An accidental air strike by the Yue's Air Force disrupted the Qin army's offensive. This made Wang Ben very annoyed, and Qin Jun could not go further south for the time being. For Qin Jun, this is really a very difficult fact to accept. The Qin Army had to adjust the next battle plan.

Qin State Xianyang.

"The South Korean side turned the Suez Canal project into a private enterprise project. If this is the case, I think this project may be carried out quickly. After all, private power is still relatively large." Meng Yi said to Shangwen. In contrast, economic issues are even more worrying for Qin.

"Well. The Koreans did solve one of their own problems, which is of great help to them, and it will greatly promote our trade growth." Shang Wen said. Qin can expand their trade through financial investment. However, this kind of trade is generally of an investment nature, and Qin's trade exports are still dominated by high-tech products, which puts Qin in a trade balance.

"Their trade products have not yet formed much competition with our products. This is indeed beneficial to us, but we are at a disadvantage in terms of naval products. Recently, Qi, Zhao, and the South Korean navy have madly built some warships. If it goes on in the long term, it will trigger greater naval trade. In that case, our product advantage in the navy will not exist. Do we think of ways to build our navy?" Meng Yi said worriedly. Qin can also export a large number of military weapons, but most of the weapons are passed on to orders. Zhao is responsible for processing and Qin is responsible for orders. Qin can get a lot of profits.

But now the situation has changed a lot. Countries began to buy some warships, and the orders suddenly went to the hands of Zhao, Qi, Chu and South Korea. As a result, Qin's military orders will be reduced, which will seriously affect Qin's military trade.

"Yeah." Shang Wen also felt that Qin should build its own naval base. With the shift of strategic focus, it is difficult for the land resources to attract the Qin army to make further adjustments. The State of Qin needs to make great strides in construction to solve the current situation. Because the naval strategies of Chu, Zhao, South Korea, and Qi have already affected the Qin army, the Qin army must find a way to obtain a maritime strategic advantage.

Shangwen felt that the navy should be increased military expenditures, but the prerequisite for increasing military expenditures was that Qin State had a huge maritime trade, and these trades could put Qin State in a state of superiority.

On the western battlefield of Yueshi, Karachi's situation on the battlefield is still very bad.

"Climb, climb over quickly. Hurry up." A Yue's officer shouted loudly. They carefully crawled out of their trenches. Then use a shield, or a large iron plate on the bread of a wooden shield, or other protective gear. As long as they can solve the problem and protect their lives, it is a good thing.

A large number of soldiers lay on the ground. They waited for the person in front to advance, and then crawled forward again, or they were carefully following the people behind, lest some bullets hit their vitals. Karachi's posture looks awkward, but it is very effective.

This is the protective offensive weapon invented by the Karachi people. This weapon is only protective, but it is easier to make. They first find a shield. Such a shield must have the ability to withstand machine gun bullets. They will look for more quickly. The iron sheet then includes a wooden shield. In the back, they will also hang some iron blocks. Only in this way can they effectively resist bullets. This is the most effective equipment to ensure their safety. However, such shields are very heavy and only soldiers with very strong arms can lift them. Get up, but it’s impossible to lift it for a long time. Therefore, this kind of shield can only be crawled forward and pushed forward. Or, they will install wheels underneath, but the price of the wheels is relatively high. high. Only officers can put on such shields. On top of the shields, they will open some observation holes, and then stretch out the rifle to fire accurately. The Karachi people suddenly made hundreds of these protective devices, which they used to attack the main positions of the Yueshi people. This was the best way to attack the skirmishers.

After suffering huge casualties, the Karachi people finally understood. If they march forward in a large-scale line, they will suffer heavy shots from machine guns and rifles. In that case, their casualties will be very, very high. This is an absolutely unbearable result, so many people will not do it. The only feasible way is to ask them to take some important measures. To protect their lives, the Karachi people have learned to crawl forward, and their attack will be carried out before dusk, because in that case, the sun will shine in front of the Karachi people. In that case, there will be some problems with their shooting angles. The offensive scale of the troops was strictly limited to the battalion company level, and large-scale assaults had been cancelled. Because in that case, it will cause more massive losses. You must know that until now, the bodies of the soldiers killed last time have not been cleaned up on the battlefield.

