The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3399: Very troublesome

"Let it go." An artillery sergeant called loudly. The artillery of the Qin Army's armored train fired again, but the 75mm artillery had no effect on the reinforced concrete fortifications. They just knocked out some of the cement skin on it.

"Sir, it's useless. If we want to destroy the opponent's fortress, the only way is to advance the artillery to a very close distance and aim at the opponent's hole." A second lieutenant said to his officer.

"I don't care. We have to provide some fire protection. This is the order above. We have to do this. If you think it doesn't make sense, then you go and rest." His chief refused the other party's suggestion.

"Well, sir, I will stick to it." The ensign thought it was a waste of shells, but if they didn't take Tallinn, they would be unable to do anything.

In the armored train headquarters, Wang Ge anxiously watched the battle. Although their firepower was very effective against some fortifications, their situation would become very inadequate if they were to deal with those reinforced concrete fortresses. The 75mm artillery became so weak. This makes Wang Ge very annoyed.

"Sir, the only way at the moment is to use explosive packs. We have to let our soldiers approach, but the Yues built machine gun positions there, and we must shift our firepower to attack those machine gun positions. Only in this way, we It may be possible to find some breakthroughs. If we cannot find a breakthrough, we may not be able to do anything." A lieutenant officer suggested.

"I know this." Wang Ge nodded and said. If he did so, it would cause a lot of manpower loss, and there would be casualties, and he couldn't think of anyone who would be responsible for such a thing. Or he should transfer some veterans to do such things.

"Sir, a telegram was sent from above. They asked us why we are still staying in Tallinn. What are we waiting for?" Bai Lin took a telegram and handed it to his chief.

"I know. I will take military action, let our chief do not worry, Tallinn will take it down soon." Wang Ge said after reading the telegram hastily.

"Immediately organize manpower to blast the bunker, understand? This task is handed over to you. Captain Bai Lin, I believe your manpower is very sufficient." Wang Ge randomly assigned the task. And Bai Lin very much did not want such a task to be entrusted to him, because it was definitely not a good thing. But someone must do it.

"That is the defensive fortress of Tallinn. The defensive fortress built by the Yue people here is very ingenious. The flanking firepower and the frontal firepower cooperate with each other. I can guarantee that there will be machine guns in those places where no firepower is found. It’s very difficult to fight in the defensive positions." Old Black Sergeant said to his chief Li Wei with a telescope. But Li Wei felt it was impossible to do so, but he had to listen to the opinions of the sergeant, and his chief did not order them to attack.

"If this is the case, these bunkers will be difficult to deal with?" Li asked quietly.

"It's not that there is no such possibility. I think we should focus on bombarding the opponent's shooting point, and then launch a sneak attack in the dark to blow up some bunkers. In this case, it will be beneficial to us. But this is a waste. Time. Maybe the above really won't give us so much time." Old Hei said helplessly. Taking advantage of the darkness to launch a sneak attack, blowing up the opponent's bunker is the best way. But the problem is that it takes some time to wait. Obviously their chief will not do this.

"Moreover, what I am worried about is that the people of the Yue clan will build some dark castles. I believe they will definitely do this." Old Black Sergeant said.

"What do you need? What do you need to blow up those bunkers?" At this time, Captain Bai Lin lowered his body and walked over and asked the old black sergeant. He is a veteran and naturally knows what to do.

"I need fire cover, blow up those bunker areas, and then I take three people forward. They need a lot of grenades and explosives bags. In this way, we can do such a thing well." Old Hei thought. I want to talk about it.

"However, waiting for the night to come and doing this, we need cover." Old Hei said.

"This is impossible, the above won't give us such ample time." Lieutenant Bai Lin said.

"Sir, I think I should go for such a task. I am their chief. In addition, I will choose another soldier to go. He is definitely a good player." Li Wei said with a smile. He thinks this is an opportunity. He can do many, many things like this. They need such an opportunity too much.

"Well, maybe your idea is right, but I will provide you with some fire support as much as possible. You have to be more careful. Be cautious, and if you can't, retreat. Don't behave." Captain Bai Lin looked at Li Lieutenant Wei, young people are always so impulsive, maybe it's good to be on the battlefield. He knew that the battlefield was not that much better.

