The Qi State Navy Department, inside the Office of Weapons Research.

"According to the latest information from Goguryeo, the pirates in Jeju have deployed mines on the main waterway. The scale of the mines is not clear, but it is enough to block the entire route and merchant ships have to detour. This is a big deal for us. Trouble." The office director said helplessly, holding the report in his hand.

"But sir, currently we don't have a method for waterproofing mines." A lieutenant colonel naval officer reported helplessly. They did not find a good way to prevent mines, and mines have caused them a lot of trouble.

"Yeah. So, we need a kind of boat. It doesn't matter if it blows up by mistake. He can find out the mines and discard them at the same time. Of course. The cost of construction is lower, and as small as possible. In this case , Our affairs will be much easier." said the office director.

"But sir, for such a small vessel, his sailing speed may be a bit too slow, or the voyage is too small. The vessel we built may not be able to expand further because of the sailing supply. This may be for us. A trouble." The lieutenant colonel thought. He believes that they should build a slightly larger warship, so that they can solve some problems.

"This. I don't care. If Goguryeo has the ability, they will build a naval base in other areas. Otherwise, we refuse to provide larger warships, let alone. They can't afford to lose, and their purchasing power is also Become extremely weak, they can only buy some small warships." The director said. The lieutenant colonel's mouth moved a bit. What he wanted to say was that they could actually provide more weapons, and the scale of the warships would be larger. In this way, more weapons could be provided. However, the thinking of the Qi State Navy It seems to be very interested in small warships. For example, the tonnage of the frigates they build is strictly limited to about 1,000 tons, and some may be more than 990 tons, but it is only 1,000 tons. This neurological nature The warship simply cannot install more weapons. In Qi’s view, this type of warship can only be purchased by Goguryeo itself, or used. In this case, the Koguryo Navy will not pose any threat to the country’s navy, because such warships are of little use or threat.

The most important thing is that the Qi navy can quickly build such a small warship. The speed he built can greatly resist their consumption speed. After the Goguryeo lost three more frigates, they suddenly added six frigates. The scale is larger than before. But such a warship does not seem to be of much use. The patience of the Goguryeo people did not seem to be exhausted at all, and they were no longer interested in this kind of small warship. Because in the battle with the pirates of Jeju Island, they found that the warships of the Jeju pirates were more powerful. The speed is faster than them, and the defense is much stronger than them. Compare them. Goguryeo people hope to equip such warships.

Zhao State Navy Department.

"Sir, this is the information on the new battleship equipped by the Jeju pirates. This is a new type of battleship." The Deputy Chief of the Navy handed over the compiled information to the Minister of the Navy. The Minister of the Navy Zhao Guo also noticed Jeju. The new-style warships equipped by pirates are very threatening. The frigates provided by the Qi people to the Goguryeo Navy seem to be useless. Such warships will make them extremely crazy.

"This is a new kind of warship. Destroyer?" the Secretary of the Navy asked.

"Yes, sir. New types of warships generally have a tonnage of more than 1,200 tons. It is said that the tonnage of the newly built warship is more than 2,000 tons and is equipped with four twin-mounted 75mm artillery. This kind of artillery can exert greater power. The shooting speed is faster and more dexterous. At the same time, they are also equipped with another new weapon. Torpedo, there are a total of six torpedo launchers. The combat power capability should not be underestimated, this Planting torpedoes poses a great threat to us." The Navy Deputy Chief introduced. The Secretary of the Navy frowned and looked at the documents in his hand.

The appearance of torpedoes caused a great impact on the artillery. Because this weapon can launch an attack from underwater. And as long as one shot is hit, it will cause fatal damage to a small warship. What happens if a cruiser or a heavy warship encounters such a torpedo? Think about it, just a worthless torpedo can cause such a big damage, this kind of loss is unbearable for the navy of any country.

"Fortunately, the range of this torpedo is not very far. If it is too far, the threat to our warships will be greater than ever." The Secretary of the Navy said after reading the report.

"Yes, sir, torpedoes must be launched very close. The maximum effective range is only six hundred meters, and some are less than six hundred meters. Such a distance can only be completed by the largest charge of the warship." The Navy Deputy Chief reported. To.

"This is an opportunity and a good opportunity. We have to find a way to equip our large artillery on the battleship. The artillery is more powerful. It is best to destroy these annoying destroyers with one shot." The Secretary of the Navy suddenly felt that , These destroyers are not without their shortcomings, their artillery power is very small, it is difficult to cause a great threat. But the biggest threat lies in their torpedoes, but the torpedoes have a very short range. This requires the destroyer to charge and attack at a great risk. The warships close to the opponent can release the torpedoes. Only in this way can the warship exert its power.

"Our solution is to build larger warships, but with a little bit, I think those cruisers are very good, and their guns are equipped with moderate caliber. The key to effectively suppressing these destroyers is that their speed is not satisfied. It is very important for us to be able to form effective strikes. With such warships, we are not afraid of these destroyers at all." The Secretary of the Navy thought about it and said.

"But sir, I think the threat of those torpedoes is still relatively large, and they have caused us a lot of damage. If they accidentally approached or attacked in the dark, it would still be a threat to us, and it is said that their The destroyer will also carry some mines, which can easily cause a blockade. This is not good for us." The Navy Deputy Chief said worriedly.

