The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3422: Rocket technology in Zhao Guo

On the battlefield of Maharashtra, the battlefield was a bit quiet. Although sporadic gunfire still occurred in some places, people felt that the war seemed to have stopped. But people on the battlefield don't think so.

"We are no longer able to drive the people of Zhao Guo. They continue to increase their strength. Although they will not drive us out, we can't drive them out. Both sides stop here. No one can do anything about it." Captain Li Kai wrote in his diary. He felt that everything seemed to be normal.

After experiencing a huge casualty. The people of the Yue family decided not to launch an offensive. They needed to replenish their strength and adjust, and the people of the Zhao country did the same. Their forces were no longer enough to support a huge war. But they must hold on. The war is like this. No one will stop them, and no one will allow them to do so.

"Our situation is not very good. Morale is low. We are huddled here every day. Gunshots are everywhere on the battlefield. If we are not careful, we will lose our lives. It is too easy for us. Many soldiers suffered heavy casualties. They are unwilling to do things like this, the reason is because they can't afford such losses. This is an easy thing for us, because there are more snipers on the battlefield than ever before." Li Kaizhi said.

Once the combat state enters a stalemate, the snipers will become active. The Zhao people organize a large number of snipers on various fronts. They are hidden in places that no one can think of. Similarly, the Yue people are doing the same. They are also constantly organizing a large number of snipers to appear, and they continue to learn from Zhao people. In the middle of a lot of rubble, there is a sniper where you think people are impossible. Some are draped in sacks and hidden in unexpected locations. A certain number of snipers are shot and killed every day, and a new batch of snipers are recruited every day. The soldiers on both sides are under unbearable pressure. Morale is unimaginable.

Hu Fei was draped in a sack, and he wrapped his rifle with a long linen strip, so that no one would have to find his rifle. His sniper team initially had 27 people, and each of them shot and killed more than 50 people. Hu Fei's target of killing has risen to one hundred and twenty-one, but his companions are getting fewer and fewer. The 27-man sniper team now has as many as 37 people, but the original old man, 27 people, has already killed 25 people. Hu Fei may already be regarded as a veteran of the same task.

The number of his targets has started to slow down, because every time he will carefully consider whether to shoot, because once you shoot, it means exposing your target, because when you are shooting the target, other snipers may also be When you are facing you, once you shoot and expose the target, the opponent will kill you. Such things often happen.

A Sergeant Yueshi boldly showed his head, and the reason he showed his head turned out to be for a bucket of soup. Soldiers on both sides have rarely been able to eat hot food. They all took canned biscuits to deal with it all at once, which made their stomachs uncomfortable, and their water supply was not too sufficient. This can easily cause heavy casualties. Because many soldiers could not tolerate such conditions, they began to frantically challenge the endurance of snipers. As a result, many people were shot to death. The war is so cruel.

"Bang." A clear voice came, and a new sniper fired a shot fifty meters away. Hu Fei put his finger on the trigger, and he felt his hand tremble, because he felt that the situation was a little bad.

That sergeant Yueshi was shot in the head, shot in the head, only those masters would do this.

"Bang." Another gunshot came. Then everything was quiet again. Hu Fei slowly put away his rifle and went to the hiding place. He was panting, and if he fired that shot just now, he would be killed by the opponent's sniper. That own sniper is a good player, and the bullet can hit the opponent's head. This must be a very demanding person. Such a person is a good sniper seedling, but unfortunately, he shot. He exposed the target. He didn't realize that there were hunters around. As a result, he was hunted by another hunter while hunting his own target.

This is a cruel sniper warfare. The war makes everyone abnormal, and many people don't know what they are doing. Maybe they should think about it, they should take a good rest. Hu Fei slowly put away his rifle, and then carefully returned to the place where they gathered. None of their rifles wear professional scopes, only a small number of people, but people like him don't like that. His rifle is the rifle he used in the infantry company. He is used to it. Especially the habit of bullet rubbing rifling. Snipers have their own hobbies.

When Hu Fei returned to his gathering place to rest. Some snipers are celebrating, their goal has risen to one hundred. This is a sign of a true sniper. A large number of scores in the sniper team have stabilized between 30 and 40. Those with more than 50 people are veterans. And the one who becomes a hundred is called the same treatment as an old man, that is an absolute experience.

"I want to drink some. I'm not in good spirits." Hu Fei said to an old soldier. He looked tired.

"Yeah." The veteran gave the other party a glass of liquor, which was obtained from the battleship. Those sailors often did such things. Some of them can make their own wine, they are really a genius.

"How many haven't come back today?" Hu Fei asked the veteran.

"So far, thirty-two have gone out. Seven others have not come back. It is probably not good." said the veteran.

"There were no new players on the team. Nine were killed yesterday, and today may be lower than this number. If this continues, the situation is not good. Many people's performance has stabilized at about 30." The veteran continued. Hu Fei nodded. This is the life of a sniper. No one cares about them.

On the battlefield of Qin’s Yueshi, the Sparrow-2 reconnaissance plane was carrying out reconnaissance along the ZigZag route. There was an overlap in the reconnaissance area between him and the Sparrow-1. This area was in Liman, which was the area designated by the Qin army. In that area, the Yue people might have placed their airship forces in that location, because only that location will have a large number of airships, and they must protect the safety of the capital.

