On the street five hundred meters north of Binhai Street in the Central Plains, the Yues’ offensive has already been suppressed here, but no more troops can be deployed here, and no matter how many people come, it will be futile. Because here will only become a living target.

"Three infantry divisions are gathered here, and two infantry divisions are attacking the main city. This is a crazy idea." Yueshi Captain Li Kaizhi curled up in a tunnel and wrote. With a little light, he recorded everything here, and his brochures were taken away by himself. Because it will be a good target.

"Kill." The soldiers of the Yue family made such a roar, and many soldiers rushed out. Li Kaizhi shook his head, he didn't even stretch his head. He knew the result would be very tragic.

"Tututu. Tutu, bang. Bang." Li Kaizhi looked outside in disgust. Then continue to write, it looks like he is a little irritable. Because such gunfire caused a lot of pressure on him. Especially those banging gunshots, because that kind of gunshots are usually very accurate.

"Zhao people have learned our tactics. They are very smart. They have rarely organized large-scale offensives. Their soldiers have very high combat qualities. The fighting will is extremely tenacious. We learned the machine gun flanks from the Qin people. The shooting tactics, Zhao Guoren soon learned this. They arranged their machine guns on the flank of our attack, and they took our machine guns to shoot at our own people. But our tactics have not changed." Li Kaizhi Reluctantly wrote. Because his troops also encountered the same situation, their troops were too dense. It is impossible to expand in such a theater. They could only advance in a dense formation. They were the same as the Zhao Guoren's combat formation, and the soldiers rushed past narrow and dense. As a result, he was killed by the intensive firepower of the opponent.

"Many people are not worth the sacrifice. One of my company, more than 150 people, now only has more than 30 people. Most of them were killed, and a considerable number of people entered the field hospital. Now I am counting on them to come out. It's impossible." Captain Li Kai shook his head and wrote.

"The worst thing is that Zhao Guoren invented sniper tactics. I have seen their snipers. We spent twelve people to kill each other. During the period, three machine gunners were killed by the other. Very hateful, they The fixed ammunition rifle used in the five-round magazine is a rifle developed by Zhao Guo himself. The rifle is slender and can shoot at a long distance. It says 1,200 meters on the ruler and uses 7.92 mm flanged ammunition. , This kind of bullet is very powerful, very slender, about fifty-two millimeters long, this kind of bullet is very fatal when hit. Moreover, they hit the vital places. They will shoot at our neck and chest. Of course Yes. Unless you are unlucky, you will get a shot in your head. They don’t have professional scopes. Qin’s snipers have such equipment, but Zhao people don’t. They just rely on their own perspective to carry out such shooting. But they do not have professional scopes. The shot was accurate. A bullet usually hits one of us. Probably we have never missed it." Li Kai wrote. The reason why he hides here is because it can well avoid sniper shooting.

Zhao Guo’s snipers were not equipped with professional scopes, only a handful of people held a binoculars with cloth sticks, but if they did that, they might reveal their identity. Most masters are holding their own rifles. They hide in places that others have neglected, shooting one at a time.

The battlefield became extremely rigid. In other words, the front has become static. This gives the snipers a good opportunity, because only when the front becomes difficult to move, their role will be greater. They can easily find their position and kill their opponents.

"Bang." There was a clear gunfire, and Captain Li Kai closed his notebook. He is very reluctant to listen to such gunfire, because it is really uncomfortable.

"Bang." A gunshot came, and a bullet accurately hit the head of an attacking Yueshi soldier. The bullet left a small hole in the opponent's forehead, and the Yueshi soldier leaned back. Falling to the ground, his rifle dropped to the ground. But many soldiers were still roaring and charging, they were encouraged by the officers behind. Just as they instigated the local indigenous soldiers on the battlefield before, this would make them extremely crazy, and finally turned into a massacre.

"Bang." A gunshot came. Sniper Hu Fei killed an officer-like person with a single shot. It looks like they are new troops, because if they were the previous ones. They have the opportunity to obediently mark down their military ranks. But the other party did not do this, which can only show that they are new troops. The people of the Yue family transferred another group of troops to die. Hu Fei thought so.

