"Tutu, tutu." The Karachis are still experimenting with their human-ocean tactics. They believe that their superior force can tear a hole in the Yueshi defensive hole to enter it, and they once again launched two infantry divisions to launch an assault. . This time the troops will be denser, and the death toll will be even more cruel.

"Wow. Boom." The shells exploded continuously in the crowd. A Karachi soldier's stomach was cut open by a single piece of the shell, and his intestines kept flowing out. The soldier was pushed away by the soldier behind, the wounded one. The soldiers could no longer move on. He was pushed to the ground, black blood was constantly spitting out from his mouth, and the people behind were driven forward by the officers, and they moved forward blindly like a flock of sheep. A soldier accidentally stepped on the opponent's intestines and tripped over. He looked back and saw the steaming intestines. The wounded soldier had lost his instinct.

"Ah." The soldier shouted loudly. He really didn't know that he was stepping on something like this. He felt terrible, blood, and fear of death everywhere on the battlefield.

"Bang." A bullet hit his back and the bullet penetrated his chest. He died before he could feel the pain. The body became abnormally distorted. But the soldiers behind are still advancing.

"Go forward, hurry up, go forward. Go forward." The officer kept waving his arms, he shouted loudly. If he did so, he might be able to put his soldiers into a state. More soldiers were in a state of fear and ignorance. Push around, or follow the team numbly.

"Woo." The bullets whizzed and flew, and then many people didn't know what was going on. Perhaps those luminous places were where the fire was shot, and then they were killed. There are many things like this kind of non-stop reimbursement on the battlefield.

"Damn it. If this continues, more people will die. Why do Karachi people still do this? Do they have to die more than 20,000 to end this way of fighting?" Meng Hao anxiously put down his binoculars, he There are deaths everywhere, and the cruelty of machine guns has been proved countless times, but Karachi's senior officials still let their soldiers sacrifice meaninglessly, which is intentional. Or they don't even know what happened on the front line.

In the trenches of the Yue family, Captain Yan Kee couldn't stand it anymore. He was a little nervous, maybe because he had killed too much, it made him feel a little uneasy. The corpses in front are already piled up like a mountain. Those corpse hills have severely affected the gunner's shooting angle. But the Karachi people are still moving forward, and their barbed wire has been half filled with corpses. The machine gunner had to stop shooting, and their water tanks were all turned on. They have hit twelve bullet belts, and four of them are big belts of 250 rounds. The bullet shells below are almost piled up into hills. The water in the water tank was added several times, anyway, the water in the kettles of nearby soldiers was gone. They also obtained a large bucket of water from the rear for the machine guns.

"Hurry up, hurry up, we need to find a machine gun position again." The sergeant shouted loudly. They disassembled the machine gun and moved to a new position. There was no way, they couldn't push the corpses away. This seriously affected their further shooting. The Karachi people still stupidly bumped up.

"Crazy, crazy. Don't the Karachi people know to stop this kind of offense? Do they think that this kind of offense will continue? What a bunch of lunatics. It's crazy.

"Captain Yankee feels that his stomach is uncomfortable. In addition to the pungent smell of gunpowder in the air, it is also the smell of death. The rancid, **** mixture makes his stomach uncomfortable, and he feels about to vomit. This is crazy. The slaughter caused people’s nerves to enter two different states. For example, the crazy state like the sergeant, they have lost their consciousness, they are in a state of extreme excitement, killing people, killing people constantly, will Let the nerves that stimulate them enter a state of crazy killing. In essence, they seem to be no different from those poor Karachi people, and the other is the captain. He feels he is in a sense of self-guilt. This It was a very strange feeling. He felt that he was about to collapse. Or in other words. He had collapsed. He couldn't do too much, but he had to do many things.

The war became very crazy. Let everyone lose their minds. The killing still continues. People will calm down only when their blood is drained. They are now beasts, unconscious animals. Crazy makes everyone uncomfortable.