"Yeah. That's right. Those destroyers can still be solved with artillery, but we can't see mines. We can let those frigates do such things. They were originally such small warships and built such warships. The speed is very fast. It is said that the people of Qi are very willing to build such a small warship." The Secretary of the Navy said. As for the frigate, the people of Zhao were indifferent, because it is difficult for this kind of small warship to install large artillery. The power of his artillery was completely limited. This is the biggest disadvantage for warships, because they don’t have enough firepower to deal with the threat. Zhao people seriously look down on such warships, but Qi people have a soft spot for such warships. Perhaps ants can also Kill a giant elephant. The frigate has weak firepower, but it can be built on a large scale, and the number will be very large. Even some armed merchant ships can be transformed into frigates. This kind of low-cost warship is very much in need of the country. Because their navy values ​​quantity rather than quality, for them, the conditions for equipping large artillery are still immature, and it is impossible for them to achieve this.

And this is determined by the industrial bases of the two countries. In contrast, Zhao’s industrial foundation is strong, and they can build such warships. For example, their artillery factory can produce giant artillery over 300 mm. This artillery can fly the frigate with a single shot. The weight of a shell exceeds one ton. Some special ammunition can exceed two tons. With extended range ammunition, it may be even larger. Such a big shell is absolute firepower for them. Because their industry can do this.

In Qi's industry, they can only produce small artillery about fifty millimeters. No matter how big it is, such as a 75mm artillery. It is necessary to import related parts from Zhao, especially the gun barrel. They cannot produce such a qualified gun barrel. And their technology is not up to this level, so, for the Qi people, they can only build such a small warship, because their artillery can't do much. In contrast, they have a lot of labor cost advantages, and they build warships very quickly. Therefore, the Qi State Navy’s tactics are to overwhelm the opponent by number. Although the advantage of a frigate is not very large, if the number is If it is huge, it will pose enough threats. Although the opponent’s artillery threat is great, they have a quantitative advantage. Under the absolute advantage of quantity, they can definitely swallow the opponent's warship.

These are two different naval development concepts. Although their concepts are very different, the two navies still have a cooperative relationship. Qi can get some artillery enhancements from Zhao. However, they decided to focus on new weapons and equipment. This type of weapon is a torpedo. After all, this is the only magic weapon for small and small warships to win against large warships.

Tallinn. A team of cavalry is quickly bypassing the Tallinn line of defense. They have been ordered to reach farther places as fast as possible. Quick, this is the order given to them by their commander, and they must complete such an order. However, at the fortress of Tallinn, the people of Qin still had no way to capture him.

"Sir. Our situation is not very good. We have tried our best. Our cost of casualties has increased a lot. Twelve people have already been killed. But the main fortress of the other party is still using their firepower. We must. "Captain Bai Lin reported.

"I know. These are not important. The important thing is that we have to take the fortress and we can fight at a higher price. These are not important, understand?" Wang Ge interrupted Bai Lin's report.

"The important thing is that we must take down such a fortress. Within forty-eight hours, we must take down this fortress. Otherwise, I will become a soldier." Wang Ge said excitedly. Now he can no longer take care of the casualties. Although they have effectively suppressed the firepower of the fortress, which allows a part of the Qin army to pass through here quickly, the threat here still exists, because the Qin army cannot suppress the opponent for a long time. They must conquer. Such a bunker fortress.

Qin Jun mistakenly underestimated the defensive role of the fortress, and facing such a fortress bunker, it became difficult for them to operate.

"Okay. Sir. I understand." Bai Lin nodded and said helplessly. In the face of such a bunker, they can only do so. I tried my best to fight for it. If they don't take down this bunker fortress, they may not be able to do anything.

"Remove the cannon quickly. We need to get close and shoot." An artillery lieutenant commanded his artillery to carefully disassemble the artillery, and then reassemble it. They need to be close to the fortress for two hundred meters, perhaps even closer. Shooting, I hope this shooting will be useful, and the opponent's machine gun will also cause great casualties to them.

"Sergeant Old Black was killed." Li Wei suddenly matured a lot, and eight of his men were killed in battle. Old Hei took a second-class soldier out to blow up a dark fort and never came back. A finger of that second-class soldier flew into the trench where they were avoiding, which can only explain. Old Hei may have been killed. This is a fact.

Li Wei was able to calmly accept the fact of death, and now he knew that war was not only about passion, but also death, helplessness, and fear. Now he is numb to these. Because he is used to it. Accept too many deaths. There is no need for him to touch.

"Oh. I know. But we still have to blow up those fortresses, otherwise, other people will be allowed to do such things." Captain Bai Lin once again gave the task to Li Wei, because he has experience and familiarity. There, he felt that the other party might have matured a lot at once, and maybe he has a good way to solve such a problem.

"Got it. Sir, I will solve this problem. Damn Yueshi." Li Wei cursed calmly. He didn't seem to be angry at all. Bai Lin looked at it, and he felt that the other party had become a little stranger. But the war is like this, and he also thinks it's normal.

Qin Jun put the artillery on the armored train. The machine gun was disassembled, and more firepower was concentrated before the fortress. The main defensive force of the Yueshi people was placed there, and a large number of bunkers were removed. Many people died during the clearance.

"Bang. Bang." The artillery made a bang, the shell accurately hit the shooting hole, and an explosion came, which made the morale of the artillery high, but the machine gun shot over.

"Someone is injured. Help," the artillery shouted loudly.

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