"What if they don't surrender?" Captain Bai Lin tasted his commander, Major Wang Ge, the commander of the 7th Infantry Regiment.

"Then launch an attack, there is nothing to solve." Wang Ge said indifferently.

"We have 75mm artillery. It is very easy to deal with them. As long as we suppress them, we still have a way to solve this bunker. Besides, not all Yue soldiers will find a way to resist, they For their own family, for their own lives, they must also think about it this way." Wang Ge said with a smile. It seems that he is very optimistic, but Bai Lin does not think so. It is usually hoped that good things have no results, because such things have been proven to happen many times. It is difficult for them to do things like this, because the war is not conducted from a normal perspective. This war is true for them.

"Let our interpreter tell those Yue family members to surrender quickly, otherwise we will fire." Major Wang Ge immediately let his soldiers shout loudly to make the soldiers of the Yue family garrison surrender. Their guns have been aimed at them.

Many people think that the people of the Yue family will not resist, because once they resist, it means that their lives will be difficult to guarantee.

"Damn it. The Yueshi didn't respond." Half an hour later. Major Wang Ge, who had completely lost his patience, ordered a shot. They stayed here for too long. This will consume Qin Jun's patience.

"Boom. Boom." The 75mm artillery began to show its strength, and the shells hit the fortress directly, but unfortunately, the first, second, and more shells just bounced off from the fort, and the Yue people attacked them. The bunkers are very strong. It seems that their confidence in not surrendering lies here.

South Korea, Xinzheng, the highest floor of the office building of the Western Trading Company. This is the place where the board of directors gathers here, and it is also a place to discuss major projects.

"The government has decided. It is necessary to get rid of the Suez Canal. Of course. The government will give us more concessions, such as garrison, market, and various development rights. As long as the profitable business is given to us, they only need to charge Certain project bidding costs, as well as taxes, nothing more." A director said optimistically. When everyone thinks they can't do such a thing. The Western Trading Company, which is an enterprise with government investment and mixed funds of the Bank of Korea and Qin State Bank, but the decision-making power is still in the hands of the Koreans, because the combined share of the Koreans exceeds 61%. One. They have great control over the company. But what they care about now is the Suez Canal project.

"The government still has great concessions. For example, it provides some interest-free loans and tax exemptions. Of course. More funds need to be solved by ourselves. I think this part of funds can be solved by stock operations. After all, our stock prices are currently at a relatively low level. If they rise, we will make a lot of money. The most important thing is that from a long-term perspective, the Suez Canal is indeed very important. Once opened, the entire The volume of trade may more than double, which is a very profitable project for us.” said the director.

"Well. I also agree to do this. If you know, such a project is not often available. It is more cost-effective for the government to take out such a project. Moreover, the Suez Canal is very important." A director said. .

"But it is difficult for our company to eat such a project, which requires funds. At the same time, we only cooperate in trade. Although occupying a very important trading joint point, it is very important to us, but it is very important to us. The increase in trade in China is very large. However, to build such a huge canal, we still need a lot of money, and building a canal is not what we are good at.” Another director said worriedly.

Trade is very sensitive to traffic arteries. Once stuck there, a lot of business cannot be done. Trading companies know this very well, so they are very concerned about the Suez Canal, but the government is unable to allow it. They can consider accepting it. But the question is, what to do after accepting, in terms of technology, they are too lacking. Funding is not a lot, they still need a helper, maybe they should think about it this way, after all, many things still need to be done by themselves.

"Perhaps, we should consider cooperating with some other companies, they can help us do better." A director proposed.

"We can find relevant professional companies to do it. They can do better. We don't have to worry about technical problems. As for funds, we can find banks. You must know that the government has given us a lot of land, and related things can be done. For people looking for related majors, it is the army. There are too many colonial armies in Shazhou. We can let them do this kind of thing, and this kind of help is still acceptable to us.” Other directors said. To. In their view, they are not afraid of how difficult the problem is. What they fear is that the problem will not be solved. This is the most critical point.

"Well. Very good. I think this plan is good. But what I worry about is that this project is too big. It requires too much capital. Now many companies are unwilling to do such a thing. This will have a great impact on the company's capital turnover. Big trouble. This is definitely not a good thing for many companies. I think many companies will refuse such a thing.” Some directors said worriedly.

The problem is indeed like this. They think of a way to solve the problem, but they must also pay attention to another thing. This thing is that they must find a way to solve this problem. The problem is that they need to find a suitable partner. Partners will make them extremely flexible.

"In this case, we can see by looking at the bidding companies. Don't worry too much. This is definitely a profitable project. With one more partner, our risk will be reduced." At this time, the chairman of the Western Trading Company Stand up and speak. He is not at all worried that this project will not make money, because the demand in the north is very large. The question is how they open this situation, this is their most important thing.

Zhao Guo, the General Staff.