"Boom. Boom. Boom." The 75mm artillery began to fire violently. Not only that, some machine guns were also disassembled and pushed as far as possible to the front line. Then suppress those machine gun bunkers. This may not make any sense, but it may be something Qin Jun can do. They just don't want more sacrifices.

"Be careful, and come back if you don't work." Captain Bai Lin said. But Li Wei didn't think so. He felt that he should blow up those bunkers. He is carrying a dynamite bag on his back, he is carrying a pistol, and his body is filled with hand grenade. This kind of grenade is powerful and can be shot far away. But it is too big to carry much. If you carry too much, you can only throw away the rifle.

Li Wei took a corporal, and the old black sergeant set off. The three of them are all equipped with this kind of equipment. The difference is that Li Wei is still pushing a box of grenades because he feels that the number of grenades all over his body may not be enough for him to use.

The three of them rolled into a crater. The smoke after the bombing had not dissipated. This would provide them with a good cover, but they could not see the location of the opponent's main bunker. Lao Hei felt that things were not so simple, and the people of the Yue family had definitely built a dark fort. He felt that things were not simple, and his instinct told him that the people of the Yue family would definitely do this.

"Next we should go forward. Blow up that big bunker. I think we just need to go around. The main defensive position of the Yue people over there has been blown up." Li Wei retracted his telescope and said to the two people. To.

"Sir, I think it's better to be more cautious. It's exploded. But we should be careful. There may be Yueshi people, or there may be a dark castle. If we can't get it right, we may." Old Black Sergeant felt that his chief's plan was not good. Because it's so rash. After the veterans are aware of the danger, they usually do not do this, at least they will try it out.

"It's nothing. The bombardment has lasted for more than half an hour. The Yue family members have been killed long ago." Li Wei said without incident.

"I think we should be more careful." Old Hei insisted.

"Well, you stay here, I'll take the corporal with me. You cover us." Li Wei said angrily. He thought the sergeant was too courageous. This will seriously hinder his promotion. He suspects that the sergeant is a coward on the battlefield, and it must be a speculation to be promoted to the sergeant. Speaking of Li Wei, he climbed out of the bullet with his corporal. The old black sergeant was helpless, he immediately took out two grenades, he felt that they would definitely encounter some trouble.

Li Wei was very bold. They were crawling at first, but he felt that it was too slow. They should complete the task as soon as possible, so he was the first to kneel down and get up. In this case, his speed may be faster.

"Suddenly. Suddenly." Suddenly the sound of a machine gun sounded. Li Wei Li Wei squatted on the ground, and the corporal behind pounced on him. He felt the bullet flying past his head. It made him feel. War may be really cruel, he thought.

"Thank you, corporal, thank you, you saved one of me, now you should get up." The ensign was pressed by the corporal, which made him unable to move.

But the corporal lay motionless on him, his eyes kept looking at him.

"What's the matter?" Li Wei looked at the corporal curiously, in an embarrassing posture. But the other party was motionless. Only then did he feel it. There was some hot liquid flowing on him, and he felt very uncomfortable.

"Corporal." Li Wei suddenly felt that something was wrong, he knew. The corporal was killed. Maybe the first bullet hit the opponent.

"Damn it. Damn it." Li Wei was dumbfounded. It was the first time he encountered such a thing.

"Boom. Boom." The sergeant hiding in the crater saw everything at once, and he knew that he would encounter such a thing. They knew the Yue people too well. The Qin people taught them the tactics of flanking firepower. They will continue to use it, and they will build a dark fort to keep the firepower from launching. They are very hateful, and hateful to the disgusting area. The sergeant immediately threw a grenade, and the smoke from the explosion would cover his safety.

"Sir. Get out of here. Hurry up. Don't wait any longer." Said the sergeant climbed over and threw a grenade. He saw Li Wei's eyes red, and his expression became tense. It seemed that death made him feel a little scared. This surprised Lao Hei.

"Quickly get out of here. Sir." Old Hei anxiously threw a grenade. Then crawled over and dragged the ensign out, which was very troublesome for those who had never been on the battlefield.

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