The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3418: Chu State sends troops

South Korean War Department.

"They only transported some armored vehicles. We can also manufacture such vehicles. We can't measure the thickness of their armor very well at present, but it is certain that this armored vehicle can resist all our current rifle bullets at 200 meters. For shooting at distance, within two hundred meters, rifles can only be penetrated by continuous shooting. Machine guns can penetrate their iron armor within a distance of 150 meters. But they can add some iron armor on this side, so If it does, it can increase the protection of armored vehicles.” A lieutenant colonel technical officer reported to the Secretary of the Army.

"Well. I see. Can we make such an armored vehicle?" The Secretary of War is concerned about this issue. This question is very important.

"Yes. This is not difficult, we can do it. But. The problem is, sir, we don't know how to use such a weapon?" said the lieutenant colonel. With such a weapon, it has a certain role, but how to play such a role specifically is for them. It becomes very difficult. You know, they can't do many things like this.

"There should be no problems with this. This is not a problem for us. We should see such a situation." The Secretary of the Army said.

"We have a large number of military observers, they can do this, don't worry about this, they will clearly know Zhao Jun's tactical arrangements, it does not matter. Share these with Qin Jun, they will analyze the best results Come." said the Secretary of the Army. Since Zhao Jun can let South Korea inspect, naturally it is very clear that this weapon can be counterfeited. But the problem is the actual application, not the change of circumstances.

Chu State, Pengcheng.

"Now you have seen the situation in Maharashtra. The people of Zhao Kingdom and the Koreans have gathered about an infantry regiment on Meng Island. Their strength is still increasing, and Karachi has also sent troops. The speed of their advancement. After being severely resisted by the Yue people, the Qin people occupied the north of the Yue clan. They were moving towards the capital of the Yue clan. It is said that the Yue clan planned to cede the north to the people of the Qin. We don't have precise information on when the Indians will launch an offensive. But I don't think it will be too late." Fan Zeng gave a rough overview of the information he had.

"We must send troops. Only in this way can we gain a foothold in Maharashtra. We occupy a small area of ​​Aiji as our port. There are continuous ports in other areas, but we still lack one. A large port city is undoubtedly the location of Maharashtra is very important.” Chu Wang Ningchu spoke first. Xiang Yan did not comment.

"Yes, Lord. This is our main problem to solve this time, but we still lack enough ships to transport a large amount of supplies and related military personnel to conduct such operations." Xiang Liang, as the Secretary of the Navy, was worried. Speaking of.

Hearing this, Minzu frowned. Because the Navy’s military expenditure has been increasing, it is impossible to lack more ships. This made him feel where such a large amount of military expenditure had been allocated. This made him feel very confused.

"My lord, the cost of naval warships is getting higher and higher. At present, the Chu State Marine Corps does not have special ships to transport soldiers and supplies. Generally, all countries collect merchant ships from their own countries to complete such things. Many merchant ships are reluctant to do so if it is solicited, because this is a good time for trade to start, and they are generally unwilling to do such things.” Xiang Yan explained.

"Yeah. The widow understands." Ning Chu nodded and said he knew. He can also understand the situation of merchants. Merchants are currently the main source of taxes in Chu State, and they provide most of the taxes. If the interests of merchants are harmed by the war, they are naturally unwilling to do so.

"I can understand your situation, but the problem is that we must participate in the battle of Maharashtra. We must have a port of our own. This is very important for us. We need to develop more trade, because Trade can bring greater profits, and it is really related to the development of Chu State. We must recognize this fact." Ning Chu stated that this is his attitude. He needs a victory too much.

As Minister of Economy, Chen Ping agrees with this behavior, because war can stimulate certain economic demand, which has already been demonstrated in the economic status of various countries, but the question is, where does Chu’s military expenditure come from? In this regard, the financial expenses of the State of Chu were no longer able to support a large-scale war.