"This is the first-hand information from the front line. It seems that the logistical work done by the Admiralty is very poor." Li Mu is extremely dissatisfied with the Admiralty, especially the dismantling of the navy and the army due to military expenditures. This made Li Mu very sad, because any unfriendly cooperation ultimately led to the failure of the combat mission, and it was the soldiers of the Zhao Jun who suffered. He was very dissatisfied with this, but he had no choice. After all, he could not control the army. Similarly, they can’t control the affairs of the General Staff.

"No matter what, sir, I think our army's tactics need to be upgraded again. It is said that the tactics of the Yueshi originated from the Qin army. This time their tactics caused us a lot of trouble, if it weren't for their weapons. If the supply of ammunition and the development of some new weapons are not smooth, they may not encounter such a problem." Li Zuoche tried to explain this problem from a tactical point of view, and he also hoped that Li Mu's attention could be refocused. Come up from a military perspective.

"Yeah. That's right. The Yueshi tactics have indeed caused us a lot of trouble. Their flank firepower and flank attack. We encountered a great threat. Many recruited local troops died on the flank. In terms of firepower, not only that, but most of our people died on this. It seems that our machine guns really need to be further improved. And increase all the holding capacity." Li Zuoche said.

"But. Sir. I think we should pay attention to another type of machine gun, or we should pay attention to two kinds of firepower. In street fighting, the continuous shooting effect of the rifle is very poor. The firepower is difficult to sustain, plus the Yueshi Flanking attacks can easily cause our front to be breached. The continuous firing of the rifle and the sustainable firepower of the rifle are too weak. Once the fire support of the machine gun is lost, it will be a disaster for us." Li Zuoche said.

"How do you solve this problem?" Li Mu asked.

"My idea is that we can increase the number of submachine guns or pistols. In close combat, this configuration has a great effect on us." Li Zuoche said.

"Although there are still many problems with submachine guns. However, we should see that in assault and defensive operations, submachine guns can exert greater firepower in a very short period of time. This is a very important one for us. In addition, the layout of machine guns, we should also see the importance of machine guns, but from the point of view of the machine guns we are currently equipped with, the firepower of the machine guns is very important, but the weight of the machine guns is too heavy, and they are all heavy. Machine guns, heavy machine guns are too heavy, and in defensive operations, this effect may not be too great. But the problem is that in non-defensive operations, this situation will have very serious consequences. It is difficult to move, and , The offensive performance is very poor, the maneuverability is poor, so I hope to have a kind of light machine gun that can be used on the plane, which can facilitate the movement of two or more people. In this way, in the infantry attack, it can provide the infantry on the move. Strong fire support, this is very important to us." Li Zuoche said.

"Your idea is very good. I think we should also increase the firepower of the infantry, for example, increase the mortar. Infantry artillery, especially 37mm artillery. For us, it is still very heavy. Infantry It is difficult to move to play its due role." Li Mu added. This battle against Yueshi. Let Li Mu see the importance of artillery. Although direct-fire artillery is powerful enough for infantry and can eliminate machine guns, the problem is that this kind of weapon still has certain inconveniences to move. In normal offensive operations, it may still Play a role, but in the rapid combat, especially the rapid marching combat of the army, it is obviously impossible for the infantry to be equipped with such firepower. In this way, a light firepower weapon needs to be equipped in the Zhao army. Li Mu took a fancy to the mortar. Because mortars can strike distant targets, there is no limitation of fire angle, and they can provide fire support for infantry. As for other infantry artillery, a new unit can be specially set up for equipment. When the battle is extremely fierce. , You can consider adding them to other areas. In this way, for them, it is also a brand-new offensive combat method.

"But at present, we still can't meet these requirements. We can only meet the needs of frontline soldiers bit by bit. We still have a lot to do." Li Mu said.

"Yes, sir, according to the latest intelligence, we have encountered some troubles here. The Yue people have three infantry divisions deployed here. They have strong forces. If it is not for our navy’s naval guns to dominate, let’s go. The three infantry divisions are very troublesome for us." Li Zuoche said still very worried.

"Yeah. I think it won't take long for some people to stop worrying like this. In my opinion, this kind of problem is not a troublesome thing." Li Mu thought for a while and wanted to say.

"The people of Qin have sent troops to the south. I think the Koreans will move faster. The Indians and the Koreans have reached an understanding. I don't know what the understanding is, but it will definitely not be as simple as getting the Indians to withdraw from the border. When things happen, the Koreans will definitely not care about that point of the border. What they need is Mabang.” Li Mu saw the Koreans’ trump card all at once. What the Koreans really need is not the border entanglement between Champo and India. What they need is more, and more is how to solve the problems between them.

"But we can't expect them to solve such a thing. The only thing we can do is to strengthen our defense. If necessary, we can take some extreme measures to strengthen our defense." Li Mu did. Li Zuoche didn't know what extreme defense meant or what it meant, but he did. The situation is still extremely unfavorable for Zhao Jun. Because the Ministry of the Navy sent a report saying that their warships had run out of artillery shells. They must retreat to a nearby naval base to supplement, or, let another warship take over their mission. But another warship might not arrive as scheduled. In this case, they will have a firepower gap. During this gap, no one knows what kind of attack the Yueshi people will launch. But this is the situation.

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