The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3406: Karachi people on the battlefield

"Damn the people of Karachi, don't they know how they died?" Meng Hao even let the soldiers lined up after seeing the Karachi officer rushing up. Seeing such a scene, he wanted to give the officer a moment , Soldiers should advance freely and try to hide as much as possible. This can avoid being hit by dense bullets, but now, the Karachi people actually let the team assemble and become a neat team, they seem to only use platoon gun tactics. Facing such a scene, Meng Hao really had the urge to kill the opponent, because the opponent was too stupid.

However, this can’t blame the Karachi people. They are all temporarily formed troops. Many have never served as soldiers. Many have not even held a gun. If such an army fights, if they are allowed to charge wildly, it is very likely that they Now I have never taken a gun and let such an army attack in a scattered way. This will cause a lot of confusion. It is possible that as long as the first wave of shooting, many can collapse. What the Karachi people think is that if they are effectively organized, Perhaps these people who have never held a gun can exert a greater effect. As a result, the Karachi people effectively organized the army to advance in neat rows.

"They really don't know how death is written." Meng Hao scolded. He also felt helpless about this. Maybe if he really let go and let the soldiers run, maybe the soldiers would really run away frantically. In that case, the first attack may collapse instantly. Karachi people are guarding against such things, after all, they know it themselves. What kind of army do they use, and it is strange that such an army can fight.

In the Yueshi people's position, all the soldiers entered their positions, and the sergeants whispered orders. There was no order and no one was allowed to shoot. Some young people who had just joined in looked outside nervously, their hands trembling constantly. They saw the dense Karachi people marching in a neatly arranged team, it seems that such an offensive method will give them a greater advantage.

"These **** Karachi people are crazy. They came in a neat line. It's a bunch of lunatics." Captain Yan Kee put down the telescope in his hand and said with a smile. The sergeant on the side shook his head, it seemed that he was relaxed, at least not so nervous. There are many veterans of the Yue family who have fought, and they still have this experience.

"Sir, let them get as close as possible. I think the machine gun will solve all the problems." The sergeant suggested.

"Yeah. There are also artillery. Give them a good look and let them know what the cost of attacking us is." Yang Ji said with a smile. He felt that Karachi’s offense was simply the object of ridicule.

Karachi's neat team is still advancing, many soldiers don't know, this may be the last time they walk in this position.

Karachi's team slowly and orderly arrived in front of Yueshi's position.

"It would be nice if they had such an order when they marched." Meng Hao said to himself. Their team looked neat. The officers ran back and forth with their rifles, whips, and clubs to make their soldiers walk more neatly, but many soldiers were stiff and couldn't do this at all. But under the pain of the whip, they will naturally abide by some. This is how war is.

"Aim." Yankee raised his arm. All the soldiers opened the insurance, the machine gun pulled the bolt, his eyes had been fixed on some hapless Karachi people.

"Fire." Yan Kee gave the order very simply.

"Tututu. Tututu." The machine gun fired instantly, and more than two hundred rifles fired at the same time.

"Puff. Whoop. Hurry back." An officer waved his pistol to signal the soldier to go back. Because the people in the front row suddenly fell. Some people retreated nervously. The officer seized the opponent and prevented him from retreating. The machine gun was still firing, and the Karachi soldiers were swept up as if they were cutting wheat, and then they could never stand up. Many soldiers were killed and more soldiers were unable to attack. They needed to solve many, many problems to solve such a thing.

"The war has become extremely difficult." Meng Hao said such a sentence inexplicably, which sounded very unclear. But this is consistent with the current situation of Karachi people.

The bullets kept flying, and the Karachi soldier who didn't know the situation behind was killed. The bullet penetrated one person, and then flew into the body of the next person. Some people were killed after being hit by a bullet. Some people were hit several times in a row, and such casualties made them unbearable.

"Tututu. Tututu." Yueshi's machine guns lined up and shot Karachi soldiers in rows. Many Karachi soldiers fell to the ground without knowing what was going on. Some smart people lay on the ground, and they desperately built a mound with their hands, perhaps so that they could cover himself. It's a pity that when he was about to succeed in stacking, the bullet accurately hit the opponent's head.

