The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3417: Sum up experience and lessons

South Korea, Xinzheng.

"The King thinks such remarks are too much. So, let us do some investigation." The Minister of Security said. The Ministry of National Defense is responsible for foreign security and domestic security situation assessment, which is based on an assessment of the security situation. The Ministry of Security is actually equivalent to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which is a special organization that monitors the interior. This particularity makes him extremely sensitive.

"However, according to the previous remarks, we don't know how to make standards. What is such a standard?" a security officer said worriedly. He doesn’t know what such a standard is. If he has done it, it will cause huge student demonstrations. Those students have knowledge, and if drastic measures are taken, who knows what kind of measures those students will take, which will cause them a great deal. The influence of these influences will seriously affect their condition.

"The standard is that it is good for South Korea and bad for South Korea. For example, some of the Mohist's remarks. Their remarks are very dangerous. They emphasize democracy. This is nothing. The people of Qin did the same. The Mohist’s remarks are too dangerous." Speaking of this.

"Too dangerous, Mo family. Why is it the Mo family?" the security officer asked worriedly. For Mohism, the working class likes it very much, and Mohism has a great influence, but it has met with a series of opposition from the ruling classes of various countries. But the Mohist school has indeed been liked by all parties. This kind of like only comes from the working class because they have a great demand for the Mohist school. In particular, the Mohist school’s argument that workers’ positive and fair wages are supported has won the support of many workers. This is unprecedented support.

"Because the Mohist's remarks are too dangerous. If he incites all the workers to go on strike, what will happen? How to solve our situation? These problems need to be treated with caution. Therefore, it is correct to treat the Mohist. We will not It should be overly suspicion.” The Minister of Security explained. He also knew why the Mohist's remarks were resolved by all countries. Because this kind of speech is extremely dangerous.

Their political views are pure and untainted, which is difficult for people to accept. This is very embarrassing for them. In addition to these, they have other things to solve, for example, they need to solve some very difficult things. These things have formed a great influence on them.

Speaking of it, the views of the Mohist school are closer to the working class, or that they have a certain advanced nature. They are evolving from the viewpoint of the peasant to the viewpoint of the worker. Together with the oppression of the bourgeoisie, this directly leads to their situation. occur. This is an important reason why countries ban the Mohists. They must safeguard and support the interests of the bourgeoisie, not the interests of the working class. The Minister of Security also saw this, and believed that Han Shu's view was correct.

A military train transfer station on the outskirts of Xinzheng. The South Korean Army of the New Army is waiting for inspections. They are going to inspect the transfer of weapons through the South Korean railway system through Qingcheng Port. They are very curious what kind of weapon the Zhao people want to transport. If such weapons can pose a great threat, it will alert South Korea.

"Check it. It's nothing, just an armored vehicle." A Major Zhao Guo, who was in charge of the escort, jumped out of the vehicle and said to an officer sent by South Korea.

"Armored vehicle?" the Korean asked puzzled.

"Yes. It's just an armored car. You can also make such a vehicle. As long as you can only make a locomotive, you can solve this problem. It's not a secret." said the major. In fact, when the armored vehicle was first used, the army of Zhao Guo was worried about whether the armored vehicle should be handled carefully. Such as confidentiality. However, considering the conditions of the front lines, when they arrive at the front lines, the war may have ended. Or in an unfavorable state. In order to increase the lethality of some weapons to Zhao Jun as much as possible, they had to consider using the railway line from Handan of Zhao State to Xinzheng, South Korea, and then transfer them to Qingcheng. Then quickly arrived at the front line, which is the fastest transportation line.

But doing so will cause their armored vehicles to leak secrets, but considering the needs on the battlefield and the serious consequences that they might have in doing so, such consequences are extremely serious, and this is extremely clear. Without the help of new weapons, Zhao Jun’s strategic influence will be very large. Zhao needs a series of important ports to expand their trade. Zhao has strategic needs.

And armored vehicles, such technical equipment does not actually have any impact. Because Zhao Guo can make it, and South Korea can make it. In fact, some countries have already begun to use it. Since there are armored trains, the locomotives can naturally be modified to solve the same problem. Therefore, Zhao Guo decided not to keep it secret. They chose to make it public. If this is the case, Zhao Guo has no choice but to know.

