The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3410: Moon's airship

One hour after the end of the game, people finally knew something. It is the government. The South Korean government acts as an intermediary between enterprises, a very good glue. The Western Trading Company contributed 35% of the capital. The Royal Bank of Korea provides 25% of the funds. At the same time, they will cooperate with Qin State Bank to provide 40% of the funds, of which Qin State Investment Bank is the figure, and the remaining 5%. This kind of news is unlikely to let everyone know the results in too much detail, but it is undoubtedly telling investors a message that the South Korean government intends to solve the Suez Canal. Once the construction of the canal is successful, everyone will know these companies. There is the situation of most stock companies, this is the main reason for the rise, and many people are aware of such a thing.

Qin State, Xianyang.

"Our military operations are progressing pretty well. Our cavalry troops bypassed the Tallinn fortress and then moved into the more southern areas. There, the resistance of the Yue people was not very fierce. We accepted many small towns. , The situation in the town is fairly complete to us." Wei Liao explained.

"We are very clear about this situation, but the problem is. Logistics supply, Tallinn still seriously affects our logistics supply situation, which will be very bad for our situation." Meng Yi said worriedly.

"Such a situation is indeed a very big situation for us." Shang Wen shook his head and said.

"But we are building another highway. Bypassing there, maybe he will play its due role. As for Tallinn, Zhao's special artillery regiment has already set off. As long as we wait for seven days, I think the situation will change." Wei Liao said.

"Yeah. What I am worried about right now is that the Yue people will not launch a counterattack? If they don't launch a counterattack, should we stick to the original line of defense." Shang Wen said. Up to now, they still don't have a large reconnaissance situation to investigate the Yue's counterattack in a timely manner. It seems that the Yue's are not in the situation of further mobilization.

"We still need to be careful. Karachi's offense has become unusually slow. After they have lost a large number of personnel. They have not achieved much." Shang Wen said.

"Yeah. I think Karachi has attracted a part of Yue's troops." Wei Liao said.

"It's difficult to repel us, but repelling the Karachi people, I think the Yue people still think it is very good, after all, the Karachi people are not good at offensive." Meng Yi said.

"If the Indians are sending troops, the situation may be very good for us." Shang Wen looked at the map and said. The people of the Yue family were caught in an embarrassing situation. It seems that the Yueshi people may make this or other decision without jumping.

In the Yueshi Air Force Base, a large number of airships were abandoned and thrown away. Many people have moved to the train to leave here, they can go there, their chief is not sure, because all the border areas of Yueshi are fighting.

"Can we go there? Can we go to the north?" Lieutenant Wu Lin said to his chief after throwing away his salute.

"Yes, go to the north and bomb the Qin army. Although we don't know the specific situation of the Qin army, we can attack them. Our condition is not very good. There are not many aerial bombs, and we can carry 30% to 100% intelligently. Forty-fourths of the bomb." said Captain Blue Label.

"We don't have enough fuel. Three airships can only take off two. Only in this way, our fuel can guarantee our voyage." Lieutenant Wu Lin said.

"That's the situation. We launched an attack immediately." Captain Blue Label patted the opponent on the shoulder and said. Then he took the opponent to attack immediately.

The Yueshi Air Force is equipped with old-fashioned airships. Their range is only four hundred, but with the maintenance of their engines. They can only act like this.

Inside Wang Ben's headquarters.

"Our condition is not very good. Is it possible to let our airship continue to further expand the reconnaissance situation." The Chief of Staff said worriedly. After all, their condition is still very bad.

"The Tallinn Fortress has severely hindered our logistics supplies. Do we use air logistics to solve such things? I think that only in this way can we solve the current situation well." The Chief of Staff said.

"Well. The use of airpower will consume a lot of fuel reserves. The military does not have a lot of reserves at present. You also know that new oil points are being mined on the rest side. This will take time. Therefore, in terms of fuel supply, our situation is not Not too good." Wang Ben said.

"Our situation cannot be changed very well. Therefore, the air power is still not available. There is no way, but don't worry, our situation will change. Our cavalry has already moved south, as long as we give us some time, we can still Push to the front line we need, this is what we need to do at present. This does not need much influence for us." Wang Ben said with a smile.

The reason why Qin was unable to use air power on a large scale was the oil reserves. The use of an aerial bombardment had already consumed more than half of Qin’s fuel reserves in the Western Regions. Such a large amount of fuel could no longer allow them to launch a change. Great offense. This also caused the Qin army to be unable to further use their highly threatening aviation force.

However, the Qin State believed that their situation was still very favorable, and the resistance of the Yue people was not very great, which shows this point. The situation remains optimistic for them.

In a small village 12 kilometers south of Dhaka, a platoon of Qin army cavalry is looking for their logistic supplies and conducting effective reconnaissance. They have reached their maximum advance limit. Although there are railways for material support, the situation is still not good for them. They also know this. Because a large amount of supplies were blocked in Tallinn. The Qin army needed to be transported, unloaded from the train, transported by horse-drawn carriage, and then arrived at another section, and then loaded on the train, so that the second transportation cost them too much time and material resources. If Qin Jun wins Tallinn. Maybe the Qin army will attack more than 50 kilometers away again, in that case, they will be able to take the capital of the Yue clan. But now, they have to wait a little bit for repairs, only in this way can they keep up with their logistics supplies.