He is a mixed race of Zhao and Hu people, so his marksmanship is very good. It seems that all the nomadic soldiers are very good marksmanship. The Huns and mountain people in the north are all very accurate marksmanship. And good at fighting, so is Hu Fei. He is a sniper, he didn't use something like a scope, it only made his vision extremely narrow. This is not a good opportunity for him.

"Bang. Bang." Gunshots continued. Zhao Jun will not arrange a sniper to do one thing. In fact, this is for gathering traps. They will arrange more than twelve snipers where the main Yueshi people attack, and they will accurately aim at each other. The vital part comes up all at once.

"Aim at the opposing officer, the sergeant fired to disintegrate the enemy's offensive as soon as possible. Don't kill those soldiers, or you won't kill them all." An officer-like person walked over and said in a low voice. He walks quietly like a cat, which makes people feel very scared. He is their captain, a Zhao Guoren, and a veteran.

"Bang. Bang." Hu Fei immediately shot at the guy with the rank of sergeant and officer, which is very easy to recognize. They only need to find the right rank, one shot at a time. This will plunge them into a huge disaster.

"Swish." A bullet hit a Sergeant Yue, and the sergeant quickly ended. The other officers are not immune, and their condition is very bad. A large number of officers and sergeants were accurately killed. In this case, the offensive formation would lose the command of the officers, and the Yueshi's offensive was quickly disintegrated.

"Bang." The gunfire came again, and a Yue soldier was hit in the back. Then he lay motionless on the ground, the corpses of Yueshi people were everywhere on the battlefield. Some of them tried to resist, but they would soon be disintegrated.

"This is war. Our role is to destroy their commander. This is very important. Killing them is easy." The captain walked over and said. Hu Fei nodded to express understanding, and then he said nothing. After all, this battle is over.

State of Zhao, Handan. Inside the office of Handan Iron and Steel Plant.

"The price of everything is rising now. The price of iron ore has risen by 50%. If we continue to rise at this price, our profit margin will be severely weakened. At that time, the more we rose, The more we produce, the more we lose. This is very unfair to us." A director said worriedly.

The price increase of coal is not very large, but it also has a certain impact, even though the cost of their production has been reduced a lot. However, the price of raw materials has risen too sharply, mainly because the demand has increased too much, and the profit of the product has become extremely thin. This makes the situation of Handan Iron and Steel Plant not very good. They must solve the problem of steel production price profit.

"Unless we increase the price, otherwise, this profit margin will be very bad for the condition of our company." The director continued.

"I know. I know. But, it is impossible to rise at all. Do you know how many steel plants are there? Every country has its own steel plants. They can produce more steel, and iron becomes extremely It’s common." said the director.

Their products have not undergone large-scale upgrades. Although they can produce steel, the grade of steel is not very high. In this case, the price of the product is still very low, and the lower price compresses their profit margins, which is a big problem for enterprises.

When the price of raw materials is not high, this situation does not have a great impact on enterprises, thinking that they can even out such consumption. But with the rise in raw material prices, especially iron ore prices, this has caused their products to be in an extremely unfavorable state.

On the one hand, rising raw material prices have compressed their profit margins, and this is for them. It is an extremely bad choice. And on the other side. Their prices cannot rise, which allows the prices of raw materials to eat up their space. If they continue to rise, they will have no profit margins. This is like suffocation, draining the air a little bit, and finally having to die.

Enterprises are in this situation. The reason why they do not carry out large-scale technological upgrades is because there is no such demand. Good steel can only be used by the arms industry. At the same time, shareholders are distributing dividends on a large scale. They demand dividends, dividends, and dividends. Soon, the company's reserve funds, that is, the next wave of operating funds, are gone. This is a very, very bad thing for companies, which makes them extremely passive. Handan Iron and Steel Plant is currently experiencing such a problem. This is for them. This is not a good result.

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