South Korea is indeed incapable of eastward expansion, and the eastward expansion can only be done by the people of Qin, but Qin must first cross the Pacific to complete their eastward expansion plan, otherwise they will be the same as the Koreans, and they will have to give up personally. Such a plan. Whether Qin can finally choose to expand eastward depends on Qin's economic needs, which comes from Shangwen's decision.

Qin State, Xianyang. The Prime Minister's Office is holding a cabinet meeting, and they must take some measures on the plan adopted by their government.

"We have already expanded on Yueshi, and at the same time, we have obtained a certain amount of oil supplement in terms of rest, which can temporarily meet our demand for oil. In the north, there is a lot of land to be developed. If we continue to expand west, It will lead to surplus of land. From the current investment point of view, it is indeed impossible to reinvest. Otherwise, we have too much land, and in the end, we have to lose so much land." The Minister of Economy said worriedly. At present, the land dividend brought by the western expansion of Qin State has been unable to stimulate the economic growth of Qin State. On the contrary, too much land is a burden, because Qin State cannot further expand fiscal expenditure to build the place, and attracting investment cannot solve this problem because there are no people, no market, and poor economic development potential. This makes it difficult for the people of Qin to continue further development. For them, this is a huge burden, and such a burden is an unbearable result for them. They need to change such a situation.

"The most important thing is that we have invested too much fiscal funds there. We must stop some unnecessary military expansion and adventure plans, stop and build the places we have expanded." The Minister of Finance said. Qin's westward expansion has expanded to the far north, where there is only one coordinate, which is already close to the seventy degrees north latitude. This is enough north for Qin State. To the west, the farthest to reach the vicinity of the Caucasus mountains, but there, Qin's expedition team was beaten back. Because their supplies have become extremely difficult, heading south. They are still at war against the Yues, and they border the Anxi government which tends to the Qin state. The Anxi government is now actively cooperating with the Qin State Bank. They have introduced oil extraction technology and they want to extract oil on a large scale. This will greatly help them increase fiscal revenue. The Anxi people are very active, and the Dawan people are also very active. A railway was built and they would help the Parthians to transport the oil. The Dawan people themselves also got a small piece of oil, and the Qin people also had a large oil exploration area, and both sides had their needs. The only advantage is that the economies of all parties are developing, and oil will become a great bright spot, which is what they care about most. Oil greatly satisfied their economic development, which made Qin Guo had to consider. To stop expanding westward, they need to digest the land brought by their expansion. This land is too big. And the population is too small.

"Yeah. That's right. I also think the expansion to the west should stop. We need to build the northern region. We can't eat too much, otherwise we will have indigestion. For this problem, we need to digest for a long time. It can be solved. This requires some changes in ethnic policies. But for the moment, Qin seems to be unwilling to do this." Shang Wen said. The ethnic issue seems to be a minefield. Qin State has always claimed to be a Central Plains country, but his approach has always been unacceptable to the Central Plains country. These are also some of the problems Qin has encountered in cultural unification. Qin can make some compromises, but it is difficult to make a complete change. But this also greatly stimulated the nationalism of the Qin State. They refused to further absorb various ethnic groups. In their opinion, the appearance of these ethnic groups would bring great disadvantages to the Qin State. They had no technology and were in production. The lowest end. They make no contribution and are at the lowest end of the economy, which is for them. This is a burden, and Shang Wen is not willing to come into contact with such topics for the time being.

"Ahem." Meng Yi coughed and reminded Shang Wen not to come into contact with such problems. This issue must be put on hold and cannot be discussed.

"But what we should note is that all countries are actively developing maritime trade. Maritime trade has great convenience. Qi, Zhao, Yan, South Korea, even Goguryeo, the southern peninsula, and some small countries have started. To develop trade, the Yueshi people's southward move has a lot to do with their occupation of a large amount of land, because they need to develop trade." Shang Wen said.

"However, the State of Qin should avoid a series of conflicts with the development of these countries. The State of Qin cannot participate in it. What Qin should do is to avoid. Therefore, the next plan of the State of Qin is to tilt some military expenditures on the navy. In the future, land construction is more complicated. It needs to build oil pipelines and railways. Railways are closely related to the economy. This requires a long time period. We must pay attention to this." Shang Wen said. This is Shangwen's reason. No one can refuse this reason, because they must consider such things. Qin needs to do this. They need to change some things. Must, they need to change some situations.

