In the Wuyue area of ​​Chu State, this is an important area for the development of Chu State's industrial and commercial capitalism. Trade, shipbuilding, textiles, and some light processing are very intensive here. This has also caused a large number of people to gather here. There are a lot of workers here, but their treatment is not perfect, or in other words, very poor.

Chu State encountered the same problem as Zhao State. The living conditions of the workers in Chu country are very bad. It can be said that they are horribly awful. They work more than 14 hours a day, and the labor intensity is very high. Overtime occurs every day. Overtime is not paid. It will make people very tired and accidents. However, the capitalist will only compensate for a very small amount of money. Not only that, if the worker does not work overtime, the foreman will quit the other party for various reasons, and the other party will be paid a share of the work. No money, many times. The rights and interests of workers are not guaranteed. This also caused the situation of Chu workers to be very bad. Lu Zhi’s shipyard is pretty good. At least their working hours are within eight hours, while the Chu State factory generally lasts more than 12 hours, the common one is 14 hours, and the 20 hours are not. It's rare. It can be seen that the treatment and living conditions of Chu workers are very bad. For Chu workers, their condition is not very good.

But no one cares about these issues, because the conditions of the workers have not affected the social and economic development. An important source of national taxation comes from the nobles, merchants, and bourgeoisie. The contribution of workers is relatively small. Chu State has not yet levied personal income tax, because once such a tax is levied, it will seriously arouse strong dissatisfaction among workers. The situation at that time would be very bad. However, the bourgeoisie of Chu State would not consider the problem. In their view, workers’ complaints are useless, because they pay workers wages. They should do something like this. This is what they must do. .

South Korea, Xinzheng. street.

"We should pay attention to the protection of the environment. In Zhao Guo, many such deaths have occurred. This has a lot to do with air pollution, and the waste water and exhaust gas discharged from factories. Look around you and see if there are such things. , Your arms, and your throat, look at your skin, in Qin, this kind of pollution will seriously interfere with people's lives. We should pay attention to such things." A young man advertised loudly. It looks like he is a scientist, or in other words, a college student.

"The young people nowadays are quite concerned." Han Shu smiled and said to Zhang Liang on the side. The two have also gone through special cover-ups, and there are more guards around. Han Shu will occasionally come out. After all, as the queen of South Korea, she should understand the living conditions of the people under her own governance. The prime minister of Qin State is literary, because Shangwen will usually walk around. Know some things, but this is a very big trouble for the Queen's security work. Because no one knows what will happen, what kind of results will cause what kind of impact, this is a very, very difficult thing for them.

"The King." Zhang Liang said worriedly. He wanted to remind the queen that it was almost enough. Walk a little bit. Just find out.

"Yeah." Han Shu looked at Zhang Liang a little unhappy.

"Oh. Sanniang." Zhang Liang said. Because Han Shu ranks third, her name is Sanniang to the outside world. For example, Zhang Liang, Han Shu would call Zhang Liang the old Zhang. Or Teacher Zhang. Zhang Liang's cover status is his teacher status. Sanniang is an entrepreneur. Han Shu likes this role very much, which makes her feel very excited.

"Sanniang, it's late. We should go back. It's too messy here." Zhang Liang said carefully. He hoped that Han Shu could consider some specific things to make Han Shu feel that such things should be enough.

"Oh. What's said here is pretty good. Some reports are not known in the newspapers. We can only find out by seeing some pamphlets. Look. Go over and take a look." Han Shu said at this time.

"This." Zhang Liang really couldn't call Han Shu back. Because every time Han Shu's route is not unique, and they travel in secret, this makes Xinzheng's magistrate very frightened, but they can't do anything. After all, Han Shu would take care of such things if they did too much.

"These are the rights that we workers should have. Think about it, those entrepreneurs, and so-called bosses, how can they arbitrarily deduct our salaries? I think things like this happen every day, and our affairs are difficult to deal with. No, we worked in vain for several months, but we didn’t get a penny. How did it turn out? To us, it’s not fair, the labor we put in. For the hard work, this is the reward we should have. That's right." A student-like person stood on the street and gave a speech.

