"Slap." Old Black Sergeant slapped Li Wei's face with a five-finger print on Li Wei's face.

"Damn it. Sir. You'd better be sober. This is the battlefield, not the place where you are crying." Old Black Sergeant said after pulling the ensign into the crater. The crater is not very big, they have to curl up to ensure their safety, but that's it, the old black sergeant slapped the opponent, because only in this way can the opponent calm down. In this regard, he was very disappointed.

"There will be deaths on the battlefield, this is normal. You must cheer, or you will die." Sergeant Old Black said and handed a box of grenade to the opponent.

"Cover me. We must kill that bunker." Sergeant Old Black crawled out of the crater as he said, and Li Wei only then recovered a little bit. The first time he experienced death, perhaps the training played a role, his muscles were not so tight. He felt that he should be better.

"Boom." A hand grenade was thrown out, and the explosion produced smoke. The old sergeant black looked back and continued to crawl forward, dragging the explosive bag. Climb towards a bunker.

Wang Ben’s forward command. He is a commander who can't sit still. His command has entered the territory of Yueshi. His staff officer agreed with the chief's behavior, but his chief of staff was worried about safety because they only controlled the railway.

"We have stopped in the Tallinn area for more than 18 hours. They actually stopped there motionless. Damn it." Wang Ben scolded while looking at the telegram in his hand. He was born as a cavalry and is good at maneuvering. Maneuvering can bring great protection, and at the same time, he can solve many problems. Stop maneuvering, and the danger will become very great. He was very worried about this.

"Sir. There is a bunker there, reinforced concrete bunker. Our 75mm artillery is on it. It's useless. We need mortars to solve this problem." The Chief of Staff said helplessly. The mortar gun is a weapon specially designed for fortification, but it seems that all the mortar guns of the Qin army have entered the museum. Or it was sold to the Dawan people, and the Dawan people may have been abandoned due to lack of maintenance. And Qin Jun never thought that they would encounter such a fortification of the bunker.

"Damn it. I knew I would encounter such a problem, and I wanted to find a way to solve this problem. Let the engineers go and let them blow him up with explosives." Wang Ben knows the role of the engineers, and the combat engineers have become extremely important. , Because they are full of technology and at the same time able to overcome all fortifications. They can start from the weak joints of the fortifications.

"They have already done this. But this is too time-consuming. Maybe we will spend forty-eight hours. Only possible." The Chief of Staff conservatively estimated. His estimate may take longer, possibly more than seventy-two hours, because they will not be able to resolve such telegrams all at once. When formulating the plan before the war, it seemed that Qin Jun didn't anticipate such a problem, because they optimistically estimated that the Yueshi people there might easily solve it. Such optimism has caused a delay in time.

"They'd better solve this problem as soon as possible. The above can look at us. In addition, let our infantry and cavalry think of a way to go around and let them pass there as soon as possible. We can't spend too much time there. , Understand? The key to everything is time. Only when we have enough time, can we make the people of Yueshi unable to react." Wang Ben ordered. He knew that the Qin army’s dispatch of troops was very sudden, and such suddenness was the key to their solution to all problems. If they hadn’t had such a time limit, they might not have done this, so, He knew this too well. Qin Jun cannot lose the protective role of time. Once lost, the battle Qin Jun took over became very troublesome.

Karachi, South Korea's new army. Army captain officer. Meng Hao, he is an unrestrained military officer. He likes women and foreign women. For this reason, he was thrown to this place. Now the South Korean ambassador needs to recruit a group of army officers, so he was temporarily transferred here. , Serving as members of the South Korean Military Observer Group, and when necessary, they are also consultants to the Karachi military. They have to provide some suggestions to Karachi.

"The Karachi soldiers are gathering. Most of them have never fought. They are militiamen. More than 70% of Karachi soldiers are militiamen. Many people may not even touch a gun. Everything came in a rush. "A sergeant explained to him. Meng Hao didn't even shave his beard now, so he was taken here urgently. Because Karachi hopes to complete the assembly as soon as possible, and then break through Yueshi's defense line at the border. In this way, they can quickly enter Yueshi territory and occupy more Yueshi territory.