Railway investment is not a simple matter that can be solved. It requires some financial support, and the investment cycle is long. It is decided that investment should not be too anxious, and the current expansion on land is already in this way. In a state, Qin needs some time to solve this problem. In contrast, the development of the ocean is more attractive, and ocean trade can easily bring a lot of profits. Qin has always relied on Koreans as intermediaries for ocean trade. This is definitely not a favorable condition for Qin. Moreover, Qin's eastward expansion has already obtained several good estuaries. Although there is a certain freezing period on the estuary, which requires extremely powerful icebreakers to sail, this is conducive to the development of Qin's oceans.

"Qin State lags far behind other countries in maritime development, which is extremely detrimental to the development of Qin State’s navy and maritime trade. At the same time, I personally hope that the development of the ocean will drive development on land, through maritime ports, and then connect Railways, and then railways connect a series of resource and mineral production bases. In that case, Qin’s economy can be fully driven. These are extremely favorable conditions for Qin. Such conditions are extremely sufficient for Qin. And satisfactory." Shang Wen did so.

"We need shipbuilding, and shipbuilding requires a lot of raw materials, iron ore, copper ore, chromium nickel, rare resources, etc. At the same time, we also need to build a series of factories, because we want to export, through ships, we can transport all kinds of The export of commodities will greatly benefit Qin's further increase in commodity competition. Qin cannot give up such benefits. This is a very important point for Qin." Shang Wen said.

Shangwen sees this. Marine trade does not need to build railways excessively. The expansion of land depends heavily on the development of railways. Once the development of railways comes to a halt, the economy will come to a halt. At the same time, the economic development of railways will take a period of time before they form towns and then develop into cities. This is extremely obvious in the Western Regions. However, Qin cannot wait for such a long time. Qin needs some other economic growth points to drive. Economic development, this economic development, is ocean trade.

"I also agree with this point. The Navy Department is developing well. They may have some special agricultural economic products overseas. These agricultural economic products may be able to greatly meet our needs. In this way, we can export some agricultural products. This kind of development is needed." The Minister of Economy agreed. The Secretary of the Army was clearly opposed. However, he could not come up with a good plan to solve how to develop their current method of expanding the land. That requires a lot of money, and they don't have that much money to develop. This determines the development plan of the Department of War and gives way to the Department of the Navy. Perhaps the Navy can develop better.

Near Meng Island, a large warship with two medium warships is parked nearby. The large warship is the main battleship of the Zhao Kingdom's Western Fleet. The Julu. His full load displacement exceeds 6,700 tons. With heavy iron armor, he is equipped with six rapid-fire guns, and the twin 27mm guns are installed on the bow of the ship. The two medium warships are both above 2,000 tons, but their firepower is weaker. Most of them are equipped with more than twelve 75mm artillery pieces, but their protection is weak and their mobility is poor. Their maximum speed is only ten. Five quarters. The cruising speed is only ten knots, and the endurance is also poor, only less than three thousand nautical miles. They need special supply ships to replenish their coal consumption.

"Warships like the Julu are here. The people of Zhao Guoren really paid for it." A Korean was observing Zhao Guoren's warships on Meng Island. Zhao Guoren was a Western fleet mobilized from nearby, such as the Julu class. There are only two of them, and they are currently Zhao's main battleship. However, such warships are experimental in nature, because their power is relatively poor. They use domestically produced three-stage steam engines and some imported parts and components, and eight boilers. Because of the use of domestically-made boilers, their power is seriously insufficient, and they have recently modified the twin-mounted 127mm artillery. This makes their power output seriously insufficient, and speed has become their short leg shortcomings. But there is no way. Such battleships were built by the people of Zhao Guo. They are naturally their own business to use on the new battlefield. However, the Julu-class battleship still has the advantages of double-mounted 127mm artillery. This artillery is the only bright spot in naval battles. It can easily destroy some small warships. Although the rate of fire is not fast, the firepower is fierce.

But this kind of artillery also has its own shortcomings. The turret is too heavy, and it uses steam mechanical power. The power of the warship is not sufficient. It is necessary to provide some power for them to turn the turret, which is unacceptable for them. This resulted in slower response speed of the artillery. Although it was able to provide more violent fire support during naval battles, there was no artillery capable of dealing with 127 mm artillery. But the speed is slower, and their advantage against warships like South Korea is not too obvious. But it is more than enough to deal with targets on land.

"Boom. Boom." The Julu ship roared, and the artillery began to fire shells at the Yueshi firepower point on the shore.

"Boom. Boom." Some places marked as Yue's firepower spots were violently attacked. The Navy of the State of Zhao is helping the army soldiers to understand some of the firepower points of the moon.