"I don't have a lot of ammunition. I really don't know what those **** logistics soldiers are doing." A sergeant complained. He snatched a lamb, and he decided to roast the lamb. The local Yueshi people were extremely frightened by them, or they seemed very frightened. If it weren't for the military discipline to warn them seriously, they might do something extraordinary.

"But don’t worry, the resistance of the Yue clan is not a lot, and we have seen it along the way. Many of the Yue clan’s soldiers were disarmed by us before the assembly was completed. They can only surrender and solve their survival problems, yes. For us, this is not a threat. We have a lot of things to do. This is not a big threat to us.” A second lieutenant said without worry. He ate the food prepared by this family. He is very hungry and hasn't eaten anything delicious for a long time. Especially warm meals, a warm meal is very important to soldiers. This can greatly relax.

"Damn it, is it cloudy?" The sergeant looked up and saw the airship blocking the sun.

"Yes. It's an airship. Did our air power arrive here?" the sergeant asked curiously. The second lieutenant also saw the huge shadow on the ground. He put down the food in his hand, and then picked up his binoculars. In fact, they could see the signs on the airship without looking at them. The signs of the Yueshi were very clear.

"Yes, it is the Yueshi air force, not our airship." The second lieutenant said in horror, holding his binoculars.

"What. Damn it," the sergeant said after looking up at the airship flying over them.

"Quickly, report the situation here, **** it, there is an airship, and an airship of the Moon people appeared. This is a disaster for us. If they bomb us with bombs, our losses will be very large. "The ensign shouted loudly. Then he informed his communications officer that he had gone. The patrol is equipped with a low-power transmitter. Even so, the weight of the transmitter is still relatively large. After all, there are two horses that carry it carefully, because one accident will cause the radio to lose communication. This is definitely not good news for soldiers.

"Quickly, send the report. Alert, there is an airship from the Yue family coming towards us. Hurry up." The ensign yelled loudly. This is the situation. This situation will make them better.

"But. sir. The transmitter has some glitches. We need to repair it. It will take some time." A corporal said helplessly.

"Damn it. It's useless when it's critical. It's a waste." The ensign reluctantly ordered the sergeant to report the situation to his officer as soon as possible. This is very important to them. If something goes wrong, it will be troublesome. They must tell the chief this news.

Maharashtra. The offensive of the Yueshi people is even more crazy.

"Bang. Bang." "Tutu. Tutu." The entire coastal area became a battlefield. Zhao Jun was compressed to the coastal areas, and they were also bombarded by the Yueshi's long-range artillery from time to time.

"Boom." A place full of supplies was hit by artillery, and some food and medicine were hit. A box containing something unknown was blown up.

"Damn it. Fortunately, none of the ammunition boxes were blown up. In that case, the entire port would be ruined." A sailor said to himself, lying on the ground. Zhao Jun retreats to some defenses and shrinks his troops. The Yue people rushed in frantically. They tried to drive the Zhao people into the sea. In this case, they might be able to occupy a favorable position in the next negotiation. The Yue people did not dispatch a part of their troops. Go north. Nor did they dispatch an army to deal with the Karachi people. They seemed to be determined to occupy such a position.

"I really don't know why these **** Yue people are so obsessed with such a place." Lieutenant Ma Qu said while lying in the crater. His arm was injured. Hit by a bullet from the Yueshi, the doctor told him to retreat. He didn't plan to withdraw from the battle, but there was no way. He must quit, because his men were almost killed. The supplements were all local supplementary soldiers, their intelligence was low, and they didn't understand what was happening on the battlefield. In desperation, he had to retreat. Perhaps this will make him more relaxed.

"The attacks of the Yueshi people have become more fierce. Their shells have never hit here before." A wounded sergeant said under his blanket.

"Yeah. That's right. The Yue people of the three infantry divisions have an absolute advantage. We can defend the coastal areas. It is very good. But let us defend more areas, which is unlikely. We can't keep it here at all." Lieutenant Ma Qu said.

"We need reinforcements and more powerful coastal artillery fire support. I heard that they have all left here. Go to replenish the ammunition. I wonder, what are the Koreans doing? Why don't they come to participate until now. They want it. What are you doing?" The sergeant thought of such a question. In their opinion, they must leave here as soon as possible. The coastal areas are not very safe, which will greatly affect their safety. Now they put their hope on the Koreans. After all, here, Zhao’s navy and army are weak. They can only occupy coastal areas. It seems difficult to fight inland. The only thing that can be done is Koreans, they can do many, many things.

"I don't know. Maybe they are waiting for the best reality. I don't know what this opportunity is." Lieutenant Ma Qu shook his head in confusion. They are also not clear about the thoughts of the senior management.

Mon island.

"Their condition is not very good. The Zhao people are suppressed in the coastal areas. If they can't hold on, our situation will be in a bad state." A businessman told Lieutenant Colonel Zhang Jia. They hope that South Korea can participate. In this way, they can help Zhao Guoren stabilize the current situation, and Meng Island is safe. After all. Businessmen are still very selfish. They think of their own interests, not the interests of the whole.

"No. Our time is not yet. You know this. Our troops are not very sufficient. Currently, there are only two infantry companies here. Our troops are not yet able to form an effective advantage against the Yueshi people. We need to wait." Lieutenant Colonel Zhang Jia refused to arrive. He thinks that businessmen are here to mess around, and they don't know what military is. They will only consider their own interests.

"These things were made by the military. I need to wait for orders." Zhang Jia said unceremoniously.

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