The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3407: Take over the town

"Mijiu" armed merchant ships. This is a merchant ship produced in the early days of the Zhao country. This merchant ship looks very fragile. However, his boiler system is very powerful. In addition to burning a large amount of coal, it can also burn wood. As long as the chimney is cleaned regularly That's it.

"Okay. We finally see a piece of land. Hope this is not a **** island." Captain Madam cursed. They went south along the edge of the Nanyang islands, and along the way, they encountered many unimaginable difficulties. Typhoon, hot and humid weather, disease, these tormented their fighting spirit disappeared little by little.

Ma Da is a very strange person. He wants to make a fortune. He is a kind of rich man. He disdains for business or transportation. The person who buys a ship with him with a loan already has at least two ships, and some A ship transportation company was also set up. They can go to Zhang Yi Island to transport oil barrels, and some can also go to Korean colonies to transport people. They transported steel materials, and then transported back laborers, which were slaves, sugar, and tea. These agricultural products were in great demand in the country. On some islands or on the mainland, South Koreans have begun to grow tea. It is said that Chu and South Koreans have not dealt with this. The diplomatic tension between the two countries has caused their situation to be not very good. They are often detained for inspection, but The Zhao Guo ship is very innocent.

"Captain, this should be a continent. I'm sure we have already reached the southern hemisphere. It is said that the sun in the southern hemisphere should have a continent in the north and south of us. Koreans once said." The chief officer explained.

"Shut up, I know. I know all of this. I hope we get to the place where we should be. It is a good place. I will occupy it and develop more iron ore, gold mines, and silver mines. If There are other minerals, it will be better. I don't mind." Captain Maada said. The area they arrived is the Australian mainland. In fact, Koreans have already arrived at this place, but the north coast of Australia that they arrived at looks very desolate and does not seem to be suitable for human habitation. Therefore, the Koreans did not pay attention. Moreover, according to the regulations, the area divided by Koreans and Zhao Guoren happened to pass Australia. In this case, from the perspective of legal documents, although the Koreans did not completely occupy Australia, the Koreans already own Australia. Koreans are very cunning, they actually act according to their own intentions.

And the area that the motor arrives is exactly the east coast of Australia, because they bypassed the entire Nanyang Islands all the way south to arrive here. Koreans have never been here because no one would choose such a route. Zhao Guoren has a chance.

"If there is a piece of land, you are the landlords here, and each of you will have 10,000 mu of land, and I will give it to you without hesitation. This is wealth. The land is not only for grazing, but also for planting, but also Getting more food, this is what we need most, understand?" Ma Da said excitedly when he saw the contiguous coast. The sea here looks very calm. It seems easy to live here. The land looks barren, but it doesn’t matter. As long as there is water, they can live. These are nothing to them. The most important thing is the land. , There is everything with land. This is the ideal of Motor. You can make a lot of money in business and doing business. However, you are only a trade, and there is no industry. He thinks he can dig out minerals to sell for money. Now the price of minerals is still very high, so you can make a lot of money. Things. He feels that he himself needs such things very much. This is wealth. The money earned from doing business is not money at all. To him, those things are not important. The important thing is. Have an own industry. As everyone knows, his strange thoughts will cause big trouble.

In the north of Yueshi, a cavalry company of Qin's Second Infantry Division and Seventh Cavalry Regiment moved forward quickly. They quickly rushed into a Yueshi railway town. The name of the town is Dhaka. This is the name given by the Indians, but now there are more than 500 Yueshi people in this small town. They live here peacefully and peacefully. It is 120 kilometers away from the Tallinn Fortress in the north. They have marched continuously for more than 72 hours. The horses are very tired. Fortunately, each of their cavalry has three horses, and they maintain a high running.

"Da da da da." The cavalry quickly rushed into the town. The Yueshi situation in the town didn't know what was going on. They thought whose horse was surprised. But as soon as they went out, they saw the soldiers of the Qin Army. They were riding on horseback with a carbine on their back. It was a shorter rifle suitable for shooting on horseback. They were also equipped with sabers on horseback. They can easily hack and kill infantry. At the front is the small black pennant of the Qin Army Cavalry Company, which is the symbol of the Cavalry Company.

"The milk is good." A Qin army cavalry came slowly on horseback, and with a saber in his hand, he picked the milk jug in the hands of a little Yueshi girl. The cavalry was thirsty. Then he took a gulp. There was white milk on his mouth, and there was some on the uniform. He was a Huns cavalry, and 70% of the cavalry company of the Qin army came from the Huns. They are a nation on horseback. Suitable for fast offense on horseback.

The little girl was so frightened that she didn't know what to do, she didn't know how to face such a situation. They had never encountered such a situation, and they fell inadvertently. The residents of the small town hadn't eaten their breakfast before they saw the Qin army cavalry. They occupied this place and it was under the control of the Qin army.

"Okay. Let's eat things, don't harass the residents of the town too much, let them bring out something. Show kindness." Captain Li Feng said easily.

"Yes, sir." The sergeant agreed. Just take people off the horse, and they search for some food, which is very important to them. They need so much food, and these foods are for them. Very important.

"In addition, we need the mayor of this small town to come out. He is now the mayor of Qin State Town. He needs to provide us with a batch of materials. We can guarantee the safety of the town. This is some obligation we should provide. "Captain Li Feng said lightly. They look tired, but they are excited. They went all the way south and took over many places. This small town was already less than 50 kilometers away from Yue’s capital, full. Occupying here means that the entire north has been included in the jurisdiction of Qin State. The cavalry needs a rest, they have advanced too far.