"Are such soldiers also soldiers?" Captain Meng Hao looked at the assembled Karachi militias. They didn't even have regular uniforms. The Karachi militias who were conscripted were issued with military caps at most, and even more soldiers. They didn't have any caps. Their condition was worse than he thought. The only thing was that many people didn't have weapons, and the old flintlocks were not enough, because they recruited too many people. There are a full 100,000 people, but they only have less than 60,000 rifles in their arsenal, which means that there are still 30,000 to 40,000 empty-handed.

"Haha. It happened suddenly. The Karachi people seemed to only think about the number of things, and forgot to train. However, sir, I think this is fine. When fighting, as long as you break through the enemy's defenses, I think, These people will launch a powerful offensive, and as long as all the gendarmerie teams are organized in the rear, I think they will still achieve such a thing." The sergeant said optimistically.

"Too optimistic. I think you are too optimistic." Captain Meng Hao shook his head and said. He has been on the battlefield. He knows what is going on on the front line, and letting these people attack can only become artillery. Maybe they will open the line of defense, but they will die a lot of people.

"The Yue people are equipped with a certain number of machine guns in the border area and launch such fortifications when the artillery preparation is insufficient. I don't think they will have very good results. Maybe they will bear too much military pressure. This It's the current situation." Captain Meng Hao is very optimistic about the Karachi attack. Not only are they recruiting militias, but more importantly, their firepower is extremely inadequate. Over the years, the Karachi people have purchased artillery for defense fortresses, and rarely provided infantry artillery to their infantry. The artillery of those fortresses is powerful, but extremely heavy, and it may be very unrealistic to be used in offensive operations. This is their situation.

"Besides, don't the people from the Yue clan who are on the other side know that they have assembled such a crazy force? It's really stupid. When they attack, I believe that the people from the Yue clan must have pulled the bolt against them." Meng Hao The captain said so. Despite his licentiousness, he still knows what the war is about. In his opinion, the Karachi people are too anxious. Maybe they have heard that the Qin people in the north are going south quickly, because there is a railway available there, and their attack speed will be faster. In that case, the Qin people may be bordering them all at once. This is what the Karachi people are most worried about. They hope to expand their territory at once, at least without too much error. This is what Karachi people think.

On the opposite position of the Yue people, the Yue people are carefully observing the military assembly of the Karachi people on the opposite side.

The Yue people only garrisoned the strength of one regiment here, and the strength of this regiment was still the strength of the normal infantry regiment. Under normal circumstances, an infantry regiment will have about three thousand troops, and they are equipped with 72 52mm artillery and 12 75mm artillery. Such firepower will bring them great firepower support, but it is a pity that they are just a garrison infantry regiment, and their strength is too small. There are only more than 1,200 people, many of whom are recruits. There are only 30 machine guns in the whole regiment. These machine guns are used to make up for the lack of their artillery. There are only four 52mm artillery in the regiment. This is all their firepower.

"Sir, the Karachi people on the opposite side are gathering, which is very bad for us." A second lieutenant reported.

"I know this. I now order you to leave the observation post. You go to the 321 Heights behind, where a railway and a highway will meet there. After passing there, that is your new defensive position." Captain Yankee Speaking of this. He is the commander of the infantry company here. He received new orders to establish a new defensive position on the 321 Heights, fifty kilometers behind, and they decided to give up on the border. Because it's too flat here. Can't defend at all. After their chief got the information gathered by the Karachi people, he thought that he shouldn't sit and wait like this, they must take some action, and this action is. Retreat, retreat to the 321 high ground behind, where the location is very important. It is a relatively long and narrow bottleneck. If Karachi people want to pass there, they must pass through that location. Moreover, there is an important gateway, behind which is the Yueshi town. That is where they must stand firm. Shrinking troops can increase their defensive strength, which is not difficult for the Yueshi people to accept.

"Yes." The ensign felt incomprehensible.

"This is an order. Retreat." Captain Yan Kee took a binoculars and looked at the forces of Karachi on the opposite side. There were at least 20,000 troops on the opposite side.

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