The increase in the price of raw materials has caused great trouble to Zhao's industry. This point also caused Guo Kai's attention. After all, he must solve such a problem.

"Originally, according to the actual rules. Enterprises should reserve a certain amount of funds to solve their own development problems, such as participating in more favorable projects. However, as the situation occurs, and countries establish more From the perspective of the steel industry in China, the condition of our steel companies is not very good. The products they produce are not very competitive. The main reason is that the value of the products is not great." The Minister of Economy said to Guo Kai.

"Well, do you think the raw materials will rise in the future?" Guo Kai nodded. He stood by the window and asked the Minister of Economy such a question.

"This, I think, if the scale of production cannot be expanded, this problem will continue to rise." The Minister of Economy thought for a while. Answered like this.

"In this case, we can't solve this problem all at once. Technology. Sometimes we ignore the upgrading of technology." Guo Kai shook his head and sat on the sofa again.

"In this case, how can we solve this problem. If this continues to rise, the profits of the company will be eaten up, and we will have a large number of products stagnant. This is not a problem for us. Very good thing. Our products need to be upgraded further, but how can a large number of outdated products ensure that our current problems are solved." The Minister of Economy said. Zhao Guo is able to produce a series of low-grade steel products. If these low-grade steel products cannot be digested in time, it will cause serious problems to the entire Zhao country's economy. This is a fatal injury to Zhao's economy, and this kind of damage will make Zhao's economy go backwards for a long time.

"We will find a way to solve this. Don't worry about this. The problem is that the current company has no further funds to solve this problem. In this case, we must solve their financial problems, upgrade the technology, and upgrade the quality of steel. We have to go up a step. As for the large amount of iron and the use of steel, we can export it to other countries, such as Goguryeo, or other places where it is needed, after the war, after the war." Guo Kaimin suddenly opened another one. The idea is that Zhao Guo does not need such a large amount of steel, because domestic construction has entered a new stage. But the outside is still needed in the colony. He can send these things to the colony to digest. This is not a very difficult thing for him. On the contrary, the problem may be solved well. Therefore, he decided to solve this problem in this way.

"I mean. We can solve this problem. We can sell a large amount of surplus products to colonial areas or other markets. I think they will need it. We just don’t know how to make them. We can make some other products. They will need the same products. We should pay attention to the next step. To build railways and shipyards, they will need more steel. We should focus on this and stop letting these steel companies give me I'm looking for trouble." Guo Kai said with a face change. But the Minister of Economy nodded. This can be regarded as a good way to find out, but the question is how to make their enterprises have a lot of funds. This can be a big problem.

Zhao Guo, on the stock market.

"Do you think steel stocks will rise again?" One investor asked another investor because the price of steel stocks has risen a lot.

"I think it will go up a bit. After all, I checked some things and I think it should go up. Look at this, I think it should be okay. Recently, steel stocks have been paying dividends, and many people are paying dividends. What does this dividend show? , Their business level is still relatively high.” The investor explained. He looked at the status of the company from the perspective of dividends.

"I don't think so. I feel that I should be empty because he has risen too much. This makes me very worried. I am worried that his rise is in a relatively empty state, which makes our situation very bad. I That’s how it feels. So, I think it should be a decline.” The investor said.

"Anyway, I think it should be an increase. You see, I bought long and rose a lot, and I also made a lot of money. This is the best proof. You do it right. You can make money. Wrong. I lose money naturally. This is a certain truth. Believe me. It must be done.” The other party said. Although the investor did not trust his own judgment, he felt that they should do what the other party said, maybe they should do it.

Although Zhao Guo's iron and steel enterprises have encountered various problems, these problems are still not seen by some investors. They believe that the business is good and there is a certain amount of funds to pay dividends, which explains this problem. This makes investors more confident to invest in it, which may be a risky behavior. Because some major shareholders have begun to secretly handle their stocks. In their view, the stock price of a company is very high. With such a price, why don't they do this to settle the stock in their hands. Earn a high price difference. In this case, they may be able to make several times the profit.

In the Tallinn area, the resistance of the Yueshi people is still going on. These days, the Qin Army has taken an extremely severe offensive against them. The Qin Army mobilized 72 artillery in this area. The three artillery battalions concentrated a large amount of firepower for shooting. Under their frenzied shooting, the firepower of the Yueshi gradually weakened.

"Sir, the price we paid was too great," the chief of staff said to Wang Ben.

"If we don't take this area, what will our result be? You know better than me." Wang Ben put down the telescope in his hand and said. The surrounding bunkers of the fort have been cleared, bombed with explosives, bombarded directly with artillery, and even they dropped a large number of aerial bombs to bombard them. The Qin army spent a lot of money to destroy these bunkers, and they finally cleared the surroundings of the Tallinn Fortress. Group of bunkers. The subject is already in front of them. As long as they solve this problem, everything will go well.

"Yes, sir. I understand." The chief of staff nodded. The reason why Wang Ben was so anxious was that the unexpected Yue's Air Force combat made their situation very bad. Their supply conditions became extremely weak, and it was difficult to support the front line to launch another offensive. In order to solve the logistical supply problem, Qin Jun had to put the problem back on the problem of Tallinn, because this would greatly shorten the time they spent on detours and their ability to supply supplies. In this case, it will make them extremely simple.

