The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3398: Monopoly and crime

The use of heavy oil is an inevitable trend, and the heating value of heavy oil is higher than that of coal. At the same time, the important combustion is more full. Zhao Guoren do not lack coal, but Koreans who lack coal resources can only choose as much fuel as necessary, and they have already discovered the benefits of heavy oil. They have improved related technical equipment, which will inevitably allow South Korea to take the lead in completing the power innovation. This innovation will allow South Korea to try a lot of benefits.

On the border of the Qin State’s Yue family, the Qin State First Infantry Division and the Second Infantry Division are assembled here. Perhaps their full name is called the Qin State’s First Mobile Infantry Division, because the whole division has a large number of horses, carriages, and some tracked locomotives. , The artillery is mainly towed by those horses and tracked locomotives, which is quite advanced. However, considering the fuel problem, most of their soldiers still rely on rail transportation to complete the assembly and combat of troops.

"Sir, when do we have to wait until we can launch an attack? We have been observing them for a long time." A second-class soldier looked at the Yue's position outside the post. There were not many Yue's soldiers there, perhaps only one squad. They are always on duty and off duty, and sometimes even run off. The Second Infantry Division on the border has already figured out the rules of their activities.

"I don't know. This must wait for orders." The second platoon leader, Lieutenant Li Bofeng suppressed his inner anxiety as much as possible to observe the situation of the opposite Yueshi. They were ordered to assemble secretly. In the border area, his Qin army only stated that they had gathered two infantry battalions. These two infantry battalions were from different units. It seemed that their troops were not very large, but in the railway station at the rear, there were a large number of infantry battalions. Troops and supplies have already been assembled there. Once the battle starts, these two infantry battalions will immediately rush over. There is no fire support, and they will be completely sneaked by infantry. Then the train will pull a large number of infantry into Yueshi along the railway line. They only need to follow the railway line all the way south.

The plan is very good, but it is difficult to implement, because the Qin army is not clear about the situation along the railway. They do not know how many Yue soldiers are stationed along the railway. If the Yue people destroy the railway, they The advance of Qin will be blocked. What's worse is that if the Yue people deliberately destroy the railway behind it, everything will be a disaster for the Qin army.

"It's not the Yue soldiers who are tough, but the Yapian smugglers. They have a lot of weapons in their hands. If they trouble us, I believe they will do it easily." Li Bofeng put down the telescope in his hand. Speaking of this. After a period of border guards, he learned. What really worries Qin Jun are those Yapian smugglers. Yapian smuggling is violent, not only because Yapian is a drug and has a strong dependence, but the most terrible thing is his price, because Qin state completely prohibits Yapian. The price of the film has risen to twenty-five and a half dollars a gram, and many addicted people buy with a lot of money, but they can’t buy it just like that. Because the Qin army deployed a large number of barbed wire fences, landmines, and secret machine gun bunkers in the border area, this caused the Yueshi Yapian smugglers to lose a lot, but these still couldn't organize their heart to advance bravely. They are still madly importing a large number of elegant films. It seems that this situation is not difficult for them at all. They began to do everything possible to enter the main defense area of ​​the Qin Army. They used long iron needles to detect mines and cut off the barbed wire. For machine gun bunkers, they would detect all of them during the day. If they could not detect them, they would usually Throwing grenades in the machine gun shelter to attract machine guns to fire. In short, they have a way to enter the defense area of ​​the Qin Army. Although the Qin Army claimed that their defensive pressure has been reduced a lot, in fact, it is the Qin Army that really relieved the Qin Army. The assault team in, they contacted air firepower to carry out continuous bombing of the Yapian producing areas, and sometimes they also carried out bombing operations on major transportation hubs. These bombings were the main reason for the decline in the Yuezhiren Yapian. In fact, this is not the credit of the Qin Army's defense zone.

Port Seth, the fire is still burning. There was a tendency to further reduce the fire. After all, some places are only shallow oil fields and the recent sandstorms have affected the fire. The fire has been controlled. But recently, I don’t know why some people think of arson. For this, a Korean reporter The incident was reported seriously, but the Seth police were unable to give a reasonable explanation because they did not know who did it. Although they suspected that Zhang You did it, they had no evidence. It's really impossible to do such a thing.

