"Sir, this type of destroyer can be adjusted and exported on a large scale, so that our shipyard can produce this type of destroyer on a large scale, and our production scale can be further expanded." Engineer Han Hui said with a smile. He is not only an engineer, but also an engineer who brings huge profits to the military. His philosophy is that he does not need to make the best equipment, but he must make the most suitable equipment.

"Well. I think so." The navy officer nodded and said.

"At present, the Admiralty needs a lot of military expenditures, and all countries are developing their navies, such as Goguryeo. Even some countries in the southern part of the peninsula want to buy some similar warships. The frigates of the Qi people and the destroyers of the Chu country can satisfy them. Such demand, at the same time, we also need to come up with a project, or similar products to face the competition from Chu and Qi.” The officer nodded and said.

"Since the Chu people provided such design drawings, we only need to further expand such design drawings." Han Hui said.

"The most important thing is, sir, they can bring us a lot of profits. Such things are very beneficial to us." Han Hui's assistant, Zhang Fan, said with a smile.

"That's right, we need military orders, a large number of military orders, this kind of cheap warships will be sold." The officer decided.

The South Korean Navy also needs military orders. Their military orders can bring them great profits. These profits are very important to them. Now all countries are actively developing their navies. Such a demand does exist. This is an inevitable situation. The financial situation of the countries is not very good. They couldn't afford such a large battleship at all, and it was impossible to buy such an expensive battleship. Taking Karachi as an example, a destroyer on Chu's drawings would cost as much as 30,000 gold coins. This also includes the ammunition provided for the first time, but the cost of using and escorting him is even higher, exceeding 20,000 gold coins. Such a cost is not affordable by ordinary countries. Large warships will make their maintenance costs become Even more expensive, they will not buy such an expensive warship. What they need is a new kind of warship that can maintain the safety of their merchant ships. They don’t even think about the rest. What they need is this kind of warship. situation.

The naval battle between the Koguryo frigate and the Jeju island pirates continues, but the situation still seems to be unfavorable for Goguryeo. Their tonnage is less than 1,000 tons, while the opponent’s tonnage is about 1,200. Their power, defense, and weapons The types far exceed the frigates built by Qi, and for them, the role of frigates is not very large.

"Quickly jump. The White Tiger is about to sink." The Goguryeo Navy sailors kept jumping off the ship, the hull already tilted 17 degrees. They felt that they could not be saved. Motivation has been lost. Five of the eight boilers were knocked out, and two of the remaining three have gone out. The boiler personnel have already rushed to the deck. Their captain was also killed under the attack of pirate destroyers. The condition of merchant shipping is also not optimistic. Two ships sank. One was severely injured and lost power. The pirates had captured the merchant ship, and the rest of the merchant ships were injured to varying degrees. Fortunately, they did not lose motivation, but their speed was severely reduced. The only frigate was destroyed with three rapid-fire guns, and its speed was reduced to less than ten knots.

"Little ones, caught alive and made a fortune." The pirate chiefs signaled with excitement, and they decided to accept it as soon as they met. Because they will come to the door sooner or later, they are approaching towards the Qi State navy patrol. In that case, they may meet the Qi State navy. They are Qi pirates, and their bottom line is that they cannot fight with the Qi Navy. Once they do, the Qi Navy will participate. In that case, their situation will be very bad.

Inside Wang Ben's headquarters. The Second Infantry Division of Qin State arrived at the border between Qin State and Yueshi, and they were making final preparations for the final entry into Yueshi territory.

"How about aerial reconnaissance? Did our commando send back the latest news. I want to know where the Yue people are and if they are in the designated area." Wang Ben asked his chief of staff. .

"Sir, according to the latest intelligence, the Yue people did not send their troops into the northern region. Our commando team did not detect the movement of related troops. There is no army assembly on their railway, and the nearby troops are only With a small number of defensive garrisons and militias, it is difficult for such forces to fight against us. I think the marching might be easier, but what I am worried about is, does the Yueshi have any special plans?" The Chief of Staff said worriedly.

"If the people of the Yue family are not ready to start their actions, we shouldn't be overly nervous. Excessive nervousness will be detrimental to us." Wang Ben said. Since the reconnaissance results show that there will not be too much danger, they should enter. Wang Ben has made up his mind to complete the march as soon as possible. If it is delayed until winter, it will be detrimental to the Qin army. There is also an advantage to marching, that is, there is a railway in the territory of Yueshi to help them advance.

