South Korea, Xinzheng, in the stock exchange, a new round of decline once again exerted force. The main decline this time is trading stocks, followed by railways and construction stocks. Because of the war, these two types of stocks have been greatly affected.

"The oil fire in Seth still does not mean to stop, it is said that it is getting worse." said a trader.

"No, I heard it too. For us, such a thing is really unacceptable. But now we are in a better condition. For us, we can invest in the oil resources on Zhangyi Island, After all, the distance is close and transportation is more convenient." Another trader said.

"But the typhoon has a great influence, and the volatility is very severe. I still don't make such an investment. After all, it will not do us any good to continue this way. We should not do such a thing." The trader shook his head and said . Obviously, oil has had a great impact on them. Many people think that the Qin people have developed a new oil area to be considered very good. But now it seems. Their situation is not as simple as imagined. Qin's reliance on oil still requires a large amount of imports, and the main import channel is still concentrated on South Korea. Although South Korea’s oil export pipeline is being constructed very quickly, it affects oil The output of the oil producing areas and the accidents suffered during the transportation are still there. This makes oil prices rise again, short selling, and long-term decline seems to take some time.

"High oil prices have brought a lot of investment, we still need this much investment, but we still need to solve many, many things, for example, we need to solve a lot of funding problems." Traders continue to talk about today's topic However, they don’t care much about stocks.

Affected by the unfavorable economic prospects of South Korea, the main reason is that South Korea’s weak expansion market and the expansion of the northern markets in the country have led to trade stocks. And other related stocks are not very volatile.

"It's really unlucky today, **** Western Trading Company. He cost me 10,000 yuan today, **** it. I will never buy Western Trading Company again." A speculator came over angrily and cursed like this. It seems that he is very distressed about the 10,000 yuan he lost.

"It really hurts enough. Ten thousand yuan, I can buy several small motor vehicles. And you can also go to the surroundings." An investor said with a flat mouth. Obviously they are used to such losses. If someone loses more, they will express regret and comfort the other person, and then they will raise the next question. What happened to this stock? Many people rely on insider information to operate, and the market is full of gossip, and everyone has their own main source of information.

"Xiyang Trading Company has indeed fallen sharply today. It's just that, I don't know what major incident has happened to Xiyang Trading Company. Such a thing will happen?" Some people asked unclearly.

"I heard some news. It seems that Western Trading Company has decided to invest in some new projects. This project is that, for the investment in the Suez Canal, Western Trading Company plans to open the northern market. In that case, they will be able to get rid of the current predicament. "A middle-aged man squeezed in and said. He needs to occupy a central position. Only in this way can he highlight his importance.

"This is a good thing and should not fall." Many people said without understanding.

"It is because it is a good thing that such a big trouble has occurred. I heard that the government has ignored this project. To be precise. The complete document has been issued. This is a very bad thing for us. Because this canal requires at least a few hundred million yuan in capital to turn around, if the Western Trading Company does so, their situation will really be very bad. Think about it, a lot of funds are trapped. What does Western Trading Company do? All kinds of trade, buying, shipping, and sales all require capital. What is a trading company called a trading company without capital? For such a company, I personally think it's just a joke." The middle-aged man said.

"So, those shareholders, and the directors desperately sold the stock in their hands. It's very bad. It's bad." The middle-aged man said. Many people shook their heads. Obviously they also had difficulty understanding such a thing. However, in the afternoon, after a new round of decline, the stock of Western Trading Company finally stopped falling. The lowest point just broke through the original low point, and then No more breakthroughs. And when the end of the game was over, it was miraculously retracted for a long time, which puzzled many people.

The middle-aged man was right. The directors did have their own big moves, but instead of selling their own stocks, they were surprised because they had inside information and knew that the stocks in their hands would make money for them. With a large sum of money, they desperately lowered the price, and then bought so many stocks. In their view, if they eat too little this time, their interests will definitely be lost.

Xinzheng, Han Shu's office.

"For this canal, judging from the current operating conditions of Korean companies, it is still difficult for a single company to eat this project." Zhang Liang said worriedly. He felt it out. After doing a survey, many companies expressed that they are reluctant to enter such a field. The reason is that they do not have such a large amount of capital, and even if they have such a large amount of capital, they cannot do such a thing. The reason is very simple, it is the capital occupied Too much. This is building a canal, which is more difficult than building a railway. Although the latter benefits are very large, many companies are initially reluctant to do such a thing because they think the risk is too great. Even the evaluation given by the bank is not very high.

"It seems that we still have to give them higher benefits. Only in this way can we solve the current problem." Han Shu said.

"It is impossible for the right of passage on both sides to allow them to do such a thing. I think that if necessary, the government may also participate in it, but this is to solve part of the share problem. At the same time, the government acts as an intermediary and is an important stick. Mixture, combining some companies, if this is the case, maybe this problem can be solved." Zhang Liang suggested.

"Well. This is a very good suggestion. Just follow your ideas. For this company, we don't do a lot." Han Shu said helplessly. South Korea does not do much, and they do not do many things well.

On Mon Island, two South Korean light warships are docked here, and two companies of Marine Corps disembarked from the ship. They fought against the Yueshi people.

"Welcome, welcome." The Koreans on Meng Island warmly welcomed the arrival of their own troops. In any case, they are their own, which means that the government has not abandoned them. South Korea's attitude has shown everything.

"The Karachi people have also sent troops. The Qin people have also sent troops. The Indians heard that they are coming soon. We reached a reconciliation on the Zhanpu side." A businessman looked at the incoming Marines and said. The boys look very young. They don’t seem to have fought. Indeed, they are the Marine Corps stationed on Zhang Xiong Island. Usually they only conduct some regular training to defend important places such as arsenals and the Navy. The Ministry can't deploy more troops. They had no choice but to transfer two companies of Marines to here, perhaps there was some use, maybe it was useless at all. Anyway, they did it. The advantage of this is that they can solve the problem of public dissatisfaction.

"What's this? Our government is here to pick peaches?" a plump-looking businessman asked dissatisfiedly.

"Perhaps it is, but it is really appropriate to send troops at this time. The Zhao people have been fighting there for a long time. I heard that they have a lot of casualties, and the Yue people are still fighting. The most important thing is that they are heavily guarded. In contrast, our situation is not very good. So, for such a situation, I personally think that we better welcome it. After all, the government has sent troops. This is good news for us." Said the businessman.

They seemed very helpless, because the time for the Koreans to send troops was so good. Zhao Guoren consumed a lot of Yue's power, and almost all three infantry divisions were attracted to Zhao Guoren. At this time, the people of Karachi and the people of Qin made a stab at each other behind their backs. And the Koreans don't mind giving a knife.

Within 30 kilometers of the western territory of Yuezhi. The Karachi army stopped, and they could only advance more than 20 kilometers a day, because behind them, more than 500 people were left behind and deserted. The military police were like shepherd dogs to catch the poor guys who deserted and left behind. This gave Meng Hao a very bad feeling.

"According to the latest reconnaissance report. The Yue people set up a line of defense on the 321 highlands in the east of our country. That place is very important. A road and railway pass under the 321 highlands. The Yue people take the initiative to retreat and build a line of defense there. I have a very bad feeling that they will be there, dig deeper trenches, and more fortifications to deal with us. Look at our soldiers, they are just a group of civilians, despite their large numbers, I think , Their casualties will be very, very large." Meng Hao took a pen to record it for an unprecedented time. Perhaps, he felt that he should do something to bring about in this war. Maybe it's good to take a pen and write it down. He didn't know why he did it, maybe it was too boring. Or maybe it was because of the war, which caused some changes in his lazy personality.

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