The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3421: Sparrow reconnaissance plane

Inside Wang Ben's headquarters.

"We must eliminate this threat, otherwise, he will bring us a new threat." Wang Ben handed a reconnaissance report to his chief of staff, which was a frontline cavalry reconnaissance report. In fact, they found an abandoned airship base 20 kilometers north of Liman, where there were several burnt out airships, but the scouts still believed that the Yues had related airships. This attracted Wang Ben’s attention. In fact, Wang Ben was retaliating because they encountered a new situation that they had never encountered before. Threats from the air created a big obstacle to their process. Wang Ben must remove this. Where is his threat, otherwise, his situation will be very bad.

"Sir, it is impossible to find the relevant situation by relying on the ground and the force. You know, we are unlikely to find too many airships. The airships are more flexible. They can be deployed in any place, as long as the conditions are not too great. If they are bad, they will do it." The Chief of Staff said. Regarding the front-line reconnaissance report, he thinks this is a normal thing, because they can find some special places from it.

"I know this, the air threat. This is a new situation that we have never encountered before. You have seen such a situation. If we do not eliminate such threats, our situation will not change at all. I plan, Let a small group of cavalry quickly attack their airship base, but this requires the support of the reconnaissance report." Wang Ben said.

"Sir, our assault team is gathering, they can do such a thing." The chief of staff suggested.

"Well, but they are not very mobile. The most important thing is that we have no definitive intelligence to show this situation. Also, we have a new trump card in our hands, the Sparrow reconnaissance aircraft. This is a new reconnaissance aircraft. , His reconnaissance radius reached an astonishing 400 kilometers, this is a very good reconnaissance aircraft." Wang Ben said with a smile. This is Wang Ben's trump card.

The Sparrow reconnaissance plane, a new generation reconnaissance plane developed by Qin State, is equipped with a twelve-cylinder radial engine that can provide 420 horsepower. The part of the fuselage is made of wooden structures, which greatly reduces the fuselage of the aircraft and saves a lot of fuel. This is not one of his main features. His feature is that his wings are made of aluminum. The alloy skin, coupled with the use of a special steel frame structure in some places, really makes him very strong, and the use of a single wing method allows him to implement it in a relatively harsh airport. Inside the wing, there are two large fins. This is an important reason for his ability to conduct long-distance flight reconnaissance. If he uses dual engines, his condition may not be as good. Qin Jun has always hoped for a dual-engine reconnaissance aircraft, but this needs to be developed.

The sparrow reconnaissance plane is also equipped with radio reconnaissance equipment, but the distance of the telegraph is only 250 kilometers. This is the maximum propagation distance of the miniaturized equipment provided by Qin Guo Radio. No matter how far away, the quality of the transmission will be severely reduced. In that case, the telegraph will be of little practical use at all.

"Sir, are we really going to reconnaissance? But we only have two sparrow reconnaissance planes." Qin's second light reconnaissance squadron, Li Wei, the lieutenant of the Celestial Army, asked his commander. The two of them are holding oil drums, the ground crew. They are all doing the final check. No one cares about these at all. They just need to join in, because their orders are relatively tight, so that they can quickly find the location of the Yue's air force. This task has to be handed over to the Sparrow Squad. Up.

The output of Sparrow reconnaissance aircraft is very limited, only four aircraft a month, mainly because the use of aluminum alloys has led to low output. And the price of the sparrow reconnaissance plane is also more expensive, especially its accessories and consumables are more expensive. They use a special polymer material, which is actually a kind of rubber-like foam, which can cushion it. This is also the main reason why the Sparrow can be used for short distances, but only in harsh environments. Other aircraft use cast iron take-off and landing wheels, while the Sparrow uses more advanced. But this thing is very expensive, the price of a pair is more than one thousand and a half two, and basically, after flying twice, you have to change it once, which is terrible. The Sparrow team only has four such planes, but now they only have two that can perform such missions.

"This is the task, to fill up the fuel tank. We have to find the **** Yueren air force. They are too threatening to the ground. If they are allowed to come to us, our situation will be very bad. Understand. Is it?" Lieutenant Chen Mi said to the lieutenant.