"Sir, if we advance, we should get the support of the locals. What should we do? Especially in the guerrilla warfare, which may greatly offset our strength. Especially in the northern region, where is The mountain area is very suitable for local guerrilla operations." The Chief of Staff said worriedly. This kind of thing is not unavailable, but it does exist. After all, the Yue people can bring certain benefits from planting Yapian. If the people of Qin prohibit them from doing so, and cannot find an alternative economy, Qin's expansion will fail. This is an economic point of view, but Qin must also do the corresponding thing.

"Well. This does exist, but I think this is something that the Ministry of Defense should do. We don't need to worry too much. At the same time, we should clearly see that we control the main traffic lines and follow the main traffic. Lines will occupy the main lifeline of the entire Yueshi economy. Yueshi without railways will plunge their economy into a disaster." Wang Ben explained. The chief of staff nodded. Perhaps his own chief is correct.

What they have to do now is to remove the barriers to entry as much as possible.

State Qin, Ministry of National Defense.

"Wang Ben’s chief of staff is worried about the existence of guerrilla operations, and after our analysis, the possibility of such operations is still relatively high. Although most of the Yuezhi people’s economy is concentrated along the railway traffic, there are still Part of the economy is separated from the railway. For example, Yapian planting, and Yueshi’s Yapian planting can bring great profits. It is difficult for us to let the other party give up such a thing. The only way is to hit. The attack is costly, and secondly, it will cause us a lot of trouble. We need to dispatch more troops to enter." A security official introduced.

"Well, I know this too, but I believe that under the new policy adjustments, they will do that. There will be troubles, but there are many ways to solve them. We should have such confidence." Liao nodded and said.

In this regard, the attitude of the Ministry of National Defense is that the position of the Yue people is very important for the development of the economy and trade. They are located in an important passage area of ​​the Qin State. From here, they can enter the maritime trade passage through Karachi to the south, and they can also enter India. In India, the market demand is also great. In this situation, their situation is still very favorable. This is already very obvious. The people of Qin State believe that they can transfer and adjust the economic situation of the Yueshi people through trade.

"But sir, I think we should be more careful. After all, there are still quite a lot of armed forces in the hands of those yapin growers. Such armed forces can easily create conditions for guerrilla operations. We must be more careful." Security Officials believe that it is necessary to remind Qin again that Qin State specializes in reports on guerrilla operations. In their view, guerrilla warfare is extremely troublesome and destroys the economy. At the same time, they will form a new political force. If they do not respond in time, it will have catastrophic consequences.

"Well. Pay attention to such things and form a report. Solve this problem." Wei Liao felt that this problem must also be paid attention to. If they relax too much, it may cause them a lot of trouble. With the passage of time, such things must be done well.

State of Zhao, Handan. Staff.

"The naval battle has become more and more fierce." Li Mu handed a telegram to Li Zuoche. Li Mu deliberately cultivated Li Zuoche's overall view. After all, he has a good overall view and can absorb a lot of technical knowledge. Strong professional level, these are the points that outstanding officers of the future must have.

"The losses of the Goguryeo people are relatively large." Li Zuoche said after reading the telegram.

"Yes, two frigates, one was sunk, the other was wounded and captured. Ten merchant ships, only five returned in the end, all with injuries, the situation is very bad for them, according to the returned Goguryeo Description: The pirates are equipped with a warship that is a little larger than the frigate. The gun caliber is the same, and the threat is not great. But the key is that they use a new weapon. This weapon can be launched from underwater . Caused extremely serious damage to the hull. We still don’t know what this new weapon is?” Li Mu said to Li Zuoche.

"But we have already obtained a sample from the people of Qi, and we are disassembling and analyzing it. I think it won't be long before there will be results." Li Mu said.

"The problem is that naval battles have become more and more intense. Such weapons have also caused us a lot of damage. If we do not take measures, our navy will also be threatened. This is very bad for us. One thing." Li Zuoche said after reading the telegram.

"That's right, the only way is to increase the progress of our naval weaponry and equipment research and development, but this requires a lot of funds. Fortunately, the Prime Minister's Office seems to be increasing the costs in this area. We don't have to worry about this, and at the same time, the Goguryeo people It is also one of our military sales customers. They can meet our needs in this area. This is a very good choice for us. We not only see military struggles, but also see a large number of military orders. , This can greatly solve our many, many problems." Li Mu said.

War is no longer a mere military struggle. In military struggles, economic interests have become a flexible variable that determines the method of war struggle. And the significance of the influence of this variable becomes greater and greater.

