"We have built three lines of defense. These three lines of defense are very important to us. Each line of defense is equipped with a large number of barbed wire and various obstacles. At the same time, we must clear out some obstacles where necessary. , He can greatly help our machine gunners, in that position, they can provide more detailed shooting angles," Yan Kee wrote in his notes.

"For us, this is a war to defend our homeland. This war cannot be lost, nor can it be lost." Yan Kee wrote firmly.

A large number of Yue soldiers entered their own fighting state, and nearby militiamen were also mobilized, and the number is still increasing. They formed a mobilized company, with cavalry platoons and infantry companies. Most of them were in the local situation. They are 16 to 60 years old. They generally believe that Karachi people are looking for their own dead ends. If they come, they don’t mind sending them to hell. They don’t mind doing so.

The area near 321 Highland has been completely built into a field defense fortress, fortresses, and fortifications. Shooting traps are usually set up between the two defense areas. It seems that the two defense areas cannot withstand the impact of the other side, but the real When they let their troops rush in, they would find that there would be a huge slaughterhouse, and there would be a shooting trap between the two defense areas. The enemy’s military opportunities are all concentrated in a narrow area. Their offensive forces have become thin, but they are slender and dense. The firepower of the two wings will concentrate on shooting them, and they will become good targets. The enemy will launch a bigger offensive, and in that case, their casualties will increase in vain. That would cause a lot of damage, and such damage is what they need most.

But now they need to establish their own defensive positions as soon as possible, and they can't shut down other things at all.

"The enemy is not far away. It is estimated that there are still 20 kilometers, or 10 kilometers, they can reach here, and our fortifications have been initially established. I hope he can play a big role." Yang Kee wrote this in his notes.

At ten kilometers, the 60,000 troops of the Karachi people have assembled here, and they have the last ten kilometers to attack. Their striker has reached the vicinity of 321 Heights. However, the Karachi people didn't seem to be too anxious. They looked like they were herding sheep along the way. If the soldiers were regarded as sheep, it was indeed the case.

"I asked my men to collect a lot of explosives. Maybe it would be useful when attacking." Because there are not enough officers, in fact, the military observation group sent by the Koreans also needs to lead a company. In addition to protecting them, more is to help Karachi people fight at critical times. For such a task, Meng Hao did not refuse.

"What are you doing collecting explosives? The fortifications built by the Yue people will be knocked down all of a sudden. We have nothing to worry about." Zhou Ming said disapprovingly.

"I think we are too optimistic. The optimism is a bit worrying. Do you see if these are soldiers? They seem to have learned to march. We are driving a flock of sheep to fight." Meng Hao pointed out unceremoniously. In this regard, the Karachi people look like non-professionals. They do not care about the casualties of soldiers. In their view, offensive operations are to gather enough soldiers, and then launch a huge battle, and then everything can be done. Let them accept. Such a war disgusted everyone. Because it doesn't sound like a war, it's like a group of thugs fighting in a group, but on a larger scale than before.

"Okay. Man, tomorrow, we are going to attack. At this time, we'd better say less, it's good for us." Zhou Ming persuaded from the side.

"Yeah. I understand, I won't do this, don't worry. I know it very well." Meng Hao felt that the situation was a little bit bad. His company had more than one hundred and fifty people, and many of them did not have weapons. People go to fight, he thinks, it's just death. They don’t have many artillery, so if such troops go to fight, the hope is really not very big.

In the Tallinn Fortress, the Qin Army’s attack time was almost 72 hours. But they still didn't take down the fortress. The main bunker was like a knocked-off bread, pitted, but it was of no use, because the flames were still spraying there, and from time to time there was a cannonball. This made Wang Ben very annoyed. His command car had arrived here, but the situation remained unchanged.

"Damn, this fortress is really annoying." Wang Ben observed the fortress from the front position. A shell flew over and disrupted the Qin Army's marching team. Their artillery shells were not many, but the threat was still there. They shot one occasionally, which made Qin Jun feel that these **** Yueshi still existed.

"Sir, we have tried various methods. Our assault team has rushed to the vicinity and used a large amount of explosives to blast, but the effect is average. Our casualties have also increased to more than 70 people." Major Wang Ge was very surprised. Reported helplessly. It's not that he didn't work hard, but that he did everything he could.

"Okay. I see. You have done well enough. This time it is our own mistake." Wang Ben was very annoyed, but he can't blame his subordinates, after all, they have done such a thing very hard. .

"Sir, what should we do next?" Wang Ge asked worriedly. After all, they didn't remove the bunker fortress as planned. So far, they still don't know how many Yueshi people are stationed here, according to reports from nearby merchants. There are at least five hundred people here. In fact, there are more than eight hundred people here. There is a reinforced battalion stationed here. They are well equipped, regular troops, and defensive fortresses. This makes the Qin army feel very troublesome.

"I have sent the aviation soldiers with aerial bombs. I hope it will be useful. If not, we can only wait for the rear artillery to solve the problem." Wang Ben saw with his own eyes how his soldiers occupied the fortress. At that time, he knew something was unrealistic. A large number of machine guns are arranged here, and the firepower net is arranged very cleverly. The assaulting engineers need to spend a lot of money to assault there little by little, but there are also Yueshi people set up with flexible machine gun points nearby. These points are very lethal to them, and many engineers died here. It was difficult to attack there, and the effect of blasting was very limited, because the machine guns and artillery were in a high position and there was no place to put them well, and the engineers couldn't stand up at all because of the Yueshi shooting nearby. Direct-fire cannons can only hit the cement, which looks very annoying.