"Go forward," the officer shouted. He hid behind the shield and shouted loudly. The soldiers huddled behind the shield as much as possible, and if they were slightly exposed, they might be killed by machine guns.

"Puff." A soldier was hit in the arm because he moved too hard as he moved forward, and the flying bullet hit the target.

"Shoot, go forward, shoot." The officer shouted loudly.

"Boom." There was an explosion, and a shield car was blown off. Half of the body was thrown up. That was a second lieutenant platoon leader. But now, the body was blown up. The soldiers looked around and could only pray that the **** shells would not fall on them. There is no way for the Yueshi people to use them with their machine guns. Only artillery can handle such a shield vehicle. But the Yueshi's shells were very limited, and it was too wasteful of their own ammunition to deal with them.

"Damn it. The Karachi came to the sir." A sergeant reported anxiously. The Karachi people finally approached the Yueshi people's position carefully by relying on their shield vehicles. They began to slowly break some barbed wire fences. They would use strip-shaped explosive bags. This was the method taught to them by the Koreans. This kind of blasting can be used. A channel was quickly cleared. However, this cannot prevent the Moon's machine guns from attacking them specifically, as well as grenade explosives. This requires them to figure out their own way. The way is that they also throw grenades. As long as they reach a certain area, after they suppress the opponent's firepower, they can take advantage of their infantry.

"Bang. Bang, bang." After the Karachi people approached, they began to shoot non-stop. Everyone poured out all the ammunition in their hands. Although the base of ammunition increased to 30 rounds, each person had two bases of ammunition, but there was no ammunition. People will think about saving ammunition, in that case, they will be killed by the opponent's machine gun.

"Tututu. Tutu. Bang." A machine gunner shot frantically at the approaching Karachi people, but their shooting was helpless. Most of the bullet was blocked by the shield. They can't hurt the people behind, which makes them very difficult. In this case, their only way is to shoot, shoot as much as possible.

"Boom. Boom." The Karachi threw their grenades. Each soldier only had two grenades, but now is not the time to feel sorry for this. If they don't throw, there will be no chance to throw grenade again.

"Charge. Boys, charge." The officer shouted loudly. Then they charged amidst the explosion. The Yueshi people's machine guns can continue to function, but the continuous explosions stopped their machine guns. It was a very crazy killing. Such killings would be unbearable for them.

"Bang. Bang." The Karachi charged forward, and they rushed into the trenches of the Yueshi for the first time with their bayonet-mounted rifles.

"Puff." The first Karachi was stabbed to death by a Yueshi soldier with a long bayonet. A soldier at the back jumped in and fought with the Yue soldier. The soldier behind was still very scared, but he was killed by a flying bullet before he could see the situation clearly. It's tragic.

"Bang. Bang, bang." The soldiers fired frantically in the trenches, fighting hard. A cruel hand-to-hand battle began.

"Boom." There was an explosion. It was the sound of a grenade. It was obvious that the Karachi people would accidentally injure themselves, but this kind of thing has inevitably happened.

For the first time, the Karachi people rushed into the trenches of the Yueshi people. They inevitably got a little nervous. The grenades that were thrown in killed the Yueshi people and the Karachi people together, and the Yueshi soldiers shot at each other, and the bullet penetrated Karachi at close range. Man, however, killed the Yueshi people behind. Strangely, the Karachi people who fought with him were penetrated again, causing fatal injuries. The stomach was hit, the wound was very big, and the bullets were left in it. This kind of thing is unavoidable, the bullet caused the roll, and the secondary damage is far greater than the first.

"Bang. Bang." Captain Yankee knew that something bad might happen, and he immediately led a platoon to launch a counterattack. There were broken limbs and blood everywhere in the trenches, and it looked like he couldn't go there any better than hell. The Karachi were finally driven away. Because their troops are running out. After all, their scale is only one company or one battalion, and the number of people who can enter the trenches is still very limited.

"The Karachi people have broken through our front for the first time. If we don't launch a counterattack in time to drive them away, our situation may be very bad. I feel that the situation is very bad. Because the Karachi people learn how to avoid bullets. "Yan Kee wrote with his injured hand.

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