On the Yueshi No. 1 Railway, Wang Ben’s command carriage was moving slowly, because the passage in front could not move forward well, and their train could not go fast. There is no alternative.

"This is not the way to go." Wang Ben said worriedly.

"Sir, this is our best approach. Maybe we can add some troops to them." The Chief of Staff suggested.

"No. I think that we should send the aviation troops out and let them carry heavy bombs from the air. Perhaps the effect will be better." Wang Ben said after thinking about it. However, the chief of staff did not think so, because heavy bombs could not penetrate those reinforced concrete fortifications well. Because the fuzes of those aerial bombs are sometimes particularly sensitive, they may have exploded at the moment of violent impact. Besides, it is obviously impossible for aerial bombs to hit such a target at high altitude. This must be done by diving or giving aerial bombs an acceleration. Judging from the current technology, it seems that they cannot do this.

"Sir, perhaps, we should think of other ways. In this case, it may not seem good to us." The Chief of Staff said euphemistically. He believes that technology is unlikely to solve this problem.

"If artillery can solve such a problem, I can give considerable support. It is to mobilize a thousand artillery. I can do this, but the problem is that artillery can't solve the problem." Wang Ben said. The chief of staff also refused. There is no way for them to do anything like this. For them, this is simply a disaster. Perhaps this is the last thing he should solve.

Qin Jun stopped before a reinforced concrete fortification. This has to be said, this is an irony. This also shows the weakness of the Qin army's ability to attack tough situations.

The battle situation of the Qin Army quickly spread to Handan, Zhao State.

"It seems that the defensive fortress still has a great influence on the Qin army." Li Mu said, shaking his head. For such things. Li Mu should say that he has a sense of security, or in other words, a temporary sense of security. Because they built a large number of defensive reinforced concrete fortifications in the border areas, the Qin army was unable to launch a full-scale offensive against these fortifications. Naturally, Zhao Guo felt very safe. The Taihang Mountain was Zhao's first important barrier.

"But, sir, I don't think we should be too optimistic, because offensive technology is constantly improving. I think the role of these fortifications should be very limited. The Qin army only used infantry firepower to launch an offensive. They may not have much effect, but what we should see is that they have other ways to solve it, such as using heavy bombs and mortars. A shell weighs more than one ton. Such shells, we It is simply unbearable. The defensive fortress will still be breached. We cannot be so optimistic." Li Zuoche pointed out. He is very disinterested in such passive fortifications. It's not that he feels that such weapons can't resist, or that the role of fortifications is very small. Rather, defense is passive and static. The offensive weapons are dynamic and constantly evolving, and the Qin Army did not use large-caliber heavy artillery to be deployed in the Yueshi area. This shows that the defense of heavy artillery against the fortress is still a huge and great threat, not only that, once the fortress is successfully built. It is difficult to continue to expand, because he is basically still. However, offensive weapons are constantly developing, so he personally believes that such weapons should not be overly optimistic.

"Yeah. That's right, we really can't be optimistic. But we have to be careful. It seems that this kind of thinking is indeed easy to make people slack off. That's right." Li Mu agreed with Li Zuoche. Perhaps Qin Jun's advance was only temporarily blocked. However, the people of the Yue family were still unable to withstand the large-scale attack of the Qin army. Moreover, their main force has gone south.

"We should continue to increase the supplies and deployment of troops in Mabang. After stabilizing the situation, we should find a way to solve the commanding heights, and then further encircle the opponent's main force." Li Mu did.

At present, Zhao Jun’s deployment of troops in Mabang seems a bit passive. The main reason is that their supplies are not smooth. This allows Zhao Jun to maintain the current situation, but it is difficult to further open the situation. Li Mu can only watch This situation continues to develop step by step. This is the helplessness of Zhao Jun at present. They urgently need the cooperation of the Navy to completely solve this problem.

Karachi, Karachi initially mobilized militia and their active military force of 60,000. There are more than 40,000 people who have not yet completed the assembly, or they need to defend Karachi's defensive positions. Their cabinet also understands this, but they can't wait to send troops, or are a little impatient.