"Damn it. Where did these Yue people hide the airship?" Li Wei probe looked around. This is a single-engine single-man reconnaissance aircraft. The fuel tanks in the wings can support them for a long distance, but this aircraft does not have self-defense weapons because their weight is used for the voyage. Their flying speed is not very fast, only one hundred six to one hundred and eighty. If it is faster, their engine needs to be replaced. The dive effect is not very good either. Because the plane cannot withstand the huge impact.

Li Wei kept checking the flight map, and then took photos according to the situation below. This is their only weapon. The camera, or in other words, they also have their own self-defense weapons in their hands, only a pistol. With the bullets in the magazine, twelve rounds. I really don’t know what else this kind of airplane can do. Li Wei checked the surrounding situation as much as possible.

Full. In the southern outskirts, the Yueshi airship stopped here. The military police had already surrounded here. They received an order to destroy the airship. This was their order. Blue Mark was ordered to be an infantry platoon leader and a captain's infantry platoon leader. . This makes it difficult for him to accept that he is a pilot, not an infantry commander. And his rank corresponds to the infantry company commander, but now he is allowed to be the infantry platoon commander. This made him very unacceptable.

"Sir, what should we do? Look at letting them destroy our airship? We are the air force, and we can only play our role in the sky. On the ground, we are not eagles. Instead, we are an old hen. "Lieutenant Wu Lin said worriedly.

"Then what do you think we should do?" Captain Lan Biao asked.

"This. I don't know. This is an order. If we do a good job, it may be an army for the rest of our lives." Wu Lin felt that they should not disobey the order. After all, they are soldiers. Disobeying the order is very unfavorable to them. One thing.

"Don't look at it this way, I think we still have a chance, at least it is not such a result, we should have a lot of things to do." said Captain Blue Label.

"What do you mean by the chief?" Wu Lin asked puzzledly.

"While we can still do something, let's do something. For example, let's steal the airship, even if there is only one airship. If there is nothing to fly, we are really old hens." Captain Blue Label said boldly. This is his plan, an order from the top Air Force. He felt very annoyed. He felt very resistant to such an order. He felt that he could do something to teach their chief a good lesson. In this regard, he fully believes that it is feasible. What a crazy idea.

State of Zhao, Handan. Inside the Army Research Institute. A weapon group made up of young people appeared here. Most of them are international students or apprentices studying abroad. They have skills, experience, and enthusiasm.

"The object of our research is very special, and it may be unbelievable for us. We study rockets." A young man in his early twenties said as the team leader.

"Rocket, have you heard of such a thing?" the team leader asked his team members.

"I've heard, I've heard of rockets, which can fire many, many shells. They are powerful, but the accuracy is very poor." A sixteen-year-old apprentice stood up and said. They were born as technical backbones. They believed that they were the representatives of technology, while foreign students were born to learn theories. There is still a big difference between the two.

"Yes. But it's not true. Rockets are weapons. He doesn't pursue accuracy, but they have something in common. Bombs rely on this inertia to function. They don't have a power device, and rockets do. Rockets are the same. What we are going to do is rockets. Rocket technology is a brand-new technology. If it is slightly extended, it can indeed be made into rockets. This is indisputable, but the price is that its accuracy and manufacturing cost are very cheap. And the rocket we are going to do is a big, highly accurate thing. It can get rid of the gravity of the earth and let us fly out of here." said the young team leader. Everyone present was surprised.

Although they have many technical apprentices, in fact, their jobs are still workers, but this does not prevent them from learning some technical theories. At least in terms of physical knowledge, they still know, for example, the law of universal gravitation, the acceleration of gravity, etc., they still know the knowledge. At a higher level, they still know those theories, the so-called satellite law, etc., which have not been verified yet, but The Rockets can help them do this.

"The Rockets have a very fast speed, he is very powerful. It is better for everyone to be careful." The young man said with a smile. Yes, they got such a project, but the Zhao State Army’s project requirement for them is to design a weapon that can fly farther and more powerful. If necessary, they can improve some accuracy. Such a weapon has a certain degree of accuracy. Difficult, but young people have found a good way. Gyroscope, he felt that the rocket should be equipped with a gyroscope. In this case, the stability of the rocket would be much better, of course. This is not just as simple as a gyroscope, but there are also important factors. For example, Qin Guo has been studying this issue, but they went deeper and found a liquid fuel to replace rocket fuel.

Zhao Guo got a rocket fired by the Koreans. Zhao Guoren thought they should also have related weapons, so they launched related research, but their research was somewhat biased. Their team leader believed that they should In the study of rockets, the importance of rockets is far more important than that of rockets. In his view, rockets are a simplified device that cannot be put on the table, and only rockets are the ultimate important weapon.

In this way, Zhao Guoren have their own rocket research institute. Although they are nominally researching rockets, in fact, they are embarking on their own rocket path. There are quite a few difficulties they need to overcome, and many of them are almost scary. , But they think that this is what they should do, because they need to do it to many extents. They must do such a thing well in order to move forward towards their dream step by step. The Rockets, this is their ultimate goal, and others. Not within the scope of their consideration, a new technology is being developed in Zhao Guo.

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