders. Orders. Although some orders are small for them, they are more than enough. Because this can bring them good profits, the pirates on Jeju Island are like this, and they can greatly meet such needs.

"Okay. We have to do a lot of things now. These things are very important to us. We build a new type of warship, or should become a boat. This kind of boat requires less than 800 tons and is equipped with 12 For a large mine, their main task is to deploy mines. At the same time, they must be equipped with two or three 75mm caliber artillery. They have certain offensive capabilities. Of course, the defensive capabilities will be reduced to a minimum. The speed cannot be very fast," said the middle-aged engineer.

Such technical requirements are not very difficult. His speed requirements are not very high. It may be possible to achieve this as long as the speed reaches ten knots. Such ships can be manufactured on a large scale by general shipyards, and the manufacturing cost is extremely low. This is the request of the pirates. The firepower is fierce and the protection is extremely weak. This is the only way to reduce costs, because those heavy armors have extremely abnormal requirements for power. In the eyes of the pirates, mines may still have a great effect.

"The most important thing is that they have a certain ability to fight against the coast without loading mines to facilitate their offensive. Of course. There should also be a certain upgrade space to make their speed rise to 18 knots. , Of course. Expenses will rise a bit, this is an inevitable trend." said the middle-aged engineer. For warships with such conditions, the requirements are not very high. It can be said that the Chu State Naval Research Institute can easily come up with some plans. At the same time, they can quickly design such a program.

"Well. It's not difficult. I know, but this order is of great significance to us. If necessary, we may also export. Now other countries require the establishment of their own navies. We have to take some military orders, understand?" The middle-aged man said.

Others nodded and expressed their understanding that they knew the current situation very well and the Jeju pirates might actually cause a broader wave of naval equipment. The pirates of Jeju constantly attacked some merchant ships around, especially in Goguryeo. The export of Goguryeo's minerals has benefited them a lot. This has attracted special attention from the pirates, and their target is those merchant ships. Sometimes, some pirates will take the initiative to go ashore, because going ashore can rob more, and the requirements of such warships are actually to meet their needs. They also know that their warships simply cannot pay for regular naval warships. So they asked to be equipped with mines. This thing is very dangerous to warships, and there are still no special minesweepers. The threat of mines still exists, and they can arrange mines and then take the opportunity to escape. Then they can rob them. To some other places. This is their simplest requirement. The requirement is not very high, but it can be done perfectly. This is not a very difficult thing for them.

In Hawaii, the expedition sent by Qin finally arrived here, but they encountered an extremely embarrassing problem. Their fuel was no longer enough for them to move forward. They replenished it on a small island and consumed a lot of coal. On the way.

"We don't have much coal. Sir, if we all keep going, we will probably stop if we can't get out of five hundred nautical miles, and then float along the way. I really don't know where we will go." A Qin State Navy lieutenant colonel reluctantly reported to his officer.

"Yeah. I know. But the situation will change. What can you do? Anyway, we can find some food and drink here. We are not in a lot of conditions yet." A large number of expedition members have come ashore. They established a preliminary base and explored the surrounding environment, and they decided to build a very good naval base here. But they are running out of fuel. If they want to keep going, they have to burn wood. But in that case, the situation will be even worse.

Their expedition ship has been specially modified. Four thousand five hundred tons. They reduced the weight to the utmost extent and could carry more than one thousand and twenty tons of high-quality coal. If they moved forward at a cruising speed of ten knots, they could barely reach Hawaii. Of course, they also have some merchant ships that specialize in carrying large amounts of high-quality coal. Burning coal, if there are not so many supplies, they may not be able to reach here, but they are still far from their ultimate goal. They cannot reach the other side of the ocean. They must find a way to solve this problem.

"Sir, I want to take two expedition ships to take a look over there. Maybe we can think of some way. In this way, we can get there early, which is also a great help for us." The colonel said. He thought of gathering all the coal and supplying it to two expedition ships to get there. In this way, their situation can be better changed. But in doing so, there are certain risks. The expedition ships organized by Qin State this time are all coal-fired steamships. Although they carry as much coal as possible, such expeditions are still very dangerous. That is, They need supplies, and without supplies, they really can't do anything. Their endurance has been enhanced, but it is not enough to get them to their destination at one time. They still need to replenish them. They are parked here, waiting for the arrival of new supplementary materials.

"Well, although there are certain risks, I still hope that you will go. It is not that I let you take risks, but that this expedition is of great significance to us, and we are exploring a new passage." Navy Chief Yang Bo said. His rank is major general and his rank is higher. He took twelve ships out for an expedition. This is the largest expedition currently organized by the Admiralty. Now the Admiralty has no money. They too need a success, or a project that can attract investment. The meaning is very important to them.

"Sir, we found something strange. Some inscriptions." Just then, a navy lieutenant came to report.

"The inscription?" Yang Bo asked curiously.

"Yes, looking at the record of the inscription, it seems that it was written by a group of Koreans, but some places have been broken. The information is not very complete, but they told us that there have been Koreans here. As for the next thing, it will not It's too clear." The lieutenant reported.

"Go over and take a look." Yang Bo nodded and said. It is true that the inscription was left by the Koreans. The Koreans have been here before, but they can't move on. Because the vast Pacific has consumed their last little ability. They can’t conquer the Pacific at all. Although they are taking the most stable channel, the warm North Pacific current will take them to California, where they will reach a new continent, but at the time they used wooden boats and they are unlikely to reach There, I finally had to return. They left the inscription just hoping to show that they had been here, and maybe they could prove something.

The Koreans cannot continue to expand eastward. Because Xiangdong is the Pacific Ocean, it is difficult to cross over without great courage. In Nanyang and Xiyang, there are abundant labor force, mineral resources, and markets. South Korea needs those things. For the East, there may really be a continent, but it consumes their energy, capital, material resources, and manpower. The Koreans can't afford it, so they gave up. Whether the people of Qin can continue, it depends on whether they can bear it.

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