"This street is the street of thought in South Korea, because South Korea does not restrict culture, and especially encourages education. If many young people want to enter politics, they must come here to express their opinions. If they are good, they will attract some support. And then set up some small parties, if they get a lot of votes, they can participate in elections into the parliament, and then participate in the election of the prime minister." Zhang Liang explained on the side.

"Oh. Is there such a thing only in Korea?" Han Shu asked at this time.

"No. This is not only unique to Korea, but Zhao and Qi both have such things. It is said that Yan also has similar places, but it is not as good as ours. Because the prime ministers and prime ministers of these countries rely on parliamentary elections. Produced." Zhang Liang said. As the urban population increases, the seats in parliament become larger and larger. There are also more and more political parties, and various ideas are beginning to collide. This is the era of contention among a hundred schools of thought, so things that confuse a variety of ideas often happen. And the government is an enlightened government.

They must encourage this, because such people can attract more students to come here. The government will give them a channel of promotion to make them more striving, and they have their own insights. The government just provides this. An opportunity, and with the rise of universities. All kinds of thoughts are emerging everywhere. There are many channels for such speeches to enter politics.

"Yeah. Yes, they are also right. At the very least, these ideas can be used by us. Now we are short of people everywhere. That's good." Han Shu said with a smile. But Zhang Liang didn't think so. He thought it was dangerous sometimes, because sometimes they became rampant.

The purpose of the speech is to clarify their views and ideas, but in order to attract more people and get more support, some things that should not be said are said, for example, many speakers have no bottom line to choose to criticize Some of the government’s practices will inevitably lead to contradictions. Zhang Liang's concern is that Han Shu triggered such thoughts.

"This is our rights, and we should guarantee our rights." The young student-like agitated. Many people gathered around him. They are all workers. They have certain complaints about their current lives. The reason is that their overtime has caused them to lack of rest, which makes them very tired. They come here hoping to find someone who can speak for themselves.

They heard that in the northern country of Zhao, they had a Workers’ Party that entered the parliament. They represented the strength of the workers and put forward many bills on behalf of the workers’ interests. Some bills passed the parliament. For example, the working hours of workers should not exceed fourteen Hours, if they exceed them, they will be paid a considerable amount of salary. Some advanced programs will give them eight hours of work, lunch breaks, and more meals. These are all benefits. Compared with Next, South Korea is not doing well enough. This is also a much better thing that can develop.

"Therefore, we should hold more things to guarantee our rights and interests. We can go on strike and negotiate with each other through strikes in order to guarantee more rights and interests." The young man said. His ideas were greatly inspired. Such inspiration came from the State of Zhao, because it was through this way that the State of Zhao obtained the right to enter the parliament. In fact, it was also a compromise of the bourgeoisie of the State of Zhao, but they did. Played a certain role. Inspired by this, South Korean workers also hope to get some support in this way, and this is for them. This is normal. After all, their rights have been greatly violated, and their lives cannot be guaranteed.

"This kind of thinking is very dangerous." Han Shu said unhappily. He believes that such a thing is extremely detrimental to South Korea, and at the very least, it is extremely detrimental to social stability.

"This." Zhang Liang didn't know how to explain it. They had banned such remarks, but they met with serious opposition from the working class, who threatened to launch an offensive. This will make the South Korean government have to re-enable them to make such remarks. The government believes that this may also be a way of releasing workers’ dissatisfaction pressure.

"If all the workers stop working, our production will be in a state of dissatisfaction. This is a very bad thing for us. Such remarks must not go on. Otherwise, it will be dissatisfied. We are very bad." Han Shu said after listening to the speech. This is her personal view. In his opinion, such remarks will trigger greater violence, which will bring society into a state of turbulence.

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