The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3419: We have banknotes

State of Zhao, Handan. Workers at the Handan Iron and Steel Plant are queuing to receive their wages. Originally, this should be the bank's business. However, this time they don't know why they should receive it by themselves, which makes many people puzzled.

"The salary is different this time, why is this?" a middle-aged worker asked puzzledly.

"I don't know, but there should be some things that need to be resolved, I think it should be the case." A worker replied.

"Damn it, it's not fair. Why should we buy such stocks? We have the right to dispose of our own salary, why should we do this." A worker with a big head shouted loudly and dissatisfied. This drew the attention of the factory security, and they came to plug in the worker.

"Big head, what's the matter?" a worker asked curiously.

"Ask these **** grandchildren, they actually took our money to buy stocks. They said it was for our welfare. Bah. I don't want such welfare. Lao Tzu's money belongs to Lao Tzu. Why don't you tell Lao Tzu? What bird stocks does Lao Tzu buy with money? Lao Tzu wants money, not stocks." Zhao Datou shouted loudly. Because his head looks bigger than others, people call him Zhao Datou.

"That's right, why, our own money." This aroused the dissatisfaction of the workers, because they always rely on this wage to live here, eat and drink, if they are not paid, or take them away If they are paid, they simply can't survive.

"Take it for me, push it out, get out. Hurry up. Next one." The Finance Director shouted dissatisfiedly. He seemed very dissatisfied, but there were many workers around who asked the same question, but he refused to answer. Many people began to discuss. They feel that things may be very bad for them.

"How can this be done? If this is the case, I don’t think we should do this. You know, in Handan, it costs money to drink saliva. If there is not enough money, our situation will be It is difficult to develop, this is too difficult for us, this, this." Many people said worriedly.

"Yeah, if this is the case, we won't be able to live anymore. We need to buy rice to buy noodles. Water is needed, children go to school, and the elderly may have to see a doctor. All of these require money. If you buy stocks. Things, who knows what will happen? If dividends are good enough, I’m afraid of falling. This thing has killed many people. I saw that Dashu’s family finally jumped out of the building because of stocks. This thing is not very safe." Many people are worried about it. They are so worried about such things. They simply don't know how to deal with such a thing.

The reason why Zhao Guo Handan Iron & Steel did so was to complete the accumulation of funds for the next technological transformation. This is very important to them, because a lot of funds need to be completed in this area, but the market cannot sell too many stocks at once. In that case, it will cause a sharp decline. Some directors have proposed that the stocks in their hands Selling to workers, in that case, they can offset part of the salary, and if the stock rises, it can also be regarded as some benefits for workers. In this way, the workers will be better off.

The idea is good, but the shares of Zhao Guo Handan Iron and Steel are already in a falling range. Under such circumstances, the stock itself is not worth much. Such money is meaningless at all. It will only cause greater losses. Under such circumstances, how can there be room for growth.

Although workers lack a certain investment philosophy, their thinking is still relatively conservative. In their opinion, such an approach will only cause great losses, and this loss will be further expanded. In that case, their situation will become Extremely unstable. They urgently need to change this situation because they are too scared to panic.

So a chaos inevitably happened. Workers refused to use stocks instead of banknotes. They clashed with the factory. As a result of the impact, there has been a large wave of volatility in the stock market.

"What the **** happened?" an investor said aggrieved. He is selling a large number of long orders. Fortunately, he holds most of the short orders. The long orders are just that he believes that there may be some opportunities to rise, but such opportunities may be running out.

"I don't know, **** people are everywhere, why don't you avoid a few counters. The stocks are constantly falling, **** it." Some investors said excitedly. They are now very worried about whether their assets will shrink.

"Bad news, bad news." At this time, a young man rushed in. The young man used inquiries as his sideline. Of course, he also offered some other errands, such as buying some drinks. But these have not made money by selling news, because selling news is the easiest to bring great profits.

"Tell me, what is the bad news." It was said that an investor had already taken out a hundred yuan bill, which was issued by Zhao Guo himself. They tried to replace the influence of Qin Guo's half and two coins, the comparison was one to ten. But in this way, it can be considered beneficial.

"Too little. This news is worth at least twenty and a half taels." the young man said.

"Well, I know it's bad news, and it has been shown now, if you continue like this. Don't ask for this little money." The other party said so solemnly.

"Okay. The news is that Handan Iron & Steel forcibly sold stocks to its employees. This caused dissatisfaction among the workers. I heard that they had beaten the financial personnel. They were about to attack the factory, and the police ran hurriedly. Go there. This shows that the stocks are already scary." The young man said.

"This is really **** bad news." Investors scolded. Then I went to sell my stock. Many people are like this, young people are no longer asking for news. Because there is enough panic in the market. All they have to do now is to help those people sell their stocks. This is very important to them. The young man kept collecting orders and ran to the counter, because he could collect more orders and the transaction speed was fast, in order to throw out the hot potato as soon as possible. They can only do this. This panic quickly evolved into a large-scale steel decline, which is the pillar industry of the Zhao country. If steel declines, their situation will be very bad.