In the Yueshi Air Force Base, 20 kilometers north of the capital of the Yueshi, this is the place where all the air power of the Yueshi Air Force is concentrated. They are equipped with 22 various airships, but at present, it is estimated that they can fly. One-third, this one-third still need to wait for orders to be dispatched.

"Our situation is very bad. The infantry division in the south is falling into an unprecedented disaster. The Central Plains country and the State of Zhao declared war on us." Lieutenant Wu Lin said anxiously. He looked very anxious, as if this country belonged to him. What Zhao people invaded was his vegetable garden or his farm.

"Okay. Lieutenant, stop, don't worry, this country will not have a problem, we are the air force, we need to wait for the order to dispatch, we have not yet this time." An air force major said impatiently. To. He looked at a magazine with some serialized novels written on it. This was their favorite section, but now they wanted to chat with the lieutenant, which made the major dissatisfied.

"But, sir, we are losing a lot of land. The situation is very bad for us." The lieutenant continued. The major just shook his head.

"This country has nothing to do with us if it perishes," the major said indifferently. The main pilots of the Air Force come from farmers. Most of them are descendants of the military, or children of the military. They are not interested in war. They come here because the air force is well treated, and the military seniors don’t care if they can. Fly, as long as they keep the airship. Therefore, the Yue’s Air Force’s combat enthusiasm is very low, and most of the people who come here are not enthusiastic, of course. There are still some young people doing such dangerous tasks. They are an outlier in the Air Force. They are warlike and aggressive towards some things. From the perspective of the military's top ranks, they are the dangerous elements.

"Something happened. The northern town of Dhaka was occupied by the Qin army. They are only fifty kilometers away from us. Their cavalry is very fast. I think they might arrive here tomorrow." Captain Lan Biao entered anxiously and said. . He is the squadron captain of the Eagle Squadron. He has three airships that can take off for combat, which is almost half of all the moon's airships that can fly.

"Sir, what should we do?" Lieutenant Wu Lin asked. Everyone who learns flying skills must have his own Chinese name, and he must also learn to read and write, otherwise he won't be able to fly an airship at all.

"What else can we do? Retreat. Only retreat can guarantee our safety. We are a technical service and we have great privileges." The major was panicked at this time. He quickly left here, which he felt was dangerous.

"This **** **** is going to run away again. He can't even drive the airship now. It turned out to be a major air force." Captain Lan Biao said angrily as he walked over.

"Sir, there is no alternative, we can only retreat." Lieutenant Wu Lin said helplessly. These young people want to fight because only fighting can get them promoted. They are eager to be promoted, eager to be able to do something new. But the above does not give them such an opportunity.

"We can dispatch ourselves, and the front has already been pushed to us. The Qin army can solve us with just one charge. The air force on the ground is not an air force or an eagle. It is an old hen. Once caught, it will only be caught by others. Made roast chicken." Lan Biao said angrily. For the behavior of the upper echelons of Yue’s reluctance to use the air force. He felt very angry, but he was helpless. The senior Yueshi was negative. But the blue label decided to vote boldly, maybe they can solve this problem.

"But sir, we did not order. Take off without authorization, this is going to be a problem. If we create a greater disaster, what will happen? The above will hang us." Lieutenant Wu Lin said worriedly. They are very clear about the consequences of disobeying the order. This is the most unacceptable thing for them.

"I know this. Therefore, we need to solve this problem by ourselves. It is not a difficult task for us. We have to retreat. We can carry a lot of things. We throw all these things away and put bombs and cannonballs on them. , Bullets. And more fuel. You can see the Qin army in fifty kilometers, double the voyage, one hundred kilometers, for us, there is nothing, we can fly back and forth, and then retreat, this plan is perfect , As long as we are not shot down, no one knows what we did." Captain Lan Biao said.

"As long as we have the results, the above will not care about us. This is what we have to do." Lan Biao said.

"You do not do it. Although this is a very bold thing, but someone must do it." Lan Biao said.

"Well. Okay, sir, this is very attractive to me, although I don't think it should be done, but I think I still want to do it. After all, this is an opportunity and very important to us." The other party said so.

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