"Is it the first time to kill? I think you are very nervous." The fire turned the sky red, but most of the area was still dark, as if darkness were the best place for evil.

"Yes. But why are we killing him." A young man held a pistol in his hand. This is a .50 pistol. It hits the key at close range, even if it is not dead, it is seriously injured, and it is difficult to survive. Obviously they need to kill the killer.

"Money, benefits. Very simple, this guy is holding something that shouldn't be held. So, he should go to death." After speaking, some people greeted their hands, and they left. And another corpse floated in Port Seth.

"Although we don’t know whether this homicide is directly related to the seven previous homicides, they all have a common feature. The dead were all oil merchants. They invested in the oil field. We have reason to believe that the oil industry There are serious reasons for homicide." A reporter wrote in the Seth Times.

Since the fire, the number of homicides has increased rapidly. This is only known to the police. There are cases of people missing for unknown reasons every day. No one knows exactly how many people are missing, but there are probably more than 100 people. Many people have a common feature, oil, they are either oil merchants, or oil workers, or oil transporters. In short, as long as they are involved in oil, the fate of some of them will not be much better.

Petroleum is generating a panic, and this kind of sentiment can make many people fall apart. Many people have to withdraw from this business because of fear of death. They have to withdraw, because in their opinion, a strange force is controlling the industry. What they want to do is monopoly, and their investment in this business has been serious. The threat to their interests exists.

"It's a good job, but this way, we are not enough." Zhang You put down the newspaper in his hand and said to his men.

If you want to monopolize oil, simply create disasters, and buy oil fields at low prices is not enough. None of these can completely depress the price of oil. They simply cannot make their economic interests rise. They still lack some things. These things are. , Monopolizes oil transportation and extraction, so more targets are aimed at those who extract oil. As long as they are in contact with oil, they will do it. At the beginning, they will use money to do some things. Money can solve problems. .

But the problem is that sometimes it is difficult for money to solve some problems. For example, some oil merchants think they should stick to it, because oil is a very profitable and promising industry. They are determined not to let go. Their persistence and their persistence It caused trouble, and it also brought trouble to Zhang You.

Therefore, Zhang You had to take some extraordinary measures. These measures were to kill them and then force them to sell the oil fields in their hands, or to reduce the pressure on them to reach out to other industries. These are all for them. Very simple things, such things are necessary and ought to be done for them, because they must do so in order to expand their interests.

"Boss. No, chairman. Now we are doing this, is it a bit too much." Killing, the use of force has become the final solution.

"This is Seth. In addition to our Koreans, there are other countries and technologies that will complicate criminal cases. Despite all the conflicts of interest, this is Seth, despite our laws and soundness. They fully protect the private property interests of businessmen. This is a good thing. This is very good for all of us. However, they will also create obstacles for us." Zhang You said. His men did not understand what he was going to say.

"But this has also created a lot of trouble for us. We are eliminating the trouble. And we have to take such measures. Sometimes, the necessary crime can help us eliminate such trouble. Do you understand?" Zhang You still does not The plan ends, because only when the oil monopoly can make their interests bigger, they must do this, and only in this way can their economic interests become supreme. This is the result they must face.

Monopoly will inevitably bring **** crimes. This is unavoidable. Although a sound legal system will bring various benefits, it still cannot avoid the occurrence of crimes, because it involves a serious conflict of interest. Conflict, the sound law cannot effectively sanction the other party, because they need evidence, which makes them unscrupulous.

Efficient monopoly may greatly stimulate the occurrence of crimes. Sometimes this kind of thing is difficult to avoid.

Petroleum is such an industry. It can bring about the progress of industrial civilization, and it can bring about tremendous progress for mankind. But crime cannot be avoided. Oil looks so dirty, but it is of great help to mankind. Sometimes, we have to admit that such things happen. Because he really exists.

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