The mayor of the town was soon brought in. He looked a little uneasy, but his Qin State dialect was pretty good.

"Welcome, the great Qin army is here." The town mayor is a fat middle-aged man. He looks very energetic, but he is a little uneasy now.

"Very well, our conditions are not very barbaric. We only need some food, and some of your situation here. You are now the mayor of the Qin State." He said that Captain Li Feng put a Qin Army badge. It was handed over to the town mayor, and the sergeant came to wear it to the other party. The town mayor was a little nervous. Li Feng just smiled slightly. That's how they accepted the town of Yueshi people.

Tallinn. Qin Jun still didn't conquer this place, which made them very annoyed. Qin Jun could not think of a good way to solve these fortresses for the time being. Their engineers tried to dig the tunnel. Then completely blow up the fortress, but after calculating some engineering usage. Wang Ben still agreed with the idea that the entire tunnel would take more than fifteen days to complete. In that case, the war would have ended long ago. But they really can't find a better way to solve this problem.

"Sir, a telegram from the Ministry of National Defense." The Chief of Staff whispered to Wang Ben.

"Say. What kind of order do they have?" Wang Ben asked angrily. For this fortress, he is very troubled. There were not many reports related to the fortress in the previous intelligence, and Qin Jun consciously ignored the existence of the opponent. But now, they have caused them a lot of trouble. This is too much trouble.

"No, sir, our sir found a better solution, that is, they borrowed large-caliber mortars from Zhao Guo. We rented them, and a special artillery regiment of Zhao Guo people will be dispatched here. Come." The Chief of Staff said worriedly. He knew his chief would yell.

"Damn it. This is the war of the people of Qin, let the people of Zhao come in and let the people of Zhao see our jokes?" Wang Ben yelled. The staff took a look and then began their work.

"Sir, there is no way. Qin is not equipped with such weapons. Our heavy artillery regiment has been disbanded. A large amount of equipment has been sold to the people of Zhao Guo. Only the people of Zhao Guo have such equipment. There is no other way. "The chief of staff explained.

"Damn it. Let the people of Zhao State participate, is this our own war? I don't think it is." Wang Ben was very annoyed by this. In his opinion, Qin Jun had fallen. They can't even handle a fortress. In the end, Zhao Guoren was asked to help them solve this problem. He really didn't know what the above thought was. But Qin Jun did not have this equipment. There is no way around this.

On the Karachi Yueshi battlefield, the Yueshi's defensive line still exists, but the Karachi people are busy cleaning up, and for the first time they face the Yueshi's defensive line squarely. Maybe they feel that they shouldn't do it.

"We have to need some heavy artillery. Otherwise, our casualties will increase." After Karachi was destroyed by a regiment, they realized the seriousness of the problem. They needed artillery, and only a large number of artillery could make them achieve what they should. Some goals, otherwise, it will be difficult for them to achieve breakthroughs.

The senior generals in Karachi discussed such matters urgently, and Meng Hao was also urgently invited here. They hoped to provide a feasible solution to solve such problems. The Korean advisory team’s method was to use artillery bombing, but doing so. If they do, they need to wait. They need to disassemble the fortress from the rear to run, but there may be some difficulties in transporting them, because a large number of locomotives are in the hands of the Yue people, and the Karachi people can only use cattle and horses to pull the cannons. At the same time, the ammunition consumption will be very alarming. They must be prepared for this, which makes the Karachi people very annoyed.

"Our situation is not very optimistic." Zhou Ming sat aside and said to Meng Hao. This kind of meeting is a matter for senior consultants. They are not very clear about the technology and what happened on the front line. What they know is that Karachi has killed a lot of people. There are corpses everywhere on the battlefield, the corpses of thousands of people, look. Those Karachi soldiers were surprised. Many people can't eat that day. This has solved some of the troubles of logistics. Many people fear death, fear death.

"Indeed, such a stupid charge will be killed. We need a lot of new weapons, machine guns, or smaller flexible formations to act. It is best to act at night. Zhao Jun has such an action. Give up on such a large-scale attack. The efficiency is too low and the casualties are too high. Moreover, Karachi soldiers are not suitable for this. Tens of thousands of people are piled up here, and they can't do anything. In the end, they died in vain." Speaking impatiently.

Although the advisory team’s recommendation is to use heavy artillery for bombardment, it takes time. Their earliest chiefs are unlikely to have enough time to do such things. This determines that they cannot do too much of this kind of thing. What should they do? ? The only way is to strengthen their offensive strength, they decided to try again, this time they decided to invest in a division's force. Or two divisions are thrown into it to launch an attack. There will be more than 16,000 people, a division with more than 8,000 regular troops. More than 10,000 people have invested in it, and they believe that such a problem will be solved.

"Perhaps, we can solve such a problem. You say, don't you?" Zhou Ming said with some hope. He believes that this offense may not have invested much.

"No amount will solve the problem." Meng Hao said. He has seen more troops solve those problems. The Occupy Prussian Army, the Bangla Army, and more than 30,000 people attacked on both wings. What was the result, the casualties were killed in one day, and there were more dead bodies than there are now. It's almost uphill. What was the result, the problem was still not solved effectively, and many soldiers were killed inefficiently. They did a stupid thing.

This kind of large-scale charge has proven inefficient operations, but high-level generals still do it. He really doesn’t understand what those high-level officers think. Perhaps, they can only be charged with a rifle with a bayonet. Once they will order such a meaningless thing to stop.

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