The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3395: Zhao Guojun’s troubles

Zhao Guo, Handan, Guo Kai felt very sorry about what happened to the Koguryo navy. He felt that they should not be treated like this. After all, they are also an important customer of Zhao Guohai's.

"The Koguryo Navy heard that it suffered heavy losses. I want to know what is their specific situation?" Guo Kai asked the Secretary of the Navy about specific matters.

"Sir, the situation of the Koguryo Navy is not very good." The Secretary of the Navy reported earnestly. Although the Qi State Navy Department attributed the failure to the poor naval equipment of Goguryeo. However, the Zhao State Navy Department does not think so. Although it does not approve it, such reasons can drive huge military orders. This is a very good choice for Zhao State and Qi State Navy.

"I want to know what is the reason for them? What is the reason for the failure? Is it because the equipment is too poor?" Guo Kai asked curiously. He must understand this reason.

"Yes, sir, their equipment is too bad. They are only equipped with a frigate of Qi State, which has a tonnage smaller than that of a warship equipped by pirates. As a result, their situation is not good, the most important thing is. The thing is, the other side is also equipped with some strange weapons, weapons that can be launched from underwater. Such warships are very difficult for us to deal with." Qi State Navy Minister said worriedly.

"Well. It seems that we need to export a batch of weapons to the Goguryeo people. They need such weapons too much. Their navy equipment is too bad." Guo Kai said.

"Yes, our Admiralty Department has planned to sell the two newly built cruisers to the Goguryeo people. But it will take some time. During this time, the equipment of the Goguryeo Navy is still at a disadvantage." The Secretary of the Navy said embarrassingly. The Koguryo Navy was very annoyed by this, but they also had to wait after suffering a huge loss. The Goguryeo Navy hates the Jeju pirates. The Jeju pirates apparently found a powerful upper, which is even more threatening than them, but until now, the Qi and Zhao navies have still not obtained Chu. Message of assistance behind the scenes. This has to be moved by the low intelligence capabilities of the navies of the two countries.

"Well, despite the dissatisfaction of the Goguryeo Navy, we should see that this is a very good opportunity. This is a very good opportunity for us. At the same time, the frigate, we can further upgrade, not to stay in the small battleship. On the basis of this, as far as possible, we should also sell some large warships or other weapons to the Goguryeo people. In this way, our navy will have military expenditure. We should not be so narrow." Guo Kai said. To. In his view, foreign arms sales can greatly improve the effectiveness of their arms sales and at the same time stimulate the development of their military industry enterprises. This is a very good result for them.

"Upgrade?" The Secretary of the Navy was a little surprised. It was Guo Kai who took the initiative to make such a request. Under normal circumstances, Guo Kai would not say that. He would only let the Navy Department reduce the Navy's military expenditure as much as possible. But now, the prime minister is unexpectedly. Say so. This surprised the Secretary of the Navy.

"Yes, upgrading. The purpose of upgrading is to make money, understand? There are so many opportunities to make money. This is still very important to us. We must do such a thing well. There must be no accidents, understand? "Guo Kai said. In fact, he even more hopes that the Navy can earn its own expenses. In this way, his burden on the Ministry of Finance will be much reduced.

"I. Understood." The Secretary of the Navy nodded. In this way, it is equivalent to getting an order to allow the Zhao State Navy to sell naval military equipment on a large scale. In this case, it will be thoroughly armed to the Goguryeo navy.

Laizhou, in the Qi State Naval Research Institute, a research team of the Qi State Naval Research Institute imitated a torpedo that looked very large at the fastest speed. This is the result of their dismantling torpedoes, but many of the parts are still used directly from the torpedoes. They have received the support of the Goguryeo Navy. The Goguryeo Navy has collected the torpedoes they used to clean the battlefield. In this way, Qi The National Navy does not have to worry about how those torpedoes can be disassembled and cannot be copied.

"Launch," a team member shouted loudly. Then a simple device, in fact, they are not installed in the launch tube, just a wrench-like thing to release the compressed gas.

"Swish." The torpedo flew out all of a sudden. Then launch it out at the fastest speed.

"Oh my God, it was really launched like this." said other members of the engineering team. But they were disappointed because the torpedo’s impact fuze had a problem, because the South Korean naval researchers themselves did not solve this problem. The fuze must withstand a certain amount of pressure. If the pressure is too small, it is easy to detonate, and the pressure is too large to detonate. Coupled with the instability of the torpedo, especially the depth of the torpedo, it makes it more difficult for the torpedo to perform its due role.

"The torpedo did not explode." A navy colonel cautiously reported. He is the person in charge of this project.

"Yeah. But this kind of weapon has opened our eyes. I think that this kind of weapon can only be designed by Qin people or Koreans. This shows that the weapons equipped by the pirates in Jeju are not backward. Think about it. , If they are equipped with so many weapons in large quantities. How should we deal with it? Moreover, if the warship designed by the Koreans can suppress the frigate, the situation of the frigate will be bad. We must deal with this. The situation." Qi State Navy Deputy Director said worriedly.

"This. We understand." said the navy colonel.

"Such equipment should be imitated on a large scale as soon as possible. At the same time, sharing such technology with Zhao Guoren, we must find a way to deal with the opponent's warships, but we are not even clear about the reference materials of the opponent's warships. This is for us. , It's simply too bad." The Navy Deputy Commander said dissatisfiedly. The navy colonel was helpless, because he was a technical officer, not an intelligence officer, and related information should be obtained from relevant military personnel.

