Xinzheng, South Korea, Ministry of the Army of South Korea.

"The Karachi people are in trouble. The more than 60,000 troops have suffered more than 25,000 casualties, but they have not broken through even the Yueshi's first line of defense." An intelligence officer reported.

"Hehe. These **** Karachi people, they have the same problem as us." The Secretary of the Army shook his head and said. In Champu, the South Korean army also encountered the same problem. Although it was their allies, it was also the biggest problem encountered by the South Korean side. Such problems have always plagued them. They must solve such problems.

"Sir, do we need to help them? If they can't cause a lot of pressure, I think it's still difficult for them to achieve a breakthrough." The officer suggested.

"No. We only asked them to put pressure on them to attract the strength of the Yue people. We didn't let them occupy much land. It is their business, not ours, to occupy how much land. This has nothing to do with us." The Secretary of War did not agree. Speaking of. From the perspective of the Secretary of War and the interests of South Korea, Karachi's troops are only attracting the strength of the Yue people. As for how far they can go. That's Karachi's affairs and it has little to do with South Korea.

"How do we care about our own affairs? As for the Yueshi people, we can't control them, nor can we control them. Let them find a way to solve this problem. If they can solve it well, I think they will solve it by themselves. This problem." The Secretary of the Army said. A report on the number of casualties on the other side. It doesn't matter to be left aside by the Secretary of the Army at will.

The Director of the Intelligence Office of the Qi State Navy Department submitted a new report. This report combines the information provided by the businessman and other relevant information. The main content of the article is related to the destroyer.

"That is to say, the combat capability of the destroyer launched by South Korea's Qingcheng side far exceeds our frigate?" The Secretary of the Navy asked the Director of Intelligence after seeing it.

"Yes, sir, according to some information we have received, some commercial shipyards in Qingcheng have accepted a large number of military orders, most of which are related to destroyers. They also started construction of more than 20 destroyers. It is said that, In addition to part of the export, part of it was sold to pirates. The crux of the problem is that the tonnage of the destroyer suddenly rose to three thousand tons. And our tonnage." The intelligence director said worriedly.

"Well, our tonnage has not risen much, and there are fewer things we can do. This is indeed very detrimental to us." The Secretary of the Navy said.

"Our largest tonnage is only two thousand tons. Such a warship is meaningless at all. Its tonnage is too small and can only perform some **** missions. However, there is no concern. A new warship will help us solve this problem. As long as it is too small, a new type of warship will help us solve this problem. If the other party doesn't know such a warship, it's fine." The Secretary of the Navy nodded. For the newly built cruiser, he was full of confidence, because the destroyer's tonnage was 3,000 tons, while the cruiser's tonnage was 7,000 tons, and the caliber of the guns equipped was larger than that of the opponent. If South Korea is not clear about such a thing, they will not do it. The Secretary of the Navy does not need to worry about such things.

"Your task now is to keep secrets and try not to let South Korea know about such things. If you let them know, it will cause us a lot of trouble. Our situation will be very, very bad." The Secretary of the Navy emphasized To.

"Yes, sir, we understand such a thing." The intelligence director nodded and said. Just when the Minister of the Navy of Qi State entrusted such a thing.

The secret investigation report on the joint construction of new warships by Qi and Zhao has been placed on Han Shu's desk. The Minister of the Navy of South Korea stood aside respectfully and asked Han Shu to give important instructions. After all, they have built a large number of destroyers. From the perspective of tonnage, these are basically two different levels of combat. If South Korea takes a large number of such The battleship will undoubtedly have a bad impact on South Korea’s reputation.

"Cruiser, the tonnage is 7,000 tons. If such warships appear, our destroyers will encounter the greatest attack. This threat will seriously threaten us." Han Shu suddenly realized the existence of the threat.

It is unlikely that any country will sell super-large warships to other countries. Although the navies of various countries have not reached relevant agreements, the navies of various countries are unlikely to sell such large warships to those countries, because the weapons, tonnage, and protection capabilities of these warships are a collection of national technologies. No country is willing to leave such warships to others, because who knows whether they will threaten their maritime security.