Under such impatience, the sixty thousand hastily armed troops set off.

"Don't worry, you see, the surrounding situation is very good. We did not encounter decent resistance as soon as we set off. This shows that the strength of the Yue people has gone. The defense here has become very easy." Captain Zhou Ming said to Meng Hao on the side optimistically. Meng Hao didn't say a word, he just looked at the group of militias like beggars. On average, three of them use a gun. Many people still follow the team without knowing why. Some people can't find their own people when they go to the toilet. They can only follow the team. The military police may have also discovered this problem. They kept walking around the team, and some people who left the team would be driven into the team.

Or they were just taken away. Then they became a new team, and they were called skirmishers. Because they have left the team themselves, they may be thrown into the battle for the first time because they are between deserters and formal combatants. Belongs to a disciplinary force. For such a unit, Meng Hao would not give a high evaluation at all, it looked very bad. It's terrible and indescribable.

"Don't worry. We still have some machine guns, of course. There are also some artillery. Although there are not many, there are many shells. The point is that in this area, the Yueshi people really don’t have a lot of troops. They have 3,000 people Not at all. This is very easy for us." Zhou Ming still said optimistically. Meng Hao just narrowed his mouth. He didn't want to express any opinions on such a not optimistic situation. He felt that once the fight started, these beggar-like Karachi troops would have been very powerful without collapsing. It is not uncommon for them to fail.

The army is still advancing, in order to boost morale, the Karachi army also formed a military band, but the tune of their military band is really not very good. Often out of tune. It made him sound like something was wrong, or it was an unexplainable taste, which made him sound very uncomfortable. The marching band with such a rhythm made the soldiers feel very depressed.

Yueshi people are on the defensive position of 321. Most of the soldiers of the Yue family have retreated here, and their morale is not very high, but it is not too bad, but everyone feels that the future is very bleak.

"We have built new fortifications here. We removed the barbed wire fences from the surrounding pastures as much as possible. We need these barbed wire fences too much. These barbed wire fences can stop cattle and sheep, as well as the Karachi people who have more than cattle and sheep. "Captain Yan Kee wrote in his diary. At the time of writing this article. He is eating his own breakfast, beef and rice. The rice has not been threshed yet, so it can only be eaten dry. Fortunately, they have beef and they killed the cattle and sheep nearby. Let the soldiers eat more and improve the soldiers' food. In this way, it will help improve their morale. Their commander also knows that they want to defend this place, and they seem to lack something.

"Our chief was madly collecting ammunition nearby. Even the militiamen and local people's shotguns were recruited. Many were forced to take up weapons and join our team. Our number doubled. There are more than three thousand people. The weapons are strange and weird. We have all kinds of weapons, even old revolver guns. But we need such weapons. We have smoothbore guns in our positions. This kind of antique artillery was used by a herdsman’s horse, but now, he is forced to enter our position. We know what we are doing. If we let the Karachi people into our homeland, we will lose everything. Things, we fight for our own homeland, this is not a terrible thing." Yan Kee wrote.

"Until now, we have not had any reinforcements. We only have more than 3,000 people. Perhaps more than 3,000 of us cannot resist the Karachi people who are rushing over like a tide, but we will try our best. We don't have a place to take a step back. The situation is very different. Wonderful, but I hope that everything we do here can change a lot of things." Yan Kee said.

Their request for help was sent to their cabinet early, but no one cared about them at all. They believed that the Karachis would not launch an offensive, until a large-scale Karachi buildup appeared on the border. But their superiors still refused to send them more reinforcements because they had no troops to adjust. The southern state of Maharashtra attracted more troops from the Yue family, and the situation in the north was not good. The people of Qin were moving south quickly, and the situation of the Yue family was not so good. And at this moment, they still have to guard against the Indians. The Indians seem to be unwilling to let this opportunity pass. The Yueshi people are in a very bad condition. They were in a state of embarrassment on all sides, fighting everywhere, and the Yue people themselves didn't know how to deal with such a situation.

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