The coastal area of ​​Maharashtra has become a battlefield, and there are ruins everywhere. Koreans, Zhao people, Qi people, and Chu people have spent a long time building this place. It has always been an important trading port, and the prosperity brought by trade. But after the people of the Yue family came here, they ruined everything. The people of the Yue family were crazy, and their madness made it difficult for them to understand why they did it.

"Boom. Boom." The hills in the distance were bombarded by Qi State warships on the coast from time to time, but their bombardment became less and less frequent. They are running out of ammunition. But the merchant ship to supplement them had not arrived yet, they had to stop shooting and let their ammunition be used where they were most needed, and this gave the Yueshi people some opportunities. The Yueshi launched a counterattack, and finally drove out the Yueshi from the coastal area, and returned again. street fighting. The battle became a dirty, disgusting street fighting.

"The war has become a cover. Those **** Yueshi people are even more annoying than mice. They are as disgusting as cockroaches and bugs." Lieutenant Ma Qu originally wrote a report. But writing and writing made him feel very tired. The war has become somewhat out of control.

It took them a long time to get rid of the Yueshi people. This was a good thing, but the price was that they had killed a lot of people. There were originally a camp of more than 600 people, although most of them were wearing hats. Local indigenous soldiers, but they killed more than five hundred and fifty people, and one of their platoons was burnt out. This makes Lieutenant Ma Qu feel very unacceptable. But the war is still not over, and they must stick to the defense here.

"Damn the Yue people, they should really be damned." Lieutenant Ma Qu thought about writing a letter to his wife. Maybe he should write a letter. He didn't want to write about the war, but after writing it out, He still writes this letter out, and he can post it, because the situation here is really worrying and bad.

"The war has become extremely difficult. The Yue family’s tactics have changed very quickly. Only then did we know that there used to be a large number of Qin Army instructors and Qin Army consultants in the Yue family’s army. Their tactics were derived from the Qin Army. The tactics are very clear and very effective. This is something we must learn. And we, the supply is very poor, and the only advantage of small-caliber artillery is not a big advantage for us, because the ammunition cannot be replenished in time. We only use the last few shells when it’s dangerous. The machine guns are far inferior to the Yueshi people. Although the Yueshi people’s machine gun imitation technology is good and we use them ourselves, the quality of their bullets is really not good? The primer technology is not good enough, and the quality of the gunpowder is not very good. It often happens that we have to pull the gun again after a few shots. This is our own experience after capturing and using it. Obviously, the Qin people did not export the relevant technology to the Yueshi people. , But the Moon’s people use machine gun tactics to the extreme. Usually their company will have four machine guns. And they will have two machine guns arranged on the flanks, even when attacking, their machine guns will also go with the attacking troops. In the offensive, they will take on the task of fire support, which makes it difficult for our riflemen to deal with them. Our heavy casualties come from this. If we have artillery, I will kill each other as soon as possible. This It's so annoying." Lieutenant Ma Qu wrote in the letter.

The tactics of the Yueshi people are not smart, but they are very clever to use the flanking tactics. At the same time, their infantry tactics also attack from the flanks as much as possible. A frontal attack will cause them heavy losses, but if they attack from the side, they will After receiving unexpected results, such tactics caused Zhao Jun a lot of trouble in street fighting and frontal offensive battles. Because when they were resisting the opponent's attack, they suddenly discovered that there was an enemy on their side and rear wing, which made them feel very panic. Such panic directly caused their defense to fail, and many positions were lost in this way.

In fact, it is not difficult to deal with them, as long as the firepower is concentrated on the other party. So they can repel the enemy, but the problem is that Zhao Jun’s logistics supply situation is really bad. Most of the army’s ammunition is left on the merchant ships, but the ammunition waiting to be unloaded is arranged at the end, some insignificant supplies. But unloaded indiscriminately on the shore. The War Department and the Navy Department usually have great conflicts. This kind of existence makes them extremely uneasy. This is an important factor that causes the Zhao Jun’s combat to become unfavorable. However, the situation of the Yue people is not not too good. In the deadlock in the war, no one can say clearly how they can open up such a situation.

Zhao State, North Laizhou, the naval base, there is also a research institute, in addition to a relatively large naval shipyard, a large number of warships were built here.

"Just kidding, they are just joking." An engineer from Zhao Guo said, looking at the technical indicators in his hand and shaking his head.

"They just think that simply increasing the tonnage can solve all the problems? These bureaucrats." The engineer said, shaking his head. The Zhao State Navy’s command is simple. They hope to increase their tonnage on the basis of the frigate, from less than 1,000 tons to 2,500 tons. In this case, the firepower and mobility of the frigate may increase. Up, the frigate can meet some of their needs. At the same time, the artillery can also be loaded with more mature 75mm artillery. This type of artillery can provide greater firepower, if necessary, they can also be equipped with larger caliber artillery.

"Our power plant still has a big problem. Simply increasing without increasing horsepower will not increase the speed of the frigate. On the contrary, it will make our frigate very slow." The engineer said. Zhao Guojun has insufficient investment in engine research. The speed of battleships and the lack of horsepower have always been a short leg of the battleship of the Zhao Kingdom. To maintain it, they had to sacrifice some protection to do such a thing. The cruiser was such a product. Engineers believe that the most important thing to do at present is to study power plants and at least solve such problems, instead of focusing all the problems on the design of battleships. This is for the development of the Zhao State Navy. This is a huge disaster. Such disasters will make it difficult for them to solve such things. But their Secretary of the Navy apparently disagrees with such a thing.

Only by selling warships can their navy have more funds to solve the problem. This is the contradiction of the Zhao State Navy. If there is no such contradiction, they will not be able to solve such a problem by themselves. This is the trouble of Zhao Guohai.

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