"If we didn't launch a counterattack in time, the Karachi people would definitely break through our first line of defense, but in this way, our troops would be seriously insufficient, and the Karachi people are learning how to fight. This is not a thing for us. The good news is that this means that the Karachi people can pay a small price to break through our defenses. We must improve our defensive tactics, otherwise, it will pose a great threat to us." Captain Yankee Write. He turned a page carefully, and then continued to write. His hand was stabbed with a bayonet. But the situation is very urgent. There is no way, he knows to take such a method to grab the opponent's bayonet. Otherwise, the other party's bayonet will be inserted into his heart position, which is an extremely terrible position, which will have extremely serious consequences for his life, and he is too clear about the consequences of doing so. The other party will kill himself mercilessly, this kind of thing will definitely be done. In order to avoid such a thing, he can only grab the opponent.

Fortunately, the opponent is a recruit, panic, nervous, and all kinds of uneasy emotions. On the battlefield, the soldiers' muscles stiffened. They could have killed themselves, but Captain Yankee took the opportunity, grabbed a bayonet and gave him a bayonet, and then kept stabbing it in. He didn't know what would happen to that Karachi soldier, but he knew that the other party must be dead.

"The Karachi people were driven away by us at a great price. We are a company, more than 120 people, and now there are fewer than forty people left. There are too many people killed. Many people were not injured. Rescue, hand-to-hand combat is so cruel, many people died before being sent to the rear field hospital. Our manpower has been reduced a lot, and then how to defend our line of defense is too difficult for us. Captain Yang Kee shook his head. Speaking of. The huge casualties forced him to reconsider how to resist the Karachi attack. They must have new tactics or offensive power.

According to reason, the flank shooting tactics are very lethal to this kind of single-direction protective shield. But the problem is that the Karachis command selectively avoid the opponent’s fortress, only launching a single offensive, and at the same time, they will take some diversionary attacks to launch action warfare. This makes the Yue people very passive, that is, the Karachi people’s The offensive is not a single one, but is carried out on multiple fronts at the same time. This makes Yueshi people seem to have a headache.

State of Zhao, Handan.

"We must have a new type of weapon that can provide infantry with greater protection in combat. If our soldiers are allowed to attack like this, it will undoubtedly make it difficult for our commanders to accept." Li Mu told his armed officers in the staff. We talked about it.

Various reports from Karachi, Mengla, and the front lines of the Zhao army show that a protective weapon that can carry armor while being able to launch offensive weapons is imminent. Many officers need such a weapon to appear, and he must be able to provide a certain degree of protection. At the same time, there is a certain amount of firepower to deal with the opponent's trenches, machine gun bunkers, and even artillery positions. These firepower points will seriously hinder the attacker. It will make the loss of the other party extremely huge.

"Sir, I don't think such a weapon is of much use. It will increase the load on our soldiers. It is difficult for our soldiers to bear such a heavy weight. This is not a good thing." A lieutenant colonel stood up and objected.

"If our casualties are very, very large, we would like to see it." Li Mu said angrily. Such an officer who is not optimistic about the lives of his soldiers is of little use. Such officers are the main killers who increase the casualties of their own soldiers. However, the officers just look at it according to their own ideas, because Zhao Jun is on the offensive side, or Zhao Jun is now pursuing mobility, and the current infantry maneuverability depends on the two legs of the infantry in addition to the train. In terms of protection, it usually means that as the load on the soldier increases, the mobility of the soldier decreases. Unless it is a livestock, it is impossible for the soldier to move forward quickly on a large scale. Even the mule and horse. Nor does it guarantee that soldiers have strong mobility.

"The environment on the battlefield really requires us to make some changes. We can appropriately increase the defense of the soldiers. For example, we can allocate some protective equipment to the soldiers, such as armor or bulletproof steel plates." A colonel suggested. . He believes that soldiers should improve the individual protection capabilities of some soldiers. If this is done, their situation will become more favorable.

"Is that useful? You know, the penetration of bullets on the battlefield is very strong, unless the soldiers wear thicker iron armor or steel plates. I don't think that thing is useful at all." Another colonel objected. To. Soldiers wear these things. It is very inconvenient to act, and this also requires a new army. Heavy armor can increase the protection of soldiers. However, it makes the soldiers inconvenient to move. Moreover, there are many weapons to deal with such infantry armor on the battlefield.

"You must know that artillery can easily tear people apart. Such armor may have some effects on machine guns, of course. If the machine gun uses special bullets, it will still have a big impact, but, Artillery, and artillery. The defending party can assemble heavy artillery to carry out bombardment. Can such iron armor protect against heavy artillery bombardment? I think this is impossible." An objection raised by a captain.

"Your ideas are very good, but they may be too limited." Li Mu has considered all these factors. However, his subordinates simply considered the problem. On the one hand, they simply improved the protection of the soldiers, but they ignored that the mobility of the infantry was very limited. What Li Mu needs is a product that balances protection and mobility. At the same time, he is not going to look at infantry's military operations separately, but as a whole. In this way, soldiers' combat performance will be greatly improved. A big improvement, this is the most important point for them.

"What we need is a holistic thing, an innovation in infantry tactics." Li Mu emphasized again. He hoped that his officers could put forward some constructive suggestions, for example, to invent an effective tactic to solve such problems.