"My lord, if we let the Chu army alone complete such an offensive operation, it may be a heavier burden for our country, but we can unite with South Korea to do such a thing. South Korean merchant ships are better than ours. There are so many more. Their recruitment speed and efficiency are also unmatched by us. If we can provide soldiers and warships for this war, the Koreans can provide us with a part of the supply, and we can achieve the same goal. And the cost is also Not too much." Fan Zeng suggested at this time. This is a suggestion of Chen Ping. He believes that South Korea will not refuse such a request, because South Korea's force build-up on Meng Island is a bit slow, and the battle of Aiji is over on the surface. But it didn't actually end, because Aijiren ignored the Korean military actions at all. This makes the Koreans very embarrassed, and the Chu army also has a unit that is constantly attrition there. This will increase the military burden of the Chu army. Chen Ping's suggestion is that his army should be mobilized to take part in the military operation in Maharashtra. In this way, the Chu army can withdraw its troops in a decent way while maintaining relations with the Koreans.

"Will the Koreans agree to this? Although this is a good method, the Koreans will not bear a large military burden in vain. You must know that a large part of the cost of the war comes from logistics." Ng said worriedly .

"My lord, it doesn't matter. This is a great opportunity for us, and for the Koreans, they can get rid of a problem. The recent serious shortage of their military strength shows the problem. . In this case, it is a good choice for us, and it is also a good step for the Koreans.” Fan Zeng said.

Minzu still understands the friendly relationship between South Korea and Chu.

"The Koreans are not strong enough. This is one of the important reasons why they are unable to further interfere in Maharashtra, and we can provide such help. The biggest threat at the moment comes from the outside, the Indians in the east, and the Zhao people. , Karachi people, they are all likely to swallow the entire Yueshi. If the movement between Korea and our country of Chu is too slow, we will get nothing in the end. I don’t think Koreans are willing to face such a situation. This situation, if they want to change this situation, the only way is to help us solve this problem with us." Fan Zeng said. Fan Zeng was aware of the difficulties encountered by the Koreans. The expansion was too fast and the military strength was scattered. South Korea’s military strength was originally small. The total strength of South Korea was about 125,000, including a navy of more than 20,000. In terms of the size of his army in the Central Plains, his strength is still relatively strong. However, his expansion in Southeast Asia is very fast and he needs to be stationed everywhere. The army and other troops of nearly 100,000 are difficult to allocate, which will inevitably lead to South Korea. When the last very difficult situation occurs, they will find that there are fewer and fewer mobile forces that can be deployed. This is the situation this time. They reluctantly mobilized a regiment of troops to participate in the battle. However, the strength of this regiment cannot solve the problem at all. The only way is that South Korea needs to recruit a large number of local indigenous people to join the new South Korean army.

But most of them have not undergone any training. The Bangla and Occupy Prussian regiments need to be disbanded because morale is extremely low and the local economy needs some new vitality injection. They are unlikely to invest in it all at once, and a lot of police work, And the work of maintaining law and order has been entrusted to the local indigenous people to complete. The most terrible thing is that the army is already full of some local indigenous soldiers, but these indigenous soldiers are still difficult to complete such combat tasks. In contrast, Chu’s The situation is fairly good. Their condition seems very good.

"Yeah. This is one way. Just do it like this." Minzu nodded. The Chu army is indeed a strange species. They control a lot of colonies, but they did not expand on a large scale, only a little bit. This makes people not aware of the expansion intentions of the Chu people. But when it finally showed up, the people of Chu were already doing very well.

South Korea, Xinzheng.

"Did the people of Chu ask too much?" Han Shu asked when seeing the telegram from Chu.

"Perhaps too much, but we must treat it with caution." Zhang Liang said carefully.

"But our military strength is extremely inadequate. This is not a good thing for us. At present, many places need troops to be stationed unless we expand the size of our army, but there is no need for that much." Han Shu put down the telegram in her hand and shook her head and said.

"We need troops. Although the Chu people have certain requirements for Maharashtra, we may not agree to them. After all, this kind of thing does not cause us great losses." Han Shu said. Zhang Liang nodded. Increasing military expenditure will increase the burden on the economy. Zhang Liang is opposed to this, but this is the only way to solve the current problem without increasing military expenditure. For them, this may be the only choice.

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