"Suddenly. Suddenly." The machine guns resounded continuously, and the Yue soldiers accurately hit every Karachi soldier. It was not that the Yues had high marksmanship, but the formation of the opponent was too dense. Just a random shot can hit a Karachi man.

"We kept shooting, and one bullet belt was lit up. Then another bullet belt and artillery were also involved. Our binoculars could no longer see the enemy. Because the gunpowder smoke we launched blocked the target. The firepower was too dense. Too many Karachi people were killed, and they rushed over in rows. They were looking for death on their own, and there was nothing we could do to stop our shooting. Perhaps only the damage of the gun could stop our crazy killing." Yan Ke wrote this in his notes afterwards.

"Come back, come back quickly." The officer yelled. He was reloading bullets. He had already shot six people, but under the powerful firepower of the Yueshi people. The Karachi soldiers collapsed on their own. They had never experienced such a cruel scene. The head of the soldier in front was knocked out of the sky, and the soldier in the back was hit by the flying bullet, and the intestines kept flowing out. The soldiers yelled loudly, which might relieve the pain. But this was useless. The injured person seemed to be enjoying the pain. No bullet hit him again. The soldiers next to him kept backing away watching his cruel condition. This is human instinct. The bullet hit the opponent's neck or chest, blood kept coming out, making a ugly gurgling noise, and the soldiers yelled in horror.

"Go back, go back. Go back quickly." The gendarmerie behind shouted loudly. They were aiming at each other with their bayonet-mounted rifles. There was also a machine gun that had already pulled the bolt, and the machine gunner’s fingers were kept on the trigger. In this case, as long as there is a retreating soldier, it cannot be controlled. Will shoot and kill immediately.

Fear, death, and howling on the battlefield could no longer stop the soldiers from retreating. They have never been on the battlefield before, and this situation is already very unacceptable to them. If they were allowed to do this again, they would be killed.

"Fire. Kill them." A Karachi colonel issued such an order. Because they can no longer prevent the soldiers from returning to the battlefield.

"Tututu. Tutu. Bang. Bang." The military police opened fire, and the retreating soldiers were quickly killed. But this still cannot prevent the soldiers from retreating. They believe that they have a reason to retreat. They have encountered an unprecedented attack.

"Puff. Ah." A deserter jumped into the trench fortunately. He thought that he was free. But soon he was knocked to the ground by the **** of the rifle. When he didn't know what was going on, a bayonet stabbed into his stomach, and the situation was very bad. He was regarded as a deserter, and a deserter was not qualified to live. The soldier was killed in this way. More soldiers were killed by their own people.

"One battalion, one fortified battalion, with more than 800 people, just like that, if you were killed by the Yue people, and then killed by yourself, the battalion's name would disappear." Meng Hao said helplessly. The war was very cruel. A Karachi infantry regiment was tested. There were more than four thousand people in the regiment, and it was all over in one day, perhaps just a few hours. The designation of this regiment was removed. And a reinforced battalion with more than 800 soldiers was completely killed in just half an hour. No one survived. There are corpses and blood everywhere on the battlefield. This is positional warfare, and solid fortifications provide excellent protection. But in this way, it will also cause great casualties. This is a situation that no one can change.

Zhao Guo. Handan. In the office of the director of the Handan Iron and Steel Plant.

"We need a large amount of iron ore. The more iron ore, the more it is. This is very important to us. At present, we must complete a large amount of iron ore import." The procurement director said worriedly. With the increase in oil prices and the impact of rampant piracy in Jeju, the prices of oil, coal, and copper have risen by a large margin. This is a wave of rising prices. This is something that no one can stop.

"But our ore needs to be imported from Koreans. The Koreans control Haizhou and their Queen's Island. We can't find a suitable iron ore supply site for the time being." The factory manager said helplessly. They can only accept the rising demand for iron ore, because there are many iron ore factories in many places, and the demand for iron ore is becoming more and more, but they cannot get enough iron ore. In the case of imbalance between supply and demand It can only be balanced by rising prices. This is a result of the market itself, so it can only be accepted.

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