"Can we check?" The South Koreans still don't believe that Zhao Guoren will be so open and honest. They think this is a conspiracy of Zhao Guo.

"Of course." Major Zhao Guo said indifferently. To him, this is nothing at all. Such a thing will happen sooner or later. Instead of doing this, it is better to disclose it directly. To them, this is not a matter of huge impact.

"Zhao Guo's influence is very big. Let's be careful." A South Korean officer said in a low voice. Indeed, Zhao Jun’s tactical influence is very large. Although their army is only 100,000 in size, their combat effectiveness is very strong. Even the people of Qin are careful to deal with it. South Korea is naturally very jealous of Zhao.

The inspection began immediately, and the Koreans were very careful. They have to take a ruler to measure. This made the Zhao Guo officer feel very funny, because the other party was making measurements publicly. If they could, they would have to start or completely dismantle the armored vehicle. Of course, what the Koreans did was not too much. At most, they measured the caliber of the machine gun and calculated the combat effectiveness of the armored vehicle. After all, if it is too much, the other party will protest seriously, and they have to deal with it so carefully.

State Qin, Ministry of National Defense.

"Sir. Good news, Tallinn, we have overcome Tallinn." A major officer came in excitedly and reported.

"Really? In this case, Zhao Guoren's heavy artillery can return." Wei Liao nodded and said.

"Oh. Yes." The major thought Wei Liao would be very happy, after all, this Tallinn was about to become Qin's nightmare. Now finally conquered, which makes them more comfortable.

"Zhao’s artillery is a good thing for us. However, we don’t really need such a heavy weapon, but this also shows that our Qin army’s current equipment still has a big problem, which can be studied. Or, in other words, let our soldiers relearn and consider whether to equip a weapon that can be simple and convenient. In this case, it will also be of great help to us." Wei Liao nodded and considered.

"Yes. Sir, we will finish this soon." The major nodded and said.

Inside the staff. Wang Jian finally breathed a sigh of relief, as if after Qin Jun solved Tallinn, their logistical pressure suddenly eased a lot.

"This kind of thing is finally resolved. If we continue to get stuck in our logistics supplies, it will cause us a lot of trouble." Yang Duanhe said.

"Trouble, this is troublesome enough. It is said that a defensive area defended by an infantry battalion allowed us to mobilize at least two infantry regiments to launch an offensive, and also gathered three artillery battalions. This kind of firepower is already very great for them. That's enough." Wang Jian said.

"This." Yang Duanhe nodded. The offensive and defensive battle of Tallinn did cause a lot of trouble to the Qin army, and the result of this trouble was very serious.

"Not only that. Our aviation also has problems. We really did not expect that the Yue people would launch an attack, and they accurately found our vital area and attacked our logistics supply warehouse, which gave us a follow-up attack. It caused great trouble. Such things do exist, and we must be clearly aware of this." Wang Jian said.

"Yeah. This has indeed caused us a lot of trouble." Yang Duanhe nodded.

"But we must also consider our military industry. At the current military expenditure, it is difficult for us to keep weapons and equipment such as the heavy artillery regiment. We can only sell them to the people of Zhao Guoren. It is estimated that the people of Zhao Guoren will not be able to maintain them for long. If this is the case, it will let them , Our situation is very inconvenient. Moreover, when the war requires such equipment, we do not know. We must find a way to find another cheap weapon. For example, the air, heavy armor-piercing aerial bombs, if it can be accurate I think it must be very important to hit such a fortress." Wang Jian put forward this idea.

"But. I think it's better for us to look for artillery. After all, such weapons and equipment are still relatively cheap. Those aviation soldiers need to throw a lot of bombs to accurately hit the target, and the specific armor-piercing effect is this. We really don’t know. I’m enwei, we should be cautious about this matter, otherwise, our situation is not very good.” Yang Duanhe said.

"Well. Well, you may have some truth in what you said, but we still have to consider such things." Wang Jian nodded. The strength of the aviation force has not yet achieved such an effect. Maybe he imagined it very well, but the result was Not necessarily good. This is the difference. This difference will lead to further occurrence of the situation.

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