"Sir, I think what we need is an armored vehicle. We currently have such an armored vehicle, but it is equipped with a mobile unit." Li Zuoche said at this time.

"Armored vehicles? Yes. It seems we have such vehicles." Some officers nodded and admitted. They just remembered that such armored vehicles existed in Zhao State. The purpose of such armored vehicles is to strengthen the firepower of the infantry. At the same time, because of the poor maneuverability of the locomotive, it is easy to become a target in front of the artillery, and they have to install some iron armor. It’s still difficult to guarantee the survivability of the armored vehicle, so such weapons are ignored by most officers. After all, Zhao Guo hasn't used examples in this regard, and they don't know what kind of use such armored vehicles have.

"Yes, what we need is an armored vehicle. In addition, we can invent and create another weapon, an armored combat vehicle, which needs to be equipped with a larger caliber artillery. It will move forward with the locomotive. In this way, the armored combat vehicle can move forward, and we Soldiers who are able to provide effective protection and follow behind.” Li Mu said. Many officers nodded, some shook their heads, because they thought of another ancient tactic, the tank.

The previous chariots fought in this way. The chariot followed a certain number of infantry. The tactics of the chariots continued for hundreds of years. However, with the rise of the cavalry, the lethality of weapons increased. This tactic has long been abandoned. Because the maneuverability of the tank is too poor. But now, suddenly want to resume such a tactic, is it a tactic that is very backward, and will eventually be killed by the enemy.

Some military officers have concerns in this regard, and such concerns should also arise. In other words, they have never expected the changes in the tactical sense of the new weapons in the future. In addition, the weapons are updated and changed too quickly, and the old officers have not been eliminated, which makes it difficult for a new way of thinking to emerge.

The meeting soon ended. Armored vehicles had to be sent to the Mabang battlefield or other battlefields for inspection, and the armored vehicles had to be manufactured. In fact, they were tanks. Zhao Guo already had this idea, they just needed Pay some practice to do such a thing. After all, it is difficult for infantry to break through the tightly formed defensive line to achieve such a rapid breakthrough. This is very difficult for soldiers.

"I think a brand new tactic may emerge in the future. This tactic relies on a mixture of motor vehicles, experts, machine guns, and artillery, followed by infantry. Adopting the tactics of rushing forward, even though it seems , This seems to be a retrogression in history." Li Mu said to Li Zuoche in this way. Li Zuoche always has bizarre tactics, which will make them extremely crazy. Or it is not normal, but this has a great impact on the new tactics. This is the case with war.

"But this is a brand new tactic, a new combat mode." Li Mu said. He may have thought of the later blitzkrieg, a model of mechanized combat. Although this imagination seems vague, it is very close to such an idea. This is a very bold idea, which makes war extremely unusual.

"Yes. I think there will be such a battlefield in the future. But. Now we need to verify them, maybe we still need continuous improvement, rashly implementing such tactical innovations may bring new technologies. A lot of trouble." Li Mu said cautiously.

"Yes, sir, but sir, I think in the current situation, the firepower is still weak. We should provide some firepower support to these infantry armored vehicles. For example, in the air, we can provide them with some support from the air. If they do, their firepower will be strengthened a lot, and at the same time they will be able to carry out bombing in a timely manner." Li Zuoche suggested.

"Yeah. Yes, this is a very good tactical arrangement. A very bold idea." Li Mu said. Not much for specific ideas, he hasn't made good arrangements yet, and a rushing car may not necessarily be behind. But it is also in line with the current development requirements. After all, the Qin country first invented the tank, but they did not apply the tank. This is not a result of Shangwen’s strong demand for change, but the war conditions have not yet reached such a point. Development is always slow, but sometimes it is extremely fast.

In Chu State, the major shipyards near the Wuyue Shipyard were frantically using their horsepower to build destroyers, and the tonnage of the destroyers suddenly rose to three thousand tons. As for the weapons to be installed, they will be jointly developed by the State of Chu and South Korea. Once such weapons are used together, they will cause great threats.

"Jeju pirates have a lot of orders, and they demand a very fast speed." A shipyard director introduced.

"However, based on the current construction schedule, we still need one and a half months at the earliest. This is the result of our full use of horsepower. The workers have been divided into three shifts. Sometimes heavy overtime is required. If this continues, , They will not be able to stand it." The factory manager said worriedly. Some dissatisfaction has been shown. Although they are provided with resources, it is difficult for normal people to bear without increasing the time for rest. The pressure is great, and workers need a good rest time.

"I know this." Lu Fei said.

"We can improve their food, or provide them with some rest time in reward, but the premise is that they must complete their work as soon as possible. You should think of things like this. They have money to make, already It's a very good thing." Lu Zhi said impatiently. This kind of thing shouldn't have been reported that he knew it, he knew too well what kind of thing this kind of thing would cause. He needs to solve such a problem, it doesn't matter to him.

"Yes. I did this." The director was still very worried, because the workers' dissatisfaction was already very big. He is worried that something will happen if this continues, but this is a military order. Once it is taken down, the warship will bring them a lot of profits, because you can build warships. This kind of ability will be seen by many countries, which means The increase in commercial profit margins is very important to Lu's shipyards. The space for civilian commercial ships has been compressed by many shipyards. At present, military profits are relatively high because this demand is rigid. The higher your shipbuilding ability, the greater the possibility of getting it. This is a constant fact.

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