This is the main reason why the Qin army re-shifted the target to launch an offensive, in order to supply, in order to solve the supply task of their next battle supplies, only in this way can they completely solve this problem. Only in this way can they accomplish such a thing.

"Okay. Let's move forward, boys." A Qin army lieutenant waved his arms. They motioned to a small group of soldiers to follow him and slowly approach the Yueshi bunker, they were carrying their rifles. Only the officer is holding a submachine gun in his hand, and there is a pistol in the middle of his belt. Under such circumstances, it is very easy for the Yue people to rush out. They have met several times, and the Yue people will stop the fire. After that, a counterattack was launched. At this time, the rifle fired too slowly, and the machine gun would shoot at a far distance. They needed to see the target clearly and would not provide effective and timely firepower. The only way was to rely on the pistol and submachine gun in their hands. After all, a pistol is a self-defense weapon, and the rate of fire of this kind of thing can hardly be greatly improved. They can only do this by themselves. The meaning of submachine gun equipment comes out. But their number is still too small. Many of them are private weapons, and ammunition is hard to find.

"Hurry up, follow up. Back," the lieutenant shouted in a low voice. They detoured behind the main body, carefully dealing with the sudden situation.

A team of twelve people, this is the standard Qin Army combat squad, a rifleman, he is responsible for close combat, he and the lieutenant constitute a small firepower unit, most of the rest are riflemen, and one A machine gunner, he was arranged to the back, in addition to a blaster, a grenade bomber, a good soldier who specializes in throwing grenade.

"Grenade, clean it up," the lieutenant said, squatting down after finding a bunker. A soldier stepped forward and threw a grenade. This benefit can clear the Yueshi people in the tunnel. They will resist. A carelessness will cause a lot of casualties. The lieutenant will not want to see the cost of their casualties, Lieutenant. Squatting there carefully, among the twelve people, nine of them are holding gasoline cans. They want to burn such bunker. This is their own way of thinking, and it is the only effective way. They will occupy the perimeter of the fortress, the most Fortunately, a higher place, looking for a breach. Then pour a large amount of gasoline into it and ignite it. This will burn the people inside, and wait until a certain degree, if necessary, they can also blast around to seal such places. This is for them. This task is not very simple.

"Boom. Boom." With two explosions, a rifleman cautiously approached, and he checked. Signaling no one.

"Okay. The blaster, open a hole, put these things in, let them taste the smell of gasoline." The lieutenant said with a smile. Then he waved his arms and jumped into the tunnel. The Demoman quickly found a place. Then they blasted a hole, and they poured in a lot of gasoline from above. The other two teams came up with timely support. They provided more gasoline. The Yueshi tried to launch several counterattacks, but they were all blown back by grenades. They couldn't stand out, and the only exit was blocked by the Qin people.

"I hope this method works well." Wang Ben said anxiously, looking at the main fortress. This is the way they are forced to come up with it, and such a way is also a very good way to solve the problem. They have proved it. In fact, this method works well.

"Sir, I don't think we should worry about it," the chief of staff persuaded.

"If we can't get here, our situation will become very, very bad. Can I not worry about it?" Wang Ben said.

"It's on fire. It finally burned. Burn these damned guys." Some officers cursed. Wang Ben picked up the telescope and looked like the fire was fierce. Thick smoke came out of the fortress. The billowing black smoke and the flames are coming out, which shows that the burning is not enough, but it is very pleasant, because they want this kind of dense smoke.

"Something jumped out. It jumped out. Burn these **** Yue's bastards." The soldiers scolded outside.

Several Yueshi soldiers jumped out full of fire. They obviously couldn't stand the dense smoke. This will make them suffocate to death, and that kind of death might as well jump out. Maybe they still have a life, and the desire to survive makes them climb out and jump down. But the soldiers of the Qin Army would never shoot at them. They wanted this. They wasted a lot of time here, and more than one hundred and fifty people were killed in action. Twelve tons of wasted shells. This annoys many of them. This fortress caused them a lot of trouble. Now they finally solved the problem, and the Yueshi people were over. They can disappear completely.

The hatred caused the soldiers of the Qin Army to watch the soldiers of the Yue family burn, and then slowly turned into a pile of coke. For them, this was nothing, they should be like this, maybe they would still spit on it. Only in this way can they calm down.

On the Karachi battlefield, the Karachi attack finally came into play. They occupied the first line of defense of the Yueshi people.

"This battle of positions cost too many lives. More than 27,000 soldiers were killed in action. This is a crazy number, and behind this number is only that they won the first position." Meng Hao wrote. Tao.

"The casualties of the Yue people are also very high, they have more than a thousand people killed in action. The first battle is full of the bodies of soldiers from both sides, but more are Karachi soldiers, courage, skill, tactics, only Only when these comprehensive factors are brought into play can the greatest effect of the battle be demonstrated. The Karachi people only played their numerical advantage. Without such advantages, they might not even be able to take such a position. This is a certain fact. This is a fact. What will happen to them? They will cost too many people to sacrifice here. For them, it is simply the result of a disaster, which will cost them extremely heavy losses." Meng Hao looked at the casualty report and said To.

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