Handan, in the prime minister's house. Guo Kai is embarking on the next step of economic activities. They decided to relocate some of Zhao’s backward industries to other countries, such as Yan and Qi, as well as some industries with more serious pollution, such as coking. Move out because they need to consume too much fuel.

"We need to upgrade some other industries, such as chemical and mechanical processing. We need to be able to produce related cylinders. For example, cylinders for locomotives can be miniaturized so that our engine production can be more flexible. In addition to these In addition, we have to make our glass manufacturing better, tempered glass, and some special colored glass, such as the production of light bulbs, and electric power companies have to develop. We have to develop more electricity, and at the same time we have to For foreign investment, don’t think about letting our electricity be generated. We need to build power plants in other places through other means. For example, countries like Yan State and Goguryeo have a lot of coal resources. We can use this. "Guo Kai made important instructions, and many ministers nodded and said.

At this moment, an assistant cautiously stepped forward. He knew that if he disturbed their prime minister at this time, he would be very unhappy, and his future might be lost. But if you don't say it, then he will report later, his situation may be even worse. In desperation, he chose to report. Although doing so may cause some trouble for himself, and Cheng will get angry, but this matter must be reported.

"Something has happened to the prime minister. The stock market has fluctuated a lot." At this time, the assistant carefully gave the prime minister a small note, which would let the prime minister immediately understand what was going on.

"Okay. The meeting is here for the time being, everyone has a rest." Guo Kai's expression was ugly, but he tried his best to control it.

"What happened? What happened to the stock market?" Guo Kai asked unhappy. Of course it is hard for him to be happy when something like this happens.

"That's it. There was a wave of riots at the Handan Iron Plant. The reason was that the shareholders wanted to sell their stocks to the workers forcibly, but the workers didn't accept it, and they happened. The workers' association and the police have all passed by. Fortunately, the riots were brought under control in time. But the problem is that this matter has spread, and stock market news is extremely sensitive. Therefore, it has caused a large number of stocks, especially steel stocks, to fall. If we do not take timely measures Otherwise, it will cause a further decline in the stock market." The assistant said worriedly.

"Yeah. You did the right thing. It's very important at this time. We are adjusting the steel aspect. You are doing this very well." Guo Kai nodded and praised the other party.

"This is what I should do. Prime Minister." The other party said.

"Okay. Go and invite the Minister of Economy and Finance. We must find a way to solve this problem." Guo Kai said worriedly. The impact of volatility in the stock market is very large. If it cannot be handled in time, it will cause greater fluctuations, which is not good.

In the small meeting room of the prime minister's office, Guo started talking with a cup of tea with a lot of sugar added. This keeps him calm.

"Okay. Let's talk about it, what should we do?" Guo Kai said.

"The stock market must be controlled, otherwise, he will cause a lot of trouble. In that case, all Zhao's economy will have problems." Guo Kai said dissatisfied.

"Yeah." The Minister of Economy nodded. Guo Kai first stated his attitude, that is, the stock market cannot be left alone, they must take some measures, which makes them feel very embarrassed.

"The issue on stocks, I think, is the lack of sufficient funds and the lack of liquidity in the market. You must know that some of the funds have gone to other countries for investment. In this case, the market will have insufficient liquidity. Causes a big problem." The Minister of Economy said.

"Okay. I don't care what liquidity or market liquidity is, I need to solve a solution, come up with the result, I need to know, what should we do?" Guo Kai directly asked such a question.

"The Prime Minister, now that we know the root cause of the problem, we can make relevant adjustments. We can inject a lot of money, for example, put a certain amount of currency and reduce interest rates. Reduce deposit reserves and give the market enough confidence. It's okay." The Minister of Economy said.

"Yes, Prime Minister, we can do this," said the Minister of Finance.

"How to do it? We don't have much money in our hands, you know this." Guo Kai said, shaking his head. For this problem, he is personally very troubled, and there is no way, because they also lack enough funds to solve this problem.

"This, Prime Minister, it's very simple. We can put in more banknotes, of course. We will enter at the appropriate price, or the government will buy the stocks of these companies. This is more direct." The Minister of Economy has already noticed The important role of banknotes, but Guo Kai is not clear, he just thinks that the use of banknotes has become easier, which has little effect on him.

"What do you mean? I said we don't have money." Guo Kai still puzzled.

"We have money, the prime minister, those banknotes. We can print a lot of banknotes to solve such things. In this way, we can reduce the impact on Qin's banknotes. This is a very good thing for us." The Minister of Economy warned carefully.

"Oh." Guo Kai reacted at this time. It turned out that he had forgotten that Zhao Guo was going to issue his own banknotes. Before, he just thought that Zhao Guo should have his own banknotes and suggested doing this, but he didn't expect to use it so soon. This made him very happy. He felt that he had made a very wise choice, and such a choice was for them. This is a very smart choice.

"Okay. I see. Let's just do this. Use the banknotes in our hands to buy, buy, buy those stocks, and buy the corporate bonds of large companies. In this way, it is a good thing for us." Guo Kai smiled triumphantly. He felt that such a thing would make him very happy. Such things as issuance of banknotes are very good. He didn't think he knew how to think of this. Perhaps his head is really different from others, and Guo Kai is already floating.

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