"My lord, if such warships appear, it will pose a great threat to our destroyers. We must have the same or similar warships to suppress the other's important warships." The Secretary of the Navy said.

"Well. Is it difficult to build such a warship?" Han Shu asked.

"Well, from the information we know so far, it is not difficult to imitate such a warship, but the problem is that we don’t know the power of the opponent’s artillery. If the firepower of the artillery we install is seriously insufficient, it may cause our problems. The situation is in an unfavorable state." The Secretary of the Navy said. Because they still don't know what kind of artillery the Zhao State Navy will install. What is the caliber of the artillery, a large-caliber artillery will change the overall performance of the cruiser.

"Yeah. We can postpone others. Wait and see, maybe destroyers will not have other threats, after all, they still have torpedoes. By the way. How is the research progress of torpedoes? The biggest threat to destroyers comes from torpedoes. Without torpedoes , It will be difficult to pose a threat to cruisers." Han Shu asked.

"This, it will take some time, after all, it will take time." The Secretary of the Navy waited nervously.

"Yeah. Continue to study. Only by constantly studying can we keep the destroyer. For such weapons, we should step up our research." Han Shu ordered.

Qin State, Xianyang, Army Weapons Research Institute.

"Conquering a fortress, such a fortress is very troublesome to solve. If you use a mortar, although powerful, a powerful weapon is too heavy and it is very inconvenient to move, which will cause great troubles for us. We We need a lightweight weapon that can solve the fortress." said a young researcher.

"Weapons like explosives should not be used in my opinion. We should be clear that the current situation is not suitable for such weapons. We need another type of weapon. I think it should be fire. Because only flames can fall into it. Among them. Only in this way can our situation become more favorable." Another researcher said. He believes that explosive weapons have reached the extreme. The news from the front lines of the battlefield let them know that some things are still different. The situation needs some changes.

"Fire. If you use fire. I think it will solve these problems. Because fire is difficult to defend, and if you use some special oil, it will form a large area of ​​combustion. At the same time, full combustion can also burn a lot of air. It will cause them to suffocate to death in the end." said a young researcher.

"You are really a genius, maybe we should study such a weapon." Another researcher said. For such a situation, they also have to admit that fire has become a new weapon. They think that such problems can be easily solved.

South Korea, Xinzheng. The stock exchange said that Western Trading Corporation, Qingcheng Construction Company, and the Royal Bank of Korea had temporarily suspended trading. The suspension time was only one hour, but it shocked everyone. Because the news came too suddenly.

"What the **** happened. I don't know at all. What happened. Why are these companies suspended. Is there any major thing that happened?" Many people talked about it unclearly.

"You see, the stock has risen a great distance. I'm sure it will rise. It is definitely a blockbuster news. Among the suspended stocks is the Royal Bank. Such stocks are definitely high-quality stocks. Trading suspension cannot be bad news, and the recent stock situation is different, so I think the situation should be different.” Many people outside are speculating.

"It may also be bad news. Look, the stocks have risen a lot, but many stocks have not moved. This situation is simply the most unacceptable thing for us. I think it should fall." Some investors proposed. Opposing opinions, because in their opinion, such a rebound is only a partial rebound, and will definitely not expand further. Faced with such a situation, they have reason to believe that it will fall. In short, whether it is rising or falling is still full of a lot of fog, and many things are not clear enough. But after the fog clears, people will see what they want to see.

After an hour, everyone understood. However, they did not get the exact news, because it will take a while for the news to be announced, but the stocks first reflected this situation.

"Rising, an astonishing increase, 10%. It has risen so much at once. If I had known it, I would have bought these stocks." Many people said anxiously.

"Oh, I bought it before. What a pity. What a pity, I sold it all at once." Many people said regretfully. Because they feel very unusual. Such things often appear in the stock market.

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