"This kind of artillery is really powerful. You see, those buildings are made of cement, but under the fierce bombardment of the artillery, they collapsed a lot." A businessman said.

"This is natural, with a caliber of 127 millimeters. The shells of this artillery are still unbearable." A businessman used a telescope to observe the combat situation on land.

The Zhao State Army successfully controlled the Yueshi stronghold on Binhai Avenue, but the Yueshi did not retreat much. They had machine guns, and they had artillery support at a distance. Zhao Jun only has light artillery. The machine guns were seriously inadequate. Although they had the support of indigenous soldiers, the casualties were too great. They were caught in the street fighting, and every step forward would cause huge casualties. There were also many indigenous soldiers who were killed. Zhao Jun could not afford to consume such a waste. As the front went on, the Yue people began to throw in their artillery. Artillery, machine guns, and a series of input of firepower made Zhao Jun overwhelmed. They were unable to further expand their front. Fortunately at this time. The Julu-class battleships of the Zhao State Navy came to support. They immediately took advantage of their artillery, and they cleared the firepower obstacles on the advance of the infantry little by little.

"Boom. Boom." The 75mm artillery of the naval battleship also participated. They moved as close to the coast as possible and fired toward the firepower point within their shooting range. Such shooting makes Yueshi very overwhelmed.

"The rumble of cannons has doubled our confidence, because we don't have to worry about us being suppressed by Yue's firepower. Our artillery performed very well. They are aiming at Yue's firepower little by little, I I saw with my own eyes that an artillery position of the Yueshi people was blown up, and the cast iron wheels of the artillery flew up into the sky. Before, such artillery caused great casualties to us, and our people could not move forward at all. The people in the hat were all killed by artillery, but now, the people of the Yue family enjoy the taste of being bombed. It may be uncomfortable, but this is what they should enjoy. I now hope that this kind of firepower can continue to extend, this way If this happens, our casualties may be smaller." Zhao Fang wrote in a bunker. The people of the Yue family had mobilized their troops to counterattack, which caused a lot of pressure on them before, and many people were killed. But now, they don't have to worry about this happening.

The weapons research room of Qi State, Laizhou’s naval shipyard. This is a place dedicated to weapon development. They mainly test some artillery, mines and other weapons. Now, a torpedo is placed here. They are careful Take a photo of it, label it, and disassemble it. Some Zhao State weapon experts were also invited here to dismantle torpedoes. However, they still dispute how torpedoes are used.

"I think this thing should be launched from underwater. You see, this has a propeller. Only launching from underwater will have such a device. If there is no such device, this weapon will not be launched from underwater. "An engineer from Qi State put forward this view, and at a glance, this kind of thing was launched from underwater because it has a propeller. This kind of propulsion device is very similar to the propeller of a battleship.

"We have no opinion on this point." Zhao Guo still wants to oppose it, but they think that what the other party said is very reasonable, but everything needs to be dismantled to look at this new weapon. They need to solve this problem. A series of consequences of weapons, because this kind of weapon has a very large impact on them.

"In addition to these, there is also a gyroscope. This may make this weapon be launched in a straight line, because there is only one propelling device, which is easy to deflect. In this case, the torpedo will enter a very bad trajectory. Among them, the accuracy is greatly reduced." After the disassembly, the engineers discovered the gyroscope. They were not nervous about using something like a gyroscope. They were just curious and wondered why such a thing can perform so much. The results are coming.

"If the attack is really launched from underwater, it will be the same as a mine. Such a result will be very unfavorable to our warship. If underwater explosions, it will produce a huge shock wave, and the keel will be easily blown up. Broken, in that case, the battleship will become as fragile as a cracker.” Zhao Guo's naval engineer looked at the torpedo worriedly. They were shocked by such a weapon. After some detailed comparisons, or some clues in text, They have verified that this weapon was assembled by a number of South Korean companies, because some screws have some special company marks. These things are easy to find. This shows that the Koreans are involved, but until now, Qi and Zhao’s engineers still don’t know how this weapon works, or how it provides power. No power-supply device was found inside, as this requires compressed gas to complete. Perhaps some valves will be able to find the problem.

But this requires further dismantling and research by the engineers of the two countries, but such weapons are enough to surprise the engineers of the two countries. Because they suddenly discovered that underwater, this weapon is extremely vulnerable to the warships of the two countries, and they are unable to withstand this attack. may. The Koguryo battleship was also sunk by this weapon. This increases this possibility.

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