"Our casualties have increased to a staggering number, with more than 8,000 people killed in action." Li Kaizhi wrote in his notebook. Yueshi people are too anxious. Anxiously wanting to rush Zhao Guoren into the sea anxiously. They anxiously launched a large number of troops to attack, and then caused unprecedented losses. More than 8,000 people were killed in battle. This number is very difficult for the Yue people to accept, because it is equivalent to the loss of an infantry division.

"Our officers can finally accept this worrying loss. We have suffered heavy losses. A large number of soldiers have been killed by the opponent's machine guns. Our result is that our front has advanced 20 meters. Said, it is equivalent to advancing from the toilet to the living room, the difference is here." Li Kaizhi wrote helplessly. His infantry company replenished more than fifty recruits, but on the first day, he lost five soldiers because their heads were raised. There was a soldier who was overwhelmed. He thought that the battlefield was nothing more than that, because he killed an indigenous soldier and was very excited. He wanted to express something. But as a result, he was quickly killed by Zhao's snipers. The bullet directly penetrated the other's head, and the poor child still had some smiles on his face, but then he couldn't laugh anymore. The bullet opened a hole in his head, which is already very good. He also saw a Yueshi soldier whose head was knocked off by a 20mm cannonball. The speed of the cannonball was very fast. It directly punched a big hole in his face. Brains, blood, and all kinds of things fell off. It was very disgusting, and many people vomited on the spot. However, there is still a circle of his head, ears, hair, chin, one eye is still hanging on it, and the others are gone. I really don't know what the bad luck of that guy would cause such a result to happen, Li Kaizhi recalled. Everything here has disgusted him. The soldiers are in a bad mood, because there will be casualties every day, and the Yue people have also begun to adopt sniper tactics, but every day many of the best shooters who are selected are killed. The cruel and **** war continues. , What else can they say, they can only endure hard.

Port Seth. The fire in the oil area was finally extinguished. But the crime is still in progress. Twelve bodies of Korean businessmen who were deliberately murdered have been found in Port Seth. These businessmen have some things in common. They all have a lot to do with oil. The local South Korean police Having noticed this, they discovered that behind the dead, Zhang You and their United Petroleum Company always purchased these oil areas at the lowest price. Is this accidental? In the eyes of the police, this is definitely not an accident.

"I think this matter has a lot to do with you. Because your company is constantly expanding, and these people are hindering the expansion of your career." Inspector Zhang Chao said while sitting opposite Zhang You. Zhang Chao is a police officer sent by South Korea. In fact, such a position is dispensable for them. It's just that the Korean government has to pay attention to it. If it is left in the past, the dead will be Seth people, if the above wants a result, they will find a lot of scapegoats to scapegoat other things. None of them will seriously investigate the case itself.

"This has nothing to do with me, I am just a businessman, a businessman, relying on a keen sense of smell. This is my instinct. There is no direct connection between the two." Zhang You said with a smile.

"Really?" Zhang Chao asked while looking at the other party.

"Indeed, I am just a businessman. Perhaps your suspicion is related to your profession. I can only say that you are very dedicated, but the suspicion is your intuition, not evidence. This is a society under the rule of law, and we are talking about the law. Unless there is A lot of evidence can explain this, otherwise, your point of view, I can hardly achieve this. Under such circumstances, all I can say is this." Zhang You said with a smile. He is used to these.

He knows that he is a Korean, this is his protective clothing, if it is a Seth, they will directly be beaten, or tortured. In that case, it is very possible to confess, but he is Korean and he has privileges. The police must show evidence that he committed a crime, otherwise, he is still a legal citizen. This is the advantage of a legal society. Zhang You is good at using rules. At the same time, he also knows the importance of rules. Only in this way can he become extremely sensitive. He knows these things too well.

"I can't deny what you said, but I will find evidence to prove that you did these things." Zhang Chao warned seriously. But Zhang You just smiled. He did these things, but they had nothing to do with him. They hired locals to kill those who did not sell the oil fields. They used threats, intimidation, or kidnappings, tearing tickets and other illegal methods to buy them at low prices. For the other party's oil field, such a thing is normal to them, too normal.

Zhang You just smiled. He knew that the other party could not have such evidence at all, because he would give those people a sum of money to directly let them go back to the north, where they were in the territory of the Seth people, and some he would kill people. Extinct. The oil industry has always been dirty, and he has always been bold. Only in this way can monopoly be achieved. He monopolized more than 90% of the oil in the Seth area. This is an extremely terrifying number, and the oil exports of the Seth people will also pass through him. Those Seth merchants who try to smuggle are intercepted and attacked by the Seth hired by him. They will be severely hit, Zhang Oil is building its own empire.

"Sir, are we going to get rid of this policeman?" a man in black stepped forward cautiously.

"No. Keep him, he can't do very big things, he is just a useless little soldier, and they are all bought by us. What else can he do? This is the world of us Koreans. Don’t think that he is a Korean, so he can do such a thing, just get him more cases and get him busy.” Zhang You laughed. What can he say about such a foolish hat. This kind of person is ideal.

State of Zhao, Handan. Stock market. There is news that the market was urgently closed because steel stocks fell more than 10% as soon as the market opened. This is an astonishing drop, and many people do not believe such a drop. This makes many investors feel very restless.

"I'm sure that the opening quotation will go down. This is a certain fact. None of us can change such a situation." An investor said.

"I don't know, I don't know anything, my head is now in chaos, I don't know what to do, anyway, such a thing is very difficult for us to accept." Investors didn't know what he said. In short, he felt that all this was chaotic. This was the most chaotic in his history.

"Okay. Let's wait and see, maybe there are big changes. In short, we should be optimistic." The investor said.

"Is there any news?" a young speculator came over and asked.

"No, nothing, but I think soon, some people will jump off the building, or they will do some stupid things." The investor said. In his opinion, this is how things are. Because the market has experienced great volatility, there is not much possibility of an increase.

"Good news, good news, the government wants to invest in buying a lot of stocks, and they want to buy more steel stocks to support the development of the steel industry." At this moment, a middle-aged man came in with a newspaper excitedly and reported. To.

"What?" Many people asked in surprise, and they began to move forward quickly, looking for various related reports. The newspaper was quickly robbed. They learned the relevant news the first time, but such news is difficult for them to accept.

"Where did the government get such a lot of funds? We don't know at all. How can the government have such a lot of funds?" Many people asked puzzledly.

"I don't know. I think it must be the money to buy things. Because we all know that there is no way to have too much money in the finances, and Zhao Guo is going to fight, how can there be funds in the financial funds." Many people Speaking of dissatisfaction. They also quickly guessed the result, that is, the government printed a lot of money to buy a lot of stocks at once. For the government, what they spend is just some waste paper. This sounds unfair. But the government did buy a lot of stocks.

Trading began soon, and the stock market took a big turn. After a 10% drop. The rapid rise of 15% is expected to continue. The market has confidence again. This makes many people become extremely excited.

Qin State Xianyang.

"The government of Zhao State has done a good job. They know that using banknotes to buy shares in a company is equivalent to injecting a large amount of capital. This is very important for the development of the company." Shang Wen said with a smile .

"Are we doing the same." Meng Yi suggested.

"If you do this, it will cause greater inflation. We should treat it with caution. Zhao Guo can do this. However, Qin Guo, the current situation does not seem to be able to do so. We must take into account. Issuing a large number of paper money belts. The impact of the coming, you must know that the current gold price is constantly rising, we must pay attention to our gold reserves, otherwise, it will eventually cause more trouble. Such things should be cautious. Be cautious, and then be cautious." Shang Wen is right. Meng Yi said. Meng Yi nodded. Express understanding.

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