"Sir, we have rebuilt a passage on the flank. In this case, this passage may make our situation better. This is the only way to do so, but if we do this, it will stop our advance. We We have to get off here, walk around here, and then take the train again. In this case, it will cause a lot of trouble for our time and the supply of supplies." The Chief of Staff said helplessly. The Tallinn Fortress is too important. Important to. This became a trouble for the Qin army on the way forward. The existence of this fortress severely affected the Qin Army's advancement and supply status, which made Qin Army very crazy.

Qin State, Xianyang. Inside the prime minister's house.

"In the Tallinn area, we ran into trouble. Big trouble. The Yue people built a complete fortress there. We must have a large-caliber mortar to solve that fortress." Wei Liao said anxiously. Shang Wen nodded.

"Then transfer it to them." Shang Wen said.

"But the problem is that we don't have such a mortar. If it is produced now, it will take at least a few months to have it. We must think of other ways to solve this problem." Wei Liao said helplessly.

The Qin Army had already sold the mortar during the previous adjustment. Moreover, there is no such unit in the Qin Army's equipment sequence, and it is impossible for the Qin Army to maintain such an army.

"This." Shang Wen didn't know what to say. He didn't know what to do.

"Perhaps, we can rent it out." Meng Yi also knew that the army's abolished troops were too powerful. Before the Qin Army still maintained a special artillery regiment. This artillery regiment was equipped with special mortars. These large-caliber mortars mainly deal with siege operations under special circumstances, especially strong fortresses, because the Qin army faced It was Zhao Jun’s Taihang Mountain defense area, where a large number of reinforced concrete fortresses were built, but now they don’t need it. This kind of equipment is too costly, and a shell can cost tens of thousands and a half two dollars, and the usual maintenance is also very important. The barrel life of the artillery will not be too long. If it fires one hundred rounds, it may be completely scrapped if it is less than one hundred rounds. Such a special artillery force, Qin Jun felt that it was too expensive. Directly abolished.

"On loan, how can there be such a unit now?" Shang Wen asked curiously.

"Zhao Jun, Zhao Jun has such a unit, and the relevant technology and production equipment have been handed over to Zhao Jun. Zhao Guo is very concerned about artillery. They have introduced related technology. I think that only Zhao Jun can equip such a unit. Weapons." Meng Yi said.

"Okay." Shang Wen said helplessly. They can only rent such weapons from Zhao Jun. It sounds ridiculous, but that's the truth.

"I'm going to talk to them now. I hope they can agree to such a thing." Wei Liao nodded and said. This was the most helpless choice for the Qin Army, because they didn't have such weapons, and now they had to borrow Zhao Jun's heavy artillery unit to use it.

The reason why the Zhao State Army imported such technology was because they needed to understand the Qin Army’s attack capabilities. After all, the threat of mortar artillery was still relatively large. Zhao Jun hoped to have such a unit to test the capabilities of their defense forces. This is an important factor in Zhao Jun's import of related artillery. Artillery, especially heavy artillery, can exert threats that are difficult for ordinary people to understand. This is Zhao Guojun's thoughts and opinions.

On the outskirts of 321 Highland, the Karachi people began to dig simple trenches here. Those trenches can fill the entire company, but they seem a bit crowded. They are one kilometer away from the front line of 321 Highland. This is a safe distance, but this distance It is the distance to death. Meng Hao took the telescope in his hand and looked at the position of the Yue family.

"I think this is a trap, a death trap. Our offense won't get any benefits. Without artillery, the artillery is in the rear, the soldiers are not well trained, and the Yueshi people’s defense is very systematic. You Look at them. Barbed wire and obstacles will easily divide the offensive force. The time it took for them to retreat was not wasted." Meng Hao put down the telescope and said. Zhou Ming took a telescope to observe, he felt that there was nothing, there were obstacles in front of the position, which was normal.

"As long as they don’t plant mines, I think we can take them down. We have a lot of people. Today, the Karachi people will launch an offensive. They will invest in a regiment. If necessary, there will be a division involved. There are about 8,000. There are a lot of people, and there are 3,000 people from the Yue clan who are on the opposite side. I heard that they have even found farmers nearby. Such defense. I think it shouldn't be a big problem." Zhou Ming said optimistically. Meng Hao looked at each other vigilantly, Zhou Ming just looked at the defensive position opposite with the telescope, he could not see anything. He felt that the position was really ordinary and normal, which was nothing to them.

"Damn it." Meng Hao cursed softly.

Karachi soldiers began to eat their breakfast. Their breakfast is not very rich, they originally have some porridge, small meatloaf, and some sweet tea, or bread, biscuits and so on. Everyone should have some candy, but these things only exist in theory, or on the basis of what their chief should think. In fact, many soldiers did not get these things at all. What they have is only one-third of them.

The original porridge has become salted tea, bread, cakes and other desserts. That was the treatment of the officers. They were just a group of soldiers. Everyone gave out a small pancake. These days they eat canned food, which is not bad, but the taste is too heavy. There is too much salt. Some tea is also good, but it is not enough to fill their stomachs.

The food of ordinary soldiers is like this, and capable people, some people stole some candies and some biscuits that originally belonged to them. These candies and biscuits were detained by their quartermaster. The reason is that these are to be used in key places, but the order he receives is to go on, and sometimes the army is so dark. The soldiers could not get enough to eat, and they scolded a lot, but they were helpless.

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