Laizhou, Qi State Weapon Research Department.

"I know. I finally know how to get this thing. You see, this is a valve. If it is compressed into other things, it can drive the propeller forward. With the addition of a gyroscope, the meaning of this weapon becomes very significant. It's big," a young man explained excitedly by grabbing someone nearby. Through dismantling, analysis, and further research, Qi's engineers, in fact, some craftsmen, and some researchers who learned from Zhao workers, spent a lot of energy on researching such weapons.

"Just kidding, can compressed gas solve such a problem?" some people objected. They think that the other side's idea is very strange, which is simply impossible.

"Anyway, I think we can make such a weapon. Although such a weapon looks very powerful, we can still imitate it as long as we know the principle. Such a weapon is not difficult. "The young man said. Others just record data. They think it is unrealistic for the idea of ​​bold reverse copying. After all, they think that this kind of thing should be a difficult weapon to make.

In the Chu State and Lu Shi Shipyard, they accepted a batch of new military orders to produce more than twelve new destroyers. The tonnage of the destroyers will be further expanded to 2,000 tons. This is to pave the way for future upgrades. . Such a foreshadowing is very important to the Chu Navy. After a period of observation and reports from naval officers, the Chu State Naval Weapons Research Institute decided to improve the performance of this warship. This performance is mainly reflected in the improvement of the power plant. They hope that their destroyers can break through in the future. Twelve knots speed limit. In this way, the tonnage of the destroyer will be increased again, and in this way, the function of the new warship will rise to a new stage.

However, such conditions do not matter to Lu's shipyard. It is just that the tonnage of the warships built has been further increased. If the tonnage of the destroyer can be made larger, the situation may be better. Because they can make more money.

"In addition to producing twelve destroyers, we also have to produce some small warships ranging from 500 tons to 800 tons, which they call mine boats, which are mainly used for the deployment of mines and can perform a certain stage of patrol missions. This The construction cost of this small boat is calculated. It is not very cost-effective for us." A manager shook his head holding the cost calculation report form.

"Yeah. We can hand over such small boats to other manufacturers. Our cost is not cost-effective, but they are more cost-effective." Lu Fei nodded and approved. Lu's shipyard is not simply a shipyard. Behind him, there are five boiler plants, iron plants, and related mechanical processing plants. They have to provide a large number of parts and components support for shipbuilding, such support is enough to increase the speed of warships by a step.

The socialized division of labor will make shipbuilding faster and faster. Lu's Shipyard is not a shipyard. The production of boilers and the provision of boilers can enable the shipbuilding industry to develop rapidly. Therefore, they only need to sell some parts and components. It can still be developed.

"We just need to sell them boilers. As for boilers, I heard that Koreans are studying new power plants, like steam turbines, and I heard that they can provide more power." New technologies have also become extremely sensitive, and there is no way. This is the case. They are full of a lot of technicality. If there is no technical standard of this kind, it is very difficult to proceed.

South Korea, Xinzheng. In the Naval Research Institute, the South Korean Navy decided to introduce a new fuel.

"The above is very dissatisfied with our military operations. Especially the thing about mooring in some ports to add fuel, it makes us very annoyed." A rear admiral said helplessly. The Queen’s order made them all feel terrified. The delay of the Western Fleet made the Queen very dissatisfied. After all, the South Korean Navy spent a lot of money to build it. Now when it comes to them, they even do a little bit. No more. Such things will make them extremely annoyed.

"Therefore, it is necessary for us to solve this kind of trouble. We need to import coal resources, from Goguryeo, from Zhao, and if necessary, from Qin. However, in Korea, there is not such a large amount of coal that can provide sufficient power. However, we have oil. A new kind of oil, heavy oil, has been discovered by the Experimental Research Institute. It can provide combustion in our boilers. The calorific value is not bad, and it is more than coal. Most importantly, the quantity of reserves is much larger than that of coal. Coal burns a lot and the speed is fast. As long as we pressurize it, although it looks viscous, it is not bad. Moreover, it is said that in terms of steel, heavy oil can also provide heat to smelt steel. The benefits are very big." A colonel Explained. He is in charge of military technology.

"Well. We have oil, but no coal. Such a plan is agreed. However, in terms of costs, they may spend some money, but for us, we can solve this problem, and we can no longer use fuel in the future. I worry too much about the matter. This is of great benefit to us." Some senior military officers nodded and said. Although the cost of upgrading the boiler is not low, it can solve the fuel problem and it is still very cost-effective.

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