"I understand the sir, but the search area is too big. There are too few planes." Li Wei continued.

"I know this, so we have to improve our attention. Don't let the target be lost. Otherwise, our trouble will be big." The captain warned.

"Yes, sir, I will pay attention to this." Li Wei said. Then they will fill up the sparrow reconnaissance plane with fuel. The ground crew has completed the final inspection. Not far away, the two infantry battalions that have been temporarily recruited are leveling the airstrip runway. They have been repairing the runway every day for the past five days. The nearby Yueshi people were also driven here. The number of them was about two thousand. Now they finally sorted out the runway, but this is not over yet. They must find the larger stones, otherwise, they will have In trouble.

Just when the air force of the Qin Army dispatched reconnaissance. Yue's air force was very annoyed.

"Do you know what you are doing?" The Yue's Air Force colonel looked at Lan Biao and Wu Lin with great dissatisfaction. The two men reported their actions. They thought they were doing very well. At least, They did a good job, and they had very good results. They later came from the front line, this is still the intelligence from the locals. They blew up the warehouse of the Qin Army, and the attack speed of the cavalry units of the Qin Army slowed down, which had a lot to do with the bombing of the other side's warehouse.

"I know, sir, we are defending our homeland. That's all." Captain Lan Biao reported.

"Damn it, defend the motherland, **** it. Only stupid people like you can say such things. If you do this, they will anger the people of Qin. They will retaliate soon. In that case, your situation, and our situation. It will get worse. Damn it." The colonel scolded loudly. This made the two people very depressed. They had military merit. It can be said that they prevented the Qin army from going south. They are heroes, but now their chief is accusing them of making the wrong decision, which makes them feel very depressed.

The colonel waved his arms and used an extremely exaggerated gesture to accuse his subordinates. Their unauthorized actions caused very serious consequences. This had a lot to do with the surrenderism of the Yue's cabinet. They had such a pre-judgment for the Qin army to go south. But no other measures were taken, for example, to support Tallinn, or to recruit militias to conduct guerrilla operations, harass, and delay the combat operations of the Qin army. These were not carried out. This approach makes their subordinates feel very disappointed, they think their superiors are too weak. In other words, they feel that they should be tougher. The low-level officers think so, but the senior generals don’t think so. Don’t look at the Yue’s military strength, but many senior generals know that they have no strength at all to compete with the Qin army. They think that the entire north should be ceded. The useless land was given to the people of Qin, hoping to be forgiven by the people of Qin, Yue's cabinet had already considered moving the capital. The reason is that it is not suitable for establishing a capital here. They decided to go to the south, Maharashtra. If they can reach an understanding with Qin Jun, they can solve many, many things. This is what they think. This also explains why the Yue people did not mobilize troops from the south, because they had given up on the north. They hope to get the goodwill of the people of Qin by giving up their land, such words. They solved their strategic passiveness. The Yue people saw the key to the problem. As long as the people of Qin can support them in doing so, they can get a great strategic buffer opportunity. For them, losing the land in the north is not What, the land there is barren, and you can only live by grazing, which is nothing.

But now their air force blew up Qin Jun's warehouse, which made them very annoyed.

"Sir, I think we did the right thing." Captain Lan Biao said disapprovingly.

"Damn it," the colonel growled. He thinks his subordinates are contradicting himself, which makes him very ugly.

"It's very right, is this the **** your reason? Damn it," the colonel cursed.

"Sir. I think the above is too cowardly. Why are we here? What I saw when I came here is that everything is moving away, this is surrender, this is running away. This is a manifestation of cowardice. We have no blood." Captain Blue Label looked at his commander. He was very angry, but if it wasn't because he was a soldier, the other party was a colonel, and his commander, he would definitely give the other party a blow.

As a result, they broke up unhappy. Their chief deprived him of the right to continue using the airship, and their airship had to be destroyed, which made it difficult for them to accept. Worst of all, they will be sent to the southern front, and they will exist as ground forces.

"Timid. Cowardly, this is our high-level. They don't know how to use the air force. A bunch of choppy." Captain Lan Biao cursed loudly. The officers from the past were watching him.

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