Qin State, Yueshi border. According to the usual time, the Moon Sentinel should change defense at this time. But after half an hour has passed, no one changes defense. But the sentry has never waited for that moment. He was killed by Qin Jun's snipers. The war has started. The first group of infantrymen of the Qin Army have arrived at the border area, and the railings on the border have long been raised by the soldiers of the Qin Army. They will formally enter the territory of Yuezhi.

"We have surrendered. You must ensure our safety." A Yue's sentry begged for mercy. They knelt on the ground with their hands up, maybe this could forgive them for their lives, they were just ordered to stay here, and the situation here is terrible. No one will care about them at all.

"Relax, you are now prisoners of war. We will treat you as prisoners of war." Lieutenant Li Bofeng said angrily. When the offensive order was issued, his men were the first group to cross the border quietly. They attacked the other side's border post, where eight month soldiers were stationed, and they looked like they had come for retirement. The fighting will was extremely weak, and their battle was over without a shot. They all surrendered.

A large number of Qin troops entered Yuezhi territory, and they wanted to take over the border area. For them, such a task is very simple.

But the most important thing is the railway station, because only there can a large-scale transport of troops, relying on the road to invade Yuezhi on a large scale, which is obviously not that reality. However, a cavalry unit has quickly deepened, and they have to solve the defenders near the railway station along the way.

Border railway line. The surrendered Yue soldiers raised their hands and walked down to their positions. They were already disarmed. Now they surrendered with their hands up, and for them, their military career was over. Qin Jun will arrange them to do other things.

"Ooo. Ooo." Just then. An iron-clad train came slowly. They were soldiers of the Second Mobile Infantry Division. There was an infantry battalion on the iron-clad train. Their task was very simple, to destroy all the Yue's resistance forces along the way and disarm them.

"It seems that the battle went through very easily." Li Wei said with ease. To him, the war was very simple. They easily entered the territory of the Yueshi. On the side, his commander, Captain Bai Lin, was not so easy. In his opinion, war was full of dangers. Bailin fought a battle and the target was the Parthians, but later they helped the Parthians fight the Persians. He personally went to the front line and knew what the situation was like there. Li Wei is a young military officer. They are in the army after graduating from the military academy. Although the Qin Army has a large number of consultants who are served by these young soldiers, there are few wars now. Many officers who graduated from military academies have never experienced wars. They see wars very simply. Even in exercises, they cannot truly simulate the cruelty of war. In his opinion, they are two different things.

"It's not easy at all. It's better that we be more careful. Now we are in the war zone. Do you understand? Although the armored train can provide great security protection, it still does not mean that we are absolutely safe. The Yueshi people may be Bullets were shot from other places. Be careful." Captain Bai Lin warned.

"Yes. Sir." Li Wei agreed cautiously. He doesn't need to salute, it is not allowed on the battlefield. He hates his chief. Because he looks very old-fashioned and not easy at all. For them, this kind of war is still an important place full of curiosity and excitement for young people. This will make them feel very satisfied. This is how war is.

The advance of the Qin Army went smoothly. The Yueshi's resistance was very weak. Many Yueshi soldiers surrendered after firing symbolically. They know that the country has nothing to do with them. They have very few troops here, and a large number of troops have moved towards the south. There is no one to defend here. For them, it is impossible to resist the Qin army. Resistance will only make them sacrifice in vain. Many Yue soldiers have been prepared to surrender from the beginning. This is not a shameful behavior.

Qin State, Xianyang.

"The march went very smoothly, and the resistance of the Yueshi people was extremely weak and could be ignored." Meng Yi reported to Shangwen.

"Are there any casualties?" Shang Wen asked such a question. He was concerned about this.

"One person was seriously injured, 12 people were lightly injured, and Yue's side was killed in battle. They have already exceeded fifty people, but most of them resisted very slightly. They knew that they couldn't resist it at all," Meng Yi said.

"Yeah. Not bad, but we still need to be careful. After all, this is a war. If we don't do well, the people of the Yue family will fire at us." Shang Wen said worriedly.

"We should be more careful about the guerrilla tactics that the Yueshi people may deploy. After all, guerrilla warfare is not easy to deal with, and the Qin army will spend too much time there. This is not a good thing for us." Shangwen Speaking of.

"But I think your immigration policy is good. If we emigrate the Yueshi people, that might be a good suggestion." Shangwen said.

"Well. Maybe it should be the case, but the question is, after the emigration, will those Yueshi obey our orders? Will it cause a greater reaction. Yueshi may be overly nervous." Meng Yi said worriedly. To.

"Well, for such a thing, we can take a look at their reaction. I think it is better to be cautious. After all, what we need is a stable Yue State, not a chaotic, war-torn Yue State. In that case, it will cause great trouble to the State of Qin," Shang Wen said, shaking his head. Obviously, Qin State does not want Yueshi to become a source of trouble.

Qingcheng, South Korea.

"Have you heard? The government is going to package and sell the Suez Canal and hand it over to merchants to manage." In a teahouse, merchants discussed the news. The news was not officially publicized, but some merchants have already inquired about the news. , They naturally have their own way, after all, businessmen are particularly sensitive to news.

"This news may be true. I heard that the development of the Suez Canal is very important. If a company wins, it is to win a paragraph. I think it is also very powerful. For the company, it is an opportunity to make a fortune. Because the Suez Canal can lead directly to the north, although I don’t know what the situation in the north is, silk, cotton, tea, sugar and various commodities are traded very actively. With this kind of business, it can be said that there is no need to worry about anything. This is a very good thing. If I have the funds to do such a thing, I will definitely do it.” A businessman said.

"Get rich, don’t lose money, it’s good. I know that the Suez Canal is really a money-losing business. That place, even if the government gives us all the surrounding land, we can also lose money. There are not many people there. It's slow. The construction of such a canal requires a lot of money. The government's loan funds are estimated to be unable to repair a 100-mile canal." A businessman said while drinking.

"Why?" Many people asked puzzledly.

"It's very simple. The Aiji government simply ignores us, and many things cannot be carried out. The South Korean government cannot suppress the other side militarily. On the contrary, fighting there will cost too much financial funds. If the government can make money, how can it be possible? I will give such a project to our businessmen to do. I dare say that if you take such a project at once, you will lose your life. I think it is better for us to be careful. After all, this kind of thing is for us. Say. It’s not something that can be endured.” Indeed, it is difficult for ordinary businessmen to bear such a large-scale loss, because it takes a lot of money to do such a thing well. Sometimes, there may not be a lot of money to be able to do. Do something like this.

"I think that sometimes it is a good thing for the government to let go. This shows that the government does not have the energy to manage such things. If it is entrusted to our businessmen to do it, it may be better than the government. After all, there are some things, The government cannot do it in person." A businessman said worriedly at this time.

"Perhaps this is the case, but I don't want to be poor like this in my next life. Perhaps, this is not something a businessman like us can do." The businessman said. In their view, when dealing with the government, you have to be very careful, because none of them knows what will happen in the next second. Although you can get rich quickly, you may suddenly become impoverished. Anything will happen.

"I think we should consider such a thing. This is an opportunity. The government will not let a company or company go bankrupt. There will definitely be some money in it," said the chairman of Qingcheng Construction Company. For the government to let go of the Suez Canal, they think this is an opportunity, and the government promised to give a lot of money to help, which is too important for them. They need so much money to do such a thing, otherwise, they would not do such a thing.

"The situation is good. However, cooperating with the government, the burden that the government has thrown away, I think, this is definitely not a good result for us, because it will be a huge burden on us. We will bear it. Can't afford such a loss, the current business situation of the company is already very bad. We can't stand such a loss." The directors said worriedly. They are responsible for